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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Update on the new job front... they gave the job I interviewed for to someone else. :( But they have another position that they strongly encourage me to apply for. I get the feeling that the encouragement means that they don't have any other candidates and since the manager I interviewed with likes me and recommended me for this other position, I would most likely get it. The problem is: Do I want it? So I have some thinking to do tonight. I need to apply this week, the sooner the better, if I do want it.

    I think part of the problem with the job I interviewed for last week is that it's a level below where I've been for a while and they don't like to do that. I could care less about a "level" if it's a job I could do well and would like.

    [rhetorical whine] Why can't we all just find jobs we're good at, enjoy and pay enough for us to live decently and support our Clay habit? [/rw] :rolleyes:

    :preachit: Good luck with your decision. Too bad you couldn't get the job you wanted. :cry4:

  2. I can relate to the bath thing--it's a constant battle with my mother. My brother-in-law called this afternoon and said she's written in her calendar that she had a bath when you were there Saturday (which did not happen) so I talk to her and I talk to him and I talk to her and I think about driving over there to make her take a bath but I say eff it, and he says he'll make her do it Wednesday, and she promises she'll do it Wednesday. She calls again later to ask what was all the calling about. I was really firm with her, and very forthright about what the problem is. I tell her I'm sorry to be nagging her but that's just the way it is.

    Something that struck me last night. When my mother was my age, she had three teenagers and both her parents living in our house. Her father had dementia and pooped everywhere and her mother was mean and ungrateful. I guess she's paid her dues. :cryingwlaughter:

    Anyway, muski, :F_05BL17blowkiss: You are braver and kinder than you know.

  3. Oh, except when remembering Clay's funniest moments, don't forget his "Run to Jesus!" from the first AC JBT!

    That one was a riot--that whole show was so funny!

    I will say I LOVED Clay and Rick Holmes extended ad lib of the Bring Out Your Dead scene on the second to last weekend of Spam. Fucking Hilarious. Was that Saturday or Sunday night? Tom laying on the cart saying “What’s going on???” in that voice of his – hilarious. If he hadn’t gotten the scene back on track who knows what would have happened? <g>

    For those of us who were not there, I implore you to remember everything you can and write a long and detailed description of this. Please!!!

    Ohhhh…this is where I suck. I remember laughing my ass off mainly because Clay’s “dressing up and dancing” dance moves were exaggerated or just bizarre and it set Rick off. They started this back and forth on dance moves and I wish to hell I could remember more details. Rick imitated Clay and said something about that’s not how it’s done….I think there were Saturday Night Fever moves in there. Scarlett, KAndre, PerusingOne, Solo and merrieeeee…and Keeping Faith and 00lsee were all there too. Their back and forth was funny, but Tom cutting in with a “What’s going on?” in the Prince Herbert/Not Dead Fred voice, leaning on his elbow, head in hand was hilarious. God, you guys, help me out and give more detail. I just remember busting a gut laughing. It was kinda like Clay and Rick forgot everyone else was there.

    I’m sorry I suck at details. I just remember walking away that night thinking that Clay had reached a Rick-level improv…and anyone who has seen Rick in action knows that’s a good thing. :::sigh::: I suck. This is why video is always a good thing with me around because I tend to remember shows that are great, but not the details. I suck.

    You don't suck. Thank you. "Rick-level improv... I love it! Come on eHP--give me more!!

  4. Really fun day, y'all. Thank you.

    I'm loving all the clack recommendations, I'm loving taking a trip down memory lane. Before I watch something, sometimes I'll think it's not going to be as good as I thought it was back then. And then I watch and it's better than I remember. Clay Aiken is one talented, talented entertaining man. I'm laughing my head off and then a second later he's singing like no one ever sang before. There's a continuity, an organic quality to his shows.

    Every time he goes away, he comes back having done something that it was beyond my imagination he could do. The Solo Tour, The JBT, Lover All Alone, Spamalot. He made a Christmas music hater (me) listen to and love Christmas music all year round. Then OMWH. :wub: I can't wait to see what he does next.

    I would love to see a variety show from Clay in prime time--something along the lines of Carol Burnett or Laugh-in or the Smothers Brothers. Music, dance, comedy, skits. Uniquely Clay.

  5. Did anyone mention Pala and Clay singing to himself...too funny.

    That was hilarious!!

    funny moments....well I love that bit on NAT when he starts..."Humping" this girl...and he kinda shocked himself...and they just kept laughing through out.

