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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Well I totally agree that no matter what he does he will be criticized. I just thought most were trying to ask in a good way. The thing is about the unreleased song -- does he own any of them? That's the one thing he probably can't give right now. But what do I know.

    I'm off to WW. Almost talked myself out of it because I'm not sure I lost any weight last week. I better have though considering I cooked easter dinner and didn't get to eat two of the side dishes. LOL But hey gotta stick with it.

    KF --- loved your post.

  2. Wait, you guys lost me. Somebody asked for imput on what...the fan club? And there's nasty comments by fans on his facebook page?

    I don't blame you Tree. I certainly don't really get it. I don't get why he must work every single moment. And really it's simple. If you don't like what he does with the fan club don't join. It's really that simple.

    ETA: I read the facebook posts..they aren't so bad to me..just a few rude ones. Most people want communication from Clay, not stuff. I can understand that. And if they didn't really want to know they shouldn't have asked. I don't really expect anything from the fan club and when I have money I join just to support. Others join for different reasons. Nothing wrong in that.

  3. A co-workers husband is a meteorologist.

    When asked what he does for a living she says....



    ha ha that's too funny! I'm still wondering why all the weather people jumped on the it's going to snow in the lowlands bandwagon a couple months ago. My neice was so excited about the snow that was coming.

    Probably don't say it enough, but I really do appreciate this place...I just want to celebrate Clay and enjoy being a fan and I am so grateful to have a place to come to where there are people who feel the same way.

    Hugs to all FCA'ers!


    Thanks Kim. It's been a few years now since I've board surfed and I think I know everything about Clay that's important to know.

    I need nothing from him. He has brought me enough pleasure to last several lifetimes and a girl can't ask for more!

    I agree. But it's like this when it's slow. It's been well established that he's not going to tweet or blog on a regular basis. I'm not sure why anyone thinks it will change at this point. And even if he were to do those things... he just finished a tour and deserves some time to just veg.

    Hmmm....decisions, decisions! Frankly, I'm kinda holdin' out for that Hologram of Clay in the shower. Now THAT would be a perk(y) :lipstick:


    ha ha

  4. I'm curious, do most fans think Clay was serious about thinking DLTSGDOM was a George Michael song? Because I'm pretty sure he was totally pulling everyone's leg, and he wore that sly half-grin on his face to go with the sarcasm. He had to know it was an Elton John song for at least two reasons -- he recorded it back int the Clayton Grissom days and used the Elton John version for background music, and Debra Byrd said that when he wanted to sing it on Idol for the Wildcard performance, they had to contact Elton John and talk him into letting Clay sing it. Also, JBT was the same tour where Clay pretended to be playing the piano on Love Me Tender, so I think the guy likes to pull things over on people, including audiences. He likes to get a rise. Yes, I said it!

    hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm not listening no no no LOL ..... I'll just brush those sensible comments out of my mind because it's just more fun for me the other way. ha ha I don't really take anything in his concerts seriously... except the voice. It was hysterical, that's all that matters. But after seeing him in Spam he is just that good of an actor so yeah he could pull it off. but la la la la la I don't hear you. heee

    I go into a concert. Clay entertains me. I'm smiling when I walk out. He forget words sometimes but I rarely notice but then I've walked back to my house to make sure I really locked the door and I lose my keys about 3 times a week and have to search for my glasses every morning. Of course I'm not doing that in front of my adoring fans. Wait, I've gone off track. The joy of a Clay concert is never knowing what's going to happen, even if you've seen every single concert in clack. And it's why I especially loved JBT - stump the band allowed that comic talent just to shine through.

    Sometimes it's also good to just go where he takes you. And yeah he got me on the piano playing too. The boy sold it.

    What's the focus of David's foundation?

  5. Leaving in about half hour for the great combination of Joe's Crab Shack for dinner and Elton John! What a great day-early wedding anniversary for my husband and I!

    Topic: Clay's sung an Elton John song. Except he thought it was a George Michael song. *snerk*

    Sigh...how funny....

    LdyJ that comes from my favorite tour and my favorite show ever.

    What is funny or Die. I missed something.

    Glad everyone is ok. I'm complaining about my weather but "cold" is nothing compared to what y'll are going through.

  6. Hmm...is gospelly a technical term?


    HA! But of course. It took me 2 minutes to figure out if it had one l or 2 heee.

    So RIP All My Children and One Life to Live. I haven't watched in years but OLTL was my first online fandom and I watched all the abc soaps for 30 years at least. I also read that K-Lo will be co-hosting one of the replacement shows with Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame. I can't believe they are canceling both shows. If I were in charge I'd get rid of the Sonny/Jason/Mobster hour first.

    KF... take care hon. We'll all be sending warm wishes your way!

  7. I liked Jacob's version but then I really like his voice. It's gospelly but also unique in its own way although in "spirit" he reminds me a lot of Fantasia. Can't walk a minute on idol though without hearing something Clay sang somewhere though. It's hysterical. Someone sang End of the Road last night. I caught the last 10 seconds since I was watching my silly Lakers stumble into the playoffs.

