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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Stick her in the back where she can't reach the steering wheel

    Ha! Ha! :hahaha: I've got perpetual dibs on shotgun -- and though I occasionally share, you don't want to know the lengths I go to keep this!!!

    Let me know when. I think I already have a Friday with a former co-worker, but she stood me up last time so maybe not. Of course, you have my blessing to go without me now that you know where it is -- but I want to go again soon so if you can wait until early next week I'll be ready! And I want to try Thien An too. And how about H.O.B. and Red Cat? After all ... I'm going to Disneyland!!!
    I'm ok both for Friday and early next week but I need to see K before the Shanghai trip weekend after next. And let's wait on H.O.B. until a performer we all like is there. *ever hopeful*
  2. Ahem.

    I am back from lunch with a teeny legion of the eHP. BTW, Huynh is seriously good, yo!

    I wish to lodge a complaint about an alleged driver, one Scarlett, alias, "OMFG, it's one of those stereotypical drivers! Save yourselves! AAAAAAARGH!" I want the record to state that I clearly and concise stated, "That light is red. Why are you going through it slowly? Slowly? In front of people who have a GREEN light?" the FIRST time. The second time I stated, long before we got to the intersection, "The light's red. You're gonna stop, right? Stop! Red means STOP! ARRRRGH!" Ya know, it would be different if she actually, like, speeded up as she is running these lights, instead of doing a whopping 11 miles an hour.

    K, They didn't hit us, did they? So those two red lights don't count. Besides, we took 2 trips in the car -- one to go to Huynh's (the food was wonderful! thx, kf!!!) and another to go back to your office. One red light per trip isn't bad. Nobody honked at us, I smiled at them, you got back in one piece and apparently weren't shaken enough to stay off the message boards for more than 30 mins. Life is good!

    Sooo... do you want to go back on Friday? I need to try their Phoenix chicken and maybe merrieeee's plumber will be done by then.

    ETA: Love all pics & clips and yay for the cute smile!!! (I refuse to say crooked)


  3. It was a wonderful evening, he gave a great impromptu speech, humble as always but very encouraging and thankful to those who've been working for years and years!!! And there's Clack of the entire thing!!! What more can we ask? :wub::confetti-1: :wetkissf: :highfive: :bliss2-1:

    As for those comments... Early in the evening, some fans commented on the number of great-looking guys in the restaurant. Why didn't anyone roll out their 'tacky' comments then? It's ok for fans to notice cute guys but not ok for them to notice each other?

  4. Wednesday it is, then! Scarlett, do you want to swing by and pick me up at 11:15 at my office? I have GOT to get out of the office.
    I'll be there -- on the Louisiana side. Oh and I forgot to respond to this the other night, yes, Pern rules!!!

    jmh, could it have been a large brown cat? You could turn this into a good horror movie with some Blair Witch-type clips...

    ETA: Half-day off again! I could get used to this!


    So are people who hide behind the internet to spout the most vile things like that in real life or is it the anonymity that brings it out in them.

    Article on cyberbullying with some interesting points:

    - Bullies and mean girls are still in school classrooms, hallways and playgrounds; they just can use new digital tools to be cruel now. What’s different is that cyberbullying can be much crueler, often happens on public internet sites, and can spread virally.

    - In many ways cyberbullying has democratized bullying because you don’t have to be able to physically overpower your victim—a person can simply log on, create a new identity, and bully away.

    - Cyberbullying is mostly relational bullying, or the “mean girls” phenomenon gone digital. Instead of whispers behind teens’ backs, the insults are posted for everyone to read.

    - Teachers and parents may never suspect that it’s the well-behaved or high-achieving students who may be tormenting their peers. Cyberbullies are often known for being the teens who would be least suspected of these behaviors.

    - Communicating digitally makes it easier to be a lot meaner, since teens can’t see the people they’re bullying, their emotional response, or the look into their eyes.

