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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. SLC's Newark clack is up, and she posted some screencaps too.

    Did he do this at any other venue?


    Bad, bad Clay. :naughtywag:




    Just GAH:


    I found this in the CH archives when I was looking for something else. It was from a LiveJournal blog of one of the JNaT06 tour musicians. Makes me schmoopie.

    I went to bergenPAC yesterday, arrived right on time, took out my viola, and started rehearsing with most of the Edison Symphony regulars. Fifteen minutes into the rehearsal, a pale, skinny guy with shaggy, rumpled hair and a hoodie wanders onstage, perches himself on a stool behind the conductor, Judy, and starts joking around with the cellos and first violins. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Clay Aiken. Apparently. I've seen his CD in stores and thusly had a vague idea of what he looks like, but having never seen an episode of American Idol and never being one to frequent Top 40 stations, I wouldn't know a song of his if I tripped on it in the street.

    Easy listening music is not exactly my scene, so I was pretty deadset about not liking him, but in all honesty, the guy is adorable. Really. It's not that I think his features are particularly attractive, but you just can't not like him. He's so damn personable, and he cracks stupid jokes at the expense of everyone, himself included, and you feel like you've known each other forever.

    Clearly she isn't into radio if she thinks that top-40=easy listening. LOL. But who cares? I just love this.

  2. Totally OT, but my brother-in-law has decided to clean out the attic at my mother's house (even though I think he should be cleaning her bathroom instead, but that's another story, and he found that the roof is leaking a bit, so it's good news that he found that out early before there was any damage).

    Now my family moved into this house in 1968, in the middle of the school year. It was my parents' dream house, close enough for my father to walk to work, lots of room, huge lot, and so forth. We moved in some haste because we needed to sell the old house, and there'd been some issues with our old church that had come to a head (KKK deacons not happy with me or my parents for not raising me "right"). Somehow, my brother's prized Lionel train set was left behind and he's always been upset about it. It's never been forgotten, and is a frequent topic of family conversation to this day. Well, my brother-in-law just found the train set in the attic. I just wish my daddy were still alive to hear this, because he always felt bad about leaving it behind. :cryingwlaughter:

    Re: Christmas shows, yeah, I noticed that the unusually long period of euphoria in the fandom is over. Whatever. I'm sure his career is over. :cry4: Not. :cryingwlaughter:

  3. The one thing tha I am always amazed at is the acheivements of the woman fans here and on other boards - there has to be some statistical anomoly here.

    I do believe you're right, I noticed from the start that for whatever reason Clay appeals to above-average intelligent, successful, powerful-type women. I bet if someone were to do a poll among Clay fans they would find that the number of women holding higher paying jobs and advanced degrees is far above that of the national average. Why? 'Cuz Clay is the thinking woman's heart throb!

    That being said.....I still wanna do him six ways from Sunday.


    I think it's because Clay likes powerful women. Clearly, in today's world, that still isn't the case for all men.

  4. Scarlett, I can relate on many levels, even though not the ethnic one. Being female, being small, doing a job that people don't expect someone who looks like me to be doing, being continually condescended to by people. GRRRRRR. I can only imagine the extra wallop of yet another social barrier to transcend.

    Fuck 'em--you're better than any 10 of them put together!!! Sic us Claymates on 'em and there won't be anything left bigger than a toothpick. Heh. We'll be like Aiken's maenads.

  5. In honor of the performance to come this week I just watched the Solitaire montage that includes his two AI performances and Neil's comments about the song both when he first performed it and later when it went to #1, followed by luckiest1&goldarngirl productions AC Best of Solitaire. Damn I wish it were gonna be on TV. What I noticed is that each time he performs the song he brings something new to it. The difference between AI2 Solitaire (which by the way was hawt y'all) and AI3 is striking. Then there was NAT Solitaire--the encore, the platform, the wail--followed by JBT Solitaire, almost at the beginning of the show, with the pronounced facial movements that signalled to me he was really working on his sound, trying to restrain it and shape it. Wonder what he'll do for Sedaka's 50th?? Betcha he's consulting with various folks about his performance and what to do with it to make it fresh this time. Maybe we'll get a bit of feel for the sound of the new album from this performance since he's recording at the moment. It's a NYC performance, a sort of re-debut there in advance of Spamalot, so you know he's going to want to knock it out of the park. How will the song be arranged? What musicians will he have? Will he have Jesse and Sean? Quiana and Angela? Or will it be just him alone on the stage as on AI2? I wish I could be there.

