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Posts posted by 00lsee

  1. I'm learning to respond to many things with a silent "So?!" As in "So what?!"


    Oops, my attitude might offend someone...


    See...it's already working for me. *snerk* :)

    OOlsee, I'm thinkiing his 'barely sings' comment is more about the style of the songs than the number. They aren't exactly 'And I am Telling You', lolol. I am just dying to know what they've written for him though. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

    Unless it's

    "And I am telling you...I'm not fighting

    I'm the best knight you'll ever know.

    But there's no way I will ever go,

    No, no, no, no way,

    No, no, no, no way I'm gonna be fighting.

    I'll just be running away, now.

    Maybe I'll be brave in Act Three.

    I'm Robin,

    Sir Robin,

    And you, and you, you're gonna love me.

    Ooh, you're gonna love me."

    Speaking of Quiana in Dreamgirls, I think it's very generous and brave of Clay to recommend her for such a plum part...knowing that the more people who hear her sing, the greater the chance he may lose her to her own stardom. I have no idea if she can act, however. heh

  2. Oh, sure, jj, immediately some people criticize or maybe worry about Clay's words being construed as "rude"...In response to the latter, I posted:

    I believe Clay showed self-respect by refusing to pander to such a line of questioning. Those who expect him to always be self-effacing and have never seen his strength of will might be impressed in spite of themselves that Clay Aiken dared to be "rude" to freaking Newsweek.

    I laughed at his toilet comment, because I've been that sore before. No fun.

    Also, I think it's hilarious that he says he "barely sings"...oh, so that big scene in the second act is "barely"? lol I guess compared to Arthur, he sings less. New parts written for him? Cool!

    You know what I'm looking forward to? The curtain call. Cue the final fan freak-out. :)

  3. Welcome back, merrieeee...missed you.

    Okay, so my father-in-law sent me this today.

    Just wanted to remind everyone that the new year is a good time to keep up with your computer maintenance.

    Perhaps you didn't realize that in addition to dusting your screen from the outside, it's necessary to clean it from the inside where you normally can't wipe.

    Click on the link below and watch the difference in clarity.


    Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not.

  4. Someone told me the links have been used up for the spamalot clips. Here are some fresh links. I guess I got confused and didn't upload part one to sendthisfile. heh I am making new uploads tonight to replace these when they expire. Not bothering with pretty links this time, yo.


    Spamalot part one:


    Spamalot part two:


    Spamalot combined



    Spamalot Part two


    It's crazy, y'all. I watched these clips so many times, I have the songs going through my head over and over and over and over. heh

  5. I love the auction video. Clay Aiken is so handsome.

    And smart.

    Yes, definitely smart.

    The videographer mutters, "God, look at that face."

    I'm lookin'! I'm lookin'!


    I should say both auction vids are stunning, but I'm specifically talking about the carriage ride auction.

    And yes, the WAMLAW clack is ecstasyous-interruptus. Too beatiful. Over too soon. *sigh*

  6. WOW!! I just got tickets in 7th row for opening night of Spamalot!! WOO HOO!!

    And its only a short train ride on the Long Island Railroad away!!

    Woo and hoo! Have a blast. Report back! :)

    Wow, YSRN, that was close! I'm glad it fell away rather than toward your home. It's funny, when we lived in Austin, we were house-hunting in a fairly new development and a storm blew up. We headed into one of the model homes to wait it out and as we did, my kids noticed a new home across the street (the one we were supposed to go see next) and both of them said they hoped their tree didn't fall over. Well, it was a hum-dinger of a storm, hailed so hard, the ice coming down the gutter spout piled up like a snow cone on the ground below. And there was a crash. Yes, the tree had fallen, right in middle of that new house, caving the roof right in. Made everybody kind of sad for that home...not even lived in yet and already damaged. heh

  7. Wow, couchie! Well, let me just suggest that if anyone wants a DVD of this "movie", better plan to watch it on your computer. Even just full-screen, it's pretty blurry. If someone watches this on their television screen, let me know if it looks better from a distance.

    I will remember to be more appreciative next time I watch some super-clear, extra-steady, close-up clack.

    Lotus, after all these years, I now divide time into "BC" and "SC"...Before Clay and Since Clay. Resistance is futile.