    - If your teen is the victim of more extreme cyberbullying, save every message, image or sound file, or Web page as documentation should you decide to build a legal case.

  5. K and Scarlett: There are probably a hundred Vietnamese restaurants in the downtown area, but I've only eaten at three of them -- Kim Son, Mai's and Huynh. So y'all pick.

    I may need to drive myself depending on where we're going. My time is going to be tight on Thursday mid-day with meetings boxing me in. I just hate that.

    kf, the one I haven't tried on that list is Huynh & I think that's the one we originally discussed. If you'll post the addy/directions for Huynh, we can meet there -- say at around 11:30? I also have a back-end at 1pm. K, how's your Thursday shaping up? Is 11:30 doable?

    On topic:


    ETA: 'nite, FCA!!!


  6. Y'all wanna do Thursday for Vietnamese?

    K, Thursday it is! So, where is the place again? Or do you and keepingfaith want me to pick you up since I'm on half-day that day. (kf, I park in the lot bordered by Clay St/Travis/Bell St/Milam -- do you want to meet me there?)

    Fave actors who had cameos in HP -- David Thewlis as Lupin (last saw him as Verlaine in Total Eclipse), Alan Rickman as Snape, Maggie Smith as McGonagall, John Cleese as NearlyHeadless Nick and Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory (ok, that's not really a cameo but someday it may be considered one).

    ETA: Oh, how did I forget Ralph Fiennes as He-who-must-not-be-named.


    Would love to have been there ... or at least on the speaker phone, Scarlett! :imgtongue:

    Caro, if you like seafood just say when and where! Your state or ours?

    *grumbles that I almost missed Caro's note because I can normally search for 'Scarlett' to find posts where people said something to me but somehow I got too many false hits/posts from last night that were talking about some other 'Scarlett'... :o !*

  7. guess no one wants to see Clay in Phantom of the Opera.

    This is all premised on Clay not having to do anything with the show/s. At this point, I'd watch "Springtime for Hitler" if he were in it, ditto POTO and all its incarnations, including that oft-rumored sequel *cough! sputter! choke!*.

    Keepingfaith, how about that Vietnamese this week (except today)? I need to deliver something that merrieeee needs to send to Shanghai with KAndre.

    ETA: Have a nice trip back, Kareneh!

  8. True confession: I have never seen another live stage show except Spamalot once in Toronto and then Spamalot 9 times on Broadway when Clay was in it. That could change next weekend when we go to NYC because luckiestdaughter wants to see Guys and Dolls because it stars the mom from Gilmore Girls. :P

    Woo hoo, cellcert on Tuesday? I hope I still have a subscription. Guess I'll find out.

    Lol that I've seen more shows in Toronto than you have. Love the Royal Alexandra as a venue.

  9. I'm a bit curious about the reasons we like/hate/are indifferent to movies, broadway shows, etc. Not questioning anyone's right to detest, adore or ignore anything but I'm just wondering what was it about a particular show that triggered people's opinions about it and I hope some of those who've posted preferences would say what they liked or didn't like about something, even if it's as simple as "the people next to me in the theater were incredibly loud and rude and talked through the show".

    I guess I'll start by saying that I detest POTO but my daughter adored it so I had to sit through it twice to accompany her -- and hated it even more afterwards. POTO came at a time when "redeeming social value" was a big thing with me and POTO didn't give me much hope for humanity. The duet between Barbra Streisand and Don Johnson of "All I Ask of You" was the final nail on that coffin.

    I watched the big Leo DiCaprio movies more because I'd enjoyed other films by the same director (Jim Cameron for Titanic and Baz Luhrman for Romeo+Juliet). I thought DiCaprio's acting was much better in his earlier films, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" (with Johnny Depp) and "This Boy's Life".

