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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Great post, roseviolet!!

    (I really appreciate everyone that is using them. It took me hours to find and troubleshoot the code to make them.)

    I so appreciate that you made them! I love your widgets--love!!

    I think fans can also help by participating in rating songs through sites like RateTheMusic and Promosquad. Even if they don't have Clay, we can favorably rate music similar to Clay's to give the programmers the idea of the type of music we want to listen to. Also, signing up as a VIP listener for your local radio stations can help. I signed up with KOIT in San Francisco, who never have taken requests, and they send me surveys similar to RateTheMusic to rate songs for them.

    All very good advice. I don't listen to the radio at all, so I'm not sure I'll get involved. I have done Promosquad, and I'm just a few points short of some prizes, if they'd ever offer anything I wanted. I stopped when I couldn't figure out how to make my new computer link from the e-mails I used to get to the right place on Promosquad--they used to ask for my recommendation on certain specific songs, just a few at a time, for cool prizes (I won twice). I do believe that the input of others who are not fans is key at this point. All those folks already know that Clay's fans want to hear him.

    One thing that is interesting about internet radio. No one tells us what to play. I get a ton of requests by independent artists to play their music and there is some really good stuff out there. I do add some independent music every time I do new adds. So, if you are interested in hearing new music that you won't hear on traditional radio, try listening to internet radio.

    Your radio station is such a fabulous idea, and is a great example of how a fan can do something worthwhile. I don't listen to internet radio either, because the truth is I have a ton of music, and I want to hear what I want to hear when I want to hear it. So iPod (and my earlier not-a-pod) is the best way to listen to music for me. As much as I'd like Clay to have radio play, and the benefits it brings, I'm not a radio listener so I guess it's really none of my business. HOWEVER, you make a good point about discovering new music--I usually get that from the boards, but I'm always open to more. My two favorite new albums are really really old--and I discovered both here at FCA: Alvin Lee's Pure Blue from keepingfaith and Luther Vandross from couchie.

  2. My quotes got messed up, but I agree with a lot of posts. As someone said, if the NJU don't like it, it won't catch on, and we can't do anything about that one way or another. So, my opinion is that if you are a regular radio listener, do what you usually do. If not, let it be.

    From CV, via CH:

    A post from somebody who worked in the radio industry for 15 years:

    As for the radio play convo. Well as many of you may know, I hatessss the radio play conversations and usually avoid them like the plague. I spent 15 years in radio in one capacity or another and I loved most of my time doing so. In my time I worked in Programming, Sales, and Marketing, and even was a DJ for awhile (I hope you realize not all DJ's are Assholes). That said, when I left the business, I REALLY left the business and I don't enjoy talking "the business" much at all anymore.

    However, I will throw caution to the wind and jump in here with a few of my opinons as well as some first hand knowledge that I experienced.

    1) I have no doubt the M&G reports are based in truth ... as far the context and color of the report, thats interpretation and I don't have a clue about that since I wasn't there.

    2) Payola in the old traditional form doesn't really exist much, but it DOES exist and is prevalent in a much more creative way that traverses a legal tightrope. This "legal payola" along with extensive call-out research are the two most powerful ways to gain radio play across America. However, as we know it is a dance of some sort. In some cases the radio play can make a hit song or artist, and sometimes all the airplay in the world won't move album or song sales. The art of a hit record is something that can never full understood or everyone would be doing it.

    3) It is true that DJ's really don't have any say anymore about what they play. In the mid 90's radio started to shift toward more corporate and consultant control. The new FCC Owner & Operator (O&O) regulations, paved the way for larger companies to buy up the small independents at a feverish rate. Their programming solution to stay relevant was do research, research, and more research. Pull in high priced consultants and centralize and computerize their programming into one coprporate beast. This helped the record labels in many ways. Instead of having to send Record reps out to every single top market programmer to try and influence and convince them to play "their" artist, they could now focus their "resources" onto "influencing" just a handful of the most powerful corporate programmers and consultants. The process of buying "ears" was streamlined.

