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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Haha! If you search for Clay Aiken, this article comes up, but so does a more recent one that flatly says Clay is the dad. Don't have a feeling if it is true or not, but I would not take the word of anyone but Clay or Jaymes. I don't see how an ex-wife of a brother can "guarantee" something.

    Well she did make me take pause and I guess I put more weight on a named sourced than an unnamed one but yep, waiting for one or the other of them to speak. She is an ex..... but of course although my brother and his ex have hated each other with the heat of a thousand suns for over 20 years... we are still "friends."

    Anyway, I have it all solved cuz I had a Clay dream last night and although blurry I actually remember the theme of it... Clay will have his own talk show on CNN and the first topic will be a dramatic story about how the media works in today's internet/tabloid age.

    I could get with this one. A sort of anti-TMZ show.

    For those who attended the Christmas Kalamazoo concert in Nov 2007, I thought this was a neat post from Claymatron from the Claynadian thread on the cb.

    While I was working yesterday, a couple came in to pick up a bottle of wine. They were heading into Toronto airport to pick up her 88 year old mother who was flying in from Florida. I didn't ask them why they were in Stratford, but I'm assuming it was for the Festival and when they paid with American money, we asked where they were from. They replied Kalamazoo MI and I, of course, said I had been there in November for a Christmas concert because I was a Clay Aiken fan. They looked at each other in amazement and proceded to tell me that she was the Director of Business for the Kalamazoo Communities in Schools and that they were the recipients of all the books that were donated by Clay fans on his birthday. They are setting up a special area of the Library and calling it the Clay Aiken Book Center and they were thrilled with Clay and his "Claymates", just thrilled. The BAF apparently sent copies of "Our Friend Mikayla" to all of the schools in Kalamazoo, and that too was a huge hit.

    Talk about a small world. She asked if I was one of the busload of Canadians who came to the concert and, of course, I said yes, and that we had all contributed books too. She then come over to me and gave me a big hug and her husband shook my hand and told me it was a pleasure to meet me. Wow! What a great experience. Talk about fate, if I hadn't gone into work on my day off, I would have missed this wonderful encounter. Just made my day and put a lot of things into perspective for me.


  2. OMG that banner is :flirtysmile3:

    cagney1950, great post!!! Good insight on the level of devotion that can freak people out. Even so, many must also see, as do my friends and familly, the friendships and travel and fun. Thanks for the reminders from you and others that not everyone out there is making a big deal of this, or thinks it's creepy.

    Liney, I'm not sure hits change google rankings but they sure don't hurt them, and they do reward the good sites and stories.

  3. BTW, if any of you are still feeling blue, go to wherever you find your Clack and watch the CNN Clay/Myanmar interview. (sp?)

    Guaranteed to remind you why you're here!


    Something's missing--wrong network, wrong country, something, I think. I can't find anything like this. There was an MSNBC Myanmar interview. Is that it?

  4. What bugs me is that after the shortages and price rises in the 70s, we have to go through this again. There were regulations about building more fuel efficient cars and so on, and for awhile the highway speed limits were reduced. Then came the SUV craze and it seems like everyone has to have a gigantic car. And I have yet to hear much of anything about that as an issue this go-round. Or highway speeds. I try to stay at 65 in the slow lane going to my Mom's, and you'd think I was a little old lady Sunday driver or something.

  5. I can't imagine being disappointed in Clay because a homophobe thought less of me for liking him. That would just be one less tittilated homophobe that I have to deal with. I can live with that. I'm really sorry that rude people in the media make life difficult for a sensitive Clay fan. Am I upset that Clay doesn't dance to their tune? Nooooo.


  6. I had a dream last night that we were getting a statement from Clay. Don't know where it was coming from--we were waiting and waiting and then it came. "It's none of your damn business. It's a private matter." I logged on to see if it actually happened, but apparently not.