  8. Couchie and anyone else worried they won't be able to get the Spamalot links posted earlier. I'm looking into xdrive with AOL right now to see if I can put the files there in an accessible folder. Supposedly you can store up to 5GB at no charge. We will see. In the meantime, I have other links if those run out and I will find a way to get the "movie" or parts of the "movie" to you one way or another. If you experience a problem and are shy, just PM me. I'll try to help.
  9. Spamalot wmv:

    All I have so far is the "movie" in two parts, which might actually be easier for some of you to download

    Spamalot Part One

    Spamalot Part Two

    I hope to have a link to the combined video later today. Also, I apologize in advance for the annoying ads flashing on the download page. I guess that's how these sites finance their "free" service. Feel free to pass these vids around. I don't think sendspace links "run out", but if they do, I will just upload the clips again.

  10. Gibby

    Oh, heck! I was busy with a rehearsal most of the afternoon and evening, and didn't get to download your Spamalot clips. And now there are no downloads left! Any chance you'd upload them again? Pretty please??

    Sorry! I tried all afternoon to get complete uploads elsewhere, but finally abandoned them overnight. When I can get to my computer, I'll be able to tell if any of them are complete or if I got disconnected again, as I did yesterday. It's been difficult, because the files are all so large. It's almost two hours worth of video, yo. Hopefully, I'll be able to post links later.

  11. Spamalot...well, shoot, y'all! I just checked and all the available downloads for the "movie" are already used up! Does anyone know of some other site to host (cheaply or free) this file for people to go get? That one took all night to upload and mere hours to use up! I'm currently uploading the show in two parts, but that will also take hours to do. I'm thinking maybe bittorrent or something, but not everybody knows how to use that.

    Suggestions? I'm glad this is the only board I've mentioned this movie on so far, but I'd like to make it available elsewhere!

  12. That hair quote?

    Consider the source, y'all. Definitely not worth the aggravation.

    ..and, you know..I find I've been surprisingly happy not knowing what this particular she-devil happens to spew elsewhere. It would probably make her ever-lovin' day if she learns she managed to sprinkle her little acid raindrops of negativity on an FCA parade ...by freaking proxy, no less!

    Blowing her predictable, boneheaded tantrum off as we speak.

    Phew. Stanky.

    ETA: Pardon me if I give offense, Cotton, not trying to kill the messenger, just really got my beetch on at the message. I should know better than to fly into a passion like that. Not ladylike a'tall.


  13. Okay, so I have permission to post a link to the "movie" I stitched together from the Spamalot clips on YouTube. It was enjoyable viewing for me, imagining Clay in his role(s) and I thought those who are unable to attend might enjoy being able to "follow along" with the recaps (to know what the heck people are describing, in other words).

    This is a yooge file, y'all, and because of its size, I am currently working to upload the movie in two parts, the links to which may not be available for hours yet. I'm posting the link to the combined video for those who want to get a head start or who want to view the whole show as one piece.

    Spamalot Combined wmv

    Y'all, I was excited for Clay before I watched the clips...now? Well, now I'm walking around in an state of ecstatic anticipation. Can't WAIT. :) If there are problems with the video, please let me know.


    The man. Is. Gorgeous. What a smile!

  14. ldyjocelyn

    I'm one that hates "overselling" something -- the reason why I've never seen "Forrest Gump" is because almost EVERYONE I know thinks it's the best.movie.ever!

    But, see...sometimes enthusiasm is justified and, in the case of this movie, avoiding seeing a movie just because it got "oversold" may be robbing oneself...just as those who refuse to listen to Clay because of some prejudice or other against him are missing out (in my opinion). I won't say "Forrest Gump" is the best.movie.ever, but I love Tom Hanks...and he made me believe he was the character he was playing. Funny, warm, sincere, quaint, sad, and triumphant. A slice of a unique life during tumultuous times seen through innocent eyes. I've seen bits and pieces of this movie dozens of times, as it has been aired on television over the years, and even so, some scenes still make me laugh out loud. Maybe it's from my experiences working with "special" adults and my memories of some of the things my grandmother used to say. Anyway, some lazy afternoon when you don't have anything else to do, I hope you'll give it a chance. Shoot...it's been out since 1994...so I think you can safely watch it without anyone crowing "I told you so!" lol


    Only the label she used was "queer", which shows that labels go back a long way.

