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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Some pretties from tonight...


    What pretty pretties!! This one ^^^^ is my favorite.

    This one - I just LOVE! I am such a sucker for a Clay smile!

    Back off CG -- that smile is MINE!!!!! :thdom2:

    OK, back to packing for my trip for boyfriend.

    iPod -- check.

    PDA -- check.

    Cell phone -- check.

    Laptop -- check.

    Camera -- check.

    Yep, I fit in with the eHP JUST fine.

    Ooooooh she's a bit skeery. :thdom2:

    Have a blast at the concert!!!! I know you will.

  2. Actuyally, the interesting thing is they are sitting in front of K'Andre. They better not block her view or make noise or world domination will come sooner than they think

    I'm waiting for her to holler at them, "Clay is not your friend, you stupid bitches!!"

    That would be worth the price of admission!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    No kidding!! :cryingwlaughter: I hope Solo smacks them side of the head, KAndre yells at them, and Scarlett gets clack as Jerome drags them out by their noses!!

  3. Some of us only get one channel.

    I know. I know. I'm fortunate. I laugh at my human nature, but I'm not forgetting how lucky I am.

    Hee. I know. I'm sure I would too.

    Qeez my dog's can't make up their minds......one wants in...one wants out...they both want in....both want out out...other one wants out...other one wants in....I'm getting my exercise tonight.

    So maybe it's my animal nature, except I can do my own opening and shutting of the door. :cryingwlaughter:

    His voice is so sublime on that medley. Sigh.

  4. I'd like to know what all the fuss is about RCA limiting sales when AIW has apparently sold all of 1,200 copies on iTunes so far (if Ken Barnes of USA Today's stats do apply to downloads). They paid for a fricking banner, and Clay blogged, and everything. WTF? Could it be that the "enthusiastic" fans are distracted, or aren't directing that enthusiasm to purchasing $4 albums on iTunes? He certainly isn't taking iTunes by storm with the NJU crowd. We don't see many digital download stats for Clay, mainly because they're not high enough to chart. Ain't nobody stopping people from downloading from iTunes or buying from Amazon. Maybe AIW would've sold better as a re-release in the stores, given how well MCWL is still selling, but who knows, maybe a big chunk of those new sales for MCWL are iTunes downloads too. I think most are WalMart and Target, both of which had MCWL in special displays.

    I do think that MGUCL has been downloaded quite a bit as a single, based on it shooting up to second all time singles downloads for Clay over even BOTW, maybe because it is on their list of 44 recommended holiday tunes. But MDYK is still his top seller of all singles, holiday or otherwise, and it's #60 of the top 100 holiday songs today based on sales--nothing from AIW is ranked on the top 100 pop singles list. MCWL was ranked in the top 100 of the pop album sales chart at iTunes for a few weeks, but isn't there now. I do see AIW is #39 in pop album sales today, so maybe next week's figures will be better.

  5. To satisfy DJS, I will state a not fully thought out theory and let you guys develop it, if you so desire.

    This summer Clay said one funny thing about RCA. A fan asked him if he would come out iwth a Christian Pop album and his answer was something like RCA would not let him do that. (See, I need to look this stuff up before posting.) We also know taht one song on his album was by Steven Curtis Chapman, a Christian Pop singer.So, it a finished album, or a concept for an album was presented, could it have been a Christian Pop album? Didn't a lot of fans say that the only burned puppy for them would be a Christian Pop album?

    Found the reference in Beagle3's recap at the Ch

    Julie asked him if he’d be interested in doing a Christian album and he said that he would be, but not right now since that’s not the labels focus.

    Now I have to go and research and come back and edit.

    A related comment from this summer

    I asked if RCA has any control over when he blogs, what he blogs, etc.

    A: Why in the world would you ask that question?

    A: Because it has come up a couple of times on the board

    A: Well, let me put it this way. The world abounds with a lot of conspiracy theories. In actuality, there are very few conspiracies in this world, so no.

    I don't think the mythical songs were overtly Christian pop lyrically, but I do think they were in that genre. The guy who originally blogged about the conference and whose song, Compromise, was at one time supposed to be on the album, and who has two other songs listed on Clay's ASCAP page (as performed by Clay Aiken), Try and Dream, is a CCM writer and producer. A lot of folks who showed up at that conference were also in that genre. Jaymes Foster has produced CCM as well. The original news of the conference wasn't received with all that much enthusiasm, partly because a lot of us, including me, thought he was already almost done recording in May 2005. (And he may have already presented some songs at that time that were rejected.) But also because a lot of people weren't happy about the idea of him doing CCM. CCM has a wide range of sounds, so who knows what the songs actually sounded like? I don't doubt that they were good, not at all. And I'm so his bitch, so whatever he records, I'm going to love.

    I've said this so often I'm sure some have it memorized, but I think Clive decided (right or wrong) that the songs weren't commercial. (Much as I think he's a fossil and a creep, he does have a good track record overall. Whether he was right this time, who knows?) I think he wanted Clay to go more pop than the originals he submitted. In recent interviews promoting this tour Clay has said

    "We're trying to find songs that are musically me," he said. "I love Justin Timberlake and Maroon 5 and a lot of the stuff on the radio. But I'm not Justin Timberlake or Maroon 5, and I'm never going to be as cool as them. If I try to sing something too cool, it doesn't work. It's like your mom trying to use slang words - it just sounds wrong."


    He won't be doing any Justin Timberlake-ish songs on his new CD, as past producers have suggested. He says that having him sing that kind of song would be like a parent using a teenager's slang.

    Doesn't sound like a guy who was deprived of a rocking pop album to me.

    Waves at keepingfaith, who's been posting while I was writing, and lightmyfire. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. KAndre is awake. She is insisting that "Clay is not your friend, you stupid bitch" be a thread title choice. I think she's serious.

    I kinda like that one myself. Although it prolly won't help our reputation in some quarters as a bunch of meanies.

    ITA on the RCA stuff. Better the devil you know, like the man said. I'll leave running his career to the man himself. I don't know any fans that I think would do a better job than Clay is running his own career, and I think it's hubristic to the extreme for any fan to assume she could.

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