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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Falling... I LOVE this song... not my fave, but close to it, since I was 5-6ft from him while he sang this on Kimmel and was part of the "happening" of us all yelling, "try to remind me now." So fantastic!!! Sigh!

    I would love someone to post the lyrics to each song when it is time to discuss, cause I haven't memorized them all yet and really don't remember them well enough to discuss. JMHO

    That's obvious, since "try to remind me now" is from Ashes. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:


    I was trying to not know the outcome as DH has recorded it!

    I shoulda known better!!


    I'm sorry. I did spoiler my comments until someone else had spilled the beans. It's still worth watching, but I'm sorry we ruined the suspense.


    Golf is crazy!

    How many freaking OTs does this thing have?!?!

    Sudden death. ACK!!!

    I just got a response from my hotel contact to my question, "Where did you hear the info re: Clay?"

    Her: Heard through “In Touch”. Tee hee.

    Me: Ha! Busted! You READ “In Touch?”

    Her: Absolutely my fav !!!!!!! How do you think I become so educated with worldly gossip. Tee hee

    "worldly gossip" Bwah! :cryingwlaughter:

    So ask her if she believes that shit. In Touch is the mag that printed a quote from JP on this, volunteering to be godfather. UGH!!

  3. I loved watching Tiger roar back yesterday. But I would have been thrilled with Rocco winning yesterday too -- because he truly IS an underdog. I mean, the man is ranked something like 137th! If he pulls this out today, it will be AMAZING.

    The match today is fabulous. Don't know if I should post, so I'll just spoiler to say with 3 holes to go, Rocco has made a comeback from 2 down to take the lead. ETA: Now two holes to go, both pars.

    Falling is really high on my list, especially the opening lines of each verse. "Silence, long lost friend...." Love it!! Love his deep voice. Sigh.

  4. I missed parts of the Tonys because of switching back and forth - what I saw was excellent and fun - I missed Taylor, I guess, but my thought was it would have been odd to see him in that context, basically playing Taylor. How did he do?

    There was no Taylor. There was a number from Grease. I don't know how it got round the boards that he'd be performing (haha--rumors? Clay boards?? haha) but I didn't expect him to, and he didn't.

    I'm previewing so I can't quote. Yeah, the number sucked, but Taylor would've sucked worse. Grease has proven that you can't pick your two leads on a TV show and send them right to Broadway. And Taylor has proven that not everyone from American Idol will be good on Broadway. :cryingwlaughter:

    Not shipping anyone, but the sweetsingerman is ALWAYS with "cousin" Jamie! And just about every picture you see of them (NE, for example) she's gazing at him somewhat specially. But then on her MySpace she's sitting with some guy. That guy must be a teensy jealous of cousin Clay! Unless it's all a ruse.

    Don't know if it's the same guy, but last year I saw her at least once per tour with a tall, nice looking guy heading into the audience after the show started.

    I have a friend who was a OTT Jamie shipper--talked about how the way they interacted at the gala was proof! I say, proof! of a relationship. Of course others said the same thing about Jaymes at the same event. Clay's been shipped with so many women. Meh. Oh, BTW, I saw yellow sweater girl in a YouTube of David Cook performing on a morning show. I guess she works for RCA.

  5. [not quoting] lots and lots of posts about the Biltmore line [/not quoting]

    I was there too! It was a memorable experience, and a whole bunch of people were in that line. Loved that venue, and he was so funny that night.

    It was at my sister's house... so yes I had to man the grill, AGAIN. LOL. Oh well, at least I didn't have to pay for any of the bbq I had all weekend. But we watched The US Open..god it was so exciting. GO TIGER! And I loved Rocco too.

    I can't believe you had to cook again. Free is good, but I'd say you definitely earned your bbq.

    I watched the Open too. Yesterday Tiger was beyond belief--today he was a different kind of amazing. I love Rocco too. Tomorrow is going to be fun to watch.

  6. And therein lies what I think is the issue some fans have with how he deals with things.....it's not what they would do.


    My mother can't understand why I don't like lettuce on my sandwiches. For decades and decades she has refused to accept this. It doesn't matter how many times I tell her, she just won't listen. She likes lettuce on her sandwiches. Therefore everyone should, especially her own progeny. There are many other issues with her of this nature, but that's just an easy example. (One of the few blessings of her current condition is that she's mostly stopped trying to run my life, not that I ever let her. And she doesn't make sandwiches anymore.) I think this is why I have a strong reaction to fans trying to tell Clay what to do--it's a kind of mothering that bugs me.

  7. I also wonder if they're keeping quiet because the child hasn't been born yet. Just as some couples don't announce a pregnancy until after the first tri-mester in case there's a miscarriage, perhaps they don't want to discuss the baby until he or she is actually delivered.

    That's what the only official statement said--that there would be no comment until the baby is born.

    But we all have our personal perceptions of who he is and is not. I know some cannot accept that he'd be anything but a full-time father. I respect that opinion, but personally, I don't find a "godfather" role wrong or inconsistent with how I see him. YMMV

    The reason I'm thinking the way I am is because of what I know of his relationship to Vernon and lord knows it's miniscule and completely different from this scenario. Forget the media and paparazzi..explaining part time status to a child is a hard thing to do no matter what the reasons.

