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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Hey Canadians! Good job! From lindylo at the CH:

    OMWH is #6 on the Canadian iTunes top albums and #3 on top pop albums.

    I've also heard that Clay is now number 5 on the American side of iTunes (not sure which chart though, and I don't have iTunes on my work computer for some silly reason).

    It's #7 in all genres and #5 in pop, which is effing amazing to me. Clay has not previously sold well at iTunes, or sold many digital downloads anywhere. Methinks those google ads, and the new click-through ads on the popular Idol related sites like MJ's blog and dial idol are working well. Not to mention the iTunes banner ad and the e-mails iTunes sent out.

  2. Cuz all cell phones work unless you have a prepaid account.

    Bingo! In other words I can't complete my registration, because I can't activate it, so I can't text on the site.

    jmh, what happens when you try to text that registration activation # on your cell phone? I was surprised mine actually worked!

    I sent two messages, but they were ignored. It's just as well. I love Clay, but I don't want him using up all my minutes. Not even Clay! I just wanted to vote for WAMLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I tried, but my cell phone co. isn't supported. They wanted me to activate before I could vote, but even though I sent two messages, it didn't work. Oh well.

    jmh - you have to go to the site first and then you'll be activated. :)

    I did it all at the site, but the site told me after I had registered that I couldn't do shit unless I activated by texting that # via my cell phone. :cry4:

  4. No, No, No. Emotionally threadbare is a huge compliment! That's a great review.

    He's saying it's HONEST and that it will be POPULAR for YEARS!

    I agree with you kf, to me in the context of the rest of the write up, I thought it was very positive


    Album Notes

    The fourth studio album from Clay Aiken kicks off with the title track, an emotionally threadbare vocal showcase that was written in part by OneRepublic's Ryan Tedder. It's not hard to see the song, which details the emotions and experiences that shape us into the people we are at this moment, as an inspirational powerhouse that is destined to be played at every Homecoming dance or graduation ceremony from here to Calcutta. Sprinkled with electronic touches and upbeat pop, this is Aiken's most wide-reaching album to date. Of course his voice is main attraction, but the greater attention paid to addictive pop songwriting is just as impressive.

    Seems complimentary to me.

    Thanks for transcribing the whole thing. The bolded part is unambiguously positive, and I don't see any "buts"; therefore I'll go with you and kf and take the whole thing as such.

  5. I pre-ordered! But I have a question. IN the write up on the iTunes page, they called OMWH (the song)...'emotionally threadbare'...

    What does that MEAN?

    Emotionally threadbare -- to me it means exposing raw, naked emotion, without fluff.

    I think it's an acknowledgment of the sincerity coming through in Clay's delivery of the song. It's a good thing.

    ETA: I googled the term and the first thing that came up was this review from Lycos Music about an album entitled, "O.V. Wright - Giant Of Southern Soul 1965-1975":

    Some of the most emotionally threadbare Southern soul ever recorded....This collection sees easily his best work, released on CD for the first time in the UK and shouldn't be missed..."

    I'm going to keep this interpretation, whether or not it was intended. MUAH!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. I hope most of the donations are being handled at the show or mailed to Jerome, cuz this is pretty paltry for the ClayNation so far:

    Spamalot Easter Bonnet Competition Donation Page - Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids

    Checks can be made to Broadway Cares and sent to: Jerome Bell, Sam S. Shubert Theatre, 225 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036

    This one is more ambitious (though no more successful), but isn't specifically for the Easter Bonnet contest. Probably was intended to be though....


    and here's a group--this is what FCA could do/could've done:

    Baltimore Claymates

    But yeah, I'd like to think that these pages aren't a reflection of all the donations. The usual boards seem to be gathering funds to send all at once, so those wouldn't be included yet, and probably will never be included at any of these links. Barnett isn't doing her thing on all the boards for this either. Most importantly, a whole lot of people are contributing at the show--and some beeeeeg bucks too. Not to mention the eBay auction, which will be all Clay Nation as well. So I'd say we're doing alright.

  7. eeeeeeeeeeee Lajeterfan!! whooop

    So my lurker friend (waves) called me tonight and mentioned the whole Broadway Cares Easter Bonnet Competition...and asked me was I going? HUH? DUH? Yeah I knew about the Spamalot raising money thing but never followed the link so didn't realize you could buy tickets to an event for this whole competition.

    I looked at the archives from last year and looked all kinds of fun so I bought a ticket. And they even have tickets for my budget $20. I may be at the back door, but hey I'm in. So for anybody that will be in the city on April 28th and the 29th..you can buy tickets here.

