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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. The single picture: Love, love, love the pose. The body language there is very striking to me. Love as well the jewelry...gah. Nice bracelet, dude. But yet...I'm not as crazy about this picture as the album cover. I think what it is for me is the darkness of the entire look. Dark suit, dark hair, shadows almost covering the face...it just makes him look OFF for me. I think I would have liked this picture more if he had also been in the lighter colored jacket. But that's just me. What I'm really looking forward to, though, is hearing the man in a few days. Hearing him giggle with that haircut (and that look in general) is going to be a mindblowing experience. Can.not.wait.
  2. Can I bring a pillow to the padded room? *g* So, the OFC is offering Without You as a ringtone for cellular phones. Demmit...now I've got to upgrade my cell phone as well as buy copies of the album. This hobby is expensive!
  3. I'll have a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti with that please, bottlecap... Hey, guess what? It's September!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm extremely happy for the Insider thing -- I'm glad he worked on that "in" with them last year, and it is paying off now. And the hair will sing...*sigh*
  4. Copies of the radio single are showing up on ebay at the moment... And this is the CHEAPER one at the moment... And, thanks to GBB at the CH....here's a bigger copy of that picture...yum. Um yeah...he's hawt.
  5. Well, in MY crystal ball, my husband has transformed himself into Clay Aiken. muski, while I don't think a new album after ATDW will come THAT quickly...I've always thought that the 15th "hidden/bonus" track on ATDW should be Back for More. Wouldn't that just end the album perfectly, with it's "not too crazy about love songs" lyrics? Pure snark...and honestly, once word spreads that there is a bonus track, THAT could then be the next single. Ah well, a girl can dream.
  6. Moi? Read pron from you? OK, I guess I'll have to admit I've looked a few time (ie., printed 5 reams of paper with your stories). :20:
  7. Maybe this will distract bottlecap for a bit. I don't dare think of what muskifest will be conjuring up with this story: From Jade222 at CV (via the CH): More:
  8. Honestly -- I'm torn about radio. I still listen to the radio, mostly in my car, and my alarm clock in the morning. I would simply LOVE to hear Clay coming out of my car stereo system when I'd least expect it, or having him wake me up in the morning. *pauses at that thought while I kick my husband out of bed* But, at the same time, I read over and over about how many people have simply given up on radio, and find music through other sources. Included in those are MySpace (check). So, I really don't know the answer. As for the not.just.us fans -- first of all, I think the WalMart thing will help tremendously. As a person who goes there at least twice a week, and can barely find a parking spot there, I think that will help. I also truly believe that the TV appearances scheduled will bring things along nicely. The strategy, as I see it, will be as Ansa said -- shooting for "legs" with this album. My guess is that we'll get lots more TV appearances as the fall and winter continues. But of course, I'm not a marketing expert. {{{{{{{{{{bottlecap}}}}}}}
  9. But you know, these parties were mentioned almost a year and a half ago -- and I would bet bottom dollar that RCA knew about it from the git go. I'm sure RCA probably saw this as a way to get FREE publicity IN ADDITION to the publicity they are planning. Frankly, that's fine with me. bottlecap, I understand your frustrations -- silence can be a killer. I guess I'm just a "let the chips fall where they may" kind of person, though. Even if RCA doesn't come through with some killer publicity, I still think that this album will sell, and sell extremely well. And...if it doesn't sell well (and I don't know what the definition of "well" is, everyone in the fandom seems to have a different definition), I truly don't believe it's the end of Clay Aiken's career. I guess I just can't stress over things like this. Just call me a Pollyanna. Most people do.
  10. Didn't y'all know that I'm the librarian for the Clay Aiken Charter Academy? Clay visits me in the stacks all the time. I've even got the large poster size picture to prove it. EEEEEEEEEEE for GMA. I was going to sleep in that morning, after listening to the album all night. Guess that's not going to happen. Clay Aiken and Jon Stewart on the same stage would make me do this: :04: And then I'd die. Getting those two men together would floor me. Someday....