    That was actually the word my husband used, when Clay first entered our house, and there never was a frostier freeze than the response he got from me. I don't think he had any idea what deep doo-doo he was stepping in when he took that tone with me. hee

    aikim EEEEEEE!!! Thanks for the update! Can't wait to hear more.

    Y'all...am I the only one catching myself grinning for no reason these days, only to realize I'm thinking about Clay Aiken in Spamalot?

  15. Those bookplates are sa-weet, rohdy...how wonderful it must feel for you, to have played such a pivotal role in such a worthwhile project. That's great to see!

    eHP, I have told hubby about Feb 4th and I think I can make it. Look forward to seeing everyone. :)

    Apropos of nothing, I am spending the morning watching "The Last Legion" with Colin Firth and Ben Kingsley. Not sure yet whether it's a "good movie" or not, but the sets and costumes are fabulous...and Colin Firth, well, Colin is yum. 'Specially in a skirt. heh Also, Ben Kingsley is a sexy beast. Aishwarya Rai kicks butt and looks gorgeous doing it. If only I could look so good while sorting laundry! There's a funny scene where she dispatches a horde of Goth warriors so expertly that Colin's Roman soldiers can only stand and watch...and when it comes time to go into a building, one of the hot young soldiers opens the door for her and semi-sarcastically gestures "ladies first" for her to enter. As the other soldiers follow her inside, a couple of them smack the youngster upside the head for his arrogance. heh

    This movie is an example of a promising big budget movie that didn't get promoted...For what it's worth, I think the boy playing Romulus, boy ruler, is a much better actor than the wooden young Anakin Skywalker. Oh, no wonder! I knew he looked familiar...he is Thomas Sangster, from Nanny McPhee days. Cool. The thing that keeps making me laugh inappropriately in this movie is the villain's name, which is spelled Odoacer. The way they pronounce it makes it sound like "Oh, de whacker". hee

    Speaking of guards and soldiers, etc, I watched all the Spamalot clips on Youtube yesterday, one after the other (I also converted them to wmv files, if anyone feels like stitching them all together for me...heh) and just grinned my fool head off, imagining Clay in those roles, saying those lines, singing, and dancing. If he plays all the parts that David Hyde Pierce did, he will be onstage a LOT, y'all. I happened to run across some idiots clucking over and criticizing Clay's casting, back when it was announced, and could not believe the outright viciousness of some (well, I should believe it by now, but the bizarre level of hate still boggles the mind). Part of that venom has to be, HAS TO BE, springing from envy...because the role is such a PLUM! My delight increased with every scene "Sir Robin" appeared in. I have little hope of seeing Spamalot for myself, but at least now when the recaps come in, I will have an idea of what the recappers mean by such-and-such a scene. I just know he's going to do great.

    *sigh* I still need to write a recap of DC...waves to Karma4Clay, my great roomie, in the meantime.

  16. peta has something against carriage rides?
    Yes, couchie, most likely at least in part because some idiots don't take care of their animals, protecting them from the elements, overworking them, etc. What, have those people never read Black Beauty? Poor Ginger! (warning: not for the squeamish, classic literature or no)I'm behind, reading from the bottom up, but I figured I had enough of the gist of peta's "issue" to throw that in there.
  17. JennaZ

    Saw Sweeney Todd a few days ago. Not bad musically or dramatically, but JEEZ! it's bloody. Even my husband, who loves to watch Ultimate Fighting, said he was turned off by how bloody it was.

    I was very sorry to see from the reviews that Tim Burton made this "artistic choice" and that the movie had an R rating. In an interview, he said he viewed the blood as a 'character' (and reverenced Monty Python gushiness) and that he was going for "horror". I wanted to tell him that he's certainly free to make the movie he envisioned, but by making it so gory, he prevented many of his teenage fans from even getting to see it. But hey, it's Johnny Depp/Tim Burton! Therefore, required viewing for my 16 year old. Unfortunately, the 14 year old won't get to go. To me, there's a difference in letting the kid watch "Gladiator" and "The Patriot", both bloody movies...and watching a bloody movie about a serial revenge killer, even one who sings. heh


    I love Moulin Rouge...I watched it with a good friend and after the first 10 min. we looked at each other and said "what the hell was that????????" Then we rewound it and watched it again.


    Well, and keep in mind Clay's reaction to seeing "Spamalot" for the first time. hee

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