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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Oh, I came in just in time! Hugs on your series of unfortunate events! {{{aikim}}} Popping in to say a quick hi to everyone. They didn't have internet access in the hospital but swung by my cousin's house for a quick change and shower & I got my nephew off his computer just long enough to get caught up. The good news is my aunt is doing much better now that they've fitted her with a gastric feeding tube. She recognized me the minute I walked into her room while I was surprised to find her playing cards (a version of Hearts called "Carga Burro", some old Spanish game) with my cousin. She's alert and responds very well although she still has some edema and fluid in her lungs. She will be undergoing an ultrasound today but if all goes well she may come home from the hospital tomorrow. Time difference? Manila and Hongkong are exactly 12 hours ahead of EDT -- so just switch am/pm from Eastern. It's 20 after 8am August 26 right now in Manila, and I think it's 8:20 pm on the night of August 25 in NY/Toronto. My cousins have the TV on Denver (we're very political here) so I'll get to watch some of that before I head out. Can't write very much today so my rebuttal recap will have to wait... *rubs hands in anticipation* Glad to see you made it to Guangzhou, KAndre. So... what's the name of the Macau hotel where we're going to meet on Thursday night? /jk :F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone! Will be posting more from Macau and Hongkong.
  2. Thanks for the great tips, Kareneh! It's getting light here so I can't wait to test them out tonight!!! So nice to see you posting again! I probably shouldn't call it spectacular -- the ones that Kareneh linked were. We don't get as much neon lights from here, mostly twinkling lights from the boats in the harbor. This is what it looks like at dawn...
  3. {{{Iseeme and family}}} I'm very sorry to hear about your MIL. :thbighug-1: Hi all! It's 3:30 am here and my time hasn't turned yet so I'm wide awake (actually, no it HAS turned because I wake up at 3:30 am at home too)... I'm sitting by the window sill of our room (jmh, it's the courtyard). When we checked in they said that they upgraded us to a harborview room and we thought cool! When we got upstairs though, our jaws dropped! We have a room at the top floor (only 8 rooms on the floor) with a magnificent view of the harbor --- and NO DRAPES or CURTAINS!!! ... there's something about the bathroom shower too but I'll let KAndre tell you about that... It's way way above ground, though, so I think only the seagulls can peek in on us. right now, I'm sitting at the window sill gazing at the twinkling lights in the harbor -- they're so pretty -- and missing you all. I'm going to try to take a picture in a little bit -- I wish I still had the concert settings I got from tasapio because I brought the S3 from the LA cd signing and it's ideal for this because the flash is broken (don't know when that happened but I guess it's not easy to notice that the flash doesn't work at a Clay Aiken concert; could have happened a year ago), but I forgot what values to use. Kareneh, if you're online, is it shutter priority? And what speed should I use? Oh, I also line-dried everything before I moved to the US. I still think the sunlight and wind makes everything smell and look better. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. Just checking in from the hotel... used our meal vouchers and trying to get some rest since our flight is currently pegged at 6:30 am so we'll need to be back at the airport pretty early. The details are more interesting but those'll have to wait. All I can say is that I'm so glad that this time I packed the chargers and cords in my carry-on instead of the checked luggage. And that for some reason I thought to put an extra shirt in my bag. *amazed* Thanks, everyone, for all the hugs and good wishes! Luvya, jmh! So... is it the consensus that this is still ok? 'night every one :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. We just had an announcement. Our flight has been moved again, this time to 6:30 in the morning but we're going to get vouchers for a hotel. This is starting to get really worrisome... I didn't mention it before but I am continuing on to visit relatives in Manila. I still have some buffer room with my connection (that was booked on another airline) but it's shrinking rapidly. Thanks for all the hugs and good wishes to everyone who's posted! Talk to you from the hotel.
  6. Cindilu, I forgot to say that I love the pin and would like to have two! Aikim, hugs on the memories. Yes, I know what that's like and it's a matter of taking ownership & moving forward with a better attitude. Ansa, annabear, cindilu2 & everyone, thanks for the good wishes. We're ok actually -- better to be warm and dry here, waiting it out. If we had taken the Guam route, it could have been much, much worse!
