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Posts posted by 00lsee

  1. Well...I posted this at the CH, but I'll share it here, too. And then I'm going to bed.

    Well, you know...having passed from rage to despair to resignation in the short space of a few minutes, I have to laugh.

    Just. Laugh.

    What else can I do, really?

    Clay will weather this just as he always does. Maybe he'll grow from the experience, who knows? Maybe some good will come of it. Maybe not. But what's done is done. I'm still going to be here in the morning.

    And in the morning, Clay will still be that mad-talented, gorgeous, good-hearted man I admire so much.

    I can't see him through that writer's cynical eyes, but the article did make me think of this poem:

    Our Deepest Fear

    By Marianne Williamson

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

    It is our light, not our darkness

    That most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves

    Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

    Actually, who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small

    Does not serve the world.

    There's nothing enlightened about shrinking

    So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine,

    As children do.

    We were born to make manifest

    The glory of God that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us;

    It's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine,

    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

    As we're liberated from our own fear,

    Our presence automatically liberates others.

    Shine on, Clay Aiken.

    G'night, y'all.

    (((HUGS))) to those who could use one.

    And yeah, I think he resorts to the defense mechanisms when he's uncomfortable. Perhaps her having fangs threw him off a little.

  2. KAndre, can't wait to hear the rest of your wonderful recap. And this?

    People, with me, dressing up means heels. That is simply one of the bastions of civilized life. That means within 75 feet of me going anywhere, I'm going to start bitching, and the father I go, the more I'll bitch.
    is so true. And rather endearing. She does clean up well, y'all. :)

    So, my friends in Houston, are we still getting together Feb 4th? Hubby is trying sneak out of kid duty (oh, okay, so he has to fly out for yet another business trip, but it's still sneaking)...so I kind of need to know if the thing is still on.

    Reading backwards, so yeah, I'm behind again.

    ETA: Off-topic, but if anyone knows of a helpful budgeting program/method/software, would you please let me know? Quicken has its limitations in the planning department, or maybe I just don't know how to use it properly as more than a glorified check register. My mom swears by the "envelope method" (sounds like a form of birth control, doesn't it?) but I'm not sure it is the best method for me. I'm anxious to not even start fighting with my husband about making a change in the way we handle our finances, but his seat-of-the-pants-method just ain't working. I've learned over the past couple of years that I am more of a logical thinker than I ever suspected. Self-discovery is always nice, but I find where money is concerned, I need a PLAN!!!

  3. Yah.huh...but from a different angle. I'd tell you more, but I think I swallowed my tongue. The hip roll after this scissor move is just...too...


    I have a clack inquiry. Could someone identify the venue in the JN04 tour when Clay was bantering about New Year resolutions ... and didn't know what half&half was? I haven't seen that in ages and can't remember where it came from. I just remember it started with a fan yelling "You rock my socks!" and Clay at the end of the clip says "I just can't stop rubbin' feet." I think that's all from the same piece of clack ... and I have a strong urge to see it again.

    JNT 2004 Cleveland -

    I'm killing myself today. In my clack search I was diverted to the DCAT/SRHP tour and checked to see if there was Houston clack I haven't seen. Sure enough there's clack by Megaclayfan of the Houston classics ... and I downloaded and watched it, and the Yeah part with the legs ... the part I've backed up about 10 times so far .... it's just a must.

    To cut to the chase, if you download that file, advance it immediately to 5:34 and watch those legs, then back up and watch it several times in a row ... not only does it get better and better, it will free your mind.

    Is this the movement which you are admiring?


  4. FromClaygary..can you post the information about this donation thing. I haven't donated yet and I think I can afford $10 this week.


    It's Friday after 5 PM.

    Ok ya'll..I pulled a Couchie. So when I went to the post office to mail pins on Wednesday... I went to the clerk and she told me how much 1 pin, 2 pins, 3 pins etc. Then I bought stamps. Welllllllllllllllllllllllll. It didn't hit me until today..after I had put the last of the pins in the big bucket and they took them away, that the Finding Sir Robin pins are heavier so slightly more expensive. Most orders should be ok since most folks bought equal number of each. Canada's also ok. But I imagine there might be oh about 10 - 20 packages that arrive with postage due. SOWWWWWY. YOu know where I am. If you want your twenty cents I'll paypal ya..or I can buy you a drink next time I see you or give you discount on the 2009 version of the Doing pine :cryingwlaughter:

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to meet Keeping Faith. Damn I'm stoked.