    Luckiest1&goldarngirl--good stuff, really nice work. Just excellent. I'm clearing room on my hard drive so I can download the rest.

  6. FromClaygary, that's some hairdo you've got there. I remember those very well. BWAH. :cryingwlaughter:

    This is so cute! A YouTube of a couple in a car lipsynching to EIH: YouTube - EIH. Poor guy is trying to drive but eventually he gets sucked in, and he obviously knows the song too. I think it's "their song". I looked at this gal's other videos, and she's got a lot of diverse stuff, no other Clay vids. Lots of "cool" people--why you'd almost think Clay was cool. :imgtongue:

  7. When I was a teenager, my family moved to the big city, we acquired a TV and I fell in love with American Bandstand. When I was 18, I was auditioned for and won, a role on the Canadian version~Teen n Twenty, which was syndicated across Canada. I worked there for 3 years, and met many of the "stars" of the time as we performed with them. Most were a big letdown. :cryingwlaughter: Met my husband-to-be there too...he was a big letdown as well. :lol:

    How cool is that!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Laughing about the cool part since that seems to be a theme today. Seriously, that sounds really neat--bet it was interesting. Not primarily the "stars" but seeing all the goings-on from behind the scenes.

  8. I hadn't really seen too many concerts---Chicago, Three Dog Night, Rolling Stones, Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne...you get the drift...

    Mr. Muski helped me get "cool", though...I even caught a tamborine from one of band members at a Marshal Tucker Bank concert!

    Nah. I'm still not cool. I still tend to like more 'mainstream' music...

    I loved those artists. I'm with you muski. I was never really "cool" or knowledgeable about rockers or hard rock groups. I'm a more mainstream pop/ac music type lover. Although, since Clay has renewed my interest in the music scene, I am more open to liking different artists and genres of music. lightmyfire also knows a lot about rock stars. She has interviewed a lot of them. I have recently been checking out the top 25 lists of hit songs from the 70-s and 80-s and current hits of today. Listening to some of those old songs on you tube is so much fun. I'm trying to put together a list of songs for some new cds. I want to make.

    I like all those artists too--you mean they weren't cool in their day?? I saw the Marshall Tucker Band in concert--were they supposedly more cool? I thought Bonnie Raitt was pretty much the coolest thing ever when I saw her. Very confusing this "cool" business.

    Sounds like a bad case of the munchies to me. :smokelots: Back away from the wacky tabacky. :cryingwlaughter: I keed, I keed.

    That's what I thought too, but I wasn't gonna say nuttin. :cryingwlaughter:

    Drugs? I prefer Miss Consciousness Expansion of 1969. You know, all the telepathy stuff, Alan Watts ("The Wisdom of Insecurity," "The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Really Are"), the magical mystery tour .... are you familiar with the synchronicity of coincidence, ClayGary?

    Hey--I expanded my consciousness for a living--bet you can't beat that. (Course I had lots of practice first.)

    Yeah for Texas music--don't forget the Eagles. My family came that close to moving to Austin when I was in high school.

    One of my students went to this big music festival of all types of music (new artists maybe??) in Austin every year. He's an indie indie now (that is an independent promoter of indie music) (well he was then too, but now he gets paid).

  9. I do agree with Jenna that most of the publicity lately is due to the particular entitites he's involved himself with (Spamalot, AYSTAFG, and now UNICEF). But then, that's my opinion, I could be wrong [tm Dennis Miller before he turned into a major asshole]. Unless Clay tells me, I'll never really know.

    Keepingfaith, :naughtywag:

    Thanks for the stream of consciousness there on George--good stuff. I'll be looking for that one for sure.

    Scarlett :openflower3: I'm so so sorry about the bad days stuff. Just know that you are very much loved. Not to worry about pictures--just think of me when you're there. I have my pretties to look at once again, thanks to that bit of serendipity with you. MUAH big time for that.

    I can just imagine the shift in perception that's about to happen for a lot of people--a lot like you describe, keepingfaith, as happening on the AI5 finale for you.

  10. Thanks for the kind thoughts, mine were not always so kind about her today. This was the second time she ran out today, the electrician moved the gate keeping her in to come and talk to me, she was out like a lightening bolt. He goes - "hey, your dog moves fast".Dog5.gif Now she looks more like this. dog009.gif. She wants to lay her head against my heart l;ike she likes to do, but the collar is in the way.

