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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Zena--another worthy avatar! Is that your backyard? because if it is you need a trip to sunny NYC.

    I'm not nervous about Spamalot, but I am definitely excited. Immediate reaction I expect to be polarized. But ultimately Clay will be judged by his performance over many many nights and matinees. That's the true test. I love the respect and the confidence in this latest interview.

    This is not to say that Clay isn't enjoying the whole process. On the contrary, he is completely fulfilled by the experience and constantly amazed by those around him who do this on a regular basis. According to the popular singer, once you do Broadway, you can do pretty much anything. Clay is also astounded by the level of talent that has surrounded him during rehearsals. By the end of the day, they have filled his head with so much information that he has trouble remembering his own name! Clay admits that he was warned about the challenges he would face by another "Idol" alumnus, Fantasia Barrino. Thankfully, he is nothing but pleased with the result. He says that the show is "atypical of a musical," calling it a performance that's filled with "silly nonsense," which is what makes it so hilarious. Clay feels that he has really spread his wings by taking part in this, as the show doesn't even involve that much true singing.
  2. Don't think I want to listen to any cell-cert stuff in real time on Friday, either. Been there, had my high squashed fucking flat by totally predictably historically pissy remarks.

    I have it on the best authority that there will be no "pissy" remarks on Friday night from the CH cellcerter*g*

    Trust Me :whistling-1:

    Runs off to sign up for cellstream - YAY!

    I am feeling no stress about anything coming from that Newsweek article. I have to smile at how much attention our boyfriend gets from all corners whenever he is in the "news". Clay Aiken is a STAR! I think I can stop worrying about him now.

    When I was saying awhile back that Clay doesn't court superstardom, this is what I was talking about. He has enormous power to attract media attention. If he wanted to be a Britney or a Paris he could, and thank goodness he doesn't want to be.

    How can he look sooooooooooooo hot one day, and then look like he's Amish? Or maybe Mennonite?

    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Claygasm, you crack me up!!!!!

    Check out my "Mennonite" avatar!!!! DS#2 would be so dissapointed to think you don't seem to think a Mennonite singer can look "hot", especially since he considers his 22 year old charming self quite a catch!!

    He's a cutie!

  3. I was at Dreamgirls tonight. Did not see Clay, but I didn't spend much time looking for him. I totally enjoyed the show. Quiana's voice was amazing and she really held her own with the experienced Broadway actors in the other leads. The sets were very clever, very effective. Some of the costumes were godawful, others gorgeous, and they did some very clever quick changes. A fun experience. I feel lucky that I got to go.

    Nostalgia and irony, given the theme of Dream Girls....I saw so many of the great acts of that era in that very theatre growing up--the Four Tops, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, the Platters. We'uns definitely did not prefer the sanitized, Pat Boone-style versions.

  4. If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immortal creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

    Please, please please have that be a typo and not a prediction!

    BWAH and crap! Back to edit.

  5. If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immoral creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

  6. Great post, Cotton! Your wishes are my wishes!

    I think Clays biggest success has to happen on TV or stage first. Then perhaps people will give his singing and music career another listen. NYC is definitely a good fit for him. I could tell he loved it when he has gone there. Spamalot, I hope is going to open a lot of doors for him and afford him good contacts, for other projects. That is if he does a good job and takes it seriously. To which I will assume he will.

    I agree, Clayzorback. I think television and stage may prove to be a bigger launch pad for his career than any label-orchestrated promotion. I have always believed that he is an atypical artist, one who couldn't be plugged into formulas or packaged into boxes. I hope this new endeavor will open a lot of eyes.

    I think that all along Clay has been aiming for a more diverse career than simply "pop star". I think when he first signed on with his management firm they discussed long-term plans and goals. One was that he wanted to "make a difference," just as he had said on AI. Thus, BAF and UNICEF, both of which are extremely important to him. Another, IMO, is that he was aiming for certain levels of achievement over the long run, so he would avoid the kinds of choices that might be regarded as a "step down," like another reality show for example. For this or whatever reason, he seems to have avoided endorsing any products, because I can't believe he hasn't had offers, at least post AI2 if not recently. So, based on what he's done since then, we know he wants to keep recording, and has done so. We know he wants to keep touring, and has done so. We know he's interested in acting roles, but again, he's been choosy, turning down lots of Broadway offers before taking the Spamalot role. We know he's interested in television, and has stated that he'd love to do a talk show. With the TV writer's strike now entrenched, his timing for going to Broadway was good.

    I don't think anyone could've planned ahead for the crap that he's had to deal with, but I think it's been handled from his end in a low-key classy way. He hasn't gone the route of calling attention to it with a big media splash--he only did what he had to do at the time his album came out, in order to get some 5 star publicity for the album: People, GMA, and LKL. He hasn't whined or complained about being made fun of by comedians, but has showed his good nature and class instead. I think he's positioned really well at this point for another big career boost post Spamalot, be it another album of originals, a film role, a TV show, or some combination of these. A big success in any of these areas would go a long way towards getting some of the love back from those among the NJU who, because of professional gossips, insult comedy, Ripagate and the like, have decided they don't like him without really knowing him or anything real about him.

    We know only too well how charismatic and talented he is. Every appearance he's had has been a success; he's a natural entertainer. I'm really excited about Spamalot because I think it's going to be lots of fun for him, as well as opening some new doors.