    Ugh, it's only Thursday.

  8. My first week doing Weight Watchers. I lost 3.8 lbs. Yay.

    I would have done better if not for FRIDAY - my sister's birthday party.

    I did get in a two mile walk on Sunday. I'll be doing that every sunday when I go to my nephew's vollyball game. It's in a beautiful location with walking trails all over. Two things I'm trying to do and have been pretty good about is stop eating bread and also to make sure I eat breakfast.

    baby steps

  9. I don't watch the results show. But Constantine is in a show playing here in the Bay Area. Looks like everybody and their mama is coming back to perform this season or maybe that's the way it always is. I've had a long hiatus.

    Thanks for catching me up on that twitter thing. Frankly I'd rather it be another crazy fan than someone from team Clay. That's what his fan club is for isn't it? Or twitter? LOL. Still don't know the reason for following someone on twitter who doesn't tweet. I never joined myspace either...felt that was more of a young person thing. Kandre you crack me up.

    Trying to stay away so I can go get my mom. Her flight was delayed.

  10. Who's gonna remember anyone's tweets or facebook postings 20 years from now?

    Ah, yes. I'd forgotten about the wackyjacky thing, which really didn't make it over here. I'm not sure if that was Clay or not, but I'll say this: if it was Clay, and he was complaining about the lack of followers on Twitter while also not tweeting himself -- well, another one of those things that makes him human. I know I do things like that all the time. Maybe it makes me whiny, and frustrates my husband...but it happens. Clay sometimes frustrates me with things he does as well, but I've learned to accept that from him as well.

    LOL This cracked me up. Honestly really? Where the hell have I been. WackyJacky? IS THAT YOU CLAY. If so, STOP it. ha ha If Clay wanted followers on Twitter all he'd have to do is actually tweet and stop calling it the devil and he'd have them. There doesn't need to be a super sekrit message sent via somebody with 3 posts so I refuse to believe that this is Clay.

    And for some reason Twitter is just not my thing. I'm just not a fan of short comments. It's why I don't like chat rooms either. I'm too long winded for such a medium LOL.

    I do love Facebook and the idea of social networks in general. I have to say though it can be crazy to see all of your lives all come together in one spot. For a man that seems to have every new gadget to come down the pike I'm frankly stunned that he doesn't really use it for his career. But I accepted that oh about 7 years ago. It's just not his thing and he enjoys being off and having a private life and keeping a dividing line between himself and his personal friends and his fans. Nothing wrong with that at all. I'm thinking he believes that he is done touring and he is now off. I sure as hell don't want to work during my vacation.

    Edited to add: no disrespect to Wackyjacky. Having other people believe you are clay doesn't mean you are doing anything to perpetrate that belief.

  11. From CV - two new tweets from Michael Orland -

    Michael Orland just tweeted this:

    MichaelOrland @clayaiken It's official. I'm following YOU!!!!!

    @Clayaiken Is he still sleeping? C'mon, Clay. Wake up and tweet. LOL.

    My GIANTS finally won today!!! 10 to Zip :yahoo:


    And let me join in on this YAY to say my A's one their first game as well.

    Yay for the Giants and my Cubbies won also! Bad fan that I am I turned the game off because they were losing and they went and made a comeback and won the game!

    I think Michael may be waiting a long time for Clay to tweet!


    I have learned my lesson with basketball - -turning off games before the bitter end, believing they lost only to see that hey that won that?

    ha ha.

    Yoohoo couchie, come out and play. Or at least let us know you didn't fall down and hurt yourself this weekend. I'd hate to think of you lying there and nobody to help you :thbighug-1:

    Maybe some lovlies of the the lovely man will get you to respond?

    A few from toni7babe -


    post-1277-130179589516_thumb.jpg post-1277-130179600714_thumb.jpg

    You know Treenuts I made it through the week without falling again but thanks for thinking of me! We have to get to that Giants game - maybe some time next month? Joined weight watchers yesterday and look forward to my first meeting tomorrow. This is the first time I've actually officially used some sort of program. We'll see how it goes. My mom is still in Oceanside...she is finally back on Thursday night.

    Looking forward to the next Clay thing. I talked to Ansa this weekend and I guess she recently had a lot of fun on you tube watching some stuff from the last 2 tours and also his broadway backwards performance.

  12. Excuuuuuuuse me, I know perfectly well what a basketball is!

    It's one of those giant orange things people have draped all over downtown in celebrating of some pagan festival called either "The Final Fantasy Four" or "Mad as a March Hare Hatter Madness" or some such thingie. I think they are sacrificing some sweet 16 year old in Houston on March 31. I just keep reminding myself I just look sweet 16!

    I have sort of an item of a way of entertaining us during this quiet period. Really random Clay mentions! I was admiring my totally chosen by skill triumph in the bracket doohickey and so I tried my google-fu on the combo, "Clay Aiken basketball"...and came up with this:

    Fredette has gotten the rockstar treatment all season long. So what actual rockstar does Jimmer resemble?

    "Clay Aiken," said sophomore Stephen Rogers as the entire locker room erupted in laughter. "He's soft-spoken, but if you get him on the stage and it's a different story."

