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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. 2 Guh!!! Why oh why couldn't I have missed my flight home? Cindilu2, please send him our love if he's at the stage door tonight!!!
  2. Why would wood on wood hurt? LOL! At some point today or this week someone's going to ask, couldn't he have just said this from the start and saved himself and others a lot of concerns? Let me get ahead of that and say... Having seen my kids through the school system and knowing my friends and neighbors I'd say that that is far, far easier to think about that to actually do. It would have been the social equivalent of my "dating" Iseeme in front of my friends and you know how that turned out.
  3. Sneaking in while on an online conference call... (if anyone suddenly goes.. So Scarlett what do you think of that point? I'm lost!!!) Yes it must have been intentional since he was already doing it with his right ear for the 2 shows last Sunday. Is he now making both ears stick out? Hee! Thanks for the report, cindilu2! Wanda, I want to go back to NYC too. Wonder when he'll start doing the stage door again? ...Yes yes, the "doing" reference was intentional.
  4. Awwwwwwwww!!!! I hope we weren't making things more difficult for him back then by not talking/discussing topics like this on boards. I think it was respectful to wait and go with what he says/is ready for but I just wish I knew we weren't hurting him by doing that. ps. Still think he's hottt!!! pps. Why do I have to leave for work?!!! I wanna stay here! Have a great day, y'all!!! and lots of and :thbighug-1: to our cutesingerguy!!! Love you so!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. *looks around* Hee, I beat merrieeee!!! Is it 7am Eastern/6 Central yet?
  6. I got home and I still couldn't help but log on... I can't remember when I swooned on a picture this much, even a Clay Aiken one! Isn't this exciting?!!!
  7. I really should log off and go home because I'm not getting any work done anyway... And I want to get up early tomorrow!!! 6am Central! (earlier today I was bemoaning a 7am meeting tomorrow -- LOL, I'm going to beat it by an hour) *takes a last look and awwwwws at the picture one more time* ETA: Thanks for the heads up on the OFC post, annabear. Even bigger AWWWWWWWW!!! ::hearts:: I love the Not-a-Blog!!! ETAA: {{{laljeterfan}}} Take all the time you need. We'll wait for you with hope.
  8. Someone needs to tell her that when the odds of something used to be nil but now they're nil, then oh yeah, it's certainly something to fret about. ROTFL! Gibby, I can't get into OFC from work -- could you add me to your post too? Thanks! ... still swooning over their picture!!!
  9. I'm still at work, FromClaygary. Not that I'm getting much of it done... sorry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. I was too caught up in things that I forgot to post this... Thank you so much for taking me in this weekend, playbiller!!! I had the most wonderful time -- the days just sped by so quickly. I miss Holly and your snow globes and I hope we can hit all those places we ran out of time on sometime. Wishing I were back there right now... Couchie, Holly is such a sweetie! I need to introduce you one of these days.
  11. Is it super mean to hope that there are fake clay people in the front row? *wonders how much text messaging will be needed to spin this into their story*
  12. I think Clay knows his fans quite well. I would say that some fans were a whole lot more worried about others' reactions to news like this than he was.
  13. But I've had very nice experiences about seats. That's how I got my great first front row seat ever -- at the Borgata 2nd night show. A couple had front row seats and one of them switched with me and I got to sit and chat with his partner for a while. BTW, does this mean we get to invite him to the FCA spa/camp? Who's going with who again, was it Gibby&couchie?
  14. I always said that... The first thing I would change would be my designation, that I'd switch it to "Ayachan" (宇佐美 綾加). And the the second thing I would change is... absolutely nothing else. But come to think of it, "Sleepless Beauty" is actually a Gravitation song so I guess I don't even have to change anything at all. I love him more than ever. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (grumbling because I'm still at the office...again. I was here working in June and in August. Next time I have to work late, I'll warn you guys)
  15. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I am at the office but it looks like a lot of people will not make it in today. The fees on the Hardy Toll road have been waived, fyi, in case anyone wants to head north that way. *I'm really sorry about Talladega, Lowe's or any other stadium in that circuit and won't be making any more jokes about them* ETA: merrieeee, if you get stuck call me!