    There are two clips that I'd love to download if I knew where to find them -- the one referenced above when he humped the girl, and the other is when some guy is onstage singing Invisible and cracked Clay up when he did the shirt tug.

    Anyone? Bueller? KAndre?

    The little humper boy--that was Charlotte NAT. Invisible--the singer....hmmmm.... I can't remember where that was....It was on the Solo Tour (NAT) also, I'm pretty sure.

    Newbie, here, checking in! :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Iseeme!

    Hi, to everyone else who knows me from CV or the CB! I hear this is a friendly place and since I know quite a few of you already, thought I'd say hello!!

    Welcome Claymatron!!

  6. I'm another newbie checking in. Actually I have been lurking here for quite a while but this is the first time I've posted. The only other board I'm a member of is the OFC. People get pretty rude over there, but right now it's boring because we can't talk about the latest news or non-news.

    I'm loving this board! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Yahoo! It's my buddy LonelyNoMore!! So glad to see you posting. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Marsha, I deleted your double post. You got the quotes down, but you seem to be having some trouble posting. Don't give up, OK, we want to hear from you!!

  7. I will say I LOVED Clay and Rick Holmes extended ad lib of the Bring Out Your Dead scene on the second to last weekend of Spam. Fucking Hilarious. Was that Saturday or Sunday night? Tom laying on the cart saying “What’s going on???” in that voice of his – hilarious. If he hadn’t gotten the scene back on track who knows what would have happened? <g>

    For those of us who were not there, I implore you to remember everything you can and write a long and detailed description of this. Please!!!

  8. Well, after having lunch with a great bunch of women on Saturday, I thought it was high time that I got over here!

    I'm a member of CH, but haven't posted there since last year and spend most of my time right now on CV. I know a lot of my friends are here (the amount of Cdns blows my mind!) and everyone was raving about FCA, so you're stuck with me now!

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: to goldarngirl, cindilu2, luckiest1, canfly, alspaz, topaz68 (hope I didn't miss anyone) and especially FromClaygary who drove my buddy and I to and from lunch through some crazy weather!

    Love your avatar! Any friend of all those folks (not to mention Clay Aiken!) is a friend of ours (and most of them are us--LOL). Glad to have you!!

  9. I don't know how Winky keeps finding this stuff - but here is another play, let's hope it is better than the last one.

    Craigs list casting call

    "AMERICAN IDOL:CLAY'S REVENGE" Auditions!!! (Catasauqua)

    This is actually very local to WD.

    Was this where Idol the Musical came from - I hope, hope hope it is not the same person.....

    Nope--different source. Probably just as bad or worse though. I guess we'll find out in the fall.

    You have no idea how bad it would have to be unless you read my sitting directly in front of the stripper pole and studying shoes to keep frm having my eyes poked out and the feet flying over my head review.

    I did read your review---but you saw the website of the company for 'Clay's Revenge', didn't you?

  10. I may be alone at FCA, says djs111 quite dramatically, but freshly-made mayonnaise is the thing to trail one's french fries through, before biting down, gently.....the faintly lemony, somewhat buttery creaminess, with just a wisp of garlic, goes perfectly with the crispy outer layer of a perfect french fry......when one bites down, the flavors and contrasts are heavenly!

    Seriously, when I worked in Holland, we all loved frites with freshly made mayonnaise - yeah, we could get fries at McDonald's, but those heathens who wanted ketchup had to pay extra!

    Not much is as good as a big plate of Belgian fries, cooked twice, with a bowl of mayo and an ice cold big beer. Make that a pitcher of beer, come to think of it.

    I was busy looking for bats and bugs, and posted before reading back. I spent a month in Holland that summer, but I think it was in Belgium that I first got hooked, and then there was no going back, ever! I must've had fries with mayo every day for awhile there.

    I've always fancy myself wanting Rock star Clay. So if that is the style of singing your looking for

    Clay to sing, I agree that he has not progressed much. He has opted for AC style of songs for whatever reason and therefore has lost many a rock star audience fan. One does see potential in Ashes, EIDN and Falling but it needs more beat, music and rock for top 40. JMO


    That's possibly true...if someone is looking for him to be in the top 40, then he hasn't moved very far toward that in that regard. But then -- according to the not-a-blog (I read another board that called it the Brigadoon blog, loved that name), he's not all that interested in being a top 40 person. In his opinion, his niche is AC and Hot AC, and he actually seems to LIKE that. And so...I'll just accept him as he is, and I think the AC and Hot AC crowds will follow eventually.

