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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. According to the Jason Flom's article "The Money Note" in The New Yorker (July 7, 2003), Cherie is from France. However, it is possible that she got a temporary place in the US for promotions. It is/was and interesting article. I quoted it at the CH back in October 2003. Hee! It was the first time I'd read the term A&R and I also mentioned this about the article, "It was also noted that the elite group that Jason and Clive belong to consists entirely of men." Hee! I guess that's changed now.

    I can't stay on too long but can anyone find the article online, pretty please?

    Got it. Thank you Scarlett for the bread crumbs. The Money Note

    I don't see any mention of Clay specifically, just AI, so either I'm remembering that wrong or it was a different article about her that compared them. Probably I'm remembering wrong.

    Playbiller, I sure hope your house is OK. Yikes!!!

  2. jmh, pinning a topic is good.

    But it didn't work. I was just glad I didn't lose the thread altogether or something awful like that. (But I think I found the right way to do it next time.)

    If I remember correctly, there was a silly VH1 show that asked that very question -- I think this was in 2004 or 2005? I don't even remember the entire context of the show itself, but I seem to remember that.

    I remember that desert island thing too, just vaguely.

    I was always under the impression that Clay sang the duet with Cherie because it was the release day for her CD and that she was actually from France.

    Did I just make that up?

    She was from France. I thought the duet was because there were some big-wigs in the audience. Dunno.

    I do remember a long ago article about how many millions they spent building her career in the US, what a megastar she would be compared to Clay Aiken, that reality show guy who would be just a flash in the pan.

  3. What would happen if I posted and selected "pin this topic"? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? :cryingwlaughter:

    What, didn't you read the mod manual? Pinning the topic is fine.

    I love this album too couchie. I was just listening to the Prayer from Broadway Cares and thinking, WOW. Trying to keep my eyes closed and just listen to those two voices.

    Favorite duet evah. I feel so blessed to have seen it live. And getting the DVD it's as good as I remember. You know that Aiken fog... sometimes you never know. heee. Their voices just meshed so beautifully. Sigh. I still have a serious girl crush on Hannah. Wonder if she'd like to join our little commune.

    I'm so jealous! Seriously, I can listen to that over and over and over. It's so beautiful. Lovely words too. And who co-wrote/produced the original? David Foster, who also wrote My Grown-up Christmas list and Without You, the duet with Kim Locke.

    What manual? Eeeep.

    Here goes.... Nothing happened. No pinning of the topic. At least I didn't break anything. Whew.

  4. I have an opportunity at work to apply for an opening in another area, one in which I would REALLY like to work. Openings don't come up all that often, so it's pretty competitive when they do. I wouldn't be crushed if I applied and didn't get it, but my worry lies in how applying might affect my current position. I would think my boss would understand that I'm not just looking to be looking (although...) and that this other position and area matches my career goals MUCH better than what I'm stuck in right now. Decisions, decisions....

    Could you talk to your boss and explain that's why you want to apply??

    I'd go for it, unless there's a serious concern that it might cause you to lose your current job.

    {{ldyjocelyn}} , worse and worse. Oh no.

    Couchie, good for you! I'm not having much luck with finding work that accommodates my caretaking schedule, not that I've even requested any special hours--but people immediately assume that it'll affect my work and almost every job I've applied for is a traditional M-F 8 hour day. Haven't seen many that aren't. Funny, if I were 25 and might be getting pregnant in the future, some people would be more understanding. Mostly because they have to be I guess. It's tempting not to mention it, but if I don't, it's hard to explain why I've been out of work so long, why I'm looking outside my field (unable to relocate), and so on.

  5. Congrats jmh!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    The first night I lurked here, at the suggestion of luckiest1, the very first post I read was yours -- about the Walmart employees hiding all copies of Clay's CDs when "certain" people dropped in -- I knew then and there this was the place for me.

    I'm curious - what "certain" people???

    I wrote a bit of snark arising out of the fact that I could go to my local Walmart and find beaucoup CDs, and someone reporting on the CB thread would say there were none at that same store on the same day.

    Here, I found it, from March 2007:

    Apparently there are no CDs in the stores of people who hate ATDW and want it to be done with, and plenty in the stores of those of us who love it and want to hear songs from ATDW this summer. How are the stores able to figure this out, I wonder, and what do they do when people of both persuasions shop at the same store? I can hear it on the intercom now--"Quick, hide the Aiken CDs, Sally Conspiracy-Theorist is coming in." "Hurry, bring 'em out again. Here comes Julie Jubilant-About-Clay!!" "Oh no, they're both in the store at the same time. Someone distract Sally and keep her out of electronics so she doesn't see those albums!!"
  6. We could do it in the road if you like? :flirtysmile3:

    That's funny you mentioned that. That was snark, of course, but I actually caught a team of those people in my local Walmart when OMWH came out, took them round and showed them where all the albums were. The new releases slots had been emptied and not refilled yet, but there were some in the A's and some in a Mother's Day display. Really pissed them off. :cryingwlaughter:

    Thanks for the congratulations y'all. I look forward to doing nothing. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  7. I just did a search and found all these that had been mentioned in the thread:

    But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!

    tulibu dibu douchou

    Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me. (I fixed it a little for the working folks)

    I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.


    Or IF IF IF IF IF uh

    Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!

    I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

  8. I'm sure they're all here for my Hong Kong travel tips. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    njrp, I'm not sure why you picked us to share your unhappiness with, and not sure what you were hoping to accomplish by posting all that here, but we've had our quota today, so I'm just going to say I'm sorry you feel bad but I don't share your opinions.

    I might just have to take up drinking. Anyone got a G & T???

  9. More on Hong Kong on the cheap:

    Hong Kong Tourist Association - main site There's an office near the clock tower - lots of brochures and helpful information.

    Walking tour - Central and Western

    Walking tour - Wan Chai

    Go to the University of Hong Kong and visit the University Museum and Art Gallery and the Geology Museum there. Walk around the campus (warning, it's on a steep slope).

    Take the cable car to the Peak. If you're nuts, take the local bus like I did and pray you don't die. Enjoy the view and bemoan the touristy nature of the buildings up there.

    Go to Chater Garden and Statue Square. On Sundays many Filapina maids and nannies meet there to chat.

  10. Fun, people!

    I need some entertainment STAT!

    Or people can suggest fun cheap things to do in Hong Kong.

    Go to the Hong Kong Museum. Sit on the 3rd floor and watch the boats in the harbor. Take the ferry across the harbor and back. Stay on the Central side and save big bucks on hotels. Buy groceries at Pacific Place and save money--they might even have cheese doodles there. Eat at the Cosmic Cafe next to the Wesley Hotel. Walk around Central and enjoy the architecture, from high rises to ancient old temples. Take the train to Wong Tai Sin Taoist temple. Ride the turbo jet to Macao (trip is not so cheap but reasonable and fun). If you are crazy, walk all over Macao like I did. Take the bus to Stanley Market and enjoy the ride. Walk around Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui) but don't go into the stores. Go to the Jade Market and look for bargains. Avoid taxis everywhere because the traffic is so bad you pay big bucks to stand still. There are pedestrian walkways above the ground all over Central. Walk a lot.

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