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Everything posted by 00lsee

  1. Hmm...I mean, I guess there could be bendage, in one direction or another, but I'm pretty sure, based on photographic evidence, of straightness. Oh, you mean... Never mind. *one track mind*
  2. See, when people say they think Clay is a niche artist, my mind always mutters, "I'll just bet he is" and automatically goes to all kinds of hot, dark, and naughty places. What.
  3. Hotel California? It's a metaphor, yo! (tm King Arthur/me) But I think that whole steely knives/beast verse may refer to The Grinch and that whole Who-Feast dealie. Or something.
  4. TIMOOBON? Which syllable gets the accent? Is that a long "i", as in "tie"? Is the "moob" silent? LOL
  5. Somehow, with the current conversation, I read this as "thrust". Whoo...boy. Sometimes I wish I DID drink.
  6. Speaking of...I saw the trailer for the new 007 movie, today, and read a blog/forum post that made me giggle, relating it to your post about reactions before/during/after Spamalot. So...Clay fans aren't the only ones with predictable jitters, apparently. The roller coaster in that ONE post just cracked me up.
  7. He did airdrums that night but I'm really not sure if that's the clip. When I saw him doing airdrums it was very clear to me that the man has rhythm and just needed confidence. He was so damn cute....just kind of doing his own thing, dancing and doing his air drums, moving those shoulders - feeling the beat. He absolutely OWNED that stage that night. I adore the airdrums clip, although since I changed computers, I have no idea which hard drive it is on. And I agree he has always had rhythm...I am careful to avoid getting into debates with KAndre, however, on what constitutes actually being a dancer. *smirks at Mighty Mistress (the Tolerant) and throws in a head toss for good measure* LOL By the way, KAndre, did merrieeee pass on my message about the shout-out to you in the new movie WALL-E? There's a scene with a SPORK! Total shout-out. So, how do you know the people at PIXAR, anyway? Oh, that's right...that whole world domination thing. Guh, he was so long and lean and sleek in that suit! But, I believe it was "I Can't Help Myself" where the sexy finger waggle made the ladies twist the fringe on Faye's ottoman...and to this day, 'I can't help myself' is my designation at the CH. heh Yeah, I liked it...just a little bit. aikim, thanks for bringing that post/reply here. I think I would drop to the floor in a dead (but gratified) faint if Clay ever responded to me that way. heh And I think it was a very good thing you did that day. keepingfaith, thanks for posting those pictures of Karen Eh?'s...I can't believe how many of them I have NEVER seen. At some point, I guess I missed them. *swoony sigh* He's so dreamy! And those hips? Those hips are lethal. Thanks for all the pictures, y'all. And, while I was proofing this post, Gibby just heartlessly murdered me with the one with Clay in the fedora. Guh! And also GAH!!! As for the Raleigh TITN? I think every person, at some point in their life, should stand on the stage of their life, if only in their imagination, and be inundated with nearly endless applause, as Clay was that night. That, my friends, THAT was a "moment". I hope that's an experience stored forever in his nervous system. Isn't that the "moment" captured on film and framed, which may be hanging on the wall somewhere in his home to this day? I can't remember who took that iconic photo, but I loved it. (Her name is on the tip of my brain, but I can't quite reach it). Here is an altered/similar version of the picture I'm thinking about but of course cannot find quickly on my computer(s). Y'all remember? duckyvee Bwah! I've heard of others having a similar reaction. He's really real! LOL I don't remember either! But the dot dot dots are very useful useful useful...But not in a Barbara Cartland kind of way. (As anyone who has ever read her old romance novels can attest). I don't intend to stop using them anytime soon. In fact, from now on, I intend to feel just a little naughty every time I do. *eyebrows* Okay, to justify my Barbara Cartland reference, for those who will have no clue...here's a quick excerpt: So, yeah. Not all dot dot dots are created equal. Who knew there were so many ways for pure, naive, helpless virgins to be wooed/seduced by virile, rich, dominating men? Hmm...(she thought, putting a slender finger against her slightly parted lips) did any of those historical hero types ever wear WHITE PANTS with as much confidence as one Clay Aiken? huh I doubt it. But hey, in her day, the woman was a legend. Come here, dahling, and...