  7. (Scarlett as Scarlett again...) Look at the bright side: - We know Newark airport better than any other, including our main one in Houston. - And the people here already know us or at least they seem to think we look vaguely familiar - Without even turning, both KAndre and I can name all the fastfood kiosks in our section, and identify the only one that stays open 24 hrs (Mickey D's) - The last time we were marooned here for half a day, we got an iGallop out of it and lastly... - If Clay were already doing Spamalot, we'd be so trying to get to Times Square rigtht now (and back again at midnight!) ps. How strange is it that while we're wrestling with this big typhoon NURI, another typhoon named KAREN is about to make landfall in the Philippines today. (Edited to correct this info: Typhoons Nuri and Karen are one and the same!) I TOLD YA it's Typhoon AND Monsoon season!!! They're both on from June to September. I know this. Growing up there I only had one, ONE!! birthday party outdoors in July. The average number of rainy days in July and August is 17 each! If you want nice weather in Southeast Asis, come between October and February! *this is going to be such an exciting trip, LOL!* Thanks for the hugs, Claymatron and thanks for the waving, playbiller! *waves right back* Also, belated wecome to preden! ETA: Hee, aikim! Hope you didn't wind up with an iGallop too! ETAA: Typhoon Nuri IS the same as Typhoon Karen!! Karen is the PHilippines' local name for Nuri --------------------------- On the more somber side, Nuri/Karen already made landfall yesterday and caused a lot of damage, killing 5.
  8. Scarlett says keep up the waving, play! You've only got 5 hours to go! I like both Anne of Green Gable and Have Spacesuit, Will Travel. I'm also trying to keep Scarlett from kicking all the people who are boarding instead of us, the deserving!
  9. This is NOT Scarlett. See, I knew being "good" doesn't get you anywhere except frickin' Newark frackin' Airport.... I went to bed at two this morning. Woke up cheerfully at 4. My car service was at my front door promptly at 5:30. Scarlett even actually answered her phone as we went off to pick her up. Of course, whatever the hell code she told us didn't actually work. But hell, we were at the airport and through security and sitting our butts in the President's Club by 6 frickin' forty-five. That's some sort of goddam record. Our interim flight (remember that word, INTERIM) to Newark was supposed to leave at 8 so we trot our happy asses down to the gate at 7:25. Yeah, you read that right. We didn't haven't run, skip OR jump! Of course I was battling Chase at that time since I was trying to explain to them I really would be using my card in China. Yes, me. Yes, I'm sure I'm me. No, I don't know the date or amount of my initial deposit, you idiot, because I've been banking at your fucking bank since sometimes in the 90's. I know perfectly well I submitted freakin' security questions, why don't you frickin' ask me those. Give me a supervisor RIGHT NOW. And of course while I'm in the middle of my reasoned discourse with Chase, the gate agent is explaining that they have bumped me from my bulkhead seat, and as if that isn't bad enough, they have to put me in an aisle seat. In the back of the plane. Because the plane is so very goddamn full. I growl, accept my new boarding pass and leave a message for my Continental agent. I notice that there seems to be a lot of empty seats. A LOT of empty seats. And as the heifer sitting next to me whines for the fourth time in seven minutes how she was first on the upgrade list and they put someone in there before me, I am eyeing two completely empty rows in front of me with eager, yet jaundiced eyes. They announce they are shutting the door. I make a leap for the empty seat. They then announce that oh by the way, we're opening the doors to let some more people on. I sullenly move back to my seat because of course I know that they will just let on enough to take up the open rows. Which they do. We then take off an hour late. And get to watch "Leathernecks", which George Clooney should be ashamed to attach his name too. We land only 40 minutes late because even though the pilot made up twenty minutes, we had to sit on the runway for another ten. We hop off the plane and check with the gate agent about the correct gate for our flight. It was originally C121 and they had moved it to C90. That's all he said. We figured we had an hour to kill instead of the original two hours. And since it was afternoon, alcoholic libations were calling my name. We go upstairs to the President's Club and as we pass the Arrival/Departure monitors, I notice our flight. Which was now at Gate C99. But instead of departing at 3 pm - it now said departing at... 11:55PM. I swear to God. I made some sort of noise. I think it was a bad word. It caught Scarlett's attention, who then made some sort of noise. We went to Customer Service, hoping beyond hope that we had become partially illiterate and had made a mistake. Oh now. That would have been TOO easy. Customer Service said something about a typhoon. In Hong Kong. Scarlett immediately comments, "I TOLD you it was typhoon season". Which I don't believe is true. She said it was Monsoon season. Which is much better. So there. We call the hotel to explain we aren't gonna show up when we said we were and that we don't wanna pay for a night we aren't gonna use. Scarlett got to make that call in order to use the charm offensive. Which worked. Of course, they say it's not raining there now. Happily, me and Scarlett have memorized the entire fuckin' Newark airport but we have promised ourselves no iGallops this trip. Sigh.