  16. We've moved 800 "Business Continuity/Disaser Recovery" personnel out to our other site. The models are tracking more to the north. The forecast winds for my zipcode are now 87mph compared to 50mph yesterday, merrieeee's are at 83 mph. *maybe Talladega Nights is a favorite up there and my poking fun at it was considered unfunny* Heading out to work now, but stay safe everyone!!! (my puppet show snacks and drinks may end up being my emergency supplies) :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. Extra guitar? Yesss!!! We can do...try ...attempt completely botch "Free Bird" -- LOL! Propane rules!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for being our gracious hostess as always, merrieeee!!! Thanks, annabear! Actually, it worked out well because this way we'll be better prepared. The puppets arrived today and we'll be able to practice a bit on Monday & Tuesday. {{{Hugs to you}}} on your crummy work day. and sweet dreams! I'm relaxing a bit before turning in by watching an early Brando marathon... alternating with that Unicef clip... it's getting really hot in here!!! *turns up the AC*
  18. No more Coldplay, please!!! Or I'm lugging in the "trashy but fun" collection... ooh you have Blu ray now! How about Blu ray "Talladega Nights"?!! And we can have a potluck of anything perishable that we rescued from our freezers. And a Guitar Hero / Rock Band marathon... Or we can watch Clack. ... anyone want to hazard a guess which one we'll end up doing?
  19. Speaking of puppets, thanks very much to those who sent puppetry resources, especially annabear's link to EnchantedLearning.com and Iseeme's recommendation of this excellent book, "A Show of Hands: Using Puppets with Young Children"
  20. Since my workplace believes in safety so much that they postponed my puppet show/crafts/reading-aloud day at Hester House, keepingfaith, maybe I can join you at merrieeee's on Friday?!!! Her roof just got repaired during our last eHP night, so it probably won't leak. Thanks for all the good wishes on the storm -- we're keeping watch and so far it's supposed to circle all over Texas except directly here. *knocks on wood* :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. Can't prove it, though, except to the few who are here with us. And witnesses have a way of disappearing.... heh! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE me too!!! Nice thing about hugs is that giving one means getting one back! :thbighug-1: Have a great day!!!
  22. Good morning, y'all! (some can spell) :nature-smiley-014: *looks around* Did I really beat merrieeee? Maybe I don't need a 4th alarm clock after all... :image13: On a more serious note, (or looking beyond the white pants...) Last night I was at a United Way Campaign launch and I so wanted to ditch it. I wanted to go home. after all there was a new blog and lots of things to Eeeeeee about on the boards. I'd been to a lot of these in the past 14 years and MO was that instead of throwing an elaborate party to thank the "leadership donors" from last year, pat ourselves on the back and then ask for even more money this year why not just take whatever was going to be spent on the party and send it to the fund instead? I'm glad I went though because we had a very good speaker who had a very moving story about how someone who normally didn't think of himself as a recipient of the fund had his life and his daughter's touched by it in an important way. He also pointed out how crucial it is to keep the fund growing every year. When you think about the numbers, it's easy go ho-hum yes we raised XXX amount last year and so what if we don't this year? What's the big deal, after all we are facing tougher times this year? Well in reality, that "so what" means that each program will have to turn away at least 1 person -- maybe a mom seeking to escape an abusive situation at home would be turned away from a shelter for lack of space, a child receiving after school care may have to go back to the streets, people relying on food from Target Hunger will have to go without for one more meal one more day. Or someone like his friend's daughter would not have an unknown person manning a crisis hotline who'll keep her on the phone for an hour an a half or just long enough for her parents get home to help. I'm concerned because this translates to all programs everywhere, including the ones we support here like Unicef or TBAF. I hope that the tougher situation this year challenges all of us to find more creative ways and put more energy into going the extra step to cover those who can't participate this year in order to meet or exceed our goals because tough years mean that the need will be even greater out there.
  23. Aaaah!!! Instead of counting sheep, I'll be watching bags of Cheez doodles fly by. BTW, any chance of seeing one of those when I get to your place next Friday? (Eeeee! It's next Friday already!) *attempts to look like AI2 puppy-dog Clay* goldarngirl, as Clay would say -- they're cyclically in sync!!! ETA: More pickiness... I actually used mosquito nets as a child and I noticed that Clay just spread them to the floor. As I recall, part of the tucking in process for me was to tuck the bed net edges under the mattress all 'round -- so that the bugs won't find a way in under the net. Is that being too picky? ETAA: How did I forget to say this... stunningly gorgeous banner, cindilu2!!! EYATA:
  24. I won't even explain what changed so that those who still believe that gg and I are "regular" people can continue believing so... Updated file: Merrillville IBHFCMedley But actually, I'd like everyone to know the level of care and attention to detail that the "Best of" series from Luckiest1 and goldarngirl get. Luvya both! :thbighug-1: And this too: *Calls out, "Whoooo" to playbiller*
  25. Desertrose, it's MHO but you might want to trust me on this. A103 needs to go to the Clay Aiken fan (you). They're only one seat apart so your friend would still enjoy the show from A102. ETA: standard disclaimer -- unless they change the blocking
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