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Posts posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Hope couchie doesn't mind me taking over here....

    OK I am confused - by chat, do you mean here, or somewhere else?

    We'll set up a separate thread, probably in the Clay Parties section, for the chat.

    Will the times be posted in advance so that we can get the maximum # of members on the board?


    20 minutes doesn't seem like much of a window

    A piece that we really need some feedback on, actually. I personally think that no more than 30 minutes is good, keeping things short, sweet, and to the point -- and it prevents things from being dragged out for too long, IMO. But then, I'm a quick typist and reader, so others may have some say in that.

    .....and seems like it might be difficult to pin down a time that is good for everyone.

    Extremely difficult! Two consecutive Fridays? Saturdays? Sundays? A weekday? (Now that it's summer, and TV season is just about over, my weekdays are better than weekends!) Or should we try to do this on a Friday/Saturday combo? Saturday/Sunday?

    I'll take some ideas here, and eventually put up a poll or something like that.

  2. Ha, I'm wondering, does this mean there really is a "Kindom of Do Me"?


    Maybe we could come up with a whole series of shirts...."I Did Clay in Philadelphia and it was ___." Etc., etc. Think we could come up with some good ones? The Texas shows, California shows, and Florida shows could be each combined on one shirt.

    FCA-MAD fundraiser? *g*

    Maybe pins would be the way to go....

  3. :Morning:

    Also Alton Brown! Whenever he goes to Harry's I squeal, "I've been in that store!"

    EEEEEEEEE! Another AB fan! When I went to Florida last month, we had a layover in Atlanta, and AB was on the cover of the Atlanta magazine. It was an interesting article -- and I found out that AB has way more in common with Clay than I knew. He's a fascinating man as well.

    what's the scariest thing in the world.... internet just going off for no reason. Hell I'm old enough. I know what we did before internet but why don't I want to go back there. LOL.

    No kidding! It's bad enough to not have internet at work (when so much of what I do involves the net), but when it goes out at home, I'm usually frantic! I'm getting better though...mainly because right now, I'm rereading the Harry Potter series, hopefully finishing it in time right before the new book comes out!

    Clay's comment on Quiana's myspace CMSU and will keep a grin plastered on my face for the rest of the day. What a little shit. I noticed that he called it "our" tour.....I know he always uses the royal we (mouse in his pocket?) but in this instance I took it that he was including her, and that was kind of his point - that she only had him down (heh) for a few dates. I think she's going to be on the whole tour. YAY! :Tour3:

    He's such a knowing little cuss, isn't he? Innocent? I think not. But see, that's the thing -- he's a master of innuendo, without being crude about it. Love him.

  4. I know -- I started to have my doubts when Hurley wanted to come along. NO HURLEY!!! I don't want you to die! So then, back to Desmond and Charlie, and I simply don't want Desmond to die either. Therefore, I was glad when Charlie knocked him out.

    I'm not a big Charlie fan at all, but I really felt for him this evening. Maybe I'm feeling that way because it's certainly seems to be playing out that he's gonna die! I liked the flashbacks for him.

    You know what? I enjoyed seeing ALL the island people working together again! Bout damn time. Even Rose and Bernard! (But I have a feeling things won't be good for that couple either...)

    I always read Entertainment Weekly's recaps of the Lost episode (this weeks is here). Anyway, I TOTALLY missed the "connection" of the week -- Sayid's girlfriend was the lady Charlie rescued during the mugging!

    Sometimes I think this show is TOO dense with information -- incredibly hard to keep track of!

  5. Hey huskerfalcon!

    Searches memory banks to see if there's anything utterly embarassing I've done in front of Huskerfalcon. All clear although I might have bent her ear a time or two during my job searches. Getting me to my meet and greet on time in New Hampshire was fun.

    Especially since SOMEONE forgot to bring her camera.... :whistling-1:

    This whole board personality vs real life has got me thinking - so if there is ever an FCA get together - would we end up with a group of people sitting in a circle and staring at each other - waiting for someone else to speak so we could all listen?

    Off to see if there is an emoticon for this!

    Actually, I'm imagining a situation similar to Clay's in Afghanistan, with KAndre in the role of Clay, leading the rest of us in "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands." *g*

    Just wanted to let you all know, I just got a call from Muski who wanted me to tell you all she is in South Beach having sex on the beach and its going down nice and smooth.

