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Everything posted by 00lsee

  1. I'm so sorry, Cotton! ((((HUGS to you and sis)))) Speaking of jobs, y'all.... Work is definitely on my mind these days! Do any of you have advice for a long-time homemaker looking to re-enter the job market? I could probably do secretarial work, as I once did, but my financial needs have grown considerably since my last 'real' employed position. I'm having trouble figuring out what the going rate actually IS for various types of employment! So, I am wondering if I should go to a training school or go ahead and finish a degree which might allow me to earn more in the long run? Any career-changers out there? Displaced homemakers? Back-to-school-while-working-ers? Thanks in advance. PMs welcome. Sorry, again, Cotton. That stinketh mightily.
  2. Heh...well, I'd say at least one really big one...but some of the discussions about it might not be quite 'family friendly'.
  3. Don't know if this has been posted here yet, but Karma4Clay/Karma posted this at CH: Much more enjoyable (for me) to watch over and over.
  4. It's a beautiful day in Clay's neighborhood.... Clay has a SON, y'all! EEEEEEEEE!!! Happy birthday, also, to smilin and christelklein and a friendly wave to newest member SaintRain. That's all I got for now. Love that Clay Aiken guy...and wish him the best, always, always.
  5. I guess I could see Clay in a shirt like this: Maybe. Although I must say, I never thought those types of shirts for men were actually called TANK tops. I thought they were called sleeveless t's. heh Hi, y'all. Happy birthday, strummer6!!
  6. Good grief...just finished watching "When A Stranger Calls" (the newer one) with the kids...brrrrr...I'll probably be having nightmares! And looking around dark corners in my house and jumping at shadows and screaming when the phone rings. Yeah. I don't do scary very well. LOL
  7. Ha! Kind of like the first time I heard Richard Cheese on Kimmel doing Baby Got Back. Kimmel uses the word "classics". bwah (Disclaimer: Most of his parodies are of the dregs on radio...and since you can actually hear the lyrics, it is just that much worse, so go farther with him on YouTube at your own risk).
  8. Just as well you didn't join in with the wrestling. I'm still shaking jello out of my ears. heh I'm all for you becoming "regular". If fiber doesn't do the trick, then perhaps daily posting will help?
  9. It does??? Noooo!!! I'm not another year older for another 2 weeks! But, yeah, birthday cake is always good, thanks 00lsee! Aww, Couchie, I'm glad I've gotten to know you too. Hey now - I DO have my birthday in my profile! My b-day is Aug. 1st! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Must be someone else at CH. I'm not even a member! At least, not that I know of! ETA: Ah-ha, ok, mystery solved! hee...I"m an idjut. And hey! I have plenty of Weight Watchers points left! So, I think I really will go get some ice cream!
  10. annabear, thanks for that clip! LOL Hey, It says at the CH that you have a birthday today? IIT (hee), :00003653: If not, birthday cake is NEVER a waste. ETA: Never mind! That was annaBARB...my bad. Y'all eat up, though, okay?
  11. I love this. Heavy metal monk...62 year old Italian friar proves age/background no impediment to creativity. There's hope for me yet. LOL *practices primal scream*
  12. Claygasm, in my case, the willingness/inclination to express negative or critical things to or about other people is influenced by my family of origin and subsequent life experiences. In my relationships (childhood/marriage), some emotions do not feel safe to feel/express and my instinctive reaction to criticism, harshness, negativity, nit-picking, etc...is to get TENSE, even if it is not directed at me, personally. Pardon my dysfunction, y'all. I'm doing my damnedest to change. ********* Yay for successful surgery, ldyjocelyn...get well soon! Claymatron Yep. My mother fainted, hit her head on the bathroom doorframe, and required stitches in her scalp. Yeah, best not to stand up quickly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Carolina Clay and playbiller!!! luckiest1, I loved your story about your son.