  8. You mean, those dot dot dots are wrong? Crap, cuz that's how I always type up posts... it's kind of like I'm thinking out loud (I'm doing that stream of consciousness thing too)... it's good that I don't post (or read) at TWoP as I'd get slammed all the time for grammar I'm sure... I've always been a spelling freak and typos can drive me bananas, but I've learned to blow it off on the boards as people are typing quickly, some just aren't good typists, others are typing with emotion, a key might stick, some are just not great spellers like I'm not great with grammar, etc... so I realized being a spelling freak is my problem and so I move on... hopefully any grammatical errors I make can be taken in the same way and be forgiven/ignored... And hey, don't forget that in the Broadway play "Mama Mia", when reading her mother's diary, the daughter discovers that dot dot dot meant...er...hanky panky. So, me likes to keep a little dot dot dot around here.
  9. luckiest1 I wasn't online when this particular kerfluffle happened, but I will say, Belle6827, that it often takes time and maybe a few false starts...to feel comfortable in a new place. You wrote: Being open to opinions other than one's own is a mutual endeavor in this forum. However, if you actually felt "pushed away" (as per Scarlett, who is a sweet-sweet-sweetie), I am sorry for that. I feel kinda cheated because I missed the whole thing! heh Don't worry that you've burned your bridges by expressing doubts about fitting in. It's fine to ease back into the conversation. If you experience some turbulence upon reentry, most likely, it is NOT personal. KAndre ...well, not ENTIRELY. *sniff* Anyway, y'all...I'm so freaking behind on this board. Y'all talked and talked and talked while I was gone. Yak yak yak yak yak...sheesh! Actually, you know I think this is a very good thing, don't you? Love Clay's lovely UNICEF picture. LOVE revisiting the Capitol Fourth on youtube. Yum. Happy Birthday, muski!!! I owe some *waves* to several folks on the board, but after all that flying, my arms are tired. LOL You know I love ya. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. Oh, no! You're...BLIND?!!?! I'm kidding! Let me down! Let me DOWN! LET ME DOWN!!!! ((Scarlett))...thank you so much.
  11. *looks suspicious* Not lately...why? Oh, crap. I just realized what you were saying. LOL Um...be nice, okay? Try not to annoy my neighbors. And...uh...I want video. heh
  12. Get Smart? Loved it! Funniest/most clever movie I've seen in a long time. I thought Steve Carrell's Maxwell Smart was quite endearing. I even liked Anne Hathaway. And the theme song is an earworm. It's been difficult for the girls and I not to spoiler the plot for my husband, who hasn't seen it yet. heh Okay, y'all, I don't know how I'm going to survive a week away, but my family is going on a week-long vacation starting tomorrow. May be able to check in, may not be. So, no toilet-papering my trees. (Or sporking the yard - eyes KAndre) Have fun, but not too much.
  13. I think "Grace of God" is similar in tempo/flavor to , which deals with similar themes. In fact, isn't GoG slightly slower? To me, the contrast between the message and the sound/tempo of the song may be intended to capture a listener's attention. It's also possibly an artistic choice to avoid coming off heavy-handed or preachy. Like Cotton suggested, it is a walking tempo...just the right speed to notice and reflect on the things. I feel the heart of the song is gratitude, which is, or can be, an uplifting emotion.
  14. Yes...feeeed me! And isn't it fitting that she wanted BLOOD? Okay, the Jerome hug picture is adorable. If you want to see it in action, from a different angle, it's near the end of of NaCT banter. There are some very funny moments here, such as a Sleigh Ride orchestra mishap...and Clay imitating someone singing off-key in church. Just...all these clips are wonderful. The Jerome hug, specifically, comes at around 9:15 on the clip I linked. ((gbmifan)) I had one of those scares once...benign cyst. But it sure was a sobering experience, just waiting to hear.
  15. Oh, I don't know, I do some of my best listening in the car. Sure, I love my noise cancelling headphones, but rare is the opportunity to put them on and lose myself in the music...more distractions at home than in the car! I can turn the volume up and BLAST that sucker when I'm driving by myself (and even sing along, off key as I may be)! OMWH hasn't left my car's CD player since the day it came out.....I doubt it will until the next album. Me, too! My car is my best stereo! Although I do like listening to the iPod w earphones, I have an hour drive and in my small Caliber the sound is pretty great. I can adjust the bass & whatnot. Stereo controls are on the steering wheel, too, so I can repeat a song over and over and over - well, you get the picture! Plus - it makes my drive pretty painless! And - I can SING ALONG!!! And there's nobody to get a pained look on their face. Not even the dog. *sniffs defiantly* Heh...Maybe I'm easily distracted? Also, my car stereo won't play CDs anymore, so when I listen in the car, it's with my iPod connected to a wireless device that plays through the radio... So, FOR ME...the car is not optimum. Except for singing along. Which I often do...to the dismay of drivers (and dogs) everywhere.