    Anyway, she had scrapped chin and the tops of her paws where she skidded and had a 6 inch deep long cut along her side nearly a foot long probably from the impact. She had stiches and a drain right now, but will have her stitches taken out just in time for me to leave her with her sitter and take off for Vegas. I am not looking forward to the pain she will feel when the pain med wear out. I got the people at the vet just as they were closing their office, so lucked out there. Her shoulder is a mess, but she will recover. The problem was that she got out exactly at rush hour. She never goes to the busy street, but all streets are busy at rush hour. I almost caught her twice, but she wouldn't let me get closer than three feet away.

    Playbiller, I'm so glad Holly is going to be OK. What a scare!! She's one lucky dog, although I doubt she feels lucky right at the moment.

  11. WOW! cha cha trusty! How scary! I've been in that position of watching a car coming at me too fast, but never had one that wasn't able to stop. Do take care of your back/neck for awhile--maybe get some gentle massages. As you probably know, the most common injuries from that kind of accident are to the neck, and aren't always easy to pinpoint on an X-ray.

    I don't think anyone's mentioned this. I saw it on the CB. Forgotn1 posted this here yesterday:

    Anyone see The Daily show with Jon Stewart?

    He had Stephen Colbert on and when Stephen came out he ran around shaking hands with the audience and then sat down pulled out a bottle of hand sanitiser and said " I don't know where your audience has been Jon."

  12. Just catching up there's been so much to read these days with all the wonderful news!! I wanted to chime in regarding those who feel bad because they can't attend concerts, Broadway etc do to whatever reason. Yes, it seems like "everyone" is going when you read the boards & you can feel the excitement but feel left out when you can't go. My DH died April. 06. He required a lot of care due the nature of his illness. He encouraged me to go see Clay as we live in Clayland & it didn't mean days away etc. I rarely went because I felt like I needed to be home as every moment left with him was precious. I had to share my Clay joy thru those who attended, wonderful clack etc. Sometimes real life just has to come first. I had to put my big girl panties on & do what was right. After he died I found a birthday card he had bought in advance & the only words inside were " I hope you dance". This is my wish for Clay in regard to his career. Yes, I'm able to go see Clay when I want to now, but what I wouldn't give to not go to concerts because the reason for not going still existed.

    Beautiful post! I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful wish he left behind for you!

    I'm not sure what theoutlook for ice wine will be this year. The grapes have to still be on the vine for the first frost and this year has been so warm that they are all ripening early and falling off.

    Early frosts are good for making ice wine but bad for the regular stuff. Can't please all the people ... yadda, yadda.

    Come on, jmh, winter can be beautiful up here. Especially if you can sit inside by a roaring fire and admire it through the window! Getting around in it, not so much fun.

    It is beautiful to look at through a window, when you're warm and toasty inside, and the snow is fresh and white. Just not as glorious as the summers for this southern gal. I very happily left my snow shovel and car brush behind!!

  13. Some of us are thinking of watching a show on a Friday then driving to the FingerLakes region on Saturday and heading back to catch another show on Sunday night. I loved the Summer tour for introducing us to Canandaigua and the areas around it. It's also where I met a lot of FCA'ers for the first time. Wish we had more time to enjoy it before heading to other summer shows. It'll be great to be able to do all that with friends at the end of April.

    Hey! That's were I live! If you are really planning on driving up here (it's a six-hour drive from NYC) in the winter, be sure and watch the weather! We can get a lot of snow. As beautiful as the area is, driving through a white-out is NOT fun.

    If you do come, let me know. We can do a Clay tour!!!

    Um, yeah, Fingerlakes very pretty (in the summer) but a long way from NYC and the snow never melts til April or May. They do keep the main roads pretty clear, and since you're driving, you can just wait and see what the weather is like the weekend you are there, but honestly, not so very pretty in the winter--kind of drab.

    ETA: I will so go with you one day, jmh123!!! (BTW, do you want a museum-cert sometime? I want to go back to the Shanghai exhibit one Saturday -- you pick one except in early Nov)

    Awwwwwww, you're sweet, but it's the seeing part that appeals. You can take some photos or video for me if they're allowed--that would be way cool.

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