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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Wasn't Jaymes there for the whole recording process in NYC? Maybe they were living together then. No one actually dicovered where Clay was staying did they? Makes me wonder if Kipper or any of the others at the studio knew Jaymes was PG. (If she is!)

    Who knows? Wouldn't affect my point, which is that he was crazy busy the whole time. I think you keep forgetting the "if this is something that Clay wanted from Jaymes and she is just a vessel" preface to what I'm saying. The tabloids (and a few posters) are painting a picture of a man desperate to have a child, unable to find anyone willing to carry that child but Jaymes, who is doing this as a favor to him. To me, this doesn't resonate with his work schedule from November through May, even if she were living with him. JMO and YMMV and all that.

  2. Clayzedover said:

    If Jaymes did this at her age, she must have wanted a child very badly.

    Yes. This fact seems to be lost in all the other noise. Whoever the father is.....she DID have to want a baby pretty badly. Carrying a child for 9 months can be joyous and fulfilling but it's also alot of work. There are many things I couldn't do at 50 that were very easy for me to do at 20 or even 30. Your body is just not the same. Whatever, however, whoever....Jaymes is actually pretty brave to embark on motherhood at this stage of her life.

    Not lost to me--it's exactly why I don't buy the suggestion that she is doing this just for him, like a vessel.

    Most gay people look and act like everybody else probably because they ARE just like everybody else in all ways but maybe one or two....it's only the truly swishy ones that make it their focus to let other people know they're gay! And that's purposeful.

    Amen! And there have been many tests of this. In addition to scientific tests, there was a short running TV show called "gay, straight, or taken" or something like that where women hung out with each man for a period of time before deciding, and I never saw one accurately identify the gay guy.

    but also this would take a huge committment.........

    You can't just count back 7 months and say Clay was busy doing this or that.

    IF this is Clay's baby, they would have had to plan, the procedures alone would take preparation and time. At any given time in the past year and a half, Clay could have had sperm frozen anywhere in the US or Canada. The procedure may not have 'taken' the first time.

    No, you can't just count back. But if he were all about having this baby, if she were doing it just for him, I would think he'd want to be around to be supportive during the pregnancy. It could be the timing just sucked and it couldn't be helped, that after however many months or years or trying, it just happened to work right before this hugely busy time in his life, and he felt like his career was too important to cut back just because his baby mama finally got pregnant, or it could be that he is, IIT, at most, a friend helping her out, and happy to take part in the child-raising process, but not the one who is the primary force behind it.

  3. He won't, but if he was to ever ask me, I would advise him to just come out. Let the chips fall where they are and live his life. Find true love. It would be the best thing to happen to his career in my opinion. He would probably be surprised at the amount of respect it would give him from the industry and his peers. Seing as how I believe his OTT fans are an albatross around his neck, way more than who he sleeps with has ever been. If he came out, then there would be no need for fans to engage the swamp people. No need to even go to sights like PH or John what's his name? No need for fans to go and protect him on every site they can find with a gay inuendo made on there. Or a less than flattering statement made about Clay in some obscure person's blog. There would be no need for the late night comics and others to make jokes insinuating his sexuality. There would be no need for fans keeping tabs on other fans who might believe he is gay. It would put an end to fans at OFC trying to run other fans off who belong to the OC board, or who think he is gay. It would put an end to sooooooo much. Mainly, and more importantly, it would be the most freeing thing Clay could do for himself.

    All these things are on my list of why he probably isn't gay. My Fake Clay wouldn't mind at all coming out if he were gay, but he can't come out if he isn't gay. Hence, "It would not make sense for me to do that," to Diane Sawyer. But whatever--I don't care either way, and one thing is for sure, a bunch of people who do not know him will never figure out the truth of it by debating it on a message board. You know?

  4. from CV:
    I was just channel flipping and on CNN Headline they have some show on where they are highlighting celebrity/media scandals and commenting on how they were handled by the celebs. One of the commentators said, " Rule #1: The media is not your friend. Defending yourself will keep the story going."

    Yup, Clay figured that out some time ago!