    Jump ahead a few years and things began to shift again. Radio now isn't as important as it used to be, and ironically American Idol was one of the first and biggest vehicles to make a really solid crack in their powerful armour. The advent of Napster, Itunes, You Tube, Myspace, Satellite radio, and other internet and alternate sources have really helped to hurt the industry enough for major changes to have to occur. The record labels since seen the "marketing light" and have been tapping into all of these other outlets more and more and their "resources" are no longer as streamlined. Radio, however is still trying to figure out how to remain relevant in today's music scene. Its not dead yet (hee hee) but if the larger radio corporations don't figure out how to stay innovative, they will be left behind IMO.

    All this being said however, doesn't mean that DJ's are complete dinosaurs on the influence meter. Since DJ's are still the gatekeepers to the radio listening public, its probably not a good idea to "annoy them". DJ's can get away with "dropping in" a song or "dropping out" a song from the clock every now and then without much repurcussion from above. Many do get annoyed by spammers, over requesters, and generally ANY OTT fan behavior. They will have no problem sharing this information in their weekly Programming meetings, and/or blackballing an artist all together from an all request hour etc., esp. if they feel an underground "street team" or an over zealous handful of the same fans are doing all the requesting. The word will travel and it can and does play a part in a stations "perception" of an artist and their fanbase. Legal Payola and a song that garners top-notch call out research from their prime demo can and will override any malcontented DJ, but in general it doesn't help the situation to antagonize them either, and it could still hurt some.

    Of course we know there were Clay haters that posed as Clay fans and annoyed the crap out of some DJ's esp back a few years ago, but I think its also a pretty well known fact that Clay fans DID set a pretty "scary" prescedent back in 2003 with and organized, intense, and unrelenting barage of requesting, email, and voting, that I don't think any DJ was prepared for or had seen in their careeers. Frankly I know a few personally who still are feeling the lingering effects...LOL. Seriously, all I'm saying is that I don't think the Claymate reputation is completely unwarranted, and even continues today. The DJ's might have been "our" first "victims", but they certainly haven't been our last... reporters, bloggers, etc.... etc... have certainly all had their moments being run over by the Claymate train. Even though I don't email or vote or request anymore, I once did and I'm not degrading those who still do. I'm just trying to be a realist and recognize that "we" as a fandom have done things to warrent our reputation at times, even though our intentions were usually just borne out of love and desire to see Clay succeed as he deserves. This also doesn't negate all the amazing and overwhelming good that this fandom has done.

    That being said, I do think Clay appreciates the fact that we are a huge factor in where he is today. I also don't think he is naive, and I'm sure he fully understands how legal payola works and how important it is. However, I also do personally believe that he believes that sometimes some of his fans go OTT trying to request, email, vote, and spam, and he doesn't understand it nor does he encourage it. With this I would also agree with him.

    Once again, these are just my thoughts, opinions and experiences and YMMV of course and all that jazz.

  3. The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this:

    Interesting the Sun Herald has a contact at RCA.

    Barry Parasram, +1-212-373-6142, Barry.Parasram@pmkhbh.com, or Gina Hoffman, +1-310-289-6200, gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com, or Sarah Weinstein Dennison, +1-646-840-5672, sarah.weinstein@sonybmg.com, all for RCA Records,

    PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm.

    It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.

    Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. :cryingwlaughter:

  4. Sounds fabulous. Chomps at bit.

    Here's another cool thing, from the CB, via CH, with scans:

    Clay now in National Playbill. Here is the National version of PLAYBILL(March).Clay is mentioned in the cover as Idol no More and inside is the Andrew Gans article"It Takes Two."

    Someone there saw it at Wicked over the weekend. Also, same thread,

    the National Playbill is available in all bookstores and magazine stores. BTW this mag usually comes out at the end of each month so this issue dated March 31st is really for April.

    From another CB post, this graphic from the San Diego pre-party last year, representing all the countries that attended:


  5. Laughn, thanks for posting your perspective. I see what you are saying, and I get that it isn't fun to come here and read if you feel like you are one of the people being talked about.

    Yep, I could see where it would be extra pissy if I thought people were talking about me, but truth is, I don't feel that I am being talked about and it still doesn't look good to me.

    I hope I didn't come off as saying that it would only look bad to people who felt talked about. Obviously it's a bigger issue than that.

    This is a key for me as well--the group hysteria, for lack of a better word, gets to me, and that is why I have written what laughn calls "them" posts. For me, it's about expressing my frustration when I feel that people are making more of something than it warrants, buying trouble in advance, misinterpreting things, that kind of thing.