    Like you said, different situation. Vernon was a screwed up guy who didn't seem capable of love. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, can anyone doubt Clay would love and nurture this child? Something I haven't seen anyone else suggest...perhaps there is a male partner in Jaymes' life who is not Clay? Gasp. Someone who is her age or older (and infertile), increasing the desire to have a engaged individual who would be around if something happened to either parent. Not saying that's what I believe, but it's something that's crossed my mind. IIT.

  8. JennaZ also suggested the scenario that this could've been something they were supposed to keep secret and Clay was supposed to act as a very active "godfather" to the child. This does not mean he wouldn't be involved but that his involvement will be kept quiet. With the amount he travels anyway and how they are always around each other...that could mean Clay would still be the main father figure of the child.

    I could certainly understand why they would want to protect that child that way, IIT, as the paparazzi are completely out of hand these days when it comes to tracking celebs with children down and photographing them. Jaymes having a baby on her own probably wouldn't have attracted that much attention, and Jaymes and Clay together haven't attracted a lot of attention either, so they might've hoped to keep it quiet indefinitely, I don't know. It's also possible, IIT, that they wanted to wait until the baby is born, since it is a risky pregnancy. Or, it might not be true at all.

  9. oh, yeah, :clears throat, taps baton on podium:


    OK - last night on the way home I blasted this out and kept repeating it maybe 5 times or so.....


    With the exception of maybe one or two references, do you think this song could be directed at the media/trash tabloids???

    discuss :D

    While it may not have been written for that--it really does fit doesn't it!!!

    I guess I just don't see Clay asking his friend to have a baby because he wants one.

    I agree totally.

    Tim Russert! Holy shit! Charles Gibson on ABC and Tom Brokaw on CNN are both on the verge of tears as they do breaking news announcements.

  10. Keepingfaith, it's hard to figure out what you are looking at without a link. Billboard never reports charts in advance of a date, but maybe the numbers are reversed June 21=12?? Clay has no airplay on Hot AC that I'm aware of; he certainly isn't charting at 29 there.

    This is as close as I can get, and it's AC for the week of June 12: http://www.radioandrecords.com/Formats/Charts/AC_Chart.asp

    This is a heck of a URL:


    They list the CD at #162 today.

    This seems to be the chart you are talking about: http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/char...emporary+Tracks

    It matches by title and by date. You have to have a subscription to view anything past the top 20. Everything is "Hot"--"Hot" R&B, "Hot 100" "Hot" Holiday, so maybe this means "Hot" Adult Contemporary instead of Hot AC????

    The date is weird, but must refer to the issue of the magazine rather than the actual week of airplay.

    #162 is the ranking on the top 200 sales chart, I'm guessing. Can't view past 100. And I don't see #162 at the link you posted.

  11. Keepingfaith, it's hard to figure out what you are looking at without a link. Billboard never reports charts in advance of a date, but maybe the numbers are reversed June 21=12?? Clay has no airplay on Hot AC that I'm aware of; he certainly isn't charting at 29 there.

    This is as close as I can get, and it's AC for the week of June 12: http://www.radioandrecords.com/Formats/Charts/AC_Chart.asp

  12. ldyjocelyn said

    djs, I'm guessing that's a computer programming language?

    But that reminds me of the old PRoC days -- I almost always spelled it out when I said it, and was confused as hell when someone called it "PROK." ????

    claytonic -- PROC = People's Republic of Clay, the precursor to the Clack House (thanks to TWOP, Television Without Pity)...Hee.

    TACL (the Tandem Advanced Command Language) is the scripting programming language used in Tandem Computers. I kinda hate it, but I know how to change TACL stuff that is already written, writing it from scratch is not one of my real skills.

    I always was confused when some said "twop" for TWOP, I always think of it as 2P. Is twop one syllable? Does twop rhyme with crop?

    I always call it 2P as well. It's written TwoP, which looks like Two-P to me. Others I've heard say "two-wop" or something like that.

    ahem..but of course it's PROK.

    Ah yes!! The meeting of destiny between couchie and myself at the AI Sacramento pre-party was nearly derailed when she asked me "Are you PROK?" I thought maybe that was a person's name (I have a con.nec.tion with Clay who thought Monty Python was a person).

    I had always pronounced it to myself as Pro-Cee. All of these people online sitting at home in front of their computers just assumed everyone else was pronouncing the acronym the same way. When we actually started meeting each other at concerts and pre-parties, we discovered this was not so. In fact, we had a survey/poll about it to find out which pronunciation was favored by other CHers. I'm pretty sure PROK won, which was sure a surprise to me!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Pro-Cee is also what I've always called it, but I believe PROK is the more common pronounciation.

    It's too late for me though, my versions are more familiar to me, and if I do talk about either off the boards, people usually know what I'm talking about, and if they don't, I'll pronounce the name a different way. I wouldn't have known what either one of those was back then. I was still in my idolforum/CB/TTC phase back then.

    I see everyone is really into deep conversation tonight. :cryingwlaughter:

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