    They may not agree with with his stance to not attempt to clear this up but did you see Brad and Angelina trying to clear it up when the rags were saying Brad was moving out and leaving Angelina? No. It was all over the newstands. Next thing you know, they're having twins. Oh and then they were born and had names and then oops... They've taken the exact same stance of not addressing what's being said about them.

    I posted here last week about channel-surfing onto a bit on CNN Showbiz about an actress who was really angry because a magazine article had implied she'd had an affair with Bill Clinton. Her statement was very specific about the three times she'd met him and what the circumstances were. Someone from TMZ was commenting that her strong denial was PROOF that it's true. LOL. So last night I came home and turned on headline news to see if they were still showing the Clay bit, and Showbiz started up, and what are they talking about?? This woman who supposedly had an affair with Bill Clinton. So, no, denying it will not kill the story.

    That program so sucks, BTW. Those two little bits are all I've watched of it in months so please don't consider this a recommendation. :cryingwlaughter:

    I was with 2 NICU nurses this weekend and one of them had the People Magazine and was asking if it was true. I, too, gave the standard answer that all of the publicity was based on a crappy rumor website and nothing had been substantiated from either Clay or Jaymes. Then we started talking about 50 year old women getting pregnant who have never had children before. Both of them laughed. Said it happens but that without some kind of intervention it was pretty rare. And that intervention could take different methods and often many months!!! I mentioned that Clay had toured in November and December and had very few days off during that time period. Again - the skepticism! So who knows.

    I noticed in that CNN piece that Clay stated that he hadn't been in LA in 9 months. That was from an interview when the AOL Sessions were recorded, which was mid-May. That got me to thinking--this scenario of Clay being the father, given the time period involved, requires that he drop off some sperm and then head off to Raleigh for tour rehearsals, go off on a Christmas tour, head to Mexico with his family (and no Jaymes) for UNICEF, off to NY for Spamalot rehearsals, followed by months of a grueling schedule of recording and doing the show every night, as well as some advance PR for the album. So if the actual gestation period is longer than 9 months, there was probably time to be present for an IVF process in late October somewhere and then take off for the rest of the time, otherwise, the sperm was frozen and he wasn't even around at all.

    Makes me wonder IIT.

    I had a funny dream last night which led to me waking up thinking, he's going to be in a movie in which he's a father, and somehow this got twisted into him being a father in RL. And it was a girl. :cryingwlaughter:

    IIT, I wish everyone concerned all happiness, but IINT, I would really enjoy seeing the egg on the faces of a whole bunch of media who have run with this, with the only confirmation that Clay is the father coming from a statement from David Foster's publicist, who says he was misquoted. As for fans that will be pissed that he didn't deny it IINT, I'd say, you shoulda known better than to believe it.

    Ultimately, it's just more drama. It's real people and real things that matter, but it isn't our life, it's his. I love Scarlett's line:

    Everyone has their own private 'Fake Clay', though very few have attempted to communicate via text messages.

    Personally, I'm good with whatever. I'm not saying that I'm convinced INT, but I'm not convinced IT either.

  5. Interesting long post Iseeme. One thing I wanted to say is that the flow of (seemingly) open information didn't just suddenly stop with the JP stuff started. I think there had already been a gradual tamping down on that, probably because he and his friends/family began to see what happens when you're too open. I don't think they ever did tell "everything" though. Oh, and it was Amanda's mother who was on the boards, or someone claiming to be her.

    Clayzor, if what you say is true, you'll have to add "fucking stupid" to the list, because you'd have to be fucking stupid to ask someone Jaymes' age to bear a child for you. As for the rest, whatever. I don't see him exactly as you do, but I don't particularly care about any of that.

  6. Interesting. Do you know what the difference is? Here's the one I've been checking:


    I didn't think you were blind, though. I was just confused. I know there are difference between Mediabase and that other chart. I forget what it's called. But I think that's because they poll different stations. This is just odd. Same title, same date, same time, different stats. :shrug:

    I like the number 101 on the chart you posted! :clap:

    While the difference for Clay is small, the difference for Matchbox Twenty is substantial.

    I dunno. Like you I have heard they poll different stations, and I don't have access to that data. The chart you linked has the same format starters and leaders for Matchbox Twenty. Both show 15 stations playing and +23 spins. :shrug: Just the ranking and total spins are different--waaaaaaay different.

