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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Oh BTW...lots of Clay on Idol tonight...its at atlanta so they said they had found three superstars in atlanta...clay, jennifer and fantasia...that sold millions of records.

    Then of course another slight diss from Simon...didn;t really get what he said, this guys would sing with a weird expression so they made him sing with his back to them then when he started dancing...Simon said something about like Clay Aiken and Randy and paula were both going...nooo...stop...so not sure what that is about.

    then they showed the start of clays audition looking all dorky and said something like not looking like a pop star but he had the voice...then they went on to say that the same pattern was happening...then they showed all these dorky looking people...but one difference...they didn't have the voice. So I say...was ok.

    Sounds positive to me, especially the last part--almost like it deserves vaulting!!

  2. Cool! :)

    I did some research, and have answered a few of my own questions in regards to the JFK airport. Apparently, taxis into Manhattan are $45 flat rate, plus tolls and tip. There is also a New York Airport Service Express Bus, for $13 each, that will take you to Grand Central, Port Authority or Penn Station. What I'm still not clear on is whether I have to get to Manhattan in order to connect to the bus to Secaucus, or whether there is a more direct way. Anyone?

    Hey--I did a bunch of research and edited as I went, over at the CH. If you don't have a lot of luggage, and don't mind public transportation, take JFK Airtrain to Jamaica Station, get on the LIRR and go to Penn Station, get a NJ transit train to Secausus. Not expensive, fast. Penn Station is pretty much on the way to Secausus anyway, near as I can tell.

  3. Terrence Mann has been in movies, on television, and on Broadway. He's been in the business at least forty years. JMO, he is the driving force behind the success of the North Carolina Theatre Company. He was the Artistic Director for 14 years, as well as directing many musicals there. He has also been the artistic director of the Lost Colony for many years, an outdoor drama down in Manteo, NC. He wasn't born in NC, but he went to the School of the Arts here, and he has put a ton of energy into developing theatre in this state.

    For all his work as an actor, he's never been a "star" like Clay is a star. There are hundreds if not thousands of people out there like Terry who have worked in the business all their lives, who have stuck with it through struggle and hardship, who have managed to make a living at it, who have had some measure of success, but have never become "stars".

    Now I would love it if he gave Clay Aiken a tongue bath; I would love it if every person on the planet loved Clay Aiken like I do. Clay didn't impress him, apparently, in 1776. That's fine--I believe he's being honest. I don't think it was easy for someone as talented as Clay to do his best in a bit part, knowing what he was capable of if given a chance. Clay has a short attention span, he's admitted it, Clay has indicated in interviews that he has a short attention span, so I believe that Mann's memory is correct. His interpretation, if it is his, I don't share, but then I'm all about Clay. I have no idea whether Terry provided the cutting element to that article, or whether the reporter arranged the quotes to make it so. If he did, that's too bad, but I can understand the sentiment behind it even if I do not share it.

    What some find difficult to accept is that Clay has, not only talent, but something extra--charisma, the Q factor, whatever, that has made him the most "famous" of famous people from NC, that has opened doors and provided shortcuts for him that many, many other working actors and singers have not had. He has that certain something that only a few have--something that I think was sparked on American Idol, perhaps by the television cameras, something I don't think was evident in his earlier years, and face it, still isn't evident to a lot of people. It can't be taught, or learned, it just is.

    Regardless, I think over time some people who misjudge Clay (including Terry, if he is one of them) will have the opportunity to meet him or hear about his work ethic from their friends in the business, and they will learn that he is extremely hard-working and devoted to developing his talents--qualities that will be appreciated by others who share the same qualities.

    As for Clay being lucky, I think Clay'd be the first to agree. Clay was lucky, but he has also worked hard to be where he is today, and I believe he will keep on working hard at his career for many years to come. It's that hard work that will bring him acceptance and the respect of his peers, not the adoration of his fans, not his charisma or his luck. I have no doubt that it will come, but I also know there will never be a day when everyone adores him like I do.

    Interesting (to me) tidbit, from the NC Theatre Co history page. I didn't see this show, but I did see Sharon Lawrence a few times at the Raleigh Little Theatre before she "made it big."

