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Posts posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I'm glad Cha Cha's caught up, hope they don't get behind again with this engine cleaning thing.

    The airlift thing looks really cool, though -- I'm glad someone did that one. That looked like the best roller coaster ride EVAH!

    Yes, the Air Force is picky about the cleanliness. *g*

    That was a cool roadblock too. I'm not sure how I'd do with the GPS, but the rest of it looked really cool.

    Oh poor Danielle. I have no pity for her. She's always quitting -- reminds me of Flo! AAAGH! Charla's not doing much better, but she's not as whiny.

    The BQ's did a great leg of the race!

    And meanwhile...I'm sad for my Cha Cha's. They were doing so well for so long, and then these last few legs were just brutal for them. It seems like they just lost their will.

    I still hate Eric and Danielle. With a passion.

  2. ShowLetter422.jpg

    I'll agree that the caption on that photo was a little diss, but I still chuckled. Sometimes I can't help myself. For me the real insult are the fans who haul out the recrimination handbook and start admonishing the transgressors. It just doesn't sit well with me at all. If only everyone could sit back and chill out before they hit their keyboards where, in my opinion they look plain silly. I know everyone has a right to express their opinion and all that but it looks foolish to me. I think Clay might have chuckled at the article, too.....put it down as par for the course...or took it as a challenge, perhaps? Isn't he the guy whopointed out on tour that his own album was on a list of the top 5 worst albums of the year?

    Karen Eh?, you are me. I could see the diss, kinda went "oooo," and then laughed. But then, what did I do? I clicked the link closed and went on my merry way. Frequently, even when I see something as a major diss, I just simply ignore. Maybe I'm burying my head in the sand, but it seems that people frequently want people to make a big deal out of what they've written. Ignoring it sometimes gives them a signal that they may not be saying something nice.

    I guess, for me, it all boils down to my feeling that some fans (not all) feel that every single person in the world must LOVE Clay Aiken. OK, I'm sure it's not that way for most...but it feels like it.

  3. Where's my Lost people? Did everyone watch IGB and forget to tape Lost? I'm usually having to skip this thread for a few days, because I don't get to see the show live most of the time. This week I'm the first one here?!?!?!?!

    Sun's story made me tear up. I'm actually quite glad that Jin was declared the father. OTOH -- I'm still not sure how much I can trust Juliet. Would she have lied to Sun? The flashback story, though -- actually quite meh for me, although I'm sad that Jin's father didn't even get to go to his son's wedding.

    As for the other story -- well, it was strange seeing Russian dude again, and I'd love to know how he came back to life. (That island has some strange powers -- but regular viewers knew that, right?). I liked Desmond and Charlie's little exchange about how many Others have killed vs. the regular island people have killed.

    Finally -- that finale?!?!? Oh man, talk about all hope being lost -- or is it?!?!? Tune in next week!

  4. I'm glad you did that Bottlecap. I was just coming in here to tell you that this message board is being linked directly from that Pegasus website...by the guy who runs that website.

    Actually, he was linked to getclayaiken.com, because of some bitchy post I made about too much mothering. Heh. How embarrassing though. Hee.

    Now I'm really confused. OK, so this guy posts his blog, with the picture from the AMA's with Clay and Tori, with the comment he did. People got pissed (not around here) and started posting crap on the comments section. I understand all that (well, I understand the timeframe of the chain of events; people's reactions, not so much -- I don't venture out much either YSRN). But -- then did someone link to some of the Clayland boards, such as getclayaiken and FCA and CV? Or the blogger did it himself? Why? I'm so confuzzled.

    KTLA Clay -- wow. Had almost forgotten about him. He was fantastic that day, and looked so damn handsome. That WAS an incredibly sexy day -- he was smart, he was self-depricating, he was funny. The AMA appearance was almost as good; I thought his hair was bee-you-tea-ful, and his ability to make fun of his then-current situation made it almost perfect.

    Rewatched the David Foster gala performances this morning. I did a doubletake -- because the hair that night was practically the same hair we had for ET and the Today show, IMO. To me, it's really just shorter than we got used to during the holidays. Heh.

    And man, could that guy sing. That "need" that David Foster spoke so highly of is killer.

  5. Ok, this cracked me up (but is causing stress to others....). Check out the picture and the caption used in this article or Frisco!

    [url=http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/apr/28/fc-dallas-clay-aiken-fireworks-highlight-frisco-fr/]Pegasus News Wire[/url]

    Note: I zapped the direct link, as apparently the blogger is tracking back the to Clay boards, and I don't think he needs to come here... bottlecap

    BWAH! Me too CG, me too!