    ETA: Both charts are called Mediabase. They look identical in many respects. Both have the header "Mediabase - Published Panel Past 7 Days - by Overall Rank."

  7. I'm interested too. Per couchie's question, here's moonhead's list from the CH. I think that any station that has played the song goes on this list.

    Beaumont 104.5 KKMY-FM Clear Channel Communications

    Corpus Christi 92.7 KKBA-FM Malkan Broadcast Association

    Ft. Pierce 101.3 WHLG-FM Horton Broadcasting

    Grand Rapids 95.7 WLHT-FM Regent Communications

    Hartford 100.5 WRCH-FM CBS Radio

    Honolulu KUMU-FM NONE

    Jackson 98.7 WJKK-FM New South Communications Incorporated

    Johnson City 98.5 WTFM-FM Glenwood Communications Corp

    Knoxville 97.5 WJXB-FM South Central Communications Corporation

    Lansing 99.1 WFMK-FM Citadel Communications Corporation

    Las Vegas 106.5 KSNE-FM Clear Channel Communications

    Milwaukee, WI WLDB-FM

    Monterey/Salinas 96.9 KWAV-FM Buckley Broadcasting Corporation

    Newburgh 100.7 WHUD-FM Pamal Broadcasting Ltd.

    Pittsburgh 99.7 WSHH-FM Renda Broadcasting Corporation

    Raleigh 101.5 WRAL-FM Capitol Broadcasting Company

    Richmond 98.1 WTVR-FM Clear Channel Communications

    Spokane 98.1 KISC-FM Clear Channel Communications

    Tulsa 92.9 KBEZ-FM Renda Broadcasting Corporation

    Wilkes Barre WLNP-FM

    Worcester 96.1 WSRS-FM Clear Channel Communications

    Other Stations Playing "On My Way Here" via Anecdotal reports or YES.com sightings…

    WMGV Greenville/Jackson/New Bern NC

    KLAZ Little Rock AR

    KXXO Olympia WA

    WLNP Scranton PA

    These stations are definitely currently playing the song. Format leaders play the song over X times a week--I don't know how many, 7 maybe? I'd like to see a lot more stations in that column, and there have been more, so some stations are playing the song less than they used to.

    Format starters:

    WLNP-FM Wilkes-Barre AC

    KBEZ-FM Tulsa AC

    Format leaders:

    WRAL-FM Raleigh AC

    KUMU-FM Honolulu AC

    These stations have been format leaders at some point:


    WTVR-FM Richmond AC 8 4 4 5 0 3 0 0 0.066

    WHLG-FM Ft. Pierce, FL AC 7 5 2 1 0 2 0 4 0.007

    WHUD-FM Newburgh, NY AC 7 6 1 7 0 0 0 0 0.006

    KKMY-FM Beaumont, TX AC 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0.004

    WTVR-FM Richmond AC 7 4 3 4 0 3 0 0 0.066

    WHLG-FM Ft. Pierce, FL AC 7 5 2 2 0 2 1 2 0.008

    WRCH-FM Hartford AC 7 5 2 1 0 0 3 3 0.071

    source: this thread

    And...I just checked mediabase, and we're right back to Clayzor's post:

    KBEZ-FM Tulsa

    WLNP-FM Wilkes-Barre

    KKMY-FM Beaumont, TX

    Are playing Clay. In fact he is being played on 21 stations now. If anybody cares..........................

    #30, 101 spins, +15 spins from this time last week

    Those 4 stations, the leaders and starters, are accounting for 34 of the 101 spins, so quiet requests at the stations in red up there would be a good thing.

    Hang in there!! "I think it can, I think it can, I think it can."

  8. Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I laughed my head off at this.

    It's a made up Soup interview. He asks questions about Clay getting "the sample" and it's Clay's answers from a 2003 interview. Maybe some won't think it's funny, butcha gotta laugh right???

    At least it's blatantly ridiculous, lol.

    I guess I should be happy this is going over a lot of people's heads, or that it doesn't bother them because they don't interpret it as I do, but the part about masturbating in front of children at school or in camp squicks me right out.