    Look at the bottom left and there is a link to the archives from last year's event. That's what convinced me to go. I may get some entertainment from shows I can't afford to go see since I'm spending it all to see one particular show over and over.

    I know I'm not skimming but I didn't see this mentioned.

    What a brilliant idea couchie!!

    Ummm, Couchie...do you know there's a little green link icon sitting in the middle of your post? I wouldn't have even mentioned it, but being impulsive as I am, I tried to click on it to see what would happen....luckily, I didn't kill the board or anything....but now I'm just curious... :cryingwlaughter:

    I thought it was just me seeing that. LOL.

  8. Anyway - pre-order questions here.

    Is there only one day to pre-order from iTunes or can you pre-order any time from tomorrow until May 6th?

    Any time between tomorrow and May 6.

    How do pre-orders on iTunes work? Do you get a code or something you put in when you download exactly at midnight May 6th?

    You'll get an e-mail letting you know that your pre-order is ready. Click on the link in the e-mail, reenter your password, and download, and you will be charged at that time.

    As to evil Walmart: Is this is physical CD with the bonus track on it or does it give you a download code to use like the K-Mart one did? The reason I ask is the K-Mart one didn't work on a Mac. Luckily a kind person sent me an mp3 of it, but especially since I detest Walmart, I certainly don't want to break my moral code for nothing!

    Dunno. I don't think anyone knows yet.

  9. ETA: Regarding the question of whether to release the strongest song as the first single -- I swear that from what I've heard, every one of those songs could be a single.

    Woo hoo!!! My Clay friend and I were out doing job fairs all morning, and then we had a leisurely lunch and talked Clay--and all this time there were snippets awaiting!! Good thing I didn't go on line before I left, or I would never have gone. Downloaded those babies the moment I got home, and I have been squeeeing ever since. What a fabulous album--so much variety, so many great songs!!

    ETA: Regarding the question of whether to release the strongest song as the first single -- I swear that from what I've heard, every one of those songs could be a single.

    I gotta agree with this 100%!!!!!!1

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CG!!!! Listening Party!!!

    For sure!!! Maybe first weekend after the CD comes out!!!

    I also suggest we have our own on line CD release party...just chat and EEEEEEEEEEEEe together once we can start downloading that baby!!!!

    I just have to warn people that we have to expect different reactions...if some poeple don;t like it...I don;t want those FCAers to feel they cannot say so...so we have to remember to be open to different opinions and just agree to disagree if that happens.

    So we will organize this and hope we can get a lot of people participating...we will announce particulars when we have it set up.

    YAY! An FCA CD release party. How cool is that? I was just thinking that I felt a little sad that I'm not doing a party, only because I wanted people to eeeeee with over the album. An FCA party suits me to a "T". Wonder if we can get a goody package from the RCA rep for our FCA party. :imgtongue:

  10. I think I'm finally ready to also just throw away all the video of Clay's performances. I probably have everything on DVD already and plus it's in the vaults. Why do I need to take up 3 shelves on my bookcase with this.

    I have two sets! Mine, and those of the woman whose clack executor I became. ACK! I just hate to throw something like that away, but I could really use the space.

  11. I put some new stuff in bold, couchie.

    All the Clear Channel radio station sites have OMWH "on demand," but it isn't advertised on the main pages yet and ads on the home pages of some stations' websites. They also have the "Spamalot" and "Producers" webisodes in Clay's video section.

    Today a video of Clay recording OMWH showed up on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m1P6JENNKMYU0Y. <-- That's the the permalink. The video is on the page with his album: On My Way Here.

    The guptamedia.com google sponsored link is showing up with all kinds of Clay Aiken search results now. A larger color ad from Gupta Media is on MJ's blog, dial idol, and other sites. There's a banner ad on MySpace and LALATE, and other sites (with available spelled wrong). iTunes has a rotating banner ad in its Pop section, and iTunes sent out e-mails to many customers announcing the preorder.

    RockonTV shows Clay on Kimmel as guest and performer on Friday Feb. 16, and this, "Tune in to see Clay Aiken on The Tonight Show (5/2), The View (5/8), Jimmy Kimmel (5/23)," is on this RCA page: Sony Music Box - Artist News.

    SONY store e-mail includes a link to pre-order OMWH for $9.99. Cap of e-mail here: http://theclayboard.yuku.com/topic/23000/t...ludes-Clay.html.

    There's an ad for the QVC appearance in TV Guide this week.

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