    The first musical production, Camelot, opened in May of 1984. NC School of the Arts graduate Terrence Mann whose Broadway credits now include Javert in Les Miserables, The Beast in Beauty and the Beast, Chauvelin in Scarlet Pimpernel and Rum Tum Tugger in Cats, played “King Arthur” and a UNC student, Sharon Lawrence, whose credits most recently include Sylvia Stipowitz on NYPD Blue, Velma Kelly in Chicago and many other roles on TV, Stage and Film; played “Guenivere”. The successful formula of producing top quality musicals with top national performers and local talent was inaugurated. Opening with 825 season tickets sold and a total audience of 24,000, Camelot marked the beginning of the Regional Theatre’s new direction and the name was changed to the North Carolina Theatre.
  4. Morning--up early to watch Clay on the local news talking about UNICEF. Squeeee. From the CH:

    I just saw the WRAL news clip with Clay talking about Mexico. Very nice piece, he talked about how devastating floods were and Lynda mentioned his previous work with children with disabilities and how he now works worldwide. She also mentioned how the kids would come up and point to the shirt, not because he was Clay Aiken, but because it was UNICEF. Clay mentioned that there was almost an apathy about giving to Mexico, and how sad that was, these kids just wanted shoes. After the clip, Lynda and the news guy talked and were very complimentary towards Clay. He called Clay a giving soul. Lynda said there's another part for next week, talking about NY and his CD that he would be recording, how busy he was.

    I caught most of Clay's interview on TV. I'm rarely up this early, and I had the wrong channel on. I thought I'd missed the local news and then I thought to check Fox 50, as I knew WRAL news is on that station sometimes, and sure enough--there was Clay. It was the image of him holding the little boy, while his voice was telling the story of the boy seeing the word UNICEF and running to hug him. He talked about the children being grateful just to have new shoes for Christmas. Yes, there was some footage of him talking, in the Harry Potter glasses--which I love. Maybe that's why my subconscious woke me up this time. There was more video of Clay with the children giving them something from a blue bag--we're seen this before. After the clip, Linda Loveland said Clay is currently on Broadway in Spamalot, and there would be more from Clay over the next few weeks talking about his current activities. Bill Leslie said something, and then said, and I wish I could remember the exact words but I don't, but that Clay was a giving person before he ever became famous, and now that he is, he's just spreading the wealth. geekette's in NYC, so even if this repeats in the next half-hour, I'm not sure we're going to get it vaulted. So I'm excited to know that they plan more segments on Clay soon.

    Reading before I post--Ah, "giving soul," that was it. I don't remember her mentioning the CD, but maybe I missed that. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE - they just opened the 8 am segment with more footage--Clay with many, many children, as they talk about Clay. Bill says to Linda, you talk to him a lot, don't you? She says, yes, every time he comes to town we sit down and chat. Bill also commented on how Clay is always busy, always up to something new.

    ETA: Same segment, one hour later. Yes, she did mention that they would talk about the CD, which he's recording in NY. It opened with them talking about how before American Idol he worked a lot with kids with disabilities. In the interview he talked about how devastating floods are--you lose everything. There was some footage of him touring the area that was being rebuilt and the footage of him with a bunch of kids. A little of him singing, was it White Christmas? in a funny-sounding voice. Then began the segment at the point I tuned in last hour.

  5. We never got clack of that. It was reported to have been said in a long interview on the radio show of Byron whats-his-name who also does an excellent very late night entertainment show.

    Oops - looking at the CH archive, apparently it had been said that it was the Byron Allen show, but others said it was the Steve Harvey show. Not a solid certainty that it happened at all, or happened as reported. Look at the Imus mention as it actually happened versus the reports.

  6. FWIW, I've called and gotten on a flight the day before, when a big storm was anticipated. They don't want to get stuck with all those stranded people either. It's late, but if I were those folks, I would give it a try. They'd have to find a room in NYC on short notice. It would be a hassle, but better than missing the show.

    ETA: lilyshine is representing at Spamalot tonight. Hope she has a blast!!!!

  7. [[[claygasm}}}

    Hi all! I'm baaaack! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and getting vv excited about Spamalot sometime in April. Travel agent is booking our tickets but I don't know if he knows the absolute URGENCY and IMPORTANCE of doing this asap! Or I might combust or explode!!! Anyway we have now paid for all airfares so it really is happening! EEEEEEE. That is all. Now back to catching up.

    Hooray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those new pictures---not good, IMO. His expression is sour, and his poses look awkward. That's OK, I'll go back and look at some of the beautimous ones from yesterday, which were the Best! Ever!

  8. Yeah that to all of what couchie said.

    And best of luck to luckiest1 and luckiestson!! I saw a show on Discovery Health (I think) about a young man who went on growth hormones, and the follow-through like they often do where you see him some years later. I believe this kid was younger than yours when he started. Anyway, he grew like 4 to 6 inches, can't remember exactly, which left him still short, but a whole lot less so. As a vertically challenged person I can relate, and I get that it must be a 1000 times harder for a boy than for a girl. My dad was 5' 6" and grew up in a time where people as a whole were a bit shorter on average, but it was still difficult for him, so I can only imagine. Hopefully the possibilities will energize him for the icky needle thing. Don't boys sometimes grow a bit even up into their 20's?? So with the help of this treatment he could grow quite a lot.