    Iseeme, you have no problem being outspoken and insistent on your POV here--give whoever is picking on you some of that, OK? You have your opinion and that's fine--I don't share it, and you can restate it as much as you like, I won't change my mind. I'm sorry that people give you a hard time, but it's not Clay's job to protect you from being picked on. In the circumstance you describe, I would politely but firmly let them know that the topic is inappropriate, or simply leave. And I'd find a way to do it in such as way that I make them see that they have crossed the line of human decency, rather than having them think I was weak and unable to handle it.

    Me, I take no shit from anyone about Clay, or about anything in my life really. Neither do I harrass people who are not fans with Clay talk (not saying you do) or try to convince them to like him or that's he's not gay or whatever. By now I know who, among the folks I see regularly, is interested and who isn't. Most aren't. That's fine, I can squee about Clay with my fellow fans as much as I want. But I will not tolerate people mocking him in my presence either.

  7. This is the link I'm working off, kf: President and Mrs. Bush Attend Annual Ford's Theatre Gala (White House.gov)

    President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush are joined on stage by the cast of entertainers performing at the annual Ford's Theater gala to benefit the historic theater. The program, "An American Celebration at Ford's Theater," will be televised on July 4, 2006. White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt

    From your post:

    What is the Ford’s Theatre Lincoln Medal?

    The Ford’s Theatre Lincoln Medal is an annual award given by Ford’s Theatre to individuals who, through their body of work, accomplishments or personal attributes exemplify the lasting legacy, and mettle of character embodied by the most beloved President in our Nation’s history, President Abraham Lincoln.

    When and where is it awarded?

    Traditionally, the Ford’s Theatre Lincoln Medal is given to recipients at the Ford’s Theatre benefit held annually in the theatre where President Abraham Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865.

    Same event, I'm pretty sure.

  8. Disagreeing is not telling someone how to think. If the expectation when posting something very negative or positive is to change other posters' minds, IMO that is not going to happen. When anyone posts, people will agree, disagree, or just not be moved to comment. I never see posts telling people WHAT to think, I just see posts disagreeing with this or that.

    Of course she is entitled to think what she wants. She is not entitled to agreement. Disagreement is not regulating. So if someone posts something that other posters disagree with, they can expect to be ignored or disagreed with, no

    I'm calling this the quote of the day of a very long day.

    I can't remember a time in the past many mumbledly years when I've seen anything broadcast live from Ford's Theater, and especially if the President is there. I believe these events are private affairs, and are unannounced for security reasons. Ford's Theater is so small. I think we can look forward to this being shown on PBS one of these days.

    Google tells me it's usually broadcast on ABC around the 4th of July.

  9. Fear is trying to talk me into getting an individual ticket, but I don't thinkI can afford being a fan of this guy. It would also include plane fare and boarding for the dog and and and basic disruption of my boring. Then there would be taht auction with things I want but can't afford, etc. I think I get my share of opprotunities seing as how many times I ended up at Spamalot and basically saw Clay every time he has been on a NY stage.

    I'm probably not going, and I don't have hotel or plane fare or any of that. And I have a friend coming to stay with me who is going. Once was really enough for me.

    Ldyj, I hope your knee thing is quickly resolved. I'm thinking maybe torn meniscus just because I've recently had several friends go through that. Minor surgery takes care of it, so I hope it's that or something even less of a big deal.

    FromClaygary and anyone with back problems, I think I posted this once before, but the best position I know for your back is to lie flat on your back on the floor and prop up your knees with pillows under them where they bend so that there's no muscles involved in holding your legs up. Your feet should still be on the floor. Your back is straight, and you're not using your back to support your head or legs. Just lie there and try to relax everything. It helps. Back when I was having back problems I also slept with pillows under my knees.

    To everyone who is unhappy for whatever reason, {{{hugs}}}.

  10. I can't figure out if it's because they think it would upset me, or if it's because we've been around this tabloid merry-go-round before and I convinced them not to believe everything they read.......talked to my mom again last night, still nada.