    Doing pine? That's smut...right?

    And yay for having seats together, merrieee and KF! Should be fun! Hopefully a great view, since we are on the aisle. :)

  5. I asked him if he's met Clay and he said he did and that Clay actually manned the ticket booth for them once and they all had a break! The ticket guy said that no one's ever done that since James Earl Jones! He also said that Clay's such a nice guy.

    I wonder what this involved? How neat.

    Oh, and I got a call today from telecharge..seems they thought tickets for the same show for three different nights might be some kind of error. LOL I set 'em straight. :)

    Claygasm, my condolences. Check in when you can.

  6. I'm hoping for a green room interview video to turn up on the website. Didn't Juliette say something about a "pre-interview with our producer"? So, keeping my fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the link to M&J's site! I stayed at home to work today, partially so I could see Clay on my teevee. Unfortunately, I don't get that channel apparently! :cry4:

    He was waaaaaaaay CUTE!!! Heading waaaaay far into ADORABLE even!!!

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: I wuv him! Is it March yet?

  7. cinema.jpg

    Just wanted to see this gorgeous, cinema-worthy face again on this page.

    Thanks for your suggestions, cindilu. I use Microsoft Picture It, but we have other programs. I was trying to figure out how to make a banner that blinks and sparkles like yours did! lol I'll be bugging you about that later, I'm sure. :)

    Did I mention...ahem...that I'm going to New York? Just thought I'd throw that out there, seeing as how I bought tickets this morning to a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday show in April. Rejoice with me, my friends! I decided the regret wasn't worth the ill-timed self-denial.

    I love reading an article that paints a picture of Clay that actually resembles the man I see in that banner up there. May it continue. He deserves it.

  8. Just FYI for whoever needs it or knows someone else who does, here is the megaupload of the combined spam video (huge file, people).

    And here are the links for it in two large pieces (each half fits nicely on a DVD):

    Part One

    Part Two

    I do recommend the five part links I posted before, as such small "bites" seems to be faster and easier for people to manage, especially on dial-up.

    Clay-fan kid and I watched the video today and when it was over, she went upstairs with a kind of dance in her step and said, "I feel like dancing now!" heh We think the parts Clay is playing are great...and she liked the musical much better than the Monty Python movie (not surprising, really).

  9. Someone was looking for the download links this morning, so I'll post them again. RVzlady has hosted the five part downloads:

    Looks like the two part and one part downloads have expired. If anyone wants them, I will be uploading them again...but because of their...ahem...size...it will take a while to get the links back up. :)

    I agree with those assessments of Clay's career...that he is building a base to stay in the industry a very long time. He's already met and impressed some pretty "big" people along the way, but the connections he's making now are powerful and linked to other powerful links which are linked to....In other words, he's making a good impression on people who can plug him in anywhere. I'm hopeful for great things to continue to "happen" to and for Clay Aiken. He's so much more than his voice.

  10. At one point, a photographer, frustrated because the security guard kept blocking his shot, apparently finally gets a good picture and says, "Oh, my god. Nice shot, Clay!" hee I'm very, very happy to see Clay looking so CALM and unruffled, even with the crowds, flashes, and mayhem....He's a star, y'all.

    Thanks for bringing that over, Gibby. It's in various vaults, claytonic. If you can hold on for a minute, I'm uploading you a link to sendspace.

  11. I was looking for more information about Scott Taylor, the dance "supervisor" (captain) from Spamalot and found an article about dancers that I think applies to actors, as well. See if you agree with me that Clay REALLY fits the bill for the type of person producers are looking for...Broadway. This article is from 2000, which just goes to show how far Scott has come since then. I'm so grateful to him for showing Clay the way with patience and encouragement.

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