  16. Bwah, well, as per my post yesterday about goooood headphones (or a great sound system, as per KAndre - I'll be right over, by the way), I will say (with a snobbish head toss and an obnoxious sniff) that listening in the car, while it may prove uninterrupted, still may not be a "proper" listen. Too many distractions, less than optimal sound conditions. I haven't written a complete opinion of this song yet, but in short, I adore it. I DIDN'T "get it" the first time I heard it...in fact, I went "huh?"...but I fell in love completely on second listen, when I got past the very unusual structure of the song (such as the 'unresolved' glory note) to really listened to what he was singing and HOW he was singing it. This is yet another song where the talents and craft of so many people SHOW...and I want to kiss Kipper's feet for ensuring that the anger, grief, and determination in that voice are front and center...and for capturing the (what IS that SEXY sound?) in Clay's throat as he releases that final note. Guh. This is an incredibly complex song. As usual, Clay makes it seem effortless. This could easily be an anthem for people resolving their feelings about painful relationships. I like this song so much that I have ONLY gifted the Walmart bonus album. Um...yeah. I like it. A little. heh More later. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Couchie.
  17. Love your description of this song. LOVE! I don't know how to describe the interesting guitar effect at the beginning and end, but it's kind of a electronic push that I like very much...if I'm listening to the song, I never stop until I'm all the way to the end, just to hear that interesting series of sounds. The first time I heard the "nightmarish robotica" I was taken aback, but now I like it...mainly because of the way he 'guhs' as he releases his notes...also like the way the sound moves from the 'nightmare' back into a more 'normal' sound. Love the guitar throughout...there are some really interesting effects mixed in. I like the way the sounds seem to play in only the left or right ear at some points. This is a song where the musicians make a big difference in my enjoyment. They are just so good. The lyrics also make for an interesting lead-in to "Where I Draw the Line". Also...I have said it before and I will say it again. To me, there is no substitute for GOOD headphones in combination with Clay Aiken. And, in my experience, there is also a noticeable difference between iTunes downloads and the CD. Clay's voice, his inhalations, his exhalations, that fine vibrato, a hint of gravel, his vowels and consonants, the sounds in his throat, the texture and depth of tone, the way he holds the tension on a note before relaxing it...The instrumentation, the different blends of sounds and voices...all of this is so amazing...throughout the album...and some of these details can go unnoticed (and therefore under-appreciated) with lossy format, iffy equipment, and noisy surroundings. Even songs I don't adore as much as others please me so much...when I can actually hear the interesting...or blatantly seductive...nuances of his truly FINE voice. So yeah...Clay has made me something of an audio snob. heh This is a good album, y'all. A REALLY good album. I liked "Weight of the World" even more after seeing it paired with on YouTube. I liked the movie very much, so it made the song more personal to me to see it set to those images. When I listen to it, though, I very often think of a woman struggling to escape a violent relationship. I had a little trouble liking "Grace of God" in the beginning...but I rarely skip it. It just took some time to reconcile the lyrics with the tempo and tone of the song. Now, I think the style of the music gives the song a conversational, reflective appeal...and that...sigh...in his voice at the end really gets under my skin. So, yep, yep...back to the Song of the Day? LOVE "Falling". Plus, it has a special place in my heart for being a song my daughter will listen to with me in the car. Clay's hair as a teen? Sometimes, a young man's hair may be one of the few things he feels he has any real control over. Or he just likes to...um...try new things. What.
  18. I swear...the repeated cogitation of some topics elsewhere just makes me want to sing: I mean, really. I don't mind repetitive clack, though. Just finished watching a whole series of Reminds me why I enjoy him so much. That, and the long, feathery hair he sported back then. Yum.
  19. Yes, I've...er...noticed the crinkly sideburns. Just noticed, mind you. Doesn't mean my thoughts immediately slid elsewhere. Not even to his impudent curly nape hairs, which are so wickedly suggestive. Or maybe I"m the wicked one. heh
  20. For my friends with troubled digestion: Emetrol: Keeping floors clean for 25 years. heh (yeah, I made that part up) Also, consider air sickness bags, for pocket or purse. Useful for all ages. No guarantee expressed or implied by these endorsements. Results may vary.
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