    ETA: I'm glad that the medication hasn't been affecting his growth. Sometimes you just get the short end of the stick--ha ha. My mom is (or used to be) 5'4", and I have a sister that height and a brother 5' 7", but I ended up 4' 9 1/2" (and then grew a bit more after high school or the yoga did it or something so at one point I was an inch taller than that). I would've been a great deal shorter if it hadn't been for the summer I grew six inches!!

  9. This may not be a popular view, but I wish fans would stop prying into Clay's business.

    I'm glad you brought that up. The original reporter has made a point for 4 1/2 years now of befriending and having conversations with anyone who might have any link to Clay, and of gaining access to Clay or anyone remotely connected to him in any way possible. She loves to bring "scoops" to the boards (but loves to get close to Clay even more). I totally agree with you that these third hand reports are problematic, and indicate more prying than I am comfortable with, and I wish people on the boards would not reward her for it.

    ETA: Claygasm, I hear you, but I disagree. My reaction is based on my knowledge of this person, who is in my opinion a bit too stalkerish for my tastes, and I think prying into his life in this way is very squicky. It has nothing to do with the specific content of this particular report. Her (public) reports are innocuous, but the fact that she's making a point of gathering them isn't, IMO.

    I don't mind reports of things repeated in casual conversation with someone, by someone who doesn't make a habit of these casual conversations. It's the people who are always up into his business that bug me. The reception they get on the boards is nothing compared to the reception they get in private--but now we're getting into "insider" territory.

  10. I want a poster!

    And my pouting skills with my husband may be paying off....I might get to go after all, as long as it's not April. I'm thinking the last weekend of March. EEEEEEEE!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the idea, y'all, of watching the show. Helps pass the time while we wait for word from those in the audience.

  11. It looks like the same shirt to me! Purdy.

    I'm another one up for a moment and pleasantly surprised. Yesterday I had a two hour dental procedure, and I woke up just now to get some more meds and catch up on the boards while I wait for the good stuff to kick in. KAndre, you would not want to be me. A root canal would be easy-peasy comparatively, and I did it all with just novacaine. (I've had lots and lots of experience.)

  12. But there you have it. My dirty little secret.

    Can I still stay and play?

    I knew that about you already Claygasm. I find your Simon love is not hard to take, even if I don't share it. I do think he has been humanized some this season. During the premiere show he was shown saying, in a very conversational, honest tone, that he didn't understand the concept of being happy for someone else's success. He was mystifed by that. Called it American, I think. Pfffft, Simon, it's a human thing. He's really missing some parts. Did anyone else see that?

    So, CG, I won't be joining you in the Simon love but I don't hate him as much as some do either. I think he's a bit sad and pathetic somehow, but he can be charming, and his honesty is on some (but not all) occasions admirable. I do hate the way he disses Clay, but I honestly think he holds back on that. I think he actually dislikes Clay immensely. I think being Simon's nemesis gives Clay a certain amount of power, but Clay is at a disadvantage unless if he's given an audience that's equivalent.

    I think Nigel LOVES Clay, and Nigel is the man on the spot making the shows happen. I want Clay to be on the show again--I can't help myself. Bring me more Clay, in person Clay, video of Clay, snippets of his achievements since Idol--if they want to raise their ratings back to what they were, that's all they would have to do to draw me in. Bring on Clay and other previous Idols. Bring Clay and Ruben onto the same show. Give them a lot of camera time and let them shine, don't cut them. Let them show what accomplished performers they have become.

    For too many years the show has dissed more than kissed the kids from the past. It isn't just Clay. Most don't even get a mention! Clay's had more AI "moments" than probably any other past Idol, what with the season 3 appearances, defending Paula and being in the audience in season 4, the Finale moment in season 5. Yeah, they've pimped Kelly and Carrie, and been nice about them, and they've mostly dissed Clay, but they can't stop talking about him either. Really, there's been no new Idol with buzz like Clay's since that finale appearance (Taylor, Kat, Jordin, Blake). Who can really compete with him, live, if you give him an audience that large in that circumstance where what counts is your ability to capture your audience in seconds? Where seasoned performers like Michael Buble have faltered and admitted that they were just plain intimidated (he did come on with short notice). Clay is a force that cannot be denied when it comes to Idol, and there's no doubt that he has consistently "brought" it for the nearly five years since his season. I want to see the show celebrate that.

  13. And please,please, please, :flirtysmile3: those of you who are going to opening night,

    have a BLAST and when you get home, use lots and lots of adjectives and adverbs in writing such long recaps that your posts will be at the top of the page AND the bottom of the page.

    (small voice) if that's not too much to ask, that is.


    Yeah, recaps for days!!!

    (((Couchie & Mom)))

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