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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. @BrightStarBway That @carmen_cusack sang and acted her ass off! The entire cast did! So I'll forgive your geographic blunder. ?
  2. Nothing to do with clay but this cracked me up.
  3. @clayaiken: Hey @BrightStarBway how in the heck did Zebulon, NC end up in the mountains!? ?????
  4. @clayaiken: How will @RepReneeEllmers survive without her paycheck?? #lobbying ?
  5. His tweet made USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/06/07/renee-ellmers-trump-republican-north-carolina-primary/85577646/
  6. @clayaiken: .@HillaryClinton sounds the most genuine and authentic I have heard her in a LONG time. Beautiful and historic speech.
  7. It appears Renee Ellmers has lost. Oh my where are the tissues? I need them for the tears of laughter. http://twitter.com/clayaiken/status/740342490100867073 @clayaiken: It's official! Goodbye @RepReneeEllmers You won't be missed. #walkawayrenee http://twitter.com/clayaiken/status/740343536772583424/video/1
  8. Well you guys are on your own this weekend. If all Clay news breaks loose Too bad as I won't be here.? I shall be in Chicago with a few close friends and one special one?
  9. Clay's Facebook: I gotta tell ya... if things actually played out this way, I'd be happier than a pig in shit. Clinton Might Not Be the Nominee Douglas E. Schoen writes about why Hillary Clinton may end up losing the Democratic presidential contest—a Bernie Sanders win in California would turbocharge the mounting Democratic unease about her... WSJ.COM|BY DOUGLAS E. SCHOEN
  10. I spent all day making jam and salsa! I made pina colada jam with rum, jalapeño and raspberry jams and medium salsa. I plan on finishing up tomorrow with Guiness jelly, apple butter and blackberry jam and then Xmas is done! My daughter might come over but end of the year is tough for her. So I might cook myself a steak
  11. I'm catching up on my sleep from last weekend with the eHP! I'm also getting everything ready to make jam again.
  12. My daughter seriously hates any kind of attention. Her worst nightmare is to be noticed for anything. So tonight she is awarded teacher of the year for her school district and she had to stand up on a stage, have people look at her and take photos. She was almost throwing up. It was a total surprise as she didn't even think she stood a chance. I think if she'd had any clue she would have missed the event. Now her pic is going to be in the local paper. She says she's going to Krogers and buy them all up!
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