    See, but to me, being upset about the other people who are upset just doubles the hysteria. We now have two sets of people who are upset...a group on one side who are hysterical about whatever the hysteria of the day is and another hysterical about the first group of people who are hysterical.

    I am not complaining or condemning. Like I said earlier, every board has their good and bad, if that is even an appropriate way to describe what we're talking about...because depending on which side of the aisle you sit, you could both claim this conversation good or bad.

    I understand the 'fix-it' syndrome, I do. Personally, I don't get too worked up when people post different feelings, thoughts, ideas. I think everyone has a right to own their own feelings. If you're disappointed about something happening in regard to Clay, where else can you voice that but on a fan board? Who else would understand?

    I also work in a art community. One person's masterpiece is the choice for another's birdcage paper. Viva la difference.

    eta-ing to eeeeeee with aikim! Congratulations! :)

    Please, please, please, don't ignore the part of the post, which you didn't quote, where I said that I WAS NOT claiming I was right, or even that who I am makes sense, not at all. I've been feeling awful about YSRN, and trying to communicate about this, but now I just want to go cry. All I can do is try to explain how I feel, and if it wasn't obvious that I was trying to say that everyone is absolutely 100% entitled to be exactly who they are, and that I am not saying that I am right and they are wrong, then I suck at communication and I just don't know what else to do except go have a good cry. :cry4:

  6. From CH, a recap:


    Announcer: Clay's had a first rate career ever since, top ranked CDs, sold out concerts, and now Spamalot.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, there's a Clay bus! Tiny bits from the show. Argyle sweater - lavender and brown, matching lavender shirt.

    "Now that I've done it for awhile, I've totally got those dance moves."

    Tour of the wig room, points out the grey hair. Talks about the differences between NYC and his hometown. Likes that things are open late, but had to send dogs home.

    Talks about CD: sonically different, theme of some things he's learned over the past five years, since Idol. Big explosion of Idol contestants on Broadway. Mentions Ruben's stage show.

    Talked to Fantasia about how she does the same show every night for months without going crazy. (Editorial note: Maybe she handles it by just not being there every night for months?) He's found that there's something new each time. Sometimes someone in the third row has a bugger in their nose, so you watch that throughout the show.

    Mentions that Simon thinks Broadway is a diss. Clay says Simon can kiss his - pause - foot.

    There's a little more, but that's what I caught. He looked purdy. Even better than Ace!

    According to others, the sweater is navy, or black, and the shirt blue.

    More recaps:

    Black(?) and blue argyle type sweater -- blue shirt -- he looked good! Showed scenes from Spamalot -- backstage, too. He pointed out the grey hair in his wig. *g* Did anyone cap it?

    eta: artquest, maybe my TV color needs adjusting -- I saw blue. *g*

    That was a fun interview...lots of stuff from the others we've seen, but he looked super great in this one...argyle sweater over a blue shirt. Only one giggle and no "we"'s. Good plug for the album including a pic of the cover. Lots of shots from the show...a great one of his tower scene. It even included a shot of his poster on a passing bus.

    he looked very nice, straight hair, navy argyle sweater, they interviewed him sitting out in the audience. He talked about the show and the difference between NYC & Raleigh. He had to send one of the dogs home because he couldn't take it. We saw the wig room again. They showed lots of clips, no audio though. He mentioned the album, what is was about and showed the cover. He mentioned talking to Fantasia about keeping it fresh night after night. He said they talk to each other on stage and sometimes find someone in the audience with a bogger in thier nose that's kinda funny

    OMG - that was fantastic and they showed so many of his scenes from Spamalot! Oh ya, and EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they showed and talked about the album!!!!

    I guess a few details for those who couldn't watch yet...

    Showed the City buses going by with his picture, talked about his phenomenal sucess, millions of albums sold, sold out concerts and now his success on Broadway. Showed many of his scenes from Spam, he talks about learning to do this, making it a little different each night to keep it fresh. Show the wig room again, talks about living in NY and says "one of his dogs 'he' had to go home cuz couldn't cut it" must be Durham.

    Clay actually promotes his album, talks about recording it, sonically different, covering his past five years. And then talks about all the Idols on Broadway and how Simon uses it as an insult and that he was insulted while on Idol, but now says Simon can kiss his.........foot now!