    Same here--not a word. I finally brought it up with my mother, in case she heard it, and she was like, oh yeah, I know, Clay got a woman pregnant but he's going to pay child support. :cryingwlaughter: I tried to explain AI but she wasn't getting it. I did emphasize that it is all a rumor, as she would've seen it on her local news. As many of you know, she's not altogether there. At any rate, she didn't seem upset or even particularly interested.

    My perception is that a lot of us are focused on Clay and it seems like he gets most of the ridicule. I'm not so sure that is true. I think there are a lot of idiots/creeps out there going after many other celebrities too. It is encouraged by the late night talk shows, comics, owners of major media, editors, in short those trying to make a buck by walking on the bodies of others alive or dead. They want hits/ratings/money and it does not matter how they get it.

    Ivy, I usually read about the first page of comments on aol when there is a story that catches my eye, and most of the time the crazies are out in full force, which is why I stop at the first page of comments. Even stories that are heartwarming or tragic, and they will have comments that are really deranged. So I do know its not just Clay that gets them. I think its the same bunch of wackos though that have no life who just comment on anything posted. Some people seriously need help.

    It's important to remember this. I do think Clay gets more than his fair share, but I think of someone like Brad/Angelina. Every week while waiting to check out I read horrible things on the front of numerous magazines, about her, about their marriage, which is on the verge of collapse, every week. I just assume that it's all fiction, but I can't imagine buying or reading the stuff.

    I still don't get the frenzy. Just reading, not going there, the original gossip site "report", It just says that Clay was a sperm doner to his good friend, who is an older than he is, and will take part in bringing up the child. What is freaky about that? It probably evolved at other sites but I don't get it. But whether they are lovers or good friends, I don't find anything out of the norm about it. I mean about the alleged story. Maybe its just me because I have some really odd family members. :seesaw:

    I know, I know. I see that there are some folks that are really upset, but I when I heard the story, I thought, if it is true, it's all about love.

  11. Nice quotes, muski! (I like the other one too.) This song keeps going through my mind re: the topic of the day, and I snagged a bit of it last night for my siggy, but I keep going back to it, so I thought I'd quote the whole thing.

    "Eyes of the World"

    Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia

    Copyright Ice Nine Publishing

    Right outside this lazy summer home

    you don't have time to call your soul a critic, no

    Right outside the lazy gate of winter's summer home

    wondering where the nuthatch winters

    Wings a mile long just carried the bird away

    Chorus: Wake up to find out

    that you are the eyes of the World

    but the heart has its beaches

    its homeland and thoughts of its own

    Wake now, discover that you

    are the song that the morning brings

    but the heart has its seasons

    its evenings and songs of its own

    There comes a redeemer

    and he slowly too fades away

    There follows a wagon behind him

    that's loaded with clay

    and the seeds that were silent

    all burst into bloom and decay

    The night comes so quiet

    and it's close on the heels of the day


    Sometimes we live no

    particular way but our own

    Sometimes we visit your country

    and live in your home

    Sometimes we ride on your horses

    Sometimes we walk alone

    Sometimes the songs that we hear

    are just songs of our own


  12. Welcome calurker!! Post again, whydoncha??

    Yay got my broadway cares DVD!! whoo hooo

    Me too--it's fantastic. The picture is so much clearer than the fan video, the camera work is much better--you can see all the "action" but the focus still is on Clay and Hannah, and the audio is to die for! GAH!!!

    I feel like we need to have an FCA "Retreat" somewhere--maybe in a Santa Fe type setting---to be present and in person with each other. Sit around and have great conversations over this. See and really listen to each person's opinions and rationales. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Some wine and cheez doodles and all of thee....

    Love the idea, but wow, don't know if I can make it from NC to Santa Fe. :cry4:

    CG, I do not discount your feelings. Feelings are real, and they can't be controlled, and I'm sorry that you are hurting.

