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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. KAndre temporarily pries one eye open and sleepily dances about...


    a Kitty Cat!

    And I dance, dance, dance!

    Dance, dance, dance!

    Ya know what? Since I don't think Clay and his friends are somewhere beating their breasts and weeping aloud over his career, and I think I should expend probably about 1/100ths the thought on Clay's career that he does...I will treat him like the other artists in my collection - just enjoy the enjoyable parts and know that the unenjoyable parts don't actually have shit to do with me. And avoid herds of unentertaining, whiny, bitchy people who have managed to convince themselves that they or what they say or think on what is (or should be) basically a hobby (because unless Team Clay/RCA/Roger Wydo-something or other/fans is paying your butt - this really is not your job), is actually "serious" or "important" and their rights to beat people over the head with these thoughts and have them validated (and frankly, isn't what all that sharing is about? Validation of your thoughts? Otherwise, you could just whine happily (or unhappily, as the case may be) to yourself.)

    I love Clay Aiken bestest of all my entertainers right now. And for my taste, too many of his fans are treating him like a freakin' flash in the pan. Strike now or disappear forever! Feh, I say. If me and my posse twenty years from now have the joy of flying in to see him in a little club in Raleigh with great acoustics (and fans who will actually shake their ass or make devil horns as appropriate - heh), we will enjoy the fuck out of what is instead of weeping over what isn't. And spend more time with like-hearted heifers.


    And :word: to a whole bunch of folks who wrote good stuff while I was writing a post for another board that can be added to my "posts not posted" file (which is really, really big y'all).

    I love all you people. So much!! You are so smart, and you know how to look on the bright side of life.

  2. jmh123, did you have any favorites on sytycd? i liked all the ones who made it into the top 4, danny, sabra, neal, and lacey(i think that's her name), although there were several others i liked a lot too. both of the beat boxers who made it into the top 6 were adorable. loved watching danny move. and he has the long, lean look that i like about clay, with beautiful hands. however, i still haven't been motivated to follow anyone since clay, or should i say other than clay. he is definitely one of a kind.

    I liked Hok and Danny and a bunch of others. More than any individual, I just love the dancing. They move so beautifully. I love the choreography of some of the dances (the Hummingbird dance was on earlier) and I love the group dances. The zombie group dance was fantastic--have I missed that in these reruns?

  3. Anyway in some interview Clay said that Ashes may be the first single and some people latched on to that for dear life. Now wouldn't it be funny if RCA wanted it to be the first single and Clay fought them on it?
    this is purely MO, but the way he included it in every appearance where he got to sing more than 1 song tells me that he'd like it as first single, too.

    If this is the case, why didn't he sing Ashes at the one appearance where he sang multiple songs--QVC?? He sang "Where I Draw the Line" and "Everything I Don't Need" so it wasn't that he was avoiding uptempo songs. If he were trying to undermine his own single and replace it with Ashes, like some fans want to do, you'd think he would've sung Ashes at QVC.

    Jimmy, in one of his many mentions of Clay coming up, said that Clay would be riding in on a rhinoceros this time. I think that might have been led to Ryan's comment--that people were waiting for Clay to ride in on whatever. At any rate, when I heard it, that's what I thought, didn't catch the exact words, didn't imagine an insult, thought he just mumbled. Dunno--don't care enough to go back and listen again.

  4. So I just can't and won't write him off. Even if OMWH never reaches some gold or platinum or whatever status...I just don't believe he'll disappear. He's just too much. He has too much to offer this crazy world. I just can't believe he'd be wasted in obscurity. Selfishly, I won't seriously consider it.

    I have been thinking about this so much since the numbers came in. I do rhink that if the fans could believe that we won't lose him, that he WILL stay around doing something; then everyone could relax and just wait to see what is next. It might not be quite what we thought but he will still be here on TV, Broadway, Movies... something, Once we have done what we can do, we can't do any more... and we really shouldn't feel like we have to. Obviously, there aren't as many of us as there were. That is a fact but we still have a good number and little by little people will be added, I am sure of it.

    This is the first time that I have been a fan of anyone that I gave any thought to numbers and placement and to whether or not I heard them on the radio. I went over to RIAA to check on a couple people that I have liked in the past and still like. I discovered that one of them has never had a CD that even went Gold and yet she keeps on putting them out. I went to her website and she is doing concerts, about 5 a month for the rest of the year. That is what is showing now, I am sure more will be added. Another person had one Platinum and two Gold and he has had several CD's beside those that I guess didn't make it but that didn't keep him from being allowed to make others.

    So, Clay can have a very nice career, if he wants it, even if it isn't on the level that WE thought it would be. There are a lot of people that like him. I work with one, she says she loves him. She has never been to a concert or bought a CD but maybe someday she will. I think there are alot like her.

    We really need to get back to enjoying this. Knowledge is good but maybe you can have too much.

    Great post. I especially like the last lines!! Enjoying it is what I've been doing for awhile. I much prefer it. I'll let him worry about his career and I'll enjoy his music, his tours, his TV appearances, and everything else he does.