    And edited one last time to say the HAIR was gorgeous!

  7. ETA: I have to say that while a lot of clay nation wallowed in misery, many FCAers had the smarts to think some flim flamming was going on somewhere somehow as a whole lot of bs got posted as fact. I'm proud to know ya'll and post with you every day.


    Hi Everyone! I stopped in here last night because of the angst all over and I enjoyed your conversations. So I joined.

    Welcome njrp4clay!!!

    Laughn, thanks for posting your perspective. I see what you are saying, and I get that it isn't fun to come here and read if you feel like you are one of the people being talked about.

    That made perfect sense Laughn. I know what you're saying but I think the conversations start out as I conversations and later turned into them conversations. Usually it's after my high is crushed. And then I get nosy and want to know what's going on without risking my rising blood pressure by actually going to see for myself. Speaking for myself it's not one person's opinion that ever gets to me.. it's when the collective gets so apprehensive...great word Play. It's unhealthy to me. I'm not saying one person not liking the article is unhealthy. The group hysteria (play find me another word) is what I always repsponded to. (not saying this is the case yesterday cuz I didn't go out) I didn't want to use that word but can't think of another one. It's contagious. So maybe what we do here is contagious too but it doesn't feel "emotional" to me. Am I calling out anybody with a different opinion? No. But I'm sure it may be interpreted as such. So I do get it. I care what people at this board think and I'm sorry if anyone is hurt. I'd rather you just tell us what you think and stay and play. Every board has their issues and it seems like we get defined by our days of exasperation. But then again, maybe every board does. I can live with it.

    This is a key for me as well--the group hysteria, for lack of a better word, gets to me, and that is why I have written what laughn calls "them" posts. For me, it's about expressing my frustration when I feel that people are making more of something than it warrants, buying trouble in advance, misinterpreting things, that kind of thing.

    I realize that for different people, there are different things that get to them. Some don't mind when people are piling on Clay about something; others really hate that. Some don't mind when the boards are angsty, and feel that folks are just expressing opinions. Me, I can't stand it. Did any of the rest of you grow up as the family "fixer"? I did--still am. I want to fix everyone. When I see a situation that can't be fixed, I get mad and frustrated. Didn't say I was logical or right, but that is who I am--as others are who are they are.

    Agreed..Welcome..I don't want anyone to get lost in the shuffle..although it seems I got pretty ignored yesterday..should have posted the scoop in the sooooooooper sekrit thread heh.

    BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Wow. Go to bed, work all day and look what you miss.

    So much to digest.

    First - YSRN - my fraternal Twin - :cry4: And I am sorry for my part in your feeling the way you do.

    I will try and explain my feelings on all this. As Thankful mentioned, she told me back in January - after the opening night show at Sardi's, that FCA was known as "the mean board" and that was because how sometimes - IMO a very small minority of the time - we talk about the boards on the boards. I get why that upsets some. I get why some who post at other boards feel painted with a broad brush. And I get why some see it as mean and why some are personally hurt by it. And getting that I guess it is something that shouldn't happen. But it does.

    I explained to her MY theory as to why this happens here when things gets especially angsty or nasty out there.

    IMO, this board started to really flourish when the ATDW angst extraordinaire was about to push many fans off the boards forever. Some of us stumbled upon this board, or were referred to this board by a friend ( :F_05BL17blowkiss: to muski for that!) or knew about it all along and just started hanging out here more. It became a kind of haven because, believe it or not, most of the time we were just Clay fans having fun. As the banner says "Where fans of Clay come to play"! But, because so many came here escaping the same thing and because of admins and mods (who out numbered the members at that time!) let us, many of us found a place to let off steam and vent the frustrations of some of the other boards. And believe me, between the conspiracy theories and RCA hate and the super seekrit insider info and those who were literally telling RCA marketing and Handleman how to do their jobs and more super seekrit "I can't tell you how I know but I know" information (some of which we have since found out was texted from FC!).... Well, if you read any of the other boards you just needed a place to explode - a place where people there wouldn't label you an idiot or ignorant or a bad Clay fan or where the mods wouldn't green ink you AND in a place where the conversation would soon turn to smut and lust and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs and fun.

