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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Yeah for Slumdog! Best film of the year truly!
  2. Since I paid no attention to RCA before I'm not paying any attention to them now. Bwah! the sales rank has gone from 120 to 25, on Amazon (that's best sellers)
  3. I want everyone to know he still has "it" so I will be buying that album!
  4. Also the things about his bad (their opinion) career choices, dealings with RCA, TC etc. etc. etc. are now being written as being facts! Unless you were in the room with Clay when these choices were made you can possibly have no idea of what went on. Was he stubborn....we will never know! Did he let people walk all over him...we will never know! Was he a wimp/foolish/naive/stupid...we will never know! I highly doubt that Clay Aiken was any of these things but then again ...I will never know!
  5. Yep, unfortunately some things never change. For a guy who had no plans in the entertainment industry and now (IMO) is highly successful, appears to be happy, have a wonderful son, loyal friends and a gorgeous boyfriend I'd say he was doing OK. So I think I will leave all speculation and career plans up to him. He's not done too bad so far!
  6. I was not allowed to have pets as a child and one day I brought home a white mouse in a cage! I got to keep it 45 minutes. Then I had to take it back to the person I bought it from and they would not give me my 10 shillings back. Boy I had saved up a long time to buy that mouse. Hmm How can I relate that to Clay? Ah ha...he has a mouse in his pocket!
  7. Love these two guys together! Now Stephen Fry is brilliant! He, to me, can be at times the epitome of an English gentelman who is slightly eccentric. He doesn't care what anyone says about him and has a very successful career. He certainly doesn't suffer fools gladly. Have you seen the game show Qi? Content: Clay is smart and I don't think suffers fools gladly. Also he doesn't care what anyone says about him. Although we really don't need content here because almost anything we post can relate back to Clay. For example: Pierogis...I love Pierogis and I love Clay Aiken...Gnocci, cute name for a puppy and Clay has dogs. See told ya! djs111 Love the Kumars! Another really good show. I only watch Graham Norton when he has a guest on that I like. I'm really not fond of silly British humour and he is just so OTT.
  8. Smitten Good luck in your move back home. You and Clay have a con.nec.tion New beginnings for both of you.
  9. Does this mean my gerbil can retire one of his wheels now?
  10. Scarlett I sometimes wonder about your mind!!! :thbighug-1:
  11. I love Clay's publicist! All the bloggers can say what they like but she gets to People and sets the record 'straight" Hee hee.
  12. I wonder how the folks who are always so miserable live with themselves? People should lighten up. The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
  13. Hmm so the first answer is St Paul......connections anyone?
  14. Let me get this straight.....fans noticed changes with the RCA site etc. ...fans talk about it on message boards ....fans emailed blogger about it...blogger prints it...others pick it up...and the fans believe it! God my poor gerbil just keeled over!
  15. You know I really think that the poor gerbil needs a vacation....from the RCA stuff, to shall I renew, to he's not blogging, he has to be pretty tuckered out by now! Scroll down to see Reed's art work. According to CV: Artistic Reed
  16. Maybe I should add that "scuffy" just does not do it for me! By the way how tall is Jerome? He makes Andy Clay look tiny!
  17. Ok I think he looks like Andy Dick........there I said it!
  18. OK Don't all hate me at once but I don't like the pic and I can't tell you who I first thought it was. OH god that RCA stuff is so 2005 or was it 6 or 7 no 8!
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