  9. Excuse me? THE barbeque is eastern North Carolina barbeque. Spreading some fancy tomato sauce on meat is not barbeque. (People in western NC do that.) I know this because I learned it on my parents' knees, and my mama was a convert so she should know. She grew up on the western side of the Piedmont and was a fully grown adult before she first tasted proper NC barbeque (that is eastern), and she taught me that eastern NC barbeque is the best. That rule was right up there with 'wash your hands before eating' and 'do not take the Lord's name in vain'. Now here's a secret--all eastern NC barbeque is not created equal, so you could've easily had some crappy stuff. People can mess it up, and when they do, it ain't all that. But the good stuff is special.

    KAndre picks up a piece of mesquite to hold off that other heathen, jmh...

    Tomato sauce?!?! TOMATO SAUCE?!?! Child, if somebody gotta cover up the perfection that is true barbeque (in other words, some serious smoked meat out of Texas) with ANY kind of "sauce", it ain't barbeque. Sometimes mothers can be misled. I'm sure y'all got some tasty dishes right there, yes indeedy! But a barbeque sauce is a condiment, not a main ingredient! And if it ain't pork ribs or some serious sausage, that pig needs to stand back from the pit for some brisket!

    KAndre knows of what she speaks. Brisket + Mesquite + Smoke = Barbeque. You can put any sauce you want on it. Or no sauce at all.

    Reminds me of the Test of a True Texan:

    Question: Do you like your chili with or without beans?

    True Texan Answer: There ain't no damn beans in chili. If there's beans in it, it's BEANS!

    Ah, then our barbeques are actually not that far apart. You put the pig in a pit and cook it all day--hence, pit-cooked barbeque. I don't put sauce on proper eastern NC barbeque. Now there's a little marianade involved, but it should be thoroughly and competely cooked into the meat, not poured on there after it's done. (But we'd probably still disagree a bit on the flavor. Oh, and the brisket thing. :imgtongue: )

  10. Clay is a unmitigated HEATHEN! I can't believe it! He mentioned barbeque and North Carolina in the same breath! AAAAARRRRRGGGGH! I love the man but he has a blind spot you can drive a truck though! Vinegar and mustard and some sort of pork production is NOT barbeque! He's lucky he sings and looks pretty! Kelly was absolutely right on the matter!

    Excuse me? THE barbeque is eastern North Carolina barbeque. Spreading some fancy tomato sauce on meat is not barbeque. (People in western NC do that.) I know this because I learned it on my parents' knees, and my mama was a convert so she should know. She grew up on the western side of the Piedmont and was a fully grown adult before she first tasted proper NC barbeque (that is eastern), and she taught me that eastern NC barbeque is the best. That rule was right up there with 'wash your hands before eating' and 'do not take the Lord's name in vain'. Now here's a secret--all eastern NC barbeque is not created equal, so you could've easily had some crappy stuff. People can mess it up, and when they do, it ain't all that. But the good stuff is special.

  11. Welcome justclay12 and calurker! Sounds like we're lucky to have you newbies on the board. Justclay, I've been enjoying your posts, and calurker, I hope we'll be hearing more from you.

  12. Honestly, I don't believe unconditional love exists except between mother and child. Sometimes between father and child but never between a man and a woman, friends and family outside the mother and child bond. Think about it. Relationships are always conditional.

    My father loved me unconditionally. My mother--not even close. She loves me, deeply, but she just isn't able to feel unconditional love.

    ETA: I don't think putting up with abuse is about unconditional love either--I think there's some disagreement here about what that term means. To me it means total acceptance of who you are as a person, loving you for exactly who you are, not for what you do or don't do--it doesn't mean taking a bunch of shit from someone cause you looooooove him.

  13. Oooh! I love more recent Asian movies - Raise The Red Lantern (stunning), The Scent of Green Papaya, The Vertical Ray of the Sun, anything with Tony Leung (I do love Hong Kong Express!)

    Love Raise the Red Lantern and Scent of Green Papaya. Haven't see the other two but I'll look for them. In Japan I used to watch Hong Kong movies all the time, most of them not "arty" at all, but just plain entertaining. Fell in love with Leslie Cheung, who later tragically killed himself, and Chow Yun-Fat, who ended up coming here to do some good movies and some not-so-good ones.