  11. So.... I sorta caved. I've listened to the clips. HOWEVER, I'm going to listen to them today, and stop for a while, and will not listen to full downloads before the album release date. Therefore, I'm not sure if I fit in the "more special to wait" car or not. I'm really loving what I'm hearing though. I think the arrangements are varied, enjoyable, and in a few cases, different enough to make me forget the original. My favorite? BYLM. I wasn't expecting that, and I'm glad others in the fandom feel the same way. I actually laugh about it, because so many were going "oh God, NOT Celine..." and here it's turning out to be a highlight for people. The other one I'm really curious to hear the complete version is "Everything I Have." This sounds like a gorgeous love song, to be played at weddings, proms, and homecoming dances for many years. *g* Cannot wait for this album.
  12. muski, I WISH I was going to Kimmel with y'all. But unfortunately, the sane part of me punched out the insane part of me, and no tickets for me. I'll be with y'all in spirit, though (otherwise known as a bottle of Merlot the night of the show). *g* As for WY -- OMG. This is the most beautiful I've ever heard his voice. Ever. I've listened to it too many times to mention today, and I'm still floored by the last chorus. There's EMOTION there people, true feelings and emotions. Gah. Swoon. Thud. Dead. Radio play? I think it could totally happen -- the teenies will have their Homecoming song for 2006. Or, as far as that goes, their prom song for 2007. If it doesn't happen -- I'll still have my CD, and I'll smile and sing along. georgia, please don't kill a cat! Wah! Can we kill gnats instead?
  13. bottlecap, can you tell us how you really feel? Hooray for the Climmel!!!!! Watching Jimmy give Clay guff about the hair is going to be so worth it. Oh yeah, hope Clay sings too.
  14. Heh. It is for me. I've bought magazines with LESS Clay content, why stop now? *hands playbiller several Tums* I know what you mean, both about WalMart and the roller coaster ride. Point number 1: I have a love/hate relationship with WalMart. I read your rant, pb, and totally agree. And yet...I still buy there. Have a niece that works there. I think if I boycotted every store that I didn't agree on a position they take, I'd never be buying anything. I hate that it works that way. Point number 2: the fandom, IMO, is ALWAYS going to be like that -- having to have any and all information NOW, even if it may turn out wrong later. There's simply no patience in most of the fans. I wish I could change that too, but I can't. As for the cover possibly not being what was posted earlier...I'll deal. I think there's still something better coming.
  15. I think, if you have a female lawyer, she'll fight totally to have all charges dropped on you. Make sure you get a female judge too. bottlecap, I sure do believe it is a photoshop. Not that I'm complaining or anything, though -- this cover is STRIKING. First of all, love the cityscape behind him; the bright blue (what IS it with him a blue? Maybe his favorite color is blue instead of orange?) makes the cover pop. More importantly to me, though, is the prominence of his name. Yes, I would say he's proud of this album -- and it also gives another "THAT'S Clay Aiken?" moment for those who see the album for the first time. *sigh* I'm in love...even if he left the library for a silly cityscape. *sigh*
  16. Heh. I love this, and repeat it every 5 minutes, minimum. But it also reminds me of the Man Pledge from "The Red/Green Show"... Nah, I like muski's version better. playbiller, glad to hear that the devil dog has turned into a (somewhat) angel dog. And your analysis of fire fighting? Right on the money. Me, I'm just here to watch the man, listen to him sing, laugh at his jokes, and share the man with friends. BTW, you're all friends here. Love y'all! georgia, hope things are doing well for you. I'll be praying for you. Went away for a long weekend, to see my nephew get married in the mountains outside Salt Lake City. Interesting trip, just for the sake of we left on Thursday last week. Yep, Orange Alert Thursday. But we made it through security with barely any problems, so that was good. The wedding was beautiful, and I want to see more of Utah soon! Oooh, an edit: bottlecap, you reminded me -- I was listening to one of our local stations this past weekend. They do "The Awesome 80's" during the weekend. What did I hear? The original "Broken Wings." I can't wait to hear Clay do this song! Sadly, I don't think there's smut in this post. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? Heh, I think I just smutted...
  17. Not that I remember, although the black pudding for breakfast was interesting. I think I only ate it one day. Here is a link if you want to make some. There's also a link there for making a white pudding as well. Actually, I thought most of the food was pretty darn good. And, let me tell you...Guinness in America is NOTHING like Guinness in Ireland. It is SOOOOO much better. The Orlando Bloom one makes me swoon. My secret wish is for Clay to actually do one of these posters, and then keychains, and bookmarks, and all the other stuff. I'd be buying all kinds of stuff! georgia, I'm sorry, but I'm the librarian around here. You may NOT claim Library man as your own, or I'll have to throw you out. I'm willing to share, though.