    I don't think Top 40 is progress, myself. It's just one kind of music, and musically speaking, isn't the most musical of music, if you know what I mean.


    Love this one! :cryingwlaughter:

    ldyj said:

    Oooo, that reminds me of something I saw on Food Network one time, a shop that sold nothing but Pomme Frites -- French name for French fries, and they had all kinds of spectacular sounding sauces for dipping. This place was in NYC, wish I had found it when I was there.

    It is at 123 2nd Ave. New York, and I am gonna ask playbiller to take me there next time I visit! Or I will trout her! Maybe I can still be an enforcer mod!

    frites with mayo

    Pommes Frites isn't an ordinary shop, but a specialty shop serving authentic Belgian fries, or as the Belgians call them, "pommes frites." You won't find many seats here, but you will find the tastiest treat in town. Pommes Frites means premium fresh fried potatoes, crunchy on the outside, and soft inside: self-indulgent and pleasurable. The atmosphere is intimate and warm, the packaging and signage unique. Pommes Frites isn't only selling affordable food, but excitement and an experience, too. There is no fancy skill involved, but there is a trick. The potatoes are fried twice. The first time they are cooked through. The second time provides a golden color and makes them deliciously crisp. Europeans have been eating their fries with everything but ketchup for many years, and now Americans may also have the best crispy fried potatoes with their choice of sauce. Americans (those who have experienced Pommes Frites) seem to be extremely pleased that fries can be prepared differently and served with a variety of goodies, other than ketchup. For example, you can eat them with exotic mustards and mayonnaise, or drowned in vinegar, curry sauce, or even with a peanut satay sauce. All are for sale at Pommes Frites. The selection of toppings for your frites includes everything from the familiar to the exotic, and is limited only by imagination. Pommes Frites sales' policies include allowing the customer to sample the frites and taste any and every sauce until satisfied. With the help of the amazing potato, Pommes Frites will continue to join the ranks of other famous street foods and become a part of American culture.

    YAY--now I know where it is!

    For those who don't want to or can't go as far as NY or Belgium (if these places are far away for you), Snoopy's on Hillsborough St. in Raleigh has great fries--crisy on the outside, soft on the inside, as my mother always says when I bring her hot dogs and fries from there.

    I don't know how Winky keeps finding this stuff - but here is another play, let's hope it is better than the last one.

    Craigs list casting call

    "AMERICAN IDOL:CLAY'S REVENGE" Auditions!!! (Catasauqua)

    This is actually very local to WD.

    Was this where Idol the Musical came from - I hope, hope hope it is not the same person.....

    Nope--different source. Probably just as bad or worse though. I guess we'll find out in the fall.

  11. Oooo, that reminds me of something I saw on Food Network one time, a shop that sold nothing but Pomme Frites -- French name for French fries, and they had all kinds of spectacular sounding sauces for dipping. This place was in NYC, wish I had found it when I was there.

    Me too! Sort of! :cryingwlaughter:

    OMG, I've been there. I have no idea now where it was--it was my first trip there in 20 years when I went. I had mayonnaise of course--got hooked on pomme frites and mayonnaise in Belgium on a vacation a long time ago.

  12. Philly DCAT/SRHP "Now I'm a man!"/puberty? Oh yeah!

    OMG, I loved this one. I do have a link for that.


    Impossible to pick the all time funniest moment, so I won't try. A hilarious bit for me was the whole bats and bugs thing in Asheville. Bust a gut funny. :cryingwlaughter:

    OMG I've never watched it..only heard it through cellcert. I must watch that when I get home.

    This goes over several videos - best bet is probably the best of banter series.

    Here's the black hole and bugs part:

    Found it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVTFH6WaJ6I



  13. Thanks ldyj -

    But what the heck were we voting on....I mean, wasn't this the "goodie" that we voted which song we wanted to hear? And didn't When A Man Loves A Woman win?

    Interesting that it's coming out now. Would hope that meant maybe we'd have an appearance somewhere?

    We voted on the picture. No one knows why we were voting on a song we wanted to hear. The Music Pass sale date has been scheduled since before the album came out. No idea why this date.