  5. I think the RCA Press Release about dominating the Top 10, "led by Clay Aiken", means RCA is more than happy to have that hoss in the stable. I sooo do not worry, because, if the music business goes completely bust tomorrow and all the artists are on their own to record, produce and distribute their own music, whether hard-copies or digitals, Clay would make it better than most. He is an entertainer -- a recording artist, a concert artist, a Broadway star, a comedian .... I'm toying with the idea of being just a "lurky loo" for a while. If the doom and gloom is here -- where fans of Clay come to play -- I can only imagine what it's like "on the outside." OMWH has been out for exactly 10 days. Kimmel is tonight. Rachel and Clay were great today. I can't stand the whining and worry -- not right now anyway. Tolerant as I am, I can't tolerate must more concern and consternation right now, because I LOVE this CD and I wake up every mornng with one of the songs in my head ... and this morning it was The Real Me. He must have been singing to me in my sleep, because I woke up mid-song. Yesterday it was Falling. My head and heart are full and heavy with serious love for how Clay sings these songs -- and the arrangements are fantastic. I'm not much of a David Foster fan from waaaay back -- pre-Clay -- but I love the piano on The Real Me. David did a fantastic job on that accompaniment (but maybe because Kipper was producing?)

    If I had my preference of (1) Clay puts out a throwaway CD that has catchy pop tunes and sells 2 millions copies the first year and in ten years nobody would be caught dead listening to it, or (2) Clay puts out an album that stands the test of time and is a treasure forever but doesn't go platinum for years ... I'd pick (2) anyday.


    I'm not sure I've read a word on the boards about how CUTE Clay was on Rachel Ray this morning--he was a treasure. I love that man.

  6. One of the things that jumped out at me yesterday when I was reading the AI data that was put out by Nielson (it gave rankings of all of the top rated AI finalists) was that Clay's digital downloads was way lower than all of the other top ranked finalists. So I'm not sure what to make of this. Is this a symptom of the "older demographic"? Perhaps a symptom of the lack of radio play.

    Somewhere down the line there will probably be some new norms established when it comes to CD sales. There are positives in all of this too. In less than 5 years Clay has put out 4 CDs. He's had a number 1, Two number 2s and a number 4. Neil Diamond has sold 128 million cds, (I think I read that somewhere)he's 67 years old and this was his first number 1, so numbers can be pretty perplexing all the way around.

    Clay's digital downloads are indeed low compared to other AI people who sell very well. I think there was a bit of a clue in the fact that so many people on the boards had so much trouble using iTunes to get the bonus this time. A lot of his online fans, anyway, aren't really into downloading. It isn't entirely demographics, although that's part of it, I'm sure. There's a lot of "old-fashioned" music being bought on iTunes. I do think the absense of radio play is a factor, and the fact that he's considered "not cool."

  7. And now for some not-so-good news from CV:

    Just got this in an email:

    Please be aware that Clay Aiken’s appearance on May 19th at The Late Late Show has been cancelled.


    This one doesn't bother me at all. I heard Ferguson's lame joke about Clay right after the announcement at the OFC and I especially hated the leer with which he told it. He was scheduled to be a guest with a woman who also gets her kicks dissing him. Sure he could take them both with his hand behind his back with his wit and charm, but so what? I'm thinking he got a better offer.

  8. What does that mean exactly...that more of his albums were bought from online stores?

    It means that he had the most digital albums sold last week, more than any other artist on the list. So it seems a LOT of people bought a downloaded copy of his album via the internet, probably mostly from iTunes -- in order to get the beloved track of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Muppet song (which added a new member yesterday -- *waves at laughn*). *g*

    And I never realized Billboard had a "top ringtones" chart either. Sheesh.

    Actually, it means online store sales. He is #3 on the digital albums chart.

  9. Did she have the surgery already or is that her pre surgery voice? I was not impressed, back to top chef. They actually pulled me in for a while when they had the idols sing no stopping me now great comparison song. same arrangement.

    Don't know about the surgery. I noticed the Ain't No Stopping Us similarity, except I don't really remember the trio--just Clay and Ruben.

  10. Couchie's girl Fantasia just rocked American Idol--she was the bomb, y'all. She's a performer fully grown. Bo was good last week too. Although I'd have loved to see Clay, I think they've chosen well with those two. People who haven't had the "success" of Carrie or Kelly or Clay, for that matter, but are talented and polished artists.
  11. some Clay fans have earned, all on their own and for all the other Clay fans, a reputation as a nosy busy-bodied intrusive bossy bitchy whiny group of people - Claymates actually sounds too benign.

    Or what lajeterfan said:

    My rant for the day after visiting other, less friendly climes....

    Page after page of bitch, bitch, whine, whine, more bitching, more whining........ becomes really tiresome, really fast


    And I know YSRN is somewhere right now going, "I don't mind the pages and pages and pages of bitchy whining, it's the bitchy whining about the bitchy whining that bugs me." To each her own. :cryingwlaughter:

    {{KAndre}} So sorry about your tickets. I read a lot of posts from people in the same boat yesterday. Without a doubt, you are the most artful and interesting ranter in the fandom. If only more people could rant with panache like you do. :cryingwlaughter:

  12. See, that's why I hate people trying to be so fucking clever with semantics - OK, this is a reality show - has been from the beginning. Hell, even the hardcore tinfoil-hat wearing grassy knoll dwellers on TWoP didn't imply the first two seasons were cast. The first suspicions I heard were with Fantasia...but Clay? That seems like a psychotically crazy stretch (from a dude that's just basically crazy bored with this season). Or am I misinterpreting what the hell he's talking about? I especially don't think the first season was cast at all (it was a freakin' summer replacement series, that hit it big).

    He's missing the key to the whole thing--the learning curve, the transformation. The public likes to see people improve over the season, in looks and in performance ability; they like to see raw talent cultivated to the point where someone who would otherwise be unlikely to make it is able to become a success. Of course Archie's success discounts that theory, since he's exactly the same now as at the beginning, but I do think this is why "ringers" Carly and Michael J. didn't make it. If they had been willing to grow and transform over the season, they'd have done better, but they thought the exposure is all they needed. But what do I know, since Archie has, if anything, gone backwards, and he's still a favorite. Ditto Ruben in season 2.

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