    Eeeeeee! I can't believe I read Tony Leung's name here --- "In The Mood For Love" (with Maggie Cheung) was sublime! I've been trying to get a copy of Hong Kong Express for ages!

    Thanks for sharing these movies, jmh and djs! Other favorites -- "Eat Drink Man Woman", "Farewell my Concubine", "Kagemusha - The Shadow Warrior" and "The Road Home". Was expecting more from "Hero" but I enjoyed it anyway because of Tony and Maggie.

    I also love Tony and Maggie, and Eat Drink Man Woman, and Farewell My Concubine (with my beloved Leslie). Pushing Hands is a lesser known film directed by Ang Lee that is definitely worth watching for its exploration of cultural conflicts at home, with the same man who plays the father in Eat Drink Man Woman. Funny fight scene in a restaurant kitchen. Once a Thief (directed by John Woo, with Yun-Fat and Leslie Cheung) is a big favorite of mine, even though it's 100% Hong Kong cheese. Another movie I love for sheer spectacle and its homage to old Hollywood movies is "Run Tiger Run" (Liang zhi lao hu, 1985, also directed by Woo). There's a wonderful scene--an epic battle in a massive living room between a bunch of kids and the bad guys--that is so camp and so funny.

    Oh and another movie I recommend is "King of Masks," made on the mainland, about a Peking Opera star with an unusual skill who is looking for an heir to teach.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, laughn!!

    In other news, all is well - we have cat pee! :cryingwlaughter: The patient is doing well.

    YAY!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    djs111, very funny!!!

  14. While channel surfing I passed CNN Showbiz and stopped, since we were talking about these shows today. Did you know that according to someone from TMZ, the fact that Gina Gershon is angry that Vanity Fair implied she had an affair with Bill Clinton is PROOF that it's true? Why else would she be so angry? Lots of salacious captions, leering commentators and so on. It's 10 after and they're still on the subject. Is Gershon making a mountain out of a molehill? Will this hurt her career? If Clinton's angry, shouldn't he be talking to Gershon, not the press? (WTF?) Oh, now we've moved on to Hulk Hogans' son's jail house videos. Bleah!

    At the risk of being accused of thinking Clay's voice is the most perfect one in the universe, the imperfections are what keeps his voice interesting for me. Sometimes he'll sing a note that seems a bit strident, and about the time I'll decide it is too much so, he'll round it out and make it so pretty. I like the way he plays with sounds and syllables, and lets some of them be "natural". I don't care for singing that is too perfect. It has no life, no character, for me. Don't like Il Divo or Josh Groban. So yeah, his every note is not perfect, but I like it like that. Now if he was out of key all the time, that would be a different story. That would bug me.

    OT, because I think some here will be interested. TCM is doing a series this month, every Tuesday and Thursday night, on "Race and Hollywood: Asian Images in Film." http://www.tcm.com/2008/aif/index.jsp. There are 4 to 6 films every night, starting at 8 pm. Here are the films and times: http://www.tcm.com/2008/aif/index.jsp. I'm really sorry I didn't know about this last night and missed The Bitter Tea of General Yen. I've long wanted to see that. There are some really good essays on the site about each film too.

  15. I used to be WAY more interested in celebrities -- used to watch ET faithfully every night. I think for me, though, I started sensing a change in the tone for many of these shows; it used to be fun to watch the red carpet stuff for a premiere, and it gave me information about new releases in music, TV and movies too. Now, though -- it just seems to be more gossip to me.

    I know I'll get shot for this, but I still do read People magazine regularly. The thing is, I read every.single.article in it with a huge salt block attached. I know there are many people out there who don't -- and as part of my job as a information literacy librarian, I work with students on this very concept. Unfortunately, there's too many people out there who don't see that being aware of the source is part of the problem -- and in the end, I just have to give up on them. I'd drive myself bonkers otherwise.

    I agree that the tone of those shows has changed; even since 2003 there's been a big change, to the point where even the promise of Clay won't usually be enough to get me to watch. Of course there hasn't been much good stuff about Clay on those shows, so maybe that affects my attitude, but the Anna Nicole stuff really did me in. There was a time in my life when I read People, back in the early 80s for a year or two. When I see an issue now at the dentist's or wherever, it seems to me to have changed in tone as well. I remember really enjoying the stories about real people most, and it seemed as if there was a lot more of that than there is now.