    Asking a favor -- please. Could someone (who's not an admin!) go over to the new FCA webpage (located here) and then click on the "Clay articles" link? I've got 5 articles listed so far, and I want to make sure everyone can see them, etc. Only 4 have links -- the fifth I need to get a scan of first (and if anyone has scans of some of the early magazines, such as Elle or Time), please contact me. That would help me a great deal.

    But I love to see Clay rock out. That's when he is sexiest to me.

    Totally's little statement here made me think of a possible topic for discussion here -- when is Clay sexiest to YOU? I'll go first. Honestly -- it's not when he's singing at all. It's not when he's giving an eye***k, it's not when he's showing orgasm face. For me, it's when he's making me laugh. I don't know exactly what it is for me, but when he's doing banter at a show, and he starts talking, and then he jokes about something -- I get all tingly. Wait, I DO know -- it's because it shows to me that the man has a BRAIN. He's a quick thinker, and I love that in a man.

    So....anyone else?

    Oh, and pictures are not required for your own personal "sexy meter" -- but hey! If you want....

    Here's an example of "sexy" for me:


    And another:




    And one more:


    Love that man....

  6. You know I think sometimes things don't have to be broadcast all over the Clay Nation networks.

    Amen and hallelujah and pass the booze!

    ldyjocelyn wrote:

    Hmmmm....I'm thinking of spending 7 1/2 - 8 hours in a car with the eHP to get to the Tulsa show.

    Should I be worried?

    Heck No! It won't take 'em 71/2 -8 hours to get to Tulsa. You'll be fine.

    *dons diamond encrusted helmet*

    Cool! I'm ready to go! VAROOM VAROOM!!!!

    Enablers, the lot of you. In fact, Clay was right: the entire fandom is full of enablers. I remember sitting in a bar in Nashville before the NAT concert, innocently drinking my beer, when my phone rang. Next thing I know I've got a ticket to a concert in Albuquerque. I didn't even know how to spell Albuquerque, but there you go. Had a blast. Went to the New Mexico State Fair, had a conversation with a pleasant but psychotic man who was hallucinating flies all around himself, and bought a pair of cowboy boots. Great concert, too!

    Wasn't that the concert where Clay gave a young girl a sweet kiss on the cheek?

    And yes, the fandom is NOTHING BUT enablers. All you have to do is THINK about going to another concert. Somehow, people then read your mind and offer you space in their hotel room, a ride in their rental car, and oh, BTW, a spare ticket to the show. All we need is transporter technology in order to keep transportation cheap.

    ETA, Scarlett has a last name?

    I think my mind is still boggled that y'all have REAL names. *g*

    I'm sitting at the reference desk today, trying to keep from crying from laughter. It's not working, and people now think I'm one crazy librarian. At least the seams in my stockings are straight, and the bun in my hair hasn't fallen out yet. *g*

  7. He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.

    He's just so much more.

    After the events of the past 24 hours, I'd say that FCA members know how to pick the perfect thread title at just the right time.

    Clay -- thank you for being you.

    couchie, your posts are so sensible to me -- freakin' WORD to everything.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Scarlett for bringing that over here, and for simply being a fun person

  8. AllDay: Live from Studio 1A Blog: Q & A with Clay Aiken

    Clay Aiken sat down with Al Roker, David Gregory and Dr. Nancy Snyderman today to talk about his recent work with UNICEF USA in Afghanistan (WATCH VIDEO).

    Before his appearance on the show, I got to talk to him for a quick Q&A. Here is some of our conversation (edited for content):

    Q: When did you get back from Afghanistan, how long were you there and what were you doing?

    Clay Aiken: I got back on Wednesday, and I was there for about two weeks. It was a really eye-opening experience and was interesting because a lot of stereotypes were broken down for me. The people there were wonderfully nice, and the country was really beautiful and peaceful. It was a little surprising because of all the news we hear from over there.

    [Clay sees a video clip of President Bush dancing with a Senegalese dance troupe in the Rose Garden on Wednesday]

    What in the world is he doing? Please, be joking.

    [He regains his train of thought.]

    I was observing programs run by UNICEF, observing schools where women are getting an education, often for the first time in their lives.

    Q: Why were you particularly attracted to this trip?

    CA: I used to be a teacher. I was a special-ed teacher in North Carolina, so there was some synergy there.

    Q: You're familiar with our "Where in the World is Matt Lauer" series, which begins on Monday. What's the most interesting place you've been to, and where would you like to go that you haven't been to before?

    CA: Well, definitely Afghanistan was the most interesting place. Not just because it was exotic and dangerous, to some degree, but also because it is so beautiful and peaceful. It's the third country I've been to with UNICEF -- I had previously been to Uganda and Indonesia. But I had never been to a place that beautiful and peaceful.