    I'd watched the Mama Mia musical when the performers were still quite good so I enjoyed all 3 times I've seen it. I've heard that the quality has dipped in recent months. The Mama Mia movie today only holds 2 good items for me, Colin Firth as Harry Headbanger and the stunning cliffside setting for "The Winner Takes It All."

    Overall, I tend to be affected most by shows that I "discover" on my own -- shows I bought tickets to on a whim because I liked the title or because I was just curious about them. One memorable show that I saw this way was the "Kiss of the Spiderwoman" musical (yes, a musical and it was wonderful!)

    Anna, I totally adore Les Mis and if you, 00lsee and merrieeee are interested, we can continue discussions and exchange "clack" of it on a separate thread. Anyone else like that show? Merrieeee is just about to buy the TAC DVD so that would be a great starting point for comments. -- Oh and BTW, if Clay suddenly announces a tour schedule, I hope it's understood that we're going to abandon this deal faster than anyone can spell "cellcert".

    ETA: Or like keepingfaith said & did!

  10. Catching up after a long wet Saturday driving around town with Solo, a very yummy Cajun seafood dinner last at Floyd's with merrieeee and Solo -- great recommendation, keepingfaith & desertrose -- and a very interesting speaker phone conversation among KAndre, Solo, merrieeee and me while Solo was navigating the hazards of1960, like random people in dark clothes casually strolling across the street mid-block against the traffic lights.

    Beryl, I hadn't heard Lea's

    before this but now it's my favorite version. I still like Susan Boyle and I plan to follow her on YouTube because I think she's very talented but as a Les Mis fan, I love the Bryant Park version because it's true to the song and the show.

    And thanks to bottle for bringing back the Kenneth Cole pictures -- yum!!! I believe that event was also at Bryant Park, wasn't it?

    :nature-smiley-014: Good morning to all!

    On topic:


  11. Someone requested an mp3 of "Cry Me a River" over at the CH, so I'm posting the sendspace link here, also.

    Scarlett, my daughter's cello teacher gave us passes to see Les Miserables downtown recently. It was fantastic. A kid from her high school drama department was in the chorus, so it was fun trying to spot him in his various costumes.

    Youtube has a great series of clips from the 10th anniversary live concert, including "Can You Hear the People Sing" sung by 17 "Jeans" from around the world.

    00lsee, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It must have been fun to see her schoolmate in so many scenes!

    I enjoyed the TAC (Tenth Anniversary Concert) as a VHS pledge gift from PBS but when the CD came out, the sound was much better than on the tape, eg. Leah was a bit strident on the tape but the blending was more even on the CD. Many of the YouTube clips have been overdubbed from the CD but some haven't, so if you have a choice pick the one with the CD audio. Other good recordings are the OBC (Original Broadway Cast) with Terrence Mann as Javert and the CSR (Complete Symphonic Recording) which features a great international cast and is the only version that records the entire show (on 3 disks).

    Someone here, I forget who, likes moon pictures.

    Here is one of the full moon at Easter near Nice, France.

    Castle and Moon

    :pickme: Thank you, Lotus!

  12. Thanks for the Susan Boyle links. I've received e-mails and messages about her from just about every group I've belonged to (high school classmates, college buddies, long lost relatives, etc), including a note from someone who declined going to Les Mis with me this year (since she's watched it twice already) but after hearing Susan's version of "I Dreamed a Dream" she wrote to say that she was willing to travel out of state with me just to see Les Mis again.

    Any news from the cute guy yet?


  13. ((Scarlett))

    happy you are feeling better :)

    Thanks bunches!

    Since Solo doesn't want to bump up her post count, I guess I'll be the one to post... She's driving into town on Saturday to help me put together some stuff in my place and we're having dinner Saturday night. PM if you can join us or better yet call since we still haven't made final plans. We're leaning towards Cajun seafood but we're easy.

    I'm with Reed on the luggage -- can't have too many and backups are always useful!!!

