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Everything posted by 00lsee

  1. I thought he was allergic to seafood? ...and the bisque thickens...someone at CH (via CV) posted that crabs are crustaceans, not shellfish (Clay's known allergy)... Calypso!!! Hee...and also bwah!
  2. *holds up plastic sheeting ala Gallagher sledge-o-matic show* no problem heh
  3. Clay on America's Next Top Model? Yay! But...remind me...how far back is the splash zone? Brain matter stains, y'all.
  4. OMG...all I could think, when I saw that picture, was '...and stop looking up my skirt!' Bwahaha... Oh, well, one person's art is another person's WTH?
  5. I am way behind today, but I saw this and had to laugh... It's like 'Pyow! Pyow!' Introducing the newest Charlie's angel pose... Well, I thought it was funny.
  6. I'm a kitty cat!!! And I dance, dance, dance, YEAAHHHH!!! Jus' feeling the spirit, yo.
  7. Anybody else think it is funny that couchie is getting rid of a sofa? LOL We have something called 'big trash day' about once a quarter in my neighborhood. I find out when it is by calling my solid waste pick up service. If the sofa is in reasonable shape, there are many organizations that will pick it up as a donation. Purple Heart is one in my locale. A local school might accept it (or band hall, for example, has several used, mismatched couches for the kids to sit on between classes). If all else fails, put it outside and maybe someone will steal it.
  8. Calling kandre!!!! http://www.mirasolclub.com/clubHouse.asp It's a ritzy CC in Florida or as 00lsee says Heh...I thought of KAndre, too....I was also musing to myself that some Clay fans I know are pretty well set on all things battery-powered. And some other things that aren't, but which make a pleasant, musical tone when jostled. *smirk*
  9. Okay, cindilu, please tell me how you made your adorable avatar? And does it come any larger? *envy* Periodically during the day today I've been peeking at those photobooth pictures again and again. Whether I had the 'right' to see them or not, I'm so grateful they ended up in my greedy hands. There is so much to enjoy about them. The goofy faces, the close proximity of their bodies, all those long limbs tangled together...the hugs, kisses, and smiles...And I can so easily imagine either of them, in the course of that celebratory evening, glancing over at the other...only to find a warm gaze already looking back. It does my heart so much good.
  10. Oh, wow! It's huge! I mean, that thing is enormous! It's super-size! It's...it's...really BIG!!! *blinks* The bear, people! I thought it would be, like, you know...a beanie baby. Really. That's what I meant. Ahem. Okay, Captain Obvious speaking, but I think a major aspect of blog-gate is people wanting/demanding 'what they paid for'. If I pay for the guarantee of dependable periodic blogging from a professional website and the owner does not fulfill that agreement, I doubt I would continue to pay for that service. Had the fan club never made an initial 'promise' of monthly blogs (wasn't it worded 'monthly' the first year?), the level of dissatisfaction with Clay's sporadic blogging might be different. Not for some, but for others. In my real life, when people say 'it's not about the money', it often IS. May not be the main concern, but it certainly exacerbates already charged situations. The thing is, according to the advertising NOW, he technically fulfills the agreement by blogging exactly...um...twice. It does say 'personal blogs' (plural). Beyond that, since it does not specify a quantity or frequency, it seems to me each individual's level of satisfaction with 'what they paid for' is entirely their own responsibility. Spending my time analyzing, ranting about, or hurting over Clay Aiken's decisions regarding the fan club is not high on my list of priorities. Intellectually, I understand the desirability of Clay remaining visible and 'in communication with' his fans. I even understand the frustration with Clay's choice not to utilize this self-promotional tool. But emotionally, I guess I'm not deeply invested in how or when or if he runs any aspect of his life or career the way I might prefer or want. Do I have ANY CONTROL OVER the weather? Same deal. In other words, I'm always delighted when Clay blogs, but rarely unhappy, sad, angry, irritated, or (insert negative emotion here)...when he doesn't. I have enough real pain and problems with people I, you know, actually interact with, to expend emotional energy on whether Clay Aiken disappoints anyone, including me. Nasty comments on youtube or elsewhere on the web? Par for the course. There is a segment of the internet population who treat commenting like a blood sport. They seem to thrive on nastiness and on others' reactions to them. Kind of like the type of person who spends their hours concocting a computer virus. It's a mentality, a mind-set. Has nothing to do with Clay Aiken, though he has been a popular target. Eh, doesn't matter. I look away from that kind of word gore.
  11. Aw, toni still has her beautiful long hair, I see! (((hugs))) Clay looks mighty fine there, too.
  12. Oh, I can almost feel all those hugs. I am so grateful Clay has found such loving (and fun-loving) companions. *laughing* Those big paws just... Oh, my!
  13. Cute pictures! So, were the hearts and 'so in lurve' already ON the photos? Or did someone add those? I'd love to see the images without the words, if they are available. Couple of hams, both of them!
  14. Bwah...I thought of you last night at Kroger when I saw they now have canned "Pudding" and "Spotted Dick". LOL couchie True! Oh, speaking of presidential stuff, I got something interesting via email this morning, too: I thought it was pretty cool.
  15. Congrats, couchie, that is good news! Okay, dumb question: How do I know that 'he has to know'? Has there ever been a front page complaint thread about this at OFC? Where he might actually have read it? (Told you it was a dumb question). It seems to me that repeated conversations about this and other OFC issues 'on the boards' isn't really addressing the intended audience: Clay. A whole lot of choir-preachin', in other words. I mean, some people in my life have no good excuse for 'not knowing' certain things because they have been told over and over and over. They can tell me I'm crazy or I didn't get their full attention first or that I'm imagining we talked about it or that I was unclear...but...I was in the room when the conversations took place, you know? I can postpone anger and be endlessly patient and just gloss over these 'misunderstandings' again and again, using one of the listed reasons...but...at some point, I have to trust my reality: We talked. They really do know. Finally, I feel justified acting on that information. But, with Clay...as obvious as the issues are to me and as obvious as they maybe 'ought to be' to him, I've never been in the room... Does that make sense? I don't go to the OFC enough to know if this has ever been permitted to be a front page issue. Anyone know? It matters to me to KNOW that he knows before I decide whether or not to be mad about it. Not sure it should matter, but it does. I've got a little too much practice rationalizing away the negative, I guess. I mean, I'd still rather just blame Ray. heh Oh, that blue shirt picture. Yum.
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