    As for a place I'd like to go...I'd like to go to Zanzibar. I imagine it's beautiful, and it makes me sound smart to say I know where it is.

    Q: Apparently there's a version of "American Idol" in Afghanistan -- did you see it?

    CA: It's called "Afghan Star," and I didn't get to see it.

    Q: Have you been able to follow the current season of "American Idol"?

    CA: I haven't seen any of it.

    Q: Have you heard anything about Sanjaya and his performances?

    CA: We were actually in India when everything was happening with him, and people over there were talking about it.

    Q: The big entertainment news today is that Rosie O'Donnell is leaving "The View" in June. Any reaction?

    CA: Good for her. Do what you want to do. But she will be missed on that show. But I'm sure she'll do something just as big and fantastical -- if that's a word -- as she did when she was on "The View."

    Q: What's next for you?

    CA: I have a tour coming up this summer. It starts July 4 in Dallas, and tickets are on sale now.

  9. Shoot, I got a phone call in the middle of Ambassador Aiken speaking! Isn't that ALWAYS the way? But what I did hear was fantastic -- he does such a good job in relaying his PASSION for what he saw, and did. I wish I had a quarter of his skills in this regard.

    AI -- I'm not surprised. I figured that everyone was safe early yesterday, but totally forgot about the manipulation aspect, and it hurts me that it was Jordin who got the brunt of it ('cause I really like her). But even if had been one of the other contestants, it still sucks. And yet, I'm just not surprised either. The AI machine has the corner on manipulation.

    I'm missing most of my workouts this week, due to scheduling. And I can say that I miss them -- I always feel better after sweating for a while, for some reason.

    Addisex -- I think it has to do with Grey's Anatomy. Don't watch, but I know couchie does! Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to ER!

  10. Clack Unlimited Today Show Clip (BTW, please remember to support them, if you can possibly afford to do so!)

    That was a great little interview. While I totally agree with those that think he looks 12 -- he speaks, and he's so adult. He's an articulate and thoughtful man. I liked hearing about the older women coming to school and learning to read in Afghanistan.


    playbiller, so much WORD to your entire post.

  11. BOTW - Maybe I just love the song because I love and adore the Simon and Garfunkel original version. I love and adore Clay's version and I really liked Annie Lennox's version. Clay doesn't own that song to me. He does a really, really great version of it but its a classic song that, to me, can only belong to S & G - who loan it out to others.

    ITA. I feel the exact same way about the song -- it's a pure classic.

    ETAA: Now I just saw this!
    Bowl cut!!

    Now, I really did NOT like the bowl cut of AI5. Really.Did.Not.Like. Really hated. Please - if he's going to wear bangs his hair must be cut like Kimmel of the Gala!!

    I told you I was shallow!

    OK, here goes, let's see if CG likes or not...




    He looks YOUNG. But he's still adorable.

  12. Leonard Lopate Show April 26, 2007

    In Another Light

    Thursday, April 26, 2007

    Clay Aiken became a household name through American Idol. He’s here today to talk about becoming a UNICEF ambassador, and working to bring the everyday lives of children in Afghanistan to the spotlight. Then, a psychologist explains why reports of genocide often get little response. Later on, a discussion about how to understand and appreciate photography. And we talk about the importance of Marc Chagall's art. Plus: a historian argues that teen culture was created in the 1890s.

    Underreported: Clay Aiken on Afghanistan

    Clay Aiken has had plenty of media exposure. But he joins us for today’s Underreported to talk about a subject that doesn’t get a lot of press: health care and education in Afghanistan. Clay Aiken recently returned from a trip to Afghanistan as a UNICEF Ambassador, where he helped launch the "$100,000 in 10 Days" campaign to support Afghanistan's health centers and schools.

    There's a link on the page that has pictures, including two new ones, from his trip.

  13. Leonard Lopate Show April 26, 2007

    In Another Light

    Thursday, April 26, 2007

    Clay Aiken became a household name through American Idol. He’s here today to talk about becoming a UNICEF ambassador, and working to bring the everyday lives of children in Afghanistan to the spotlight. Then, a psychologist explains why reports of genocide often get little response. Later on, a discussion about how to understand and appreciate photography. And we talk about the importance of Marc Chagall's art. Plus: a historian argues that teen culture was created in the 1890s.

    Underreported: Clay Aiken on Afghanistan

    Clay Aiken has had plenty of media exposure. But he joins us for today’s Underreported to talk about a subject that doesn’t get a lot of press: health care and education in Afghanistan. Clay Aiken recently returned from a trip to Afghanistan as a UNICEF Ambassador, where he helped launch the "$100,000 in 10 Days" campaign to support Afghanistan's health centers and schools.

    There's a link on the page that has pictures, including two new ones, from his trip.

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