  16. Perhaps this is why we all have such varying disagreements, it is in some people's nature to evaluate things initially to see what they feel is wrong according to their own ideas of life, and others might just first say Oooh!! Cool! Is it actually hurting anyone? No? Then Oooh! Cool!

    That is not any kind of morality statement, it is just what I have observed on fan boards and in real life. I don't think the rose-colored-glasses contingent is making a determined effort to see the happy because they think it is the Right and Moral Thing To Do, I think they might very well just be cheery by nature.

    Anyone remember The Fucking Cheery Car? I had it moved to FCA and the bar is open 24/7, just clean up after yourselves, BYOB of whatever you like, and tipping is appreciated. I am researching what kind of snacks to offer - Cheez Doodles haz too much carbz. Mixers and ice are on the house.

    I've been hanging out in The Fucking Cheery Car a long time, and moved to FCA when it moved over here. Don't know if I'm cheery by nature, but by nature don't spend a lot of time on thinking about what people should do other than what they do. Tend to accept a lot of things others might not. Might come from having a pretty odd family. :cryingwlaughter:

    KAndre fondly remembers building the Fucking Cheery Car and is of the opinion she should have enough minions by now to clean up behind her...stops and thinks for a second (and did some research) - nope, she was just the first passenger...a number of fucking cheery people (many of whom are in here now followed) and then ldyj opened the car for business! Being chugging along fuckin' cheerily ever since...

    I remember it well. MUAH to all the other Fucking Cheery people!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    The majority of celebrities at Clay's level - I know jack shit about. I also know I know relatively little about most celebrities anyway. Lots and lots of people honest to God do not care one way or another about celebrities.

    Not interested in celebrities myself. When for a period of time I actually watched the entertainment shows and read the magazines because Clay was in them I felt like I was losing brain cells exponentially. It's just not my thing. Most of the people I know are the same.

    KAndre - there are probably many people who feel the way you do. But whether or not you cite statistics about the population and the circulation of tabloids....there is still a reason they are in business. There is still a reason the TV mags have the viewership they do. There is still an element of our population that thrives on the seamiest of gossip and spreads it lovingly to all who will listen. There are people who read NE and Star and Globe and believe every single word they read as if it were the gospel truth. There are celebrities who's image is tarnished because of this. I think Clay is one of them.

    I'm just glad that Clay doesn't live his life marching to their drum. I admire him for not letting them dictate his life, even if it affects his career negatively.

    I'm sorry but who the hell is doing a claymate movie...

    Looks like it's all old film from 2003 and 2004. I confess I didn't watch most of it--been there done that, but I can see how it could be interesting to claytonic since she wasn't around for all that, and is still too far away to join in parties and gatherings and so forth. So claytonic, I'm interested if you want to tell us what you learned or saw or how it interested you, OK??

  17. Gosh, I didn't realize how many people were feeling down about things. {{{Hugs to everyone who need them}}}

    I wish things were better. But this is how things work. That world that Clay sings about in MGUCL? It doesn't exist. What we have is our world today. It isn't fair. Being good or deserving or working hard or being the "best" doesn't guarantee that things go your way. S**T happens. But here and there, sometimes good things come and if we keep chugging along, good will prevail. Babies are always nice because they help us remember what is good about everything. They bring joy and hope.

    Each of us (including Clay) needs to find joy in ourselves (nope, nobody swallowed it). There's no one else who's going to provide this and so we need to take care of ourselves; what good does reading and responding to nasty stuff do? Nasty people will always exist, like cockroaches. Responding angrily to them will not change things. There are some good people out there and we need to surround ourselves with the right sort. Family, we can't choose, but we don't have to take cr*p from them either.

    It's been a few days, and I wanted to quote this one again, especially the bolded part about responding angrily.

