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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. G'nite annabear and Cotton! :F_05BL17blowkiss: goldarngirl found another glitch, this time in the Merrillville IBHFC medley mp3, so here's the corrected file. for finding these & letting me know, gg. I'm glad to have found someone as particular as I.
  2. Just got home (didn't think I'd ever get here) and just wanted to toss another set of Eeeeeeeeees into the air and skip around in them -- and apparently we have pics?!! Double-eeeeeeeee!!! Woke up on my own, s.b., and I hope my luck holds for my 6am meeting tomorrow. :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: Oh, apparently the pics are screen caps.... so we have video too?!! Wow!!! ETAA: I was kinda hoping the video was of Parker... ETYATA: White pants are almost as good, though!.... *swoons*
  3. !Just want to post my EEEEE!!! Since he blogged on my busiest day for a month but who cares as long as he blogged and such a cute blog too!!!
  4. I didn't do anything... it was ldj who posted this .... LOL, merrieeee!
  5. Yay, I'm early enough to wish everyone good morning & have a great day! :nature-smiley-014:
  6. Muski, all the latest models are tracking further south, eg. Corpus Christi or So Padre Island. Keeping watch, though. Thanks for checking on us!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. goldarngirl, here's the WTOW mp3 to get the 1st set completed. Will send the missing vids later.
  8. How did you know I was tapping my foot and watching my watch (can you see through this thing???) Not my Theo, not going to vote for someone I won't support monetarily. He still should win though. Ok, ok I'm going!!! Off to spend the night with JNT guy.... I bet I'll oversleep tonight as well! In case it's a DNS problem, how about typing this instead of youtube.com -- ? (or as the URL)
  9. I just have to go buy one more alarm clock, I guess. YouTube should still be up... but it seems to be defaulting to the au.youtube.com.
  10. I just have to go buy one more alarm clock, I guess. YouTube should still be up... but ldj posted a link from au.youtube.com, maybe the regular one works!
  11. There are only two left. I personally don't have a favourite (in that I probably won't be buying an album) BUT I sure know which one deserves to win. I agree luckiest1 my prayer for the last few weeks is please don't let Mitch win. He seems like a nice guy BUT I can't even listen to a full performance. SO hopefully it will work out for everyone concerned. hmm Scarlett I'm just ignoring that RED part up there k? Just kidding, goldarngirl! The only Clay I'll watch tonight is Merrillville -- besides I find JNT Clay just as hawt or even more so than the cute/adorable one. *still concentrating on your Theo -- though you know... postive thoughts are nice but good old power-dialing works wonders too!* And a good evening to everyone -- couldn't send good morning greetings this am because I overslept again. Thanks goodness it was only up to 7:30 this time. ETA:*waves wildly at FromClaygary!!!* ETAA: I guess I should go before gg starts looking at her watch and tapping her foot... Good luck on CI!!!
  12. Just wanted to post a heads up that goldarngirl PM'ed me when she noticed a glitch in the Merrillville WTOW that I posted a couple weeks ago. Luckily it's not in the original tape, so I'm re-rendering that one as well as 2 others from Merrillville that had issues the first go-round. Thanks for the Tyra link, ldj! Now I regret promising gg I'm going to render tonight because it sure is fun to stay on YouTube and watch all the parts of that interview. Just kidding, goldarngirl! -- :F_05BL17blowkiss: I haven't been following Canadian Idol but I hope whoever you're backing wins, luckiest, goldgarngirl & FromClaygary -- or do you have different favorites? ETA: Oh, it's Theo! OK! *sending lots of good thoughts and positive energy his way, plus static storms to whereever luckiest1 wants them*
  13. Just idly thinking... If you were replacing Mike Nichols as the director, which part of Spamalot would you turn into a nude scene? I certainly hope not the first scene because it would be useless. It would be most "logical" after he returns from soiling his pants/Brother Maynard because where does he get a fresh pair of pants in the middle of nowhere anyway? Or it could be that the guards of Swamp Castle have very unusual uniforms... ETD: Parts that I suddenly remembered would cause massive head-spinning & more
  14. Yes, the only two things I'd try are: (a) clean the disk drive and then try to read it again and (b) like you said, take it to another computer and see if it can be read. If it were something really valuable, there are places where you could send it or any type of media including the old 5.25" or 8" ones but those would cost a lot more than the couple of hours you've put into this file. Yes, it's a cute Rorschach test for people. Just like Clay, I suppose. I like the way it captures a look that we usually don't see but the presence of the camera and the fact that it surfaced now instead of in late June or July when walls everywhere were getting head-banged, have my brain working overtime.
  15. Which computer did you use to write to the floppy disk? I'm a bit confused about the "when I put the disk into my computer it says it cannot read the disk" part. If we are talking about 2 computers, what happens when you put the disk back into the one that wrote it? Were there no error messages at all? How much work went into that file you saved?
  16. I avoid killing the little ones too but for flying cockroaches or anything really nasty that flies, I use hairspray instead of bug spray. Stops the flapping instantly so they drop straight to the ground. Or maybe... jmh, you should just let his people go. ETA: HBD, ausdon!!! :7252: and yeah,
  17. Quick hi to all since I has a long day beginning at 9am when I woke up with a start to realize that I'd missed both my alarms, an 8am meeting and an 8:30 meeting. Called the office to let them know I was safe, hadn't won the lotto and was still coming in at around 10ish, spent the rest of the afternoon driving around town picking up a puppet stage, donations and testing the sound system at the Julia C. Hester House in Houston, our project site which I just realized is rather historic. Hugs to all in the storm's path!!! Thanks to all who PM'ed puppetry tips, including my sweet babbooo! Have fun at the quilting retreat!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Non-Clay but Help! I'm still at the office trying to coordinate a puppet show/craft project/story-telling project for our United Way DOC next week. I left for HK 2 weeks ago with a small project & budget for 12 volunteers -- and came back to find that I have 50 kids (age 0-5) and (luckily) 30 volunteers. Eeek! If anyone has done a puppet show before (or if you teach pre-school kids), I'd love some advice! I cleared my PM box somewhat. Please PM me. (I have ordered 15 hand puppets and I plan to make more sock puppets as part of the craft project) This is for Sept. 11 (Thursday next week) so I'm desperate! ETA: Clay content -- wish we could entertain like he does!!!
  19. Glad to hear this but please take extra precautions anyway. The "tornadic activity" part could be unpredictable. Stay safe! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: 9pm would have been too late for Orion. I'm guessing that the bright star you saw was Regulus, Leo's heart.
  20. Could we move one or two of the really great pictures to the FCA gallery so that folks could view them from behind photobucket-protected firewalls? Pretty please? Thx! {{{Muski & family}}} Congrats on the upcoming GC, gbmifan!
  21. HBD merrieeee!!! :bday2: And...Have a great day everyone!
  22. Oh, they're adorable! So cute!!! OK last one, for real: She sighs and you're feeling Like a toy on a string And your heart goes: ring-a-ding ding Can somebody post a cute picture already? Pleeeeease?!!! ETA: Yessss! Back to normal... thanks bunches!
  23. I don't worry, things are fine Way up there in Appollo Nine
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