  13. The wedding photos? I've mentioned before (but perhaps not on this board) that I had a very tall, skinny boyfriend (with large ears, as it happens) for a while in high school...at the CH, I wrote about him: I agree. Yeah, he was really cute "back then". I've enjoyed watching Clay grow into his sharp planes and angles so very much. It's a little embarrassing to admit how much he once reminded me of my most serious high school boyfriend, the one with the long, wrap-you-up arms and the large, you're-safe-with-me hands. His was an intensely focused gaze and man, his kiss should have melted my parents' driveway. Such a gentleman, but so passionate. I think it's difficult to calculate charisma/magnetism from a photograph...but I noticed, zooming in on his eyes, that his pupils are dilated...which implies to me that the (rather short?) person taking the picture was attractive/stimulating to him in some way. The crinkling around his eyes, the quirk of his lips, and the tilt of his head all hint of imminent laughter. I can almost hear that infectious cackle in my mind. In the picture where he is singing, after I dragged my eyes away from those long, clever fingers playing with the mic cord, I had a whimsical thought about superimposing an image of what he looks like today into that shadow beside him on the wall. The suggested promise in those shoulders, in those hands, in that face, have certainly been beautifully fulfilled. Would I have given him a second glance that day? It's hard to know...but I suspect it would have been hard to look away if you happened to catch that pair of fine eyes glancing at YOU. I mean, that expression tells me he might have had a key to a conveniently deserted workroom. *ahem*
  14. How interesting! I remember seeing the movie 9to5 and enjoying it so much. I bet it makes an entertaining musical and I hope it will be successful: Dolly Parton's 9-5 musical Took the kids to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" tonight. Now! In Digital 3D!!! I usually hate 3D, but had to admit the effects were pretty cool...a lot of the action seemed contrived to permit as many effects as possible, though, and this made the story weak, in my opinion. Parts were also a leetle "too Disney" for my taste, but it was still a fun ride...the kid was cute, the woman was pretty and resourceful, and Brendon Fraiser, well, he's just nice to look at. Save money and see the matinee...as the plastic 3D glasses (not at all like those old red and blue lensed ones) cost extra and you wouldn't want to see the movie without them. Topic? I love that Clay Aiken guy. Love cindilu2's banner and wallpapers today. annabear, he was so darn cute. And look! Stubble! Lordy, even then he had all the promise of the man he is now...look at the way his fingers are playing with the mic cord. heh I'm always shocked now when I see his original teeth. They don't look all THAT different to me, but I think the "new ones" look very nice...particularly in today's laughing photos. Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful?
  15. You got that right. I see you wasted no time getting a new avie! lol And I put that same picture on my desktop so fast, it probably made that cute little boy dizzy!
  16. Field notes from Somalia Kill me now. Gah...he's gorgeous. And we have tummy! Well, you know I had to mention an important thing like skin...but the good news is also that the fund has raised $50,000 since his last blog. Via kmh135 at CH.
  17. Scarlett wrote: I know! My heart stopped for a minute, too. heh That was an INSPIRED photoshop, whoever did that one. Clay looks adorable!
  18. kimiye, this is for you. Sorry I missed it yesterday! jmh123 And...yayyy for radio play! (tm Iseeme...I think it can, I think it can, I think it can. Karen Eh?...Are you feeling any better today? I sure missed you Saturday night. And you missed some good brisket. So, 'hey' from the gang. LOL
  19. heh heh I'd prefer for Clay to , if you knowwhatImeanandIthinkyoudo. As you can see, I made it home, okay, merrieeee...next time, remind me and I will bring my pajamas! Great to see my friends again. You renew me.
  20. Cotton That kind of goes without saying, doesn't it? *smirk Claygasm, next time you're feeling unpopular around here, pull out all these birthday greetings! Wow, it's been a colorful day! Happy birthday!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures of Clay today. He's such a beautiful human being.
  21. someone at CH made the pictures a little bigger I am so happy to see him again! These are among the most beautiful photos of Clay I have ever seen. His reports are always so articulate...I could feel his question (where is the outrage) in his words. In all his UNICEF reports, he seems to realize that the areas he is seeing, where UNICEF is actually able to make an impact, are probably far better than those areas he is not able to see. That's got to be distressing to witness in person. My Clayfan kid said, "Awww, he's going to be such an awesome dad...and...I like his new hair." Heh
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