  14. I was reading in another place that several people stated that the reason he has lost 3/4 of his fan base is because he has not progressed as a artist. What the hell do they want. I love this CD, maybe I am easy, but his voice is the best I have ever heard him. I like uptempo sounds but I do not need rocker Clay. I just need him to sing great songs and well, which he does.

    Another reason they stated is that he changed since A1 and has become rude and a big diva. My thought is that he is five years older, and some change will occur. He stills has the same values he had then, and I am sorry but I do not see the Diva. His behavior as far as I see is always appropriate to the event. If he gets testy once in awhile maybe there is a reason.

    If people want to leave that is their option, but to continue to spout over and over how he has disappointed them gets very tiring. End of my Rant.

    Not progressed as an artist?? Pffftttt. I'm sorry, but anyone who says that is betraying their own lack of musical knowledge.

    Clay rude and a diva? I think he has his diva moments, like many people do, but that isn't something new. He told a story on himself in the Rolling Stone interview, for Pete's sake.

    Not leaving--that's the part I don't get. Why not enjoy musicians you like, instead of hanging around torturing people who are fans of someone you don't like anymore, or never liked. Waste of time.

    Most of 'em are grown-ass women, and if they can't see that the bitterness frankly just makes them ugly (honestly - you come across some random bitter person, you don't care why they're bitter - you just want to avoid them. So I do.)

    I have no interest in dealing with the segment of borderline strange and unhappy people of any fandom. Life is too short for self-inflicted misery, and to me, any and all stress about Clay Aiken (unless your are a member of his family or have a financial stake in his career) is totally voluntary. It is NOT something beyond your control.

    Yeah that.

    LAA? Haven't really discussed it because I still haven't had my epiphany. I see it speaks to a lot of people - I just ain't one of them. It's just so...whiny to me. I don't understand horror of being "alone" - not beinging in a "couple". Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my relationships tremendously, but when they are over? I enjoy being independent - in fact, there's something in me that really needs non-relationship time - and guys who have approached me in the LAA mindset, I run screaming from. Lyrics are simply in general not that important to me - and it has nothing to do with feelings. I guess in my heart of hearts, I really believe talk is cheap. (and sex without a deep emotional commitment can fun. Just sayin'. Not for everyone - but some people really do)

    I'm not interested in pairing up with anyone, seriously or for fun--had plenty of that in my life but I'm in a different place now--but I still love this song. And I'm a lyrics person. I think this is a case where I enjoy the song for the story it tells, even though it isn't a story that I can relate to.

    OMG - this just bears discussing:

    I was reading in another place that several people stated that the reason he has lost 3/4 of his fan base is because he has not progressed as a artist

    This is the stuff that pisses me off. The out and out arrogance of anyone who makes this statement! Progressed as an artist? You mean like Barry Manilow? Or Josh Groban? Or fill in the blank with any rapper's name! Or anybody else that's been singing the same damn stuff since genesis? (And I didn't mean Genesis the group) If someone truly does not think Clay has progressed from MOAM to OMWH.....even the musically challenged and untrained Iseeme can recognize the change!!!! Bubble-gummish pop songs (don't jump on me - I loved MOAM) to mature, beautiful lyrics and renditions....


    I was reading in another place that several people stated that the reason he has lost 3/4 of his fan base is because he has not progressed as a artist

    heh - this always reads to me as "he has not sung the kind of songs he needs to sing so that he can become the rock star I want him to be and that my kids will like so that I will therefore become cool by association".

    Oh, so true!! Or at least that's the way it comes off. You have nailed it!

    Sometimes, I think people mean he hasn't progressed as the artist they want him to be. So that means he hasn't define himself as an artist in their eyes.


    The reason I'm here is because I know myself. I was weaned on the passive agressive style of TWoP and when I found myself posting that way on a Clay fan board I knew it was time to go. I was just part of the problem that was making life difficult for those in the middle. These days it's just more about this being my home now and enjoying it so much that I don't want to be anywhere else.

    You are me, except that it took me a whole lot longer than you to get here.

  15. Wanted to make a correction to one of the thread title choices:

    FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores.

    The term is actually "anarcho-cynicalist" -- and it's one of those things I know for no good reason. :cryingwlaughter:

    From the script of Spamalot (which someone posted at another board way back):

    We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune, we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
  16. I added the Merrillville mp4 to this folder.

    The Syracuse LAA mp4 is here, though I think the real value of the Syracuse vid was the HD stubble & beads of sweat (can't believe I'm saying this) shots which won't translate well into mp4.