    With that as the reason so many found their way to this message board, I guess its only natural when things are getting dicey out there to come back to the one place you know you can vent. Is that being mean? Maybe. But so much of what is said on the other boards is mean - maybe even meaner. For example, I have read on public boards people ripping on Ethel, people ripping on the person who had many, many A101 seats at Spamalot - and there have been other instances of fans turning on fans. I won't even get into the nastiness expressed by some over anything RCA, Clive' Simon, AI etc. I mean, some people are ripping this Leona Lewis

    person just because Simon likes her and Clive is backing her! I mean, if you just don't like her voice, don't like her voice, but just because Simon likes her and she is receiving promotion from Clive and RCA isn't a reason to hate on her! To me, that is mean. This does NOT happen on every board and NOT by every person on those boards. Not even by the majority on those other boards, but by a VERY vocal minority who seem to take over and set the tone. And it isn't always like that on other boards - anymore than we always talk about the other boards here.

    I know YSRN said why do we go out and read other boards if we don't like them. Again, my theory is we all came from other boards and many still post at multiple boards. And for me, although this is the only place I post anymore, I still read elsewhere because when they aren't angsting and theorizing and extrapolating, you can find interesting information and purdy pictures and there are people who post who make me laugh or make me think. More times than not I read the few other boards I read because it interests me. More times than not when I start to read angst and conspiracy theories and the "experts" I scroll. But sometimes, like yesterday, it just gets to me. I think it was reminding me a bit too much of what happened with ATDW. A little too much deja vu all over again.

    I don't think its fair to categorize this board as "mean" because we have members who vent their frustrations from time to time about other boards. It is NOT what this board is. But alas, it seems to be the one thing that gets us noticed. And that's ok, because I for one know the truth about this board. We have our faults and we make mistakes and sometimes perhaps things are posted that shouldn't be - both about happenings on other boards and about things on this board, But that to me is human. We ain't perfect!

    For the most part, this is a pretty nice place to be. We are treated by the admins and the mods like adults - most of the time. We tend to talk through our problems and concerns. We yell and scream at each other, let out our frustrations and fears and anger. We work through our problems. Then we have a group hug and move on.

    Ok maybe the group hug thing is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.

    Is it the right fit for everyone? No, it probably isn't. I just don't like when we are judged on one day or one week. I mean, there are times when it seems like the whole board is PMSing! Let it pass and we'll be ok but don't judge us on how we are acting for that brief period of time!

    And if when the board is PMSing and you can't stand it, take a break and walk away for awhile. Things will get back to the fun eventually.

    I hope YSRN will be back to have fun again. We need to bitch slapped sometimes. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    This is such a good time to be a Clay fan. We have been given the gift of Spamalot. Clay has talked about his music. He is about to release an album which he says is him - his choices, songs that resonate with him, songs he likes with meaningful lyrics, and there will be pretty pictures on the CD! His voice will soon be wafting over our hearts and souls and making all our girlie parts tingle. There will be all sorts of clack with his CD promotion. Eventually he will tour. Good times. Good year.

    We are all so lucky to have discovered the cute, skinny, right now too blond for my taste, talented, singer sometimes actor, humanitarian, funny, snarky, smart, articulate, southern guy. He has brought us joy and laughter and tears and friendship and music. In the end, that is what really matters.

    And in the end, I think everyone here knows that. Which is why I know in the end, after we take a break to bitch and moan and ridicule - at other boards and sometimes at each other - after we have worked through our problems and disagreements, we'll find our way back to the fun and the smut and laughter and the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEs.

    Because in the end, FCA really IS where fans of Clay come to play.

    Thanks for that long and very thoughtful post!!

    Playbiller--BWAH to your version of the serenity prayer!! :cryingwlaughter:

  8. There were posts here that detailed how other boards were mean. I agreed with all of them. Every board is 'mean' in its own way. I feel that FCA, instead of being mean to individual posters, is mean to other boards.

    Thanks for that clarification--now I understand, and agree. Sorry to be so dense.

    I edited myself because I feel like I'm just stirring the turd. I don't think FCA is a bad/mean board. I enjoy reading here and would like to participate more, but I don't feel like I'm one of the core members. I also can't log on at work and I'm always behind.

    I do understand that FCA feels like I'm attacking them, and I'm not. I wouldn't have said anything if YSRN had not posted. I thought FCA might appreciate seeing how it is viewed by SOME people out there. Obviously, YSRN had her feelings hurt and some could not understand it.