  10. Hi! Miss us? I'm going to let KAndre explain since she does this so well! But just wanted to say hi and missya! Playbiller, just turn towards Newark airport and we'll be waving to you.
  11. OMG, I posted this at 10 while munching from a plate of wings and literally fell asleep. Woke up with a start at 2am when my arm felt itchy -- I had fallen asleep next to the wings and they were crawling with ants! I hadn't packed, hadn't answered my messages (see below), hadn't washed, hadn't done anything! I had no idea what time KAndre was swinging by my house to pick me up and I'm not sure I gave her the right gate key code; besides, she doesn't have my apt number. Eeeeeek! So I tossed some clothes into a suitcase -- luckily I wasn't fully unpacked from San Francisco so my basic supplies / lens case / toiletries were still there, ran the dishwasher (after tossing in the plate that had the wings), took a quick shower and then checked my phone & realized that KAndre wouldn't be here until 6am! Now what am I to do with myself at 4:30 am with 1.5 hours on my hands? I guess I can sit here and post about how much I'll miss everyone. Oh and luckily I'd fixed my houseplants before I fixed my supper so I'm all set - didn't find the water bulbs (MUAH to Cotton and annabear and Gibby, next time I'll have some) but thanks to a suggestion from Iseeme I put them all in a large planter tub (standing on bricks) and filled it with enough water to last 10 days (I hope!) We'll probably check in briefly at Newark Airport and after that you're going to read the first report from Hong Kong (along with the account of what it was like to fly over the Arctic Circle - one of us giggling and the other grabbing every blanket within reach, ooooh I pity those travellers who'll be sitting near us today.... *giggles*) OMG, I forgot to study Chinese swear words! Need to google for a site that has those, preferably with sample mp3's!!! (or could you upload some to the media site, claytonic?) Oh, I guess I'll survive. As long as I know how to say this I'm fine: OTOH, wouldn't it be cool to have a ringtone with the same guy who says "I'm sure you recognize this voice... I need you to pick up the phone right now." doing the exact same thing but in Mandarin? I bet if he did it it Korean he could finance 50 TBAF camps just on Korean sales alone. Later!!! ps KAndre, yes please we need a shuttle to the hotel... thanks ... (I hope you read this before leaving... of course you will... you don't leave the house w/o checking FCA even when you and keepingfaith are rushing to meet us) *waves wildly at claytonic, jmh123 (don't forget our date to do this + Shanghai + Xian someday), wandacleo, Muski, cha cha, Lotus and Couch Tomato!!!*
  12. Thanks for the wellwishes, Carolina Clay, keepingfaith, Iseeme, aikim, ldyjocelyn, FromClaygary, annabear, Claygasm, Perma, Gibby, Cotton!!! (I hope I didn't miss anyone - :F_05BL17blowkiss: but the search engine won't let me search for eHP. FromClaygary, have fun in Moncton! ....
  13. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Finally I'm home! I thought I'd never get to leave today! But then... once I get here... I'm gonna miss you guys! I wish we could do the FCA spa/retreat sometime. Let's pick the place with the cheapest airfare in the country and just fly there regardless of what's in the city and hang someplace. Tomorrow morning KAndre and I are flying to Newark like we seem to do all the time (well, except for that one time we both ended up in Philly) and after a short layover, we're going to be flying over the North Pole towards Hong Kong -- 15 hours straight! I didn't pick this route -- just went along with KAndre. I thought we would have gone the LA/Honolulu/Guam route, you know, the one with the warm tropical islands, but since this is the one that was picked for me I guess I can deal. If we see any reindeer or a guy in a red suit, we'll let him know that we've all been v. v. good girls here at FCA. ... off to pack ... but still schmoopie... be good while we're away 'k? ... uh ... and if you can't be good... buy us some tickets too!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: will miss ya, my s.b.! *don't find someone else while I'm gone!* And I can't wait to use this! Awww, cindilu, is there any chance we can have this in chinese characters?
