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12/03/05 NYC Beacon Theater

Couch Tomato

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I saw the Oakland JNT05. This was the first time I didn't tramp down to L.A. and do those shows too but it was middle of the week and I had just returned from vacation. So yes, I saw Jacob and got a very beautiful Good News rendition with all the four voices...but I really look forward to see/hear any changes.

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CV stream has been doing funky stuff (the cellcerter is trying a new method tonight), but it connected just in time. Not the greatest quality, but we'll see how it goes.

Huge screams for the beginning of "Christmastime". Who cares about Santa - we want the guy in the white suit!

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I didn't hear it, but apparently a flasher got yelled at. Yah!

Beginning dialogue now. Coming through really clear now. Audible chuckles - there is definitely a guy near the cellcerter that sounds like he's enjoying the jokes.

Voicemail - full.

Giddy up! Indeed! How "bout you pull that sleigh up to my porch and pick me up? Snow in the forecast for tonight, so I'll be all set!

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Sleigh Ride - I love how Clay can't quite get his fingers to accurately count out the reindeer names.

Applause during the chiming bells section - very jazzy.

Dialogue, and then the Christmas dance set-up.

The Season for Romance now. Very smooth and lovely. I like the strings arrangement in the background.

It'll get you if you give it half a chance.

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Ornament dialogue now.

"I used to be quite a good dancer."

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas (And while you're at it, check out the socks, and report back about what color the stripes are. :P )

Is this the song with all the twirls? Thanks, Patricia, for demonstrating your lack of cellulite. One more reason to to be a little jealous....

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we lost the stream...

I need to look at a really good photo of Patricia.... I remember her from my show but just barely. Anybody have a good photo?

Allison really sounds good singing this song with Clay. I'm not particularly fond of Silver Bells.

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Couchie, Patricia is blonde, and has kind of a prominent overbite. Red wig as the young Beverly though.

Sorry about the CH cellstream - it's a night for gremlins, apparently.

Very loud and long screams for the second place joke.

Silver Bells duet.

"Soon it will be Christmas Day"

Allison really does have a lovely voice - very well suited for this song. Some mid-song applause for some reason.

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ETHEL is there??? (my bad..... I know)

No....think BIGGEST - now I am badder.....from the balcony or loge or whatever, it looked very obvious.

Big sigh.

Cellstream back, sounds wonderful.

Strictly Ballroom was made in 1992 - I looked at the cast list, the Kents not on it, must have been young extras.

The exaggerated dancing that people describe her brother as doing sounds straight from the movie.

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In the CV chat, a poster made this comment: "Honestly, I feel as though my life is coming full circle. As a kid, we used to gather around the radio in the evening to listen to the stories and music. Now, here I sit at the computer listening to the story and music. " Very apt, isn't it.

The Christmas Song, and cookie baking. Love Andy's guitar riff here.

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Sending Tommy out to play.

I can't believe it's time for Angela already - this concert goes fast!

I Miss You Most at Christmas.

Yeah Couchie, I saw the post about the penguin slippers. Somebody should just give the guy an enormous pair of footie pj's to wonder around in. :lol:

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Speaking of shoes.... do I have to pull out the stilleto variety?

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish Couchie. Are you going to step on someone's instep, or do you want to attract the attention of someone on the stage? Depending on where your seat is, might a low-cut top be a better choice?


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Celebrate Me Home.

That reminds me, I need to get my ornament boxes down from the attic. If only my guardian angel team would take care of that for me...

No growls yet.

Applause for the appearance of Thomas and Angela and the baby doll.

Sing me home. Give me a number.

"I just happen to know some people in the business..." Allison is ad-libbing a little there. Maybe getting a little bored half-way through the tour?

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