    I have heard these things before, and didn't feel you were attacking us, but I wasn't sure you were being fair until you clarified a bit. I appreciate you doing that. When I first heard we were regarded as a mean board, I did feel sad, and I do feel sad about YSRN. :cry4:

    FCA is what it is. When there is angst everywhere, you know you can come to FCA and find that most aren't upset about anything except all the boards being full of upset.


  9. Playbiller, I'm sorry you deleted in a way, that was a great post, but I know you didn't want to be mean about people being mean. An, the irony.

    I don't understand. You say that FCA has a rep as a 'mean board'---what makes it mean? That we 'express amazement at the angst without being slapped down for having an opinion'? Isn't that what you said you would like to express but can't elsewhere? So...then if you say it here, does that make you mean, too? Or just honest? And you say it here because you CAN, but because you can...that makes FCA 'mean'?


  10. Some of those characterizations of other boards, Thankful, aren't very kind--all seem to me to be based on stereotypes so I don't put much stock by them. I hope wherever this conversation goes, we can avoid making specific comments about specific boards.

    I'm sorry that YSRN was hurt by what she read today. Her post hit me pretty hard. I think it's a very complicated situation. FCA is (IMO) always open to hear honest criticism about itself, but it is a group of individuals with different opinions, all of whom were just lumped together. You were expecting trout? An admin note saying don't pick on others? Like couchie said, this is FCA. Some people today were upset about all the angst on the boards, and they posted here knowing that FCA is a place you can come and express that without getting shut up or edited. For me, FCA has always been a place of refuge when the angst got out of hand, a place where I don't expect to see angst at those times when it is rampant on other boards, and a place to vent about angst or weird fan ideas/behaviors when people feel the need to do so. It doesn't mean those opinions are endorsed by the board, or that any group or individual is speaking for the board. I'm sorry that FCA has the reputation of being mean, and I don't find it to be mean myself, but my heart goes out to anyone who feels differently and is hurt.

    This is not about YSRN, who, I'm guessing, may be feeling hurt by posts made by her friends, I don't know, but whatever the case, the following is not her situation: I have always found it ironic that people will come here because they've heard they can say things they couldn't say elsewhere, and they'll say them and rejoice about it, and then some time will pass, and someone will post something they don't like, and they'll be all, "Where's the green ink?" "Where's the trout?" "Are you going to let her get away with posting that?" Well, yeah, 99.9% of the time we will.

    So a by-product of people feeling free to say whatever, is that the board will seem a certain way to those who just read when someone says, "Go over there and see how mean they are," or quotes a specific post, or expects that people should be free to say whatever they want only as long as you agree with them, or doesn't stay engaged with the life of the board on a regular basis. There's a whole lot more to FCA, a whole lot, than just being a place to talk critically about the fandom. Or what couchie said.

  11. :fca: Its getting very angsty out there. The speculation and extrapolating is running rampant.

    It is! I ventured out to lurk at a few boards.... :wacko:

    I just can't find it in myself to get so worked up over this one little interview. I'm still enjoying everyone's Spam recaps, I'm getting ready to Spam myself, I'm looking forward to the new album, of which I'm pretty sure I'll like 99.9% and I'm not yet dead, so all's right in my little corner of the world!

    Besides, I think I look cuter like this :flirtysmile3: than this :smokelots:


    From the CH



    A friend at Fox has given me the go-ahead to bring this info to the boards:

    Clay's Spamalot interview will be on American Idol Extra (Fox Reality Channel) this week, on Thursday!

    It had originally been scheduled for a later date. Please check your local listings!

    Wow! No one read's couchie's posts???? Is that allowed????

    (She posted this a little earlier....)

    Um.....she did? She posted about the change in broadcast time from the end of AI Rewind to this week? That was just posted at the CH a half hour ago? Why can't I find her post?

    ETA: Found it!! At 2 something this afternoon. Sorry, CG: Couchie's post. Ellenpoppy made it sound like she was revealing SuperSekrit information for the very first time. That Couch Tomato is connected!!

    ATDW and MOAM were released in Singapore. ATDW was released in Japan, because I have a Japanese ATDW courtesy of a Japanese fan. Don't know about any other countries for ADTW.