  14. Checking in after running so many errands tonight... to {{{Cotton and Cottonsis}}} Hope you find a better position soon!!! And for those *(^%'s that did this, pbbbbtttt!!! <insert Clay picture here> Thanks for all the pretty pictures of your sweet ones, laljeterfan, keepingfaith, Cha cha, Gibby, Carolina Clay and KAndre!!! I'm sorry to hear about your migraine, annabear, but thanks for the Orlando memories!!! Best of luck, 00lsee!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh nooooo!!! Vinyls have better sound quality than CD's! Glad you kept your hundred best. Topic: And lastly,
  15. I'm about to go back to that world where I had my kids... on the good side, there were always helpers in the house who could assist on anything... on the not so good side, there was absolutely no privacy... on the good side, friends and family were constantly around to help and/or offer advice ... on the not so good side, friends and family were constantly around to help and/or offer advice. Having kids was something I really, really wanted so I remember that it was a happy time for me. A lot of times I tried to do too much and people would have to tell me to delegate but when I was tired it was a happy tired. It also helped a lot that my babies were generally healthy and we didn't have to go see the doctor for anything other than the regular check-ups until they were in grade school and got the chicken pox. I think they grow up too quickly.
  16. That 32 up there looks so pretty. Have a great day everyone!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :nature-smiley-014:
  17. I'm seriously trying to talk my friend into going at this time as opposed to our original end of Oct. timeframe. The hotel prices are soooooooo much better. I'll be there for the last weekend too -- please include me in your plans!!! Eeeeee!
  18. {{{Clayzedover}}} Sending you good thoughts and prayers for a full recovery! Cotton, neat placemats! I think the extent to which Parker can just see him just as Dad can be influenced by how much people are willing to step back and let them be. If all your playmates are skipping off to the nearest fishing spot and you have to be taken via helicopter by people with walkie-talkies, then you know that things are "special". I think the best gift that the fans can give to him is just like the best gift we can each give to our own children -- to let them grow. Like Couchie, I'm a Clarker fan. I admit that I would love to see a picture but it ends up that all I could do is imagine then so be it.
  19. Thanks a bunch, Heidi and Gibby! (I need a headbang icon because I just got back from HEB and forgot to get sugar because they had Ranier cherries & I got completely distracted. Between that and the ripe jackfruit & fresh lychees that I already had in the fridge, I'm in fruit heaven tonight! Driving home was nice, though, because the full moon was just rising during my drive home. Did anyone else see it? It was huge!
  20. Cotton, :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'll just the mix the first time too, then. But I'd still like to make my own eventually. I just hope the hummingbirds will like it. The difficult way (notice I didn't say 'hard') is always fascinating to me. I also thought cloth vs disposable was a matter of choice. Bottle, cute icons! Clay content: we need some Clay content. See Gibby's pics up there!
  21. Thanks, annabear and Cotton! I will order a set and also go to BB&B tomorrow -- hopefully between them I'll get enough. I can always get more plants to use them if I have too many. Gibby, if you are ok with waiting I can give you my feedback on these. BTW, the page always looks so much prettier after you post. hanks for the gorgeous pictures! :thumbup: ETA: Cotton and Gibby, do you make your own hummingbird nectar? Is it 1:4 or 1:6 sugar to water? ETAA: Thanks Cotton! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  22. Sorry for being late but HBD Timetravellerpax!!! :7254: Can't believe I drove all the way to Lowe's and was at the checkout counter before I realized I didn't have my wallet -- and I was buying a hummingbird feeder too. Wonder if they'll like it here since I'm so close to the airport? Also, Lowe's didn't have any of those glass balls that water your plants for you. Has anyone used them? Where do you get those and do they actually work? I need to keep 2 banana plants and a large palm watered for 10 days in Texas weather. ... off to go claim my hummingbird feeder ETA: I forgot about Clay content... (thanks cindilu2!)
  23. Swinging by quickly in between errands but I couldn't leave keepingfaith hanging since 2:47pm ... I just want to say this: One picture of Clay in a tank top holding Parker trumps any picture on this page. (didn't some famous person do a dad&son series sometime ago?) Belated welcome to Peyton!. Yes, please post anything you have!!! And btw: (Unfortunately, I still haven't learned much Mandarin beyond this. Maybe my problem is needing a reason to learn) ETA: Hi BW, it's Equus.
  24. Hi all! I'm hooooome! Anyone here? Bueller? Is everyone asleep already? Oh, that's ok. I see you left me lots of pretty pictures! And thanks for the memories, Carolina Clay!!! I just got back from a fine movie -- jmh123 and djs111, have you seen "Mongol"? I miss that type of breathtaking cinematography nowadays. *Swoons! * I did notice that for some mysterious reason, I'm drawn to the life of Gengis Khan right now. Do y'all think it's got something to do with leaving for the Orient with KAndre in 5 days? Thanks to everyone who brought the pretties! Off to bed now... :wetkissf: Topic: (so cute!!!)
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