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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. So I'm finally changing to U verse from Direct TV. They are coming out next Thursday and the only thing I'm trying to debate is whether to watch the 20 episodes of True Blood that's been sitting here forever. I guess I could do it if I started today.

    Since most of our customers are foreign ships we rarely have any holidays off. We always have a small staff working and since I'm the JUNIOR food buyer I never really get any holidays off but Xmas and Thanksgiving. Those are the only days we seem to totally close down for. We do try to close down early though..usually around 1 or 2.

    I don't understand our weather. We've had some nice warm sunny days this week and today it's cold and dreary again. I hope we get a real summer.

    I'm finally going to break down and add some music to this shuffle. I didn't want to because I wanted another "real" ipod LOL. I miss having Clay in my ear though.

    And as I posted this it starts freaking RAINING hard!

  2. Thanks couchie, but I think after a few more email exchanges this morning we have given up hope of going to Taiwan this year. Thankfully I didn't book the flights yet, but all the arrangements for time off work have been made for those dates. So now we are thinking of going somewhere else during those dates instead....maybe a cruise.

    That's the spirit. The world is our oyster!

    My feeling has always been it is Clay's career and life and I have no control over either so no point in worrying about it.

    Honestly I don't know if that was always my feeling but it certainly became so around ATDW.

  3. Wow Luckiest. That is just crazy. Hugs from me and i hope everything works out. I think once you get there and he's not there it will!

    I think I've come to the conclusion and it's not that deep that we all just handle our fandom differently based on personality. A little bird might have whispered something in my ear similar this weekend. Some people are just sky is falling type person in probably everything they do in life. Some are worriers. Some are live and let live. Others are supportive while others just enjoy the moment. There was a rush and intensity that came with the first few years of this fandom. Something was always going on, in the beginning tons of things all at the same time. That intensity is just not there anymore. You can breathe and go on about life without actually missing anything. And honestly that first year or two intensity level wasn't going to be sustainable for any reason. As I was telling friends this weekend, I was on multiple (like 6 or 7) boards early on, with TONS of info every day and I was constantly running to read even more. And there was this fear of missing anything the second it was posted. I think I gave up tv for two years LOL. Even in the midst of all that success there was negativity, worriers, doom and gloom, and everything on the opposite end of the spectrum. At concerts some people are smiling and floating on air afterward while others start out by listing everything that he did "wrong." I think all of that will be with us always.

    I also think that high of those first years seriously warped our expectations on how things were always going to be. So instead of looking at things like - the average musician has a 5 year career which Clay has surpassed - it's look what he had with a myriad of conclusions about how his decisions or circumstance muffed that up.

  4. I'm home today so watched the opening statement in the Caylee case and all I have to say is OMG. So the defensive is that Caylee drowned in the swimming pool and George Anthony found the body and they covered the whole thing up. Also the family is being painted as dysfunctional with her father and brother molesting Casey. OK I know George and Cindy want to stand by their daughter but would they go THIS far? He is now denying everything. I wonder if he was blindsided by all of this.

  5. That was amazing! Man he can talk non-stop. And freaking gorgeous too. I think he's going to do Broadway again.

    ETA: Couchie, it was 25 minutes long. Where to start? He's taking a "few months" or a year off, pick one. Touring was starting to be less fun and more like work. He'd like to do another show that was fun like Spamalot but in which he also sang. He participates in talks with people about possibilities. He would love to do a Variety show. He likes living here and wants to enjoy his son, with whom he can now have a conversation.

    ha ha...a few months or a year LOL. Well that IS his definition of SOON!

  6. That was a wonderful interview. I'm ready to hear what I should have hated about it. And I'm right here waiting as long as it takes for him to relax a little and be a daddy. I hope he knows he will have to teach Parker about doing the lawn and other household chores. :cryingwlaughter: He sounded excited to lead a "normal" life for a while. Although I wonder if he is planning a UNICEF trip.

    Can someone give me a run down of the interview. Still having computer sound problems.

    Back from Napa and I had the most wonderful time!! And I still have 2 more days off from work! yay.

  7. :04: Survivor :yahoo:

    ha ha. I just new Rob couldn't win. I was thrilled. I read the "spoilers" weeks ago which didn't even have him in the final 3 so I was doubly happy that they were wrong. But I knew he had won as soon as I heard the arguments to the jury were I did everything Rob told me and Rob planned everything and I executed it. LOL. I so felt he deserved allstars win over Amber but the bitter jury just wouldn't allow it. Now I will just kick back and wait for his new show on the History channel.

    Happy monday every one.

  8. Well went out to the little league park today. My nephew's team is 14 and 0! And I'm telling you it's their defense. Those kids can field! It was cold out there as they play about a block away from the Bay.