    American Idol?? YES, YES, YES. The exposure is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I've heard it too. :cryingwlaughter: Being around others, being challenged, being active--all very important. Is there any possibility of finding her a place in assisted living? I know insurance probably won't cover it, nor is it likely that they will cover in-home care, but she might be a lot happier with people around all the time and someone to look after her all day, whatever she might say about her preferences.

  13. Well its GOODBYE FCA :bye2:

    .....only for 5 weeks guys!!!! :yess: YES I leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn and train for 90mins fly for two hours change planes fly 11hrs stay onight in Japan fly 11.5 hrs change planes in Detroit fly 2.5 hrs to Orlando! Whew! About a week of WDW and Kennedy space centre fun then to Washington then train to NYC!!! Wonder what there is to do there? I suppose we could play cards or watch TV at night? Not like theres much going on there or cute entertainers to harass.. err ... see in shows is there? Anyway after about a week there we head to Boston Toronto Montreal Quebec City and on to Japan then Home. I don't have a laptop but if the ( crappy) hotels we are staying in have internet acces I will pop in and say hello. I am meeting Annabear on the 17th after the show for a coffee so if anyone finds themselves in the area please join us! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Why am I spending this time on the board when I should be finishing the packing!!! :onFire: :It doesn't seem real to me yet, all this planning (for years) and it's finally here! I spose it will hit me on the plane tomorrow. :yahoo: Bye. Love Donna.

    Some appropriately excited nanas :dancingpickle::nanaonacid::nanarow: :nana: :Boss:

    Check in if you get a chance, but most importantly, have an absolutely fantastic time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!

  14. He has been on the radar since last December, because he wrote in his MySpace that he was writing a song for Clay--or to be more specific, "clayeyes at RHT found via a blog by Chris Sligh from AI6 as he is working with this guy." No one has quoted exactly what clayeyes at RHT found, and I think they would if there was anything to quote, so perhaps she found only this guy's MySpace. He has written for Mandisa, Chris Sligh, and Phil whatshisname from AI (and a bunch of non AI people). The song on his MySpace actually has a slightly different title: "Draw the Line" but does include the phrase "where I draw the line." So we really don't know for sure, but it may be. I think the song is OK, but I'm not in love with it (sorry merryclay). I've made a point of only listening to these demos or versions by others once (did it twice for this one because of this conversation) because I'm saving myself for Clay. In this case, the guy can't sing that well, so it would definitely be better with Clay doing it.

    Lyrics (spoilered):

    Where I Draw the Line

    It’s all as it should be

    You’re the best thing that ever happened to me

    I melt every time we kiss

    Never felt anything like this

    It’s almost too perfect

    Just like the thunder brings the rain

    Something beautiful brings on the pain

    Looks like it’s gonna be the same this time around

    I wanna let you in but I don’t know how

    I’ve been here one too many times

    Seems like whenever I let somebody get this close

    I’m right back where I got hurt the most

    That’s why

    That’s why

    Around my heart is where I draw the line

    I wish I could just forget

    Not have one more regret behind me to remind me

    Of what I’ve given up

    Could I ever live with this

    Knowing that I might have missed

    My last chance for love to find me

    I could stay here drowning in the rain

    Unless you have the strength to save me

    Nothing’s gonna change

    And it’s gonna be the same this time around

    I wanna let you in but I don’t know how

    I’ve been here one too many times

    Seems like whenever I let somebody get this close

    I’m right back where I got hurt the most

    That’s why

    That’s why

    Around my heart is where I draw the line

    Whether you’re gonna rescue me

    Or you’re gonna be the death of me

    It’s gonna be the same this time around

    I wanna let you in but I don’t know how

    I’ve been here one too many times

    Whenever I let somebody get this close

    I’m right back where I got hurt the most

    And that’s why

    That’s why

    Around my heart is where I draw the line

    Around my heart is where I draw the line

  15. For me, I tend to find that song writers/singer/performance are first and foremost looking for an emotional connection - and logic has nothing to do with it. They pick and choose what to emphasize and frankly backstory tends not to be it. Like Ruben (or the Red Choir) singing "Sweet Home Alabama".