    I've had plenty of friends and many wonderful experiences in my life, yet somewhere in the back of my head was a little voice saying where are my people, where are my people. I'm sure that sounds completely batshit crazy, but I've never felt that I've been around people who think like me and I've compromised and understood and been patient with the people in my life, like forever. Anyway, I found my people -- and what do you know, turns out they are Clay Aiken fans. This is something I realized before I ever met even one of you in person. It has nothing to do with traveling or going to concerts or any social thing ... I just found a group of supportive and giving and open-minded people and the glue is Clay Aiken. I needed this moment of self-disclosure. You are my people.


    I can't say that I never found my people before, but I sure lost them along the way somewhere until this fandom came along. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    [philosophical bent warning] I think that Clay, over the last five years, has exposed a lot of predjudice and judgement. He has also inspired a whole lot of love from a whole lot of people. I think that may be what part of his destiny is and I know that part of my destiny is to grow and change because of what I see in him, good and not so good. I am more accepting and more compassionate... because of him. More importantly, a lot of that acceptance and compassion is toward myself... because of him. Clay Aiken is not perfect and isn't going to do everything perfectly and since I'm not either, that's ok with me. [/philosophical bent]

    I have experienced pure joy because of him and laughed more than in my whole life in the last five years... because of him and the people I have experienced thru him and his fandom.

    Bottom line: I love and appreciate that man and what he has brought into my life. I wish him happiness in whatever form he choses. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    You'll have to pardon me... I stayed up too late and just got all schmoopie!

    I love this schmoopie post. I agree with you on the bolded part, although the cockroaches can still get to me. And I'm really not good at the towards myself part, but I love hearing it. Say it again at least weekly, OK?

    One of my favorite people in the world is Elizabeth Edwards. I'm not totally sure what her exact age was when either of her younger children were born, but she had to be about 50. The Edwards wanted more children and she probably had in vitro, but I don't know that for a fact.

    Sometimes it just happens when you think it can't, and sometimes you make every effort in the world to make it happen ..... but it happens. It should still be a non-issue for anyone other than the parents.

    I love Elizabeth Edwards too, going way back to when they first came onto the political scene down here. When she first had those younguns, she got fat, she didn't fix herself up, and she didn't care about stuff like that, and she had this gorgous politician husband who obviously adored her. Spoke volumes about him to me. Now that I've had time to get to know her, I only admire her more.

    Another Eric Roberts fan here. I looked on imdb and I couldn't find what part he played that so caught me but it was a long time ago. I've seen him over the years in various things, but I knew nothing about his troubles, just like there are probably a lot of people who never know about Clay's. I think the reaction towards him here today by some was based on a feeling that he and his wife might have violated Clay's and Jaymes' privacy by talking. Certainly none of Clay's "pals" who were quoted were really "pals," but the tone of the piece was positive and accepting, as were Mr. & Mrs. Roberts, so I'm happy about that.

    Several have already made the point, so I won't belabor it, but not everyone here agrees about this whole situation--we just spent days arguing rather heatedly about it, so it's funny to be accused of group think. I think our newbie friend is probably just as upset as a lot of other fans about people's privacy being violated and them being picked on, and reacted in anger to this particular thing. {{{newbie friend}}} But it's important to realize that we don't all agree on things, don't all feel the same way or react the same way here, so we shouldn't be lumped together like that. Too bad the reaction was more of the same, but I forgive us. :cryingwlaughter:

    Anyway, hang in there everybody. I wrote a schmoopie post too this weekend, which went in the pile cause it just wasn't working, but it was similar to liney's in its point, and she said it better--as did Scarlett. We help each other grow and be better people--Clay, and us, we're working on it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  18. IMO, with the Jennifer Hudson one at least, it was probably asked of her as a passing question at the SATC premiere. If Eric Roberts had attended that premiere, same kind of thing. These red carpet things have "interviewers" throwing questions like that around all the time -- when Sydney Pollock died, celebrities were being asked about him, even if they had never worked with him. These interviewers fish for "sound bites" all the time.

    What ldyjocelyn said. ^^^^

    If there is any purpose to that story, besides a continued effort to put a positive spin on this (fans are happy, friends are happy) after feeding the firestorm to begin with, it may be to get this message out:

    Eliza Roberts stresses: "People should understand: It's not like he's the donor and she's the surrogate. These are two people who made a very loving decision to have a baby together."

    as the nastiest of the nasty out there are claiming she's just a vessel. (I know, stupid, but whatever.)

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