    So does anyone else get "junk" mail that has something to do with a past Clay concert. I just got the new symphony schedule from Omaha. They actually had a very nice calendar in there.

  9. So who wants to make a banner.

    FYI in the next few months we're looking to combine all FCA sites under one domain. Yes you've heard this before ha ha. But seriously it will happen. We need a pretty current Clay banner. It seems we have new photos lately. Anyone interested? Don't worry we won't spring anything on you..we are just now starting to investigate things. More info as it becomes available. And of course we'll need some imput and testers.

    Made it through another week...well almost.

  10. That's definitely Jaymes -- I recognize her ears and nose. Who else would she be holding who is a boy about 2, blond, adorable, with long lashes, extremely fair skin, and who looks like a sweet pea ....

    A previous siting after the 2009 Gala, at a restaurant, described Parker with curly blond hair. And look at that purdy mouth.

    And he's wearing a striped shirt.

    If only we could see his feet!

    HA HA

    yeah I'd take that bet. LOL

  11. I saw this on another board, and I'm conflicted a bit about this, but I'm going to post it anyway. In the photo gallery I posted above (from the News-Observer), check out picture number 22. Then, look to the left. Is that who I think it might be?

    Might be Parker you think? Sure is a cutie either way. I'm bad with people. Do we know who is holding the baby?

    Clay looks great in that picture above me.

  12. Oh jmh123, you lucky duck! Book tours never come here. Ever. I am so jealous.

    Wow, just read through the early days of this thread. It was so active, and I read so many books! :cryingwlaughter: My daughter currently has me hooked on the Jodi Picoult books. I just finished (finally!) Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King. The final short story in it was really good. Anyone else reading anything good?

    I love to read history books. I'll usually get a period of time and then read 4 or 5 books from different points of view. I also love stories about African American and other minority histories in the United States. A friend of mine told me about a book called The Warmth of Other Suns - it's the story of the black migration from the south to the cities in the north and west. The author of that book is doing a reading on my mom's birthday so we're going to go to that. I haven't read the book yet... I need to call and find out if I can bring my own to be signed or do I have to buy one there. But I'm really looking forward to it. Right now I'm reading a biography of Zora Neale Hurston, a figure from the Harlem Renaissance and author of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

  13. I'm a big sports fan but the one thing I don't know much about is hockey. I do root for the Sharks by default. Every year they seem to fold in the playoffs. Maybe this year they will get further.

  14. It's a constant battle isn't it. My WW meeting is every Monday. Today was the first time I actually gained .2 pounds but I consider that a triumph considering I had 3 parties last week. I did my best LOL. Good luck Preden.

    I honestly still haven't added a consistent exercise pattern. I'm going to do that this week to get back on track. I've lost 7 pounds so far.

  15. I have found that worrying seldom makes anything better, so I strive to be worry-free in my life. (Not always easy, mind you.) Although I can be a worrier about some things, I don't worry about Clay nor do I expect him to consult with me about his career. I'm not his mama or his lover or his friend or his family member or a member of his "Team," so I don't feel a need for him to keep in touch all the damn time. If someone didn't get enough love on this last tour it sure isn't Clay's fault, because he was giving it away in great abundance every single night. :twinklewhore: :twinklewhore: :twinklewhore:

    I almost left the boards and the intense fandom they nurture over these issues back in 2006. And then I found FCA. I :wub: FCA.

    JMH I hear you. does nobody else have a 72 year old mother with a long distance lover to worry about like me LOL.

    Yeah shortyjill..I was referring to who holds the rights to all those songs Clay recorded. He certainly can't hand them out like candy. I would think record company a and record company b owns them. And since I think he is without a record company right now they would have no incentive to give his fans something for free. But again - I have no knowledge of how these things work.

    Ok so it's been 8 years... what is your favorite Clay memorabilia be in official or not.

    I have several things that I will never part with... one is a large collection of pins that I collected and have in a beautiful display case ..well the case was beautiful ... the glass broke so I need to replace it. The print of Clay in Good News pose by what's her name (the memory does goes first)...and my Learning to sing in the leather bound cover.

    Off topic: I've been thinking about my childhood best friend a lot lately. We were basically inseparable from second grade through our first year in college. We moved to Los Angeles together but went to different schools. In our second year she moved closer to her school and I moved closer to mine and our lives then went in wildly different directions. She was murdered about 15 years ago. We grew up across the street from each other and she had 9 brothers and sisters. And I've basically lost touch with all of them. So I started looking for them tonight on the internet and did manage to locate one of her brothers who runs a non-profit here in town. Every year that goes by I think about her usually on her birthday but for some reason this year I just can't get her out of my mind. I'm hoping to find her sister who was one year behind us and used to follow us around. ha ha.

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