    That is all....... :whistling-1:


    Like any of us are surprised...


    *starts a collection so that bottlecap can afford Cheez Doodles*

  6. LdyJ has seen me spread shampoo all over my face thinking it was lotion.

    Why yes, yes I have couchie. Too bad I didn't pull out my camera that morning. *g*

    Meanwhile...me? I'll be the one who manages to get spaghetti sauce all over myself.

    As for my board persona, I really think it's pretty much ME, y'know? Sometimes I write really stupid things, sometimes I'm really profound, sometimes I manage to get in a good joke. Same thing happens to me in real life too.

    I used to avidly watch "The Real World" on MTV, until it got unwatchable (which was about 5 seasons ago for me). I remember many of the kids would always complain about how they were edited on the screen, as if that wasn't them at all. I kept saying to myself, though -- "look, the camera caught you sleeping with 50 different people the same night! Even if it wasn't the same night -- you still slept with 50 different people!" I sometimes think that people's posting styles can be treated the same way, if that makes any sense.

    One of the reasons I used to volunteer to do name tags for parties is that I got to connect real names with screen names. Good times, actually. Adding faces, though...and I get confuzzled.

    Welcome back cha cha trusty!

  7. If I were RCA...I would reissue MCWL with AIW and maybe 2 more new songs.

    Add another 4 songs or so to your list, make it a double album, and I'm good.

    and the longer they wait the harder it is to get good spots on TV, Print and radio promos.

    I have a feeling TC would have the next CD done just to keep a momentum going.

    You know, this is one of the places where I really diverge with most of the fandom, including my beloved Ansa here. It may be totally Pollyanna of me (wouldn't be the first time), but I really think that even if Clay waited 5 years until his next album came out (anybody want to go spread that rumor around on the boards? Didn't think so....), his charm and talent would get him booked on a LOT of shows. Sure, the "hot" factor would be long gone...but if you look at it another way, it could be his "comeback." And yes, I think the material he'd be pushing for publicity would definitely play into this. However, I just have this nagging feeling that he's the type that gets at least some of the TV people fighting for him. Now, I've heard rumors that this isn't the case -- but they were never substantiated, as far as a I know. It could have been a case of a particular show not fitting into Clay's schedule.

    Just never ask me to be Clay's scheduler, OK? I'd mess that mess up but good.

    I read on another board that Clive also mandated MCWL. Is that right? I always got the impression it was Clay who really wanted to do a Christmas album, since he wants to tour every Christmas and seems t o LOVE Christmas music.

    I think MCWL could have originally been Clive's idea, but one that Clay could easily buy into without a fight (unlike another album :whistling-1: ).

    I'll look forward to it whenever it comes out. After all, perfection takes time, honey! (tm Clay Aiken)


    Interesting spin data there CG. Dare I hope that low-note Clay gets played on the radio?

  8. Something else about PodSoda's post on CH yesterday...where on earth DO they play music videos these days. Not on MTV. Is VH1 also reality tv hell now or do they actually play videos for most of the time still. They actually seem old school now.

    VH1 only plays videos during the overnight hours, as far as I know. And don't be dissin' ALL the VH1 reality shows -- I LOVE "Celebrity Fit Club" (and KLo is rockin' the house over there!)

    Also, Play, you come up with the most interesting TV shows. What is the one you mentioned yesterday and what is it about. Speaking of reality shows, I saw one this past weekend that's just perfect for me. When my sister is over she turns to those channels I never watch ...Food Network, Home and Garden and now TLC. They had this show where all your friends and family trick you into coming to a place and then they tell you that you have absolutely no fashion sense. Then these two chipper people show up and give you 5000 to go shopping. And they snark on your choices and the girls cry when they have to get their hair cut or put on makeup and then everybody tells you how great you look in the end. I'm perfect for that show...in case anybody wants to recommend me LOL.

    "What Not to Wear" -- LOVE THAT SHOW. Clinton and Stacy are so funny, could be considered cruel by some standards, and yet, I get that they really care for their "students" by the end of the week.

    I think TLC has some great shows. Besides WNTW, I also try to catch "Little People, Big World." Discovery Channel has one one my favorites too, with "Dirty Jobs" (anyone here a fan of that one? I'm missing it so much lately!) and "Mythbusters." And, if there is absolutely nothing else on TV, I'll put on the Food Network (Ace of Cakes, Dinner: Impossible, any of those silly challenge shows, and of course, my favorite, Alton Brown's "Good Eats," which recently won a Peabody Award for excellence in quality TV. Alton is my other Southern Geekboy boyfriend.)