    That said, I do think you are overreacting, and I think this is your problem to work through.

    When you go against the flow it's very hard NOT to think it's just all a pile on - and I wont' say that some people aren't a bit agressive in their posts - but we are strong women all along the spectrum. I guess I Just expect people to be able to handle it because really what's the other alternative.... edit, deletes, colors, constantly. I'm not going down that road at all.

    And I love that about this board. There are a lot of different personalities here, but most of the time we manage to get along. For each member to take responsibility, as opposed to putting it all on the admins, is hard, and not always perfect, but it sure beats the alternative, IMO.

    heee I love that game...I've tried all sorts of strategies and can win enough (under 100 moves) to keep me playing.

    I hate you. :cryingwlaughter: I will never win in less than 100 moves, ever, but it's your fault I play. It was your post about it that got me curious. When I started I didn't think I could ever play at the "difficult" level. :cryingwlaughter: Now I have a 9% win average (briefly got to 10% once) at that level, and that's good enough for me.

    All these other games y'all are talking about, I've never played. I tried a little once upon a time, but I totally suck at computer games. Whatever part of the brain they use, I think I'm missing that part. :cryingwlaughter:

  13. aikim-- I just think some fans don't want Clay to be with anyone , period. They're jealous. Having said that, I certainly agree with your perception of the situation. I had an old magazine in the bathroom that told the story of Bruce Willis going on vacation with Ashton and Demi and the kids. Turn that situation around and substitute Jaymes for Bruce Willis and you'll see it's all doable to have a blended family. I only posted that because people are stupidly saying that Clay could never have a regular family of his own. Honestly, lots of the families in this day and time are blended, anyway.

    Agreed. I have no idea why so many fans leaped immediately to the conclusion that this meant that Clay would never have a regular marriage, or was giving up on the idea.

  14. Jack Black to Clay Aiken: There's always room for another version of "Yes You Are My Baby" ...

    Tonight my son overheard me telling someone that Clay would be on Leno tonight. He asked me if this was a new show, or the one a couple of weeks ago. I told him it's repeat week for the late-nights and he said that Clay's show got big ratings to be on repeat week. Then I mentioned that Clay will be repeated on Kimmel tomorrow night. DS said, "if Clay is spiking TV ratings, he's getting movie offers."

    After Spam, there have to be people considering him for comedy roles on TV if not film.

    After Leno, I got a call from my x-DIL who gushed that she loves him. Actually, it was during the commercial before he sang. She thinks he's the most adorably funny person in the whole world.

    :wub: He is pretty cute isn't he? And an endless source of entertainment.

  15. NOOOO!!!!

    oh well...now I have to stop getting all schmoopie with every Clay and baby picture just in case its not true.

    BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    KAndre's legs are weakly but steadily waving around in the air...

    This has had to have been one of the most amusing days in my Clay fandom...true or not...either way, I bet Clay is chortling happily to himself and saying out loud, "Just because they wanna, doesn't mean they need to know...not like it's gonna kill 'em, right, Jaymes?" And Jaymes is contemplating killing him because he can still see his feet.

    BWAH!!!! this has been one of the most amusing days of my Clay fandom...

    Without a doubt. I laughed when the story first came out, and I'll laugh even harder if it turns out that someone punked the "news" outlets.

  16. IF it is (which I very much doubt), it will be fuel for the gay fodder. Many a gay man who wants a child uses artifical insemination with a friend to get one.

    But would he choose a friend who is nearly past child-bearing age when he's surrounded by a harem? I doubt it.

    I have no idea what's true--I'm just laughing over it with everyone. I think it's more likely that Jaymes is pregnant than that Clay is the "donor".

    Jaymes supposedly had a man friend with whom she was spotted several times in NY--so why use Clay's sperm and not that of the man friend?

    It is clear to me that this story is not reported correctly, whatever the truth may actually be, and I'd expect no more from TMZ.

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