    I'm also uploading the BYLM+Banter from Syracuse (since it was on the same tape) and that will run for about 20 mins for both the XviD and the mp4. I'll update this post when I see that things are done. BTW, it's the banter part that's good on this clip; for BYLM, we wer too close to the stage so at times he'd disappear and other times we'd only get the waist-down shots. (course there are people who would appreciate those!) --> DONE!

    For now, only the Merrillville folder and the LAA files from Syracuse are complete. I'll update when Syracuse BYLM is done.

    ETA: All the files in the Merrillville and Syracuse folders are complete.

    Thank you for this gorgeous clack! :flirtysmile3:

    So - to each his own. If long-time fans leave - IMO they weren't real fans of the man to begin with.

    Well, I think if people just don't like his musical direction these days, then it doesn't mean they weren't fans before; it just means they liked more "pop," less complicated music. That's fine--as long as they don't hate or berate him or anyone on his team for what he's been doing for the last three years, because it's amazing stuff.

    This is a question for those of you who think the Orlando IWTKWLI is the best one ... and it is great .... and I do love the heartache and pain references and the cute way they were playing in this song .... but have you seen the West Palm Beach version lately? I saw both shows and both were excellent, but for my money, Clay and Angela totally smoked it in WPB. I don't know if this is the best audio quality version on YouTube, but it does it ALL for me (I'm a fool for the finger wigglling come-ons to Angela):

    keeping... Ok, WPB was fantastic! Those two were ON!

    Like this! GAH! This is perfection! What a voice!

    If you want to know what I think, it is possible that the low sales really hit Clay hard and he has had to re-adjust some of his thinking about what he can do/needs to do/wants to do at this juncture. This is just my opinion, but I think he was riding pretty high himself with the success of Spamalot; at the same time, getting to make the cd he really wanted. The cd sales were much lower than expected and then the tabloids struck again.

    I have no doubt that he will keep on keeping on and will ultimately triumph, but the journey may not be fun for him or for some of his fans. Me, I'm gonna stick wid him. Period!

    Iseeme.... WORD!!! Loved your post!

    I LOVE FCA for the intelligent and very funny women who live here and wish I were one of them... :cryingwlaughter:

    You are one of us!! And Clay is fine. He's just fine. He's a strong, centered, balanced guy. He can handle it.

    I personally do not see Clay as suffering, miserable, needy or unhappy. I think he has great spiritual strength. I think he has his priorities straight, and I think he has a great attitude about what is important in this life and this world. He has the love of family and friends, and a satisfying, fulfilling life. I think he's far better at handling the negative aspects of his life and career than many of us are at accepting these things. This is in no way intended to criticize. I just felt the need to say it.

  17. Thanks jmh! Not sure I understand, is there still something called "The Acrobats" coming out from Clay at SOME point, even if the date is wrong?

    Dunno; no one knows; or no one on the boards I go to knows, anyway. All I know is that site never gave a release date for that title--it was a misunderstanding of the google listing. As for the reason it's all over the place, the other sites got the listing from Amazon. A lot of sites get a little money by mirroring Amazon listings. None of them have a release date listed or any more information whatsoever.

  18. From Martigyrl at CB via CV:

    I found this, a few minutes ago..........

    Soundroom.net: Soundroom Music: First to Know

    Category: Music ASIN: B000ZK3ZIY Release Date: July 22, 2008 (In 46 Days), The Acrobats. Artist: Clay Aiken Category: Music ASIN: B00186ZI16 ...

    You'll find this by googling the ASIN number, and find the Soundroom.net listing, and the information I posted is right on the google search page.

    Here is the link to the google page...


    Apparently you have to go to P3 of the link, scroll down on the left.


    This is what happened with that. The text is from google cache. If you look at the cached page, you see this:


    So the release date never referred to The Acrobats.

    Hi, claygirl!!


    Y'all welcome my good friend and travel buddy - and Claylover!!!

    Welcome Claylover, I mean, claygirl!!! :cryingwlaughter:

  19. What is it with this board? Almost every time I change the page or hit the add post button, it logs me out! Usually, it keeps me logged in for days!!! (copying this post before I hit the add reply button!)

    Some people have had this problem for awhile. I have a friend who can't post at all because every time she hits post she gets logged out. Are you on the same computer, same internet connection, same everything, and this just started happening? Information like that might help the board TPTB figure out what the problem is.

