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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. I was wondering are you the lady who has a radio shack in your purse?

    You should see how much she travels with!!!

    I have to point out that at Spam, I traveled light! There was one trip where I only had a carry-on and everyone else had checked in something... then we stood around the baggage claim area chatting and not answering our phones while Solo was outside in a no-parking zone!

  2. Hey Scarlet

    someone is going to be really happy with that sailing clip :)

    I was wondering are you the lady who has a radio shack in your purse?

    Well that was a great sailing clip because ldyj and couchie were right in front of the piano, so maybe someone will change her mind about the song... ;)

    *guilty* Nowadays only with cellphones but I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

  3. I'm sending the next batch of ldyjocelyn's clips to the vaults but these are links for those who want early copies of mp4's or XviDs:

    Sailing - mp4 (small files for iPods)

    90's Banter - mp4 (small files for iPods)

    90's Medley - mp4 (small files for iPods)

    Sailing - XviD (large HD, make sure your computer can handle these before viewing)

    90's Banter - XviD (large HD, make sure your computer can handle these before viewing)

    90's Medley - XviD (large HD, make sure your computer can handle these before viewing)

    I'm going to skip ICMYLM and move on to the 00's because I want to see if I can do something about the crowd noise on that one. I had good hopes for this set because we weren't using the external mic. That one will pick up whispers 10 feet away (which is why I get more crowd noise than anyone else), but even this set had a lot of screaming and it was particularly noticeable on that one.

    lilyshine, wow, I'm amazed at your knowledge about plants. So, clayzycoffin, does it fit any of the ones lilyshine described?

    Thanks for the booklist, ldyjocelyn! I'm perusing the first one on your list, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time"

  4. Squeee! When did he do that? I almost like that better than his typical version! Thanks, Scarlett!


    EATA: I'm all excited because it snowed about 1 1/2--2 inches today. That's the first time it has snowed (aside from some flurries) at my home for about 3-4 years and the most since I was single digits. (I'm 18 now, :D) I'm trying to figure out how to post some pictures... Pics, hopefully

    It's from one of the HCC Christmas shows. 1998, I think. I prefer the new Emmanuel though I keep this to play once in a while.

    You got a lot of snow! I liked this picture. What sort of plant is it?


    Treppie and gnocchi are so huggable!!! *waves to annabear* :puppykiss:

    Thanks very much for the book recommendations, liney and FromClaygary!!! (and djs yesterday)

  5. OK, does anyone have any recommendations for a good, traditional version of OCOCE? I love Clay's version, but it's the only version I've ever really heard (comes from despising radio and Christmas radio programming...) so I was looking for a nice, traditional OCOCE. I have Enya's version, but it's either non-traditional or v. v. traditional as it sounds like there's Gaelic in it. :shrug:

    Thanks for putting up with more random pleas for help from me! :laugh2:

    Traditional OCOCE

  6. Solo and I are like that sometimes, :gen069: nothing to worry about. It's a form of endearment... I think!

    Top 14 songs from the main albums:

    (see the playlist)

    However, if we can add songs from the EP, I'll swap one of them for AIW!

    Thanks for the book recommendation, djs! Sounds very intriguing -- it's not on kindle yet but I think I'll get it as a physical copy. :thankyou"

  7. To me, it's like a set of "songs to put into a time capsule". Memory is a funny thing; it takes baby steps and associations. This is like a trail of crumbs you leave for others. This album defines a period and people who watched AI2 or listened to him briefly at some points in time over the last few years will know several of the songs in there, and hopefully will come to like others whose full album they will buy.

    When space is a premium, this CD is more likely to be carried by a store as opposed to the individual albums. And it's a great one! I see it as my Clay Aiken highlights CD.

    Speaking of "time capsule" could I ask for suggestions on books to take to an island? (let's assume that the island's Internet connection is spotty and that it definitely is out of whispernet range) They may be old or new books, don't mind at all, as long as they're interesting.

  8. Ooops -- I guess the limit was for 500 characters.... slinks away....

    But really? 500? Are they that limited in space nowadays?

    Nothing to see here... just some early morning drama on posting comments at the OFC

    ETA: (yes I can't let it go) Just 500 bytes?!!! For a comment on his blog? What's that all about? One good picture file can be anywhere from 1 million to 7 million of those. I realize that I am commenting on another board but... Who's allocating space over there, Ebenezer Scrooge?