    It just tickled me that some 19 or 20 something NCAA basketball player knew enough about Clay Aiken to comment on his on and off stage persona and it was no big whoop.

    What combo can y'all come up with?

    BWAH..oh Kandre that is priceless. So happy you survived the madness and didn't get sacrificed as the sweet 16!

    Lord that Fredette is EVERYWHERE. It will be interesting to see how his skills translates to the NBA. I do like the description of Clay, but is really more American Idol season Clay ha ha.

    Hi guys......way to busy at the Shell Houston Open to post.

    Where is Clay? I miss him!

    I thought about you last week Merrieeee because I saw that Mike and Mike was doing their show from the Houston Open. I turn that on sometimes when I can't sleep. I think it comes on at 4 am in California.

    One of these years I want to do my sports tour - go to a golf tournament, US Open, final 4 game etc etc.

    :yahoo:Bottlecap! I got mail today! Off to take a hot bath and then snuggle in to watch some clack..after the day I had..I need some Clay!

    P.S. I went to login and the first time it take my username or password..I was skeered..thought you guys kicked me out!


    Don't have to ever worry about that aikim!


    Bwah. I thought I'd have more time after I quit my second job but I'm actually doing stuff. My newphew's little league is looking like a winner. They can hit and field. They are 4-0 already and my Tyler has been the starting pitcher on the first 4 games. They won 9-1 yesterday. Looks like this year might be another championship kind of year.

  13. I finally joined WW yesterdays. My first meeting is tomorrow. I'm kinda overwhelmed. I can't even find a breakdown of the program on their site LOL. So I'm kinda lost and will just wait until I go to my first meeting for direction. Yes I know how to use the tools but I don't want to just plug in things I eat after I eat them.

    uh oh preden but yeah I know that feeling.

  14. Yay for Because he Loved me. I made my one and only montage using that song and as I listened to it over and over and over and over again as I was making it and I really came to love it. It's a perfect first dance song.

    Hopefully Clay is not just on vacation in NYC. Not that I need an excuse to head east but I'd love to catch Clay in a show while there. I'm going to hold on to that wish.

    00lsee that show sounds complicated. But if it's Clay singing on TV I'm good.

    I really want to do some sort of trivia but I'm so scared to even try to come up with the questions. Everyone is soooooooo knowledgeable about Clay. But I'll put my brain to work on it.

    Friday was probably one of my worst days ever. Just a series of events that started when I woke up in the morning. I woke up to a family emergency to deal with (nobody sick). So I call in to work that I'm gonna be late and take care of this business in the morning. In the midst of doing that I lost my ATM card. Then after I finish that up and am walking to BART I fall, not once but two blocks later I fall again. splat. Did I mention it was pouring don rain. Then I get on BART, get off at my station, start walking towards the job and my glasses just fell off my face with the handle laying in the street. Sigh. I'm still recuperating from those falls. I hurt my knee, a knuckle which caused pain in my mouse finger LOL. And then of course I'm achey all over. I stayed in all weekend, afraid I would get hit by lightening!

    Although one crazy thing has happened this weekend. KANDRE of all people is winning the freakin' march madness pool. I bet she doesn't even know what a basketball is.

  15. Were folks complaining about his hair? I've never much cared about the hair because I knew it would be different the next time I saw him. But I had to LOL when he came out last show with his hair sticking straight up in the front. I think I was distracted by it the first few songs.

    When someone dissects the photo from top to bottom about time, place etc. let me know! heee.

  16. hmmmm tv tv tv

    Watching Idol somewhat. I don't watch results shows. And last week I was taping a game, and taping Survivor and I was too lazy to go into another room to watch Idol, so I didn't watch it. That's how committed I am. LOL. But it's not because of the judges who I prefer tenfold over Simon. I actually like Jennifer a lot. Never was a fan of her "singing" but I will admit to watching and liking her movies.

    Boston Rob beats Idol booty in my house. I know he won't last but he great to watch for as long as he lasts. He takes the game so seriously yet doesn't forget that it is entertainment. I know many can't stand the man but he's one of my favorite reality show folks EVER.

    Not watching much tv right now. Too caught up in the NBA and my teams. I have League pass so can watch any game on the schedule and most nights I watch 2 or 3. On Direct tv 101 I'm watching the first season of Damages. I love it. It's keeping my interest for sure.

    Raising Hope is my favorite show right now. Never miss it. I do something with it that I don't do on anything not named The Wire -- I always rewatch the episode. Hanging onto The Good Wife. I think it's good tv. And I'm enjoying this season of TAR. That's about it for regular viewing. Modern Family and House will still get my attention most weeks.

    I gave up a lot of shows this year including Private Practice. The Betsy episode killed it for me. I just no longer care. Oh, also love love love Southland. Hopefully it has been renewed.

    Other than that... I have finally replaced Court TV which has on nothing but stupid reality shows with Discovery Id. Hell it even runs all night with no infomercials. Don't ask me how I can watch all this real life true crime and cringe when my mom has the tv on watching Criminal Minds.

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