    A word about "reviews". Given past history, I think we can count on some immediate negative responses, from people who just don't like him, from fan critics who get a kick out of harsh judgments, and the like. My fantasy would be for the fandom to just let those roll off and focus on the good. We really won't know how well he's received until after he's been in the role for awhile, and I think the people who count in the long run will be willing to give him a chance to get comfortable on the stage before judging him.

  7. And I know couchie has said it many times, and I thoroughly agree - to 'wish' for Clay to be dropped, ever, by RCA or any other record company is just wrong. Whatever the reason would be, the stigma would always be there in this 'soundbite' world we live in. People do not care about reasons why - they only care about the headlines. Clay said it best, and I will always believe his actual words over any 'informed' speculation - fan or otherwise.

    I agree. I saw the news about Taylor Hicks being dropped on the CNN crawl this morning. That can't be good publicity for him.

    The idea that it might be bad for Clay in the short run to be dropped, but good for him in the long run (and that RCA was "devaluing him prior to dropping him) was introduced by some people who coincidentally arrived at all the same conclusions as fake Clay's minions have been touting, but of course never believed a word of any fake insider talk.

  8. I used to get flack about Clay from my new office mate, a very trendy, tattooed, contemporary art history person. Not directly, mind you, but she would make comments to others that I happened to overhear.

    Then I showed her one of the 11 ways I know how to kill someone with my bare hands. (Seriously. She asked.) Now I get LOTS of respect. :whistling-1:

    BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Gibby, I like your decorating style.

  9. SpamMe.png

    Love this emotie!!

    Oh my god, I'm delurking! It's finally happening.

    Keep it up! Glad to see you posting I saw your post asking for suggestions for names, but I think really any name will do. John, Pete, Richard, Monty, Sam, Joe, Evan, Matt, Mike, and so on. Just trust your imagination!!!

    Thank you, Play and Couchie. I'll be sure to tell Aspiegirl she should come read the FCA thread today. If you ever come across her replies to those who have asked for knowledge, advice, her experiece, etc., about autistm, she freely shares to the tune of writing another blog within a comment.


    I write alot of blogs in blogs.

    Hi everyone. I just started volunteering again after Christmas break. I volunteer at a pre-school for lil ones with autism. our school got bigger yesterday. We now have 2 students.:lol: We are going to have 5. I think.

    I did not get Caro's message to come visit you all today until after I woke up. I fell right to sleep after I got home. I am learning to run again at this new school. Heeeee

    This one boy is fast....... :thRoadRunner:

    Heee. Love all the cute emoticons here. :headbangerf:



    Hey Kathy!! :helloogreen: So happy that you are working with kids with autism. This might sound like a stupid question, but I wonder--is it harder or easier for someone with high-functioning autism to work with kids with autism? Maybe both?

  10. UPDATE:

    I just received another e-mail from Playbill and they wanted me to pass this on.

    The cover will change from color to black and white. He didn't know this until today and he just wanted everyone to be aware of that. He has changed it on the website.

    Did he say why? I've never seen a black and white Playbill before. Will the Playbills at the show be black and white too? Thanks!

  11. So I'm the only one who liked Moulin Rouge from the start, including David ("Faramir") Wenham's hissy fit as Audrey?

    Nope, you're not the only one.

    Ditto jamar. In fact look at my new avatar I swiped. :cryingwlaughter:

    It says it all, to me, about FCA.


    Agreed. I realized last night in my celebratory stupor that it's one of the things I appreciate most about this board. For too long now my world has had too many people in it who try to convince me that I'm seeing things all wrong when in fact it turns out that they are at best in denial or at worst, evil. This is one place I can come where I know I can find realistic people, so cheers, FCA.


  12. So glad you're better KarenEh? You had us worried. And keepingfaith, glad you got your finger taken care of too.

    I think if Clay had been around in the heydey of Danny Kaye and Donald O'Connor et al, he would have been right up there with them. I could so see him standing in front of the Big Band, riffing and jazzing it up, bustin' a move every now and then. *g* NOBODY will ever convince me that he can't dance! Sure, not at the Gene Kelly level, but the boy's got rythm. Sometimes I think that's the biggest obstacle to his 'superstardom' - the world is just too damn jaded to open themselves up to that kind of entertainment today (outside of live theatre anyway). *le sigh*

    I loved those kinds of movies when I was a kid, watched with my parents. I agree that Clay would fit right in.

    I like musicals too, although I'm more familiar with the ones of my youth than the new ones. Loved West Side Story, and lots of songs from lots of musicals. I have seen Moulin Rouge and Chicago, and on Broadway I saw Spamalot, Wicked, and Bombay Dreams. I like LOTR and Harry Potter too. I'm easily entertained. :cryingwlaughter:

    Ooooh - Legolas - one of the few blonds I am willing to make all kinds of exceptions for. Clay will just have to live with my unfaithful self.

    Joining in the Legolas love. :flirtysmile3:

    So tonight I'm doing nothing as usual. Another happily single woman here, and not into parties anymore. I'll have some bubbly, and I bought a special treat--potato chips!! I do wish TV didn't suck quite so much--even I am not that easily entertained.

  13. jmh, there really isn't room to move the Sir up (I tried before) without making all the writing smaller, and then it just gets hard to read. If I make the crest smaller, there is too much black. I will try nudging it up a little and see. Maybe if it does go for 'proofing', the pin people can fix it.

    this is it moved up some - more centered with Robin, but I'm not sure it really makes much difference. Three letters versus five is always gonna be lopsided I guess!


    I see what you mean. Thanks for trying. To heck with symmetry! It's such a cool pin!

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