    Yep - this is the same computer, same everything. But one thing I did a couple days ago, was I installed one of those programs that cleans up your register. When I did the trial scan it said I had 1100 errors. So I bought the damn thing. I am wondering if that has had anything to do with it. I wanted to check my cookies enabler, but I don't know where it is!!

    Oh Lordy, I hope you didn't buy the registry cleaner because of an ad or pop-up. I don't trust those ads for registry cleaners at all. I'm like this guy: Why I Don't Use Registry Cleaners.

    I have used RFA enough to conclude that if used correctly (and if you choose the changes manually) it does my system no harm, but whether it results in any transparent performance gains (much less gains that justify the time one must spend running, maintaining, and updating the program) is a totally separate question.

    As for cookies, if you use Internet Explorer, your cookies enabler is at Tools/Internet Options/Privacy: click the "sites" button and add the address of this site, then click "allow". That should make it possible to accept cookies from FCA if it wasn't already.

    Sometimes it helps to delete all cookies and start over. On the main page of the forum, down on the right hand corner, there's a link that says, "delete cookies set by this board." Make sure you've read everything new you want to read first, because once you click that, you'll lose all that info. Once you log in and start reading, new cookies will be set, and you should be able to log-in automatically again.

    Should being the operative word. Smarter people than me have tried to solve this already.

    I was looking at CV, which had a problem not exactly the same, but similar. Apparently after collecting lots of info from people with problems, they're advising people to use the Mozilla browser. They haven't found any answers, but it seems to be an IE/Invision problem.

  20. From moonhead at the CH:

    "On My Way Here" - 06/19/08

    The 7 day period ending 06/19/08 saw 121 Mainstream AC spins for "On My Way Here". "On My Way Here" is currently #26 on the Mainstream AC Chart with 121 spins. It is #17 on the Mainstream AC Jump chart with +22 spins and 24 stations playing. It is #8 on the Mainstream AC Taking Off chart with 1 new station playing 11 new spins. There is one station returning to Format Starter status, KKMY (Beaumont).

    Quickcut Spins

    W/E-------AC----Hot AC----Alt----Total----Total +/- ---Aud Imp.


    * beginning on 06/02/08 you will see a discrepancy in spins between the Quickcut Spins in the above chart and the weekly spins in the Mainstream AC chart below. This is because the Quickcut spins above are based on the full panel of Mainstream AC Mediabase stations whereas the Mainstream AC chart below is based on a smaller panel of Mainstream AC Mediabase stations. There is a new Format Starter, WLNP (Wilkes-Barre), that is not part of the smaller AC panel of stations so it's spins will only be reflected in the Quickcut spins above but not the AC chart below.

    Mainstream AC Chart:

    Rank LW---Rank TW---Artist-----------------Title---------------Spins TW--Spins LW-- Move--Aud./Mill.

    27-------26----CLAY AIKEN--"On My Way Here"------121---------100-----------21--------0.253

    Mainstream AC Jump chart:

    Rank---------Artist-------------------------Title-----------------Move-----Stations Playing

    17----Clay Aiken------------------"On My Way Here"-----------------+22------------------24

    Mainstream AC Taking Off chart:

    Rank---------Artist-------------------------Title-----------------New Stations-----New Spins

    8-----------Clay Aiken------------------"On My Way Here"-------------------1--------------------11

    Mainstream AC Format Starters: *green denotes new


    WCDV-FM Baton Rouge AC 11 0 11 3 2 2 1 3 0.018

    Mainstream AC Format Leaders: *green denotes new


    WCDV-FM Baton Rouge AC 11 0 11 3 2 2 1 3 0.018

    KMGA-FM Albuquerque AC 11 5 6 8 0 0 0 3 0.007

    KUMU-FM Honolulu AC 10 10 0 8 0 1 1 0 0.019

    WRAL-FM Raleigh AC 8 9 -1 4 0 3 1 0 0.044

    KBEZ-FM Tulsa AC 7 5 2 6 0 1 0 0 0.013

    KKMY-FM Beaumont, TX AC 7 5 2 6 1 0 0 0 0.005

    WHLG-FM Ft. Pierce, FL AC 7 6 1 3 0 1 0 3 0.004

    OMWH is really hanging in there. I think this is a wee bit farther than either WY or ATD got in spins per week. The highest number of spins I see for WY is 119. I see it reached #24 though, so we aren't quite there yet. Still, it's a steady rising right now. I think it can, I think it can, I think it can.

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