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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I am such a bad FCAer. I forgot to check over here and welcome the new folks. I think you guys will fit right in. Oh and don't worry about posting anything profound...that never stopped me*g*
  2. No I get it too. I just clck to allow and go on my merrieeee way! John D....always a possibility
  3. Hee annabear...who knew? Ilearnedsomethingnew That's a lot easier than messing with code!
  4. Oh Scarlett someone is calling! Scarlett was late coming over to my house on Saturday because she had to stop and buy this adorable fabric (hee) from a little shop. Can you tell I miss Spam. Spamalot is coming to Austin but only Merle is from the B/W cast. I don't know if I could stand seeing another Sir Robin.
  5. Well i finally got my Valentines flowers but guess what they are not what was ordered! Is it too much to ask that someone in the business of delvering flowers for Valentines actually does the job? They told me they were too busy!!!!
  6. I'm here at my office waiting for my Valentine's day flowers to be delivered!!! They showed up at the office after 5 on Friday..closed, Saturday..closed, Monday after 5..closed! The woman at the shop called and said we've been trying to deliver flowers to you in a tone that suggested it was my fault! She wanted to know if I still wanted them! Hell yes i want what i paid for! I tell you FTD is going to hear from me! You think if they were 5 days late they might try to get them here...oh lets say early???? [/rant]
  7. http://www.shouthollermusic.com/music.html THis is Jesse Vargas music site. Scroll down for Clay stuff.
  8. I'd sure want to bid on annabear's bears! Hee how do we know it was a Clay fan bought the bear...It could have been a random person who got a wrong number and was so enamoured of the auctioneer's voice they were lulled into bidding!
  9. The coolest thing about that Reed blurb is that is says nothing but so much. Unless you know the song it is just a cute quote but knowing the song as the fans do well.....
  10. OK The maid cleaned the house today, so my peeps can come over!!! It's a good job she comes every other week cos i'd never have a clean house otherwise. It would cut into my Claytime! It's funny all the things I've given up since Clay came around.
  11. Oh luckiest run don't walk to see Slumdog Millionaire. It is really good! I liked it better than Benjamin Button. And I don't need no stinkin' content!
  12. News Flash from my local Fox station: Because the economy is so bad people are staying home so...........Condom sales are up 5%
  13. OMG just to think of him playing that game!!!
  14. Scarlett.....hmm you must not check your text messages!!!!! Just think it what if it had been Clay wanting you to be his FBM. Oh well too late!
  15. OMG Could he be just a guy and not a god? Now the fun begins!
  16. OK I'm back! I'm going to give him one more chance....but just one mind you!
  17. Ok that's it, that's the straw...I am outta here. I just can't take it any more!!!!
  18. Hugs to one and all going through tough times! It's not pretty out there.
  19. ANTM has been delayed a week! ANTM Delayed ee I learned how to make pretty links. OK so today was a bad/good day. First my car wouldn't start....$600 later it now starts! But I got my call tones to work and Scarlett has already called me just to listen to the ring. No she didn't want anything just like the time she was standing behind me in Target and called my cell phone just to hear Clay singing Right Here Waiting For You!
  20. Oo i'll go first: I went to a Pizza Hut parking lot and jumped in this total stranger's car and the rest is history! Best thing I ever did! That stranger was 00lsee and we hit it off from the first word! We were heading to a dinner with Clay fans in Houston. It was so exciting that I had found others who loved him as much as I did and didn't laugh at me! That night the others turned out to be Kandre, Scarlett, Karen Eh!, Solo and a few others. I knew it was really special when, as I was leaving, I was desperately trying to figure out how I could go on a trip with them to see Clay! I decided that night I would go to Atlanta with these girls come hell or high water. I never had proms. dances or a sorority growing up in England and this opened up a whole new world for me. I had never had a slumber party and staying in a hotel with them is one long giggly party! I sincerely love them all and everyday I thank "whoever" that I found them. Clay can honestly have no idea how he has made a difference to our lives, especially mine. Another time i'll have to tell you about my first trip with Kandre!
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