  18. Wow...I love the response. I have to admit it took me aback a bit that he actually DID respond, but now, I'm thoroughly impressed by the statements. Very directly and clearly stated what his rules were for responding to allegations. JH went after Mom...and that brought out the animal in Clay. Rawr.
  19. Just wanted to come in here and test my pretty new avatar, thanks to brandi. Isn't it pretty? *sigh* Carry on.
  20. bottlecap, I'm actually the most intrigued by the Dolly Parton cover. It's the one song on the list that truly wasn't a ballad the first time -- the arrangement was over-the-top pop, IMO. Catchy as hell, though. For this song to be recast as a ballad I think will be very interesting. BTW, for a possible take on this song, try Maureen McGovern's take. If the arrangement is like this, my funeral will be two days after hearing the song. Guh. As for the Celine cover -- IMO he picked one of her better ones. If he had picked "My Heart Will Go On" though, I would have gone after him with a spork. I'm just grateful that he's not doing "Having My Baby"...I'd go after him with real cutlery if he had.
  21. First of all, glad you are feeling better georgia! Aren't drugs the best thing in the world? (Except for Clay, that is. *g*) I think playbiller is a wise, wise woman. As you've discovered bottlecap, Clay's pretty much told us what this album would be. In my mind, there was a LOT of denial going on, but to me, it was clear as day. I can understand some sadness over the loss of rocker Clay (even though I've always thought that persona was a bit of a myth, myself), but I'm extremely excited to be getting new-to-me music from Clay! Awwww, bottlecap, thanks for thinking of me. I just had a friend, Betty897X (who is also a librarian), send me this: I love her touch of adding "The Kite Runner." Hee. God, I'd love to meet him in the stacks sometime...
  22. Holy Hell, how am I supposed to get any work done? And that picture is a total shout out to me, as a librarian! First he releases the album right after my birthday, and then he has a picture taken in the library. He loves me. He really does. As far as the track list goes, I'm excited. This is going to be great. I'm fascinated by Here You Go Again recast as a ballad...that should be very interesting. My most favorite is going to be Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word -- my favorite EJ song evah! I'm sure this track list has pissed off more than a few fans. But I can't be pissed...it's Clay, it's that incredibly voice, and it's that sexy man. I'm there.
  23. Sorry georgia about the expired link. I posted the link, and then had so many errands to do this evening. When I got home, I found that it went private. Fortunately, there are enough other nice generous people here that can provide links and tell the story. MUAH to playbiller and bottlecap! I'm happy with it, even if it is a rough copy. I think his vocals come through very well. It wasn't my most favorite of the four songs from last summer, but it is a vast improvement to what we heard then. I'm happy!
  24. A Thousand Days I'm coming over here to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I've only listened twice, and will listen again late this evening (damn it, I've got too much to do this evening...). But I think this sounds really nice -- I like the phrasing and the voice. Gah, the voice. I'm just so damned excited...it's starting! :nana:
  25. bottlecap, thanks for mentioning Cute Overload I love that site. However, my favorite at the moment is Stuff on My Cat. Have y'all seen that site? It's hysterical. We almost had a picture for that site last night. My one cat, Spot, put his head and his front two legs in a small paper bag -- and then stood up on his hind legs. He promptly fell over, like he was drunk. It was hysterical! I love my kitties so very much. The FCA message board has been around for a year now? Way cool! :04: I'm honestly not concerned about when the album is released at this point, although I'm still not convinced either that the pre-release information has to be 10 weeks away from the actual release. I really do believe that a few, well-timed appearances and a well-written press release in a fairly short span of time will serve Clay well. I base this theory on how much publicity Clay got from his 3 minutes on AI5 -- and I don't believe he used it up either with that performance. There are many people, not.just.us people, who are hungry for him, and with a concentrated push, they'll find out about him. They will -- I can feel it in my bones. Maybe, though, I'm still tied to the September 19 date because that's the day after my birthday...
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