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Everything posted by 00lsee

  1. I am a heathen too, of the worst sort. The Reese's peanut butter egg worshiping sort.
  2. So, your sister pronounces her name Pa-tri-see-a, not Pa-tri-sha?
  3. Jerome pronounce Jeremy? Bwahahaha! Maybe on the French side of his family. Maybe. I once knew a Texas family named Garcia who pronounced their name GAR-sha. Never did figure that one out.
  4. Those two have me seeing double! Reminds me of: Hee!
  5. My Walmart didn't have any, so I just broke down and ordered two. One to open and one to save. Twins season opener on Monday. The guy who sits next to me at work is a HUGE fan. This should be a fun season. Me, too. Ordered from Walmart online.
  6. That was more like a onesie with a coat. With a loooong zipper down the back. heh
  7. I'm sorry, but I can't see the letters LAMBDA without thinking of "Revenge of the Nerds" (We're LAMBDA, LAMBDA, LAMBDA and...OMEGA MU) hee I'm so proud of Clay Aiken.
  8. Hm...*squints* I think he's had 'some work done' if you know what I mean. Trust me. I can tell.
  9. Maybe they can't? *sinister laugh, thunderclap* Hey, y'all vote on the thread title, now, y'hear?
  10. merrieeee, of all the comments made recently, yours touched my heart the most. *sniff* He looked and sounded great last night, didn't he? And he got to share the experience with someone special. About the negative plastic surgery comments: My daughter had oral surgery a few weeks ago. I guess she's lucky, since only one tactless person rudely described her post-operative appearance as 'chipmunk'. Medical swelling is temporary; boorish is forever. I think any changes in Clay's profile are slight, but even if Clay did choose to 'have some work done' for whatever personal reason, I'm not sure why this should make him a target of derision or hostility among his fans. Regardless of the changes time will inevitably bring, his face will always be very dear to me. Thanks for bringing over the hug picture. That moment made my eyes water.
  11. 00lsee


    From the album: Fun with Banners

  12. 00lsee


    From the album: Fun with Banners

  13. My thoughts exactly. Well, one of my thoughts. A few other thoughts strayed over to crotch territory, but that's not my fault. Happy weekend, yo. Congrats on the new baby! I think Moose is a great name!
  14. Me too, he puts a happy face on my heart! Thread title?
  15. Eyes muskifest with deep concern... ...and envy. heh
  16. What is it they say, Gibby? 50 is the old age of youth...and the youth of old age. You're just a baby, babes. May the next 50 bring you everything you dare to dream of. "A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things." -- Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
  17. Sure! But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon. Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction. *dusts fingers daintily*
  18. No no no the cake was left out in the rain OMG...*sniff*...and I'll never have that recipe again!
  19. THEY took the cake? Dammit! I want it baaack!!! There's nothing wrong with me that a good dose of chocolate frosting couldn't fix. Maybe. I'm willing to test that theory, anyway. Thread title? YESSS! Hooked like a fish! Like a cod! A perch! A salmon! Hooked like a hooker! I mean...um. Did I say that out loud?
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