    Topic: I'm hoping that Clay will pick up on one of these shows now that Jericho has been cancelled. *g*

  9. muski, I know of that "funky" car they gave you the first time -- Chevy HHR, wasn't it? Must be a Florida thing, because that's what my hubby and I got when we were there in April. It actually wasn't too bad of a car, except there were some major blindspots in it.

    OTOH, I think you seriously need to wear a Velcro vest and then attach Velcro strips to all your electronic devices. You seem to have the worst luck with that....at least this one worked out OK.

    I guess I still like to see Clay on that show. It makes the show for me to see him on it. I don't think I'm the only one, or even that Clay fans are the only ones that feel that way.

    I think I agree with you -- it kinda gives me both the warm fuzzies (for sentimental value) and shocking chills (because he's usually so HAWT) whenever he appears on AI. It will actually feel rather strange if he doesn't show up this year -- it would be the first time with no appearance, right?

    Y'all know you can watch Heroes on the NBC website, don't you? It says it has the full episodes. I haven't used the viewer on the NBC site, but I have watched a couple pf episodes of Lost on the ABC site, and I thought the quality was very good. They make you download a viewer, but the picture quality was great and it ran smoothly on my DSL - much better than youtube, for example.

    EEEP! I think I knew that about Heroes being on the NBC site, but kinda spaced out about it. It's one of those shows, though, that I've not seen any episodes, but so many people have said "you'd love this show." Just wish I didn't have to watch it on a 19 inch monitor, especially since my hubby will also want to watch too. But I'll talk to hubby tonight and see if we want to schedule a time to catch up. BTW, the DVD set is supposed to come out in August, and I've read that the Sci-Fi Channel is doing a marathon, minus one episode, this weekend. Unfortunately, the DVR in our house doesn't have enough room on it to get them all.

    Parties? I usually don't mind them, and for me, with no kids and a semi-secure job, my Clay trips are splurges. Also, I usually try my best to mingle and meet everyone (sadly, this was NOT me a few years ago, I've learned since then). This tour, since the eHP is planning one of the parties, well I just HAVE to go, it would be rude otherwise. The Tulsa party sounds fantastic too, but timing could be an issue for that one.

    I've been accused elsewhere of being a bad fan for hypothesizing this, because dontcha know, it would be the kiss of death for him to wait that long. He needs to release his awesome rawkin' album ASAP!!!!1!!!11!!! if he wants to be the superstar of the century! Except........I don't think he really cares about all that. And I think he won't release it until he's good and satisfied with it. That might take a while. That's ok - I'm patient.

    Can I join you in the "bad fan" (BLECH!!) car then too? I keep looking at what I see as Clay's schedule. He said he was just looking for a producer less than a week ago. Maybe he found one -- but do we know. Next month surely would be preparing for the tour. July and August is the tour itself, plus I'd work in another vacation for the man after the shows are over. Then, things get dicey, because we don't know when the Christmas tour will start. He'll have a month, maybe two, to work on an album. But can it conceivably be done in that time frame? Not in this day and age, and also not if Clay thinks it's not good enough (or even, shudder, Clive. *g*).

    To me, so much of the concern about getting that new album out isn't really about Clay, it's about Clay's image to particular fans. I really do think that since Clay isn't showing "rock star" tendencies right now, some fans are afraid of really being pegged as "uncool." Listen, I've been called "uncool" for practically my entire life -- and I've surived. Thrived, actually. Being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be, IMO. I'd rather be proud of being a Clay Aiken fan, no matter what he does.

    If - a big if - Clay is recording a new Christmas album, it might be possible for him to get it out this year. How much would that drive people crazy? I would rather he remix MCWL - that one loud Hark startles me every time in the middle of the album - I should pull it to MP3 and edit that out nand burn a new disk.

    You know play, the more I've listened to MCWL, the less that one "JOY" startles me. (That is the one you're talking about, right? Or is it really part of "Hark?") And yes, I've considered him releasing a new Christmas album this year -- an expansion of AIW, perhaps. Watching the heads of some people explode while they are also simultaneously having orgasms would be kind of fun, actually.

    couchie, the prepublicity for ATDW did seem sparse to me too. However, I think my worry about that was unfortunately overridden by the worry that so many others had -- I guess I felt like I needed to at least try and stay a bit sane about the whole thing.