    I do hear you on this. In school when I was growing up, from the first grade on, after the National Anthem was played on the public address system every morning, it was followed by Dixie. I never associated the song with racism or paid attention to the lyrics. I now totally understand and appreciate why people react very negatively to that song, and I do not think it would be a good idea for a perfomer to include it in a concert, especially with accompanying symbolism, but I have positive connections to the song on that pre-verbal level you are talking about and the meaning I get from it is very different from the meaning others would rightfully feel.

    Or what lilyshine said better.

  16. My God, you all have been talking up a storm here. I was so far behind.

    YWT--I never thought of it as anything other than Clay's PERSONAL expression of faith--not sure how that would affect me. I'm a complete heathen, but I ran right out and bought the songbook so I could play that beautiful song on the piano. I like Gregorian chants too--doesn't make me feel pressured to become Catholic.

    Preachy doesn't necessary mean "pressure to become...." To me it means, in your face. The staging and the video were overkill, IMO. If Clay sang a Gregorian chant dressed as a Catholic priest, with his backup singers in costume waving those incense-burner thingies on a chain, accompanied by a video of medieval Catholic iconography, some might that that was over the top too. Except for KAndre, who would call it Art. (smooches KAndre) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Come to think of it, no wonder Clay loves Spamalot! Hee! Hope that doesn't give him any ideas for the next tour. :cryingwlaughter:

  17. jmh123 Wow, I'm sorry you were so taken aback. Sometimes, it is tough, and in the long run, he might not sing the things you want him to. After 5 years, I think we're seeing that Clay is going to try to stay center without forgetting what makes him who he is. I don't think he means to hurt anyone, that's for sure.

    It was a long post--you saw this part, right?

    Generally speaking, YWT aside, I don't mind at all when Clay sings songs that express his faith. He feels them intensely, and his passion is hawt. Just didn't care for that one song. So the possibility that the current album might have CCM songs or a CCM flavor is no problem for me.
  18. With this album, who will we blame if we don't like this album. Not RCA. Seems like Clay got pretty much what he wanted. Who do we blame if this album has too many ballads or message songs or fast songs or whatever. I'll be the first to say I can't say for certain what Clay would sing if it were all up to him. I have an idea but since he hasn't really articulated it before all I have to go by is what he has sung, what he seems to enjoy, the tour cover songs that he chose. I feel I have a bead on Clay although it may not be accurate and he may surprise me. That's part of the fun of all this for me.

    Expectations are really high because many think Clay was kept from doing what he wanted to do. I agree that he didn't want to do a covers album at the time. I just don't agree that the songs on ATDW are the kind of songs Clay doesn't like and wants to get away from. So I think there will be shock for instance if Clay has many (5 or so) ballads on his album. I think the slow songs schtick contributed to it because people didn't take it as schtick but a slap at RCA. I never took it that way just as I never thought Clay was saying he wanted to sing the cool songs...or that the cool songs were bad. That also seemed to have many interpretations.


    I think fans are tougher on Clay than fans are on most people....

    :word: Fans are really, really hard on Clay, and I think his only road to sanity is to please himself.

    See, I never really saw Clay as being afraid to offend anyone from the get go - and a LOT more emotionally mature than many of his fans....


    I remember vividly being at the concert at Massey Hall in Toronto in 1965 (OMG that is 42 years ago!) when Bob Dylan played the first half acoustically and the second half electric with The Hawks who eventually became The Band. Wow..the amount of booing that took place. These were fans who knew every song and had spent hours discussing and figuring out what exactly he meant by his lyrics. They said he had "sold out". The booing went on from the US to Canada to the UK but Dylan never lacked for fans. The ones I knew who booed remained fans once they got over the shock.

    WOW!! You were there. That was a seminal moment in music history. WOW!!!

    :cry4: I wish I could stay and play, but I'll be gone today. Things are progressing, but my mother's condition is unlikely to improve significantly. She's been beautiful and energetic since childhood and advanced age is depressing her. I think that has contributed greatly to her physical issues. There's a critical downside to being Type A when one loses mobility. My mother was never able to sit down -- and now that she has to, she feels anxiety and a sense of defeat. I think learning how to "do nothing" is a life essential. But, of course that's easy for me to say.

    {{{keepingfaith}}} I hope you can find a resolution for your parents that will work for them as they transition into this new stage of life. After years of practice, my mother's got this "do nothing" stuff down to a science, in case your mother needs any advice. :cryingwlaughter:

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