  9. Should I be flattered or scared, considering it's the ofc...

    ??? j/k

    I asked a friend of mine who use to belong becasue I had 5 comments (not as popular as you) and she said it was comments I left on other people's profiles/blogs. I don't remember commenting that many times.

    Scarlet I have been trying to live by you motto of not bringing stuff from other boards. Failed last night so I am giving it a try again.

    And if that was my CD

    I would have ISY on there!! I will tell a million times I love that song!!!

    Yes, I'm just kidding! :P

    And please don't feel bad -- the "failed last night" sounds too down. :thbighug-1: I just post a reminder now and then so we'll all remember (yes, I need it too and lots of times I'm just reminding myself out loud!) that there's a whole world of great things to enjoy and talk about instead of dwelling on what was said/written by some nasty pond scum who can't get out of the rut they put themselves into. Maybe when we die, we'll get an accurate count of how many minutes we spent reading what stupid people wrote instead of relaxing with our pets/friends/family but until then... they'll always be in the conversation; I'm not deluding myself that they will one day get ignored completely but who knows, maybe someday! (and then where will they be since it's this hair-pulling and hand-wringing that they crave and live for)

  10. It says Clay picked the songs on it.


    Clay Aiken’s favorite songs to be released through the Playlist Series

    02/27/09 0 Comments

    Mark your calendars… March 31st, 2009 Clay will release his perfect playlist through Legacy Recordings.


    The hits, the life-changing songs, the out-of-print tracks and of course the fan favorites everyone loves. You get the best of the best, including his No. 1 single “This Is The Night,” the Top 5 “Solitaire” and others handpicked by Clay from his 4 albums.

    Enjoy the sound of the beautifully re-mastered songs on this CD, unlike the compromised sound of an MP3 file. You will also love the fact that the package is environmentally-friendly (no plastic, 100% recycled paperboard).

    Go to www.legacyrecordings.com/playlist about the Playlist series. Also available on www.Amazon.com.

    Ahhhh, I love his choices... going from giddy and heading to shmoopie in 4 seconds or less. I do love those songs!!! I bet the packaging will be special as well.

  11. I have a question about OFC -- I looked at my profile and saw that I have 80 comments. I can only see one. What's up with that? Oh, and you know how our FCA Main Page lists our newest member? Is there an equivalent in OFC for that?

    ETA: Found it!

    ETAA: I thought members were numbered according to the order they joined. The newest one is 11237 so I'm puzzled. I'm 524 and that's wny I missed getting the handsigned picture that was given out to the first 500. Is your number less than 500, merrieeee?

  12. Finally!!! All it took was to stop staring at that opening picture and go straight into the renewal... just kidding... my version of Firefox is restricted, I logged on with IE (gack!) and got in immediately. :)

    Hey merrieeee, Claymate yourself, or rather ourselves cause I'm now a Claymate too!!! *pbbbbtttttt!* How about if we celebrate by going over there together and chatting ourselves up a storm someplace? We could do "How's the weather where you live?" since we live in different counties (lol!) or even open up a new thread -- "fancy coming across my buddy from another board here..."


    :clap: Yay for the puppy homecoming, annabear!!! And {{{lots of hugs for you}}}!!! Try to rest well tonight... if that's at all possible :puppykiss:

  13. I want to be on page 69.

    why are so many Clay's fan obsessed with this number?

    The RCA site had Clay born in 1969

    every time he had an appearance on tv it would be listed with the year 1969

    I use to think it was because when Clay was on idol he chose that number out of the hat & didn't know if he was a 6 or 9. But now I am thinking it is something else.

    *concentrates hard on how to put things delicately...* Uh, I wouldn't know because I'm too little. :cryingwlaughter:

    Oh Scarlett we worry because we love the clack you. Oh not in THAT way of course! :cryingwlaughter:

    Oh, riiiiight! Really appreciate that! :clap:

  14. I want to be on page 69.


    Oh look! Some content!

    I mean if someone says their favorite Clay cd is this and I say mine is a different one who cares really. But telling someone they need to go into a hospital for treatment & therapy is just wrong.
    Well... sometimes my best friends worry about my sanity.... was it the tone of the note that was so offensive? (I don't plan to go over to the OFC to view it because it would be the same as picking up a rock and hitting my own head)
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