    And ITA about the People article -- one of the best interviews ever. And it brought us this lovely gem:


  10. Is it just me, or is anybody else ready for this TV season to be over?

    Sorry bottlecap -- it's just you. :medium-smiley-070: I'm gonna be lost without "Lost," and I'll miss ER like crazy too. And last Sunday felt really strange without "Amazing Race." Sure, I enjoy the extra time I get not watching shows during the summertime....but then, I'm usually ready for the season to begin. Besides, I need the summertime to get hooked on "Heroes" -- if I can figure out bittorrent first. *g*

    Ansa, you said something that made me think this -- I get the feeling that Clay likes things the old fashioned way. (Take that as you want, you smutty people...) From what I understand of Jericho, it was a fairly straightforward show, with maybe a twist? In a way, you could also say that about Clay's musical choices, from what I've seen -- taking a standard song (or even a non-standard) and giving it a touch of different flavor. I just think for some reason that Clay likes to throw back to the good-old, bad-old days. JMO.

    Is it July yet? I need a Clay concert fix BAD.

  11. Merrieeee - you aren't a pollyanna, shallow or dumb but whatever you are I'm trying to get there. I think I'm almost there and the air is much fresher.

    ITA -- because I love merrieee to death, and even though I have never met her (woohoo for Texas!), I'm positive she's a smart cookie. Not shallow either. As for Pollyanna...well, I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies regarding Clay. I like thinking about Clay, usually about him and me and a bathtub. Sorry, I suppose that should be shower stall....heh.

    In other news...

    CBS Cancels "Jericho"

    I'm wondering if we'll get a blog from him very soon, due to this news? *g*

  12. Eh, I chose to stay off of the Evil Clive / Hateful Roger / Spiteful Video Chick gerbil wheel yesterday (btw, that little rat must have some hindquarters of steel by now) firstly, because What the Hell do I know about it? and secondly, What the Hell am I supposed to do about it at this point in time anyway? Burn with righteous indignation? Don't have the energy. Drag out the vodoo doll of Clive and start sticking in the pins? Doesn't mesh with my spiritual beliefs. Buy an extra t-shirt or program this summer, so Clay makes more bucks? That I might do - please let there be at least a program for this tour.

    Can I be bottlecap when I grow up? PLEEEZE?

    And PLEEEZE on the programs, too.

    I'm still giggling about the fact that Clay was on late night tv on a horse. Wearing a neon lime green vest. Chatting with an actor who plays a mobster's sister and jamming along to Billy Joel's daughter. Followed by a day of hanging out with his orbiting women and adjusting himself in public. And today he's probably participating in his presidential committee duties. Really, how much weirder can his reality get?


    *off to nominate the last line as a thread title*

    Welcome back KAndre! (Will that get a "yeah, that" from CG? *g*)

    Almost forgot -- Happy birthday Solo! Do you promise to not to drive over 100 MPH from Houston to Tulsa? *g*

  13. According to The Late Night TV Page, Clay's appearance on Jimmy Kimmel will be rerun on May 24.

    For me it's all about saying whatever the heck I please without being made to feel like a stupid pollyanna with no reasoning skills or having my motives questioned all the time. At this stage of the game I think things are evolving. I know I'm trying to find a place in this fandom where I fit and feel comfortable. For me that transition hasn't been painless.

    couchie, thank you for this, because it's how I feel too. I was bi-boardal since the beginning of this board, and had no problems going back and forth. But, little by little, I felt a bit shut out at my original board, mainly because it seemed so one-sided, with no chance for rebuttal. Frankly, it hurt for a time -- that place was my home, my original foray into the internet world of Clay Aiken. So, I decided to find a new home.

    Sure, I can see "mocking," but as luckiest1 said, it's mocking of a mind-set, IMO. I also remember quite well when the fans were pretty darn good at mocking themselves, and few took it personally. Somehow, that changed in the past year and a half or so. Again, that makes me sad.

    In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy Clay. He makes me happy, even if he does do things from time to time that make me crazy (and not in a good way -- although making me crazy in a good way happens more often than not).

  14. Will there be any meet and greets this time around? Just curious. I would love for some of my friends that have never met Clay to get an opportunity if they want one.

