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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. According to the CV Cert

    Last night flashes were a real problem. Jerome told the M & G'ers that the flashes were annoying and anyone flashes tonite they will take them out.

    I love ya babes. :cryingwlaughter:

    What's so funny?

    CinPA posted the same thing at the CH. :cryingwlaughter:

    WAYC from Quiana now. I actually had video of her singing this in Wichita - do you think anyone would be interested in having me upload it to the vault?

    Oh please. It's the only thing I'm missing in my iPod version.

    Okay, I'll upload it tonight. My files are so big b/c I filmed at the max resolution the camera would take, so the files take forever to upload! They compress them in the vault so they're not so big.

    DSIAFCD - he sings it sooooo well! He said to give hugs - so here's one for everyone here -


    Thanks. And I'll join you. [[[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] for all.

  2. Does anyone know if Clay has 'walked the line' by the buses at any of the concerts?

    No, he hasn't. There's been a security issue, and some say Jerome is putting the kibbosh on it. It's too damn cold, IMO. For all concerned. He isn't able to leave venues quickly, there are things he has to do, and the others too, and it's too cold for the security guards and others to be out there so long.

    WAYC from Quiana now. I actually had video of her singing this in Wichita - do you think anyone would be interested in having me upload it to the vault?

    Oh please. It's the only thing I'm missing in my iPod version.

  3. I have a skit script like thing that have have to show y'all, I do not know if this is fanfiction or not so i really do not know if it's aceptable , should i post a peice of it here to see if it is fancition and i KNOW that fanfiction is not allowed here, but it is like a script of 2 make beleave shows.

    Here is a example of what it is

    Fan1: I love clay becouse he is a man of integrity and his voice is so very nice.

    Fan2: (smiles) I love clay because he is a very charitiable guy with a heart of gold.


    And as for the concerts from the clack i see, he makes his tours very different i my opion and that waht makes them good.

    I agree about the tours, and I'd love to see your skit!

    Ok this is my first post and hopefully not my last. I've been a lurker for a while but only recently joined this and 2 other boards. RHT and the infamous (at least to you guys) Chexxxy's. Yes that's right I'm a member of that board. It's not a bad board at all and I feel bad that some feel that it is. The only philosphy there is to respect Clay and take him at his word. Do you guys? Sometimes I feel while reading here that some of you believe the crazy rumours about him. I hope not since it to me would be sad to think that he's up there on the stage, on TV or whatever and at the same time that someone is posting about how CUTE he looks is also thinking that behind closed doors he's some kind of freaky monster. Thanks for letting me vent.

    I have no idea where you got that impression but you could not be more wrong.

    Do we know who nuChik is? Great comment.

    Okay, carry on.

    Those comments were funny--lots of familiar board names. Don't know who nuChik is, but the sn sounds familiar.

    Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


    My little ode to the... critics (click)


    BWAH!!! I'm holding my tongue on this because I want to encourage the love for this tour, even from people who might've judged it in haste.

    Or what playbiller said:

    I am always sorely tempted to dig through archives to find old quotes, but then I remember how many times in life I reverse myself as I learn more. Always a good reason to reserve judgement until we actually have some facts.

    When it comes to the most maligned tour turned most loved, it has to be the JBT, when it comes to the most maligned until this day tour it would be the JNT05. I still believe that the problem is that people sat too close and only watched Clay instead of looking at it as a whole, but then, I did sit pretty far back deliberately once. and Moderately far back just because that is what I got.

    Here is the thing, most fans want the fans numbers to grow and be more inclusive, yet when Clay does something unexpected, i.e. always, then it is condemned as not appealing to the masses. yet, I know people who loved the JNT05 the most and they are the NJU. I think Clay knows what he wants to do and just has to be given a chance to do it without the albatross around his neck of a "do what you did before again please".

    Great post!!

  4. But first night I just thought solemn and somber and joyless were buzzwords for where is my funny sexy man that is supposed to entertain all the friends I talked into going and now all they're going to get is.... singing :cryingwlaughter: So I laugh at that, not someone's real opinion on the show. It's not the end of the world if it's not universally liked. Nothing is.

    You are right, and that's why those words carried a subtext into the conversation thereafter.


    I'm banning the word Crisp. It makes me want to run out and buy a $2 apple

    carry on.

    BWAH. I :F_05BL17blowkiss: Couch Tomato :lilredani:

  5. According to CV:

    Actually, the scarf and hat I saw were oatmeal/whitish with red embroidery.

    Stocking cap, red, w/ Clay Aiken on the front part that can roll up. I think Clayperfect said it is with white lettering. And she said the scarf is cream with red lettering and a very soft fabric, like soft terry cloth or chenille, and has a snowfake and says with love, Clay.

    Pictures here at CB, one with the vest (gah): CB

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