  14. Catching up from the weekend...

    Niiice banner, cindilu!!! :clap:

    couchie, aikim & djs, soooo was I the only one who looked forward to watching John Derek (as Joshua) on the Ten Commandments year after year?

    Kareneh, safe and happy travels!

    Fear, sorry to hear about your poison oak. :thbighug-1:

    jmh, thanks for the great article on Mike Nichols!

    merrieeee, thank for the new/old Benihana clip!

    ncgurrl & 00lsee, I loved the Susan Boyle clip! Please post any more updates on her performances!!!

    Claylove, congratulations on the new job!

    Clayzy, how about comparing notes with fear? Maybe you have the same thing? Hope you feel better soon. :hugs-1:

    00lsee, wishing Jack a quick and complete recovery!!!

    Keepingfaith and KAndre, how about doing Vietnamese this week before I head back to work?

    Couchie, hee, yes I think you should be doing your taxes!

    *waves happily back at ldyjocelyn, annabear, calurker and aikim!!!* :hello:

    Tweets? I guess it would be nice to be able to follow some of the ehp's travels that way but since we already send text messages and post updates and pictures in almost real time (and we could do real time if we weren't so lazy), I don't seen the need for 140-character entries.


    ETA: Thanks for the good wishes, traveller!!!

  15. Happy Easter, FCA!!!

    Many, many thanks for the good wishes, prayers, inquiries, phone calls, e-cards...couchie, annabear, claytonic, shamrock, goldarngirl, jazzgirl, Kareneh, Caro, calurker, ldyj, spikesmom, jmh, ausdon, muski, liney, tribeca, Lotus, wanda, chacha, lucky, Fear, bottle, aikim, Bella19, Cotton, merryclay, FromClaygary, ncgran4clay, clayzycoffin, clayzedover and of course my dear eHP buddies and anyone who sent good thoughts my way. They meant a lot!!! :thankyou:


    Doesn't he just love to keep us guessing?!!!


  16. I've been out of touch for a while on a serious personal item. I spent several days in the ICU and underwent surgery but the good part is that I'm doing fine now and will be ok. I was discharged from the hospital on Saturday; I spent a few days with a friend and will be going home tomorrow.

    Every day

    You walk with stronger step

    You walk with longer step

    The worst is over

    If you were one of the few who were with me during this time, thank you very much for your support, encouragement and concern. If I didn't get to share this with you, thank you too since I know you would have sent your good wishes if only you had known.

    If I owe you an e-mail, PM or any other item, I will send it eventually but please be patient with me a little bit more since I'm supposed to take things easy for now.

    I probably won't be posting as much as I used to but even when I'm not here, y'all will always be in my best thoughts and wishes, or (in the usual Scarlett overdramatic way)... in my faith, in my hope and in my love. :thbighug-1:

    ETA: On topic, so happy to hear of so many good things going on. Yay!!! I've been so eager to get well and get home because my BOCA's are waiting for me!!!


  17. Glad to help Clayzy! It's my librarian training to find stuff for people!

    I can't believe I forgot M*A*S*H! I always loved that show so much, and watched every episode at least 4 times during my college years!

    ldyjocelyn, you helped me too. Would you believe I hadn't watched the clip -- just processed it (since people were bugging threatening encouraging me to finish, even though they HADN'T WRITTEN THEIR RECAPS which they promised they would do once I started rendering? *ehem* So, where are the Minnesota and Frisco recaps?!! Huh?) But getting back to the clip, thanks for finding it, ldyj. I hope the CU folks don't mind that I downloaded from there...


    Anyone like the English comedies?

    1.Keeping Up Appearance

    2.As Time Goes By

    3. Are You Being Served

    I've watched them so many times I know them by heart now.


    Not those but I had Fawlty Towers on my "cool" list and I've watched those episodes many times over. Especially liked Manuel and his pet "Siberian hamster" but I usually don't talk about it unless I know the other person watched them before. Also, I think kimiye mentioned the original Hitchhiker's BBC production.
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