    I'm already starting the burn prayer candles every evening for the chance to get one of those mythical M&G's. I may even sacrifice my husband one night, to see if that helps.

    Well, drat. Left off the popular kids list again. :)

    And dudley managed to say what I happen to believe to be closest to reality without insulting anyone else's reality. That's what gets me; the insistence that if the rest of us don't agree, we're stooooopid and can't see the writing on the wall. That's not a conversation; that's condescension and manipulation... and I just can't play that. It's too angry or something. Meh.

    First of all, I've never been a popular kid, was always the last to be picked for things. I've learned to deal. We can sit in the back and eat all the Cheez Doodles YSRN. Secondly....your last paragraph? That's the feeling I get too. Double meh.

    I think many people, including ones on this board, can have pod-like tendencies regarding Clay. He's special to us, and thus, we truly want the best for him. It might be RCA; it might not. And I personally would say that some of the publicity didn't work for the best. I'd also say that some of it worked well. What gets me is simply the insistence, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, that RCA is simply out to ruin Clay. Triple meh.

    I really like muski's new siggy file -- you know, that one that keeps slipping into her posts for some darn reason. *g*

  15. What the hell is FURCA.

    couchie, split the first two letters away from the last three letters, and then see if it makes sense. Yeah, I understand the pin...but yet I don't get it either.

    You also ask a LOT of good question, one that I don't have answers for either. I think your best question is really "will any other record company GET Clay?" It seems to me that they may not -- record companies, when they get big and fat and profitable end up using formulas to create hits. That's what RCA was trying to do with ATDW, and I'd bet you bottom to a dollar that any other record company of RCA's size and scope would do the exact same thing. And smaller labels, as couchie suggests, could either take the KLo route (which makes me sad too), or else they could give the artistic freedom -- but maybe not the resources to do any sort of promotion.

    It's called show BUSINESS for a reason, folks. Deal with it. JMO.

    Almost forgot:

    I knew Clay had everything well in hand

    Oh, like that one paparazzi picture from the other night? *g*

  16. I can tell you this ... I'm up and excited and positive and tickled about seeing Clay this summer in concert. I'm in heaven. Why anyone wants to muddy up the fandom with this bullshit again, within weeks of his summer tour, makes me go hmmmmmmm.

    Totally agree. TOTALLY.

    I think I'll go watch some clack now.

    :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

    luckiest1, I see that great minds think alike, as we posted the same sentiment at about the same time. *g*

    I have my two tickets to my shows. All I need to do now is rearrange my flights -- being an idiot for booking a flight before having tickets in my hands. I may just cancel and start over, if I can without penalties.

  17. Ansa, I think Clay could have handled whatever success came his way. So I still wish major critical, industry and commercial success for him. He has all the talent to make that happen.

    Totally agree. I think (and I may be putting words into your mouth here, let me know so you can slap me later) that the difference here is the word "wish." I wish the world for Clay as well. Do I expect it to be handed to him on a silver platter, though? Nope...but I get the feeling some do. Clay's a hard worker, and he's hella talented. He'll get there on his own terms.

    The other thing that I keep going back to when this topic comes up (way too frequently for my blood pressure *g*) is the time frame. I do believe that more and more success will happen for Clay -- IN TIME. He had a buttload of stuff happen to him in 2003 and the beginning of 2004, maybe too much for him to handle immediately. But, with time, he's gathered some experience in this stuff. Also, I want Clay around for a long time. He'll have some peaks with his career, but also some valleys. It's just the way of the world, really. There's no way for him to continually top himself, without some letdown. Why can't people see that?

    So, the videographer is in question again? *eyeroll*

    Following the link to the article about the concert in Knoxville. There were several comments by fans hoping he sings all the songs he wrote. What songs? Somebody else wanted all the rocking socks left off the album. Clay fansare so cute.

    I saw that. Let's see, all the songs he wrote: LAA, LNM, and the Peanut song. Short concert.

    And people wonder why Clay Aiken fans get a bad name.

  18. Me, too, and maybe someday people will realize that it isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.

    :cryingwlaughter: Thread title. Please????

    Oh God yes!! Karen Eh? - you are one funny lady - and insightful too!

    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: :bier:

    Ah -- forget thread title. I'm thinking this should be the new subtitle for the entire board!

    My head is tired of nodding from agreement today -- way too much to quote, and not enough time either. I'm glad I'm here.

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