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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Amen sister. I really do like the fact that Clay wants to be so different from what's out there currently. If that means going back to earlier music (both in covers and in style for his new album), so be it. I like that differentiantion. And that cover...gah and a half. Need. Want. Will offer husband for it.
  2. I've always thought this about Clay. IMO, the business part of the music machine is tough, really tough. Now, I don't know this for a fact, but there are so many musicians who barely come through the process alive -- and many that don't at all. This is the core of whom he is talking about, if you ask me. The theory about the "missing months" is intriguing. He sounds thoughtful and grownup in this interview. He seems to be doing well at working through his responses to his life at the moment. Sure, I'd like to give him a hug at the moment (and I promise I'd let go *g*), but everyone has down times. By making his public like this -- well, I see this like I saw LTS. He publically stated that if one person got the idea through LTS that "if Clay Aiken could come out of this with his head on straight, I can too." This article reminds me a lot about those comments. {{{{{{{{{{{{Clay}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  3. Oh my gosh...kill me now. Two covers? And the retro look again? I'm a sucker for the retro look! I was IMing with friend, and she noted that TV Guide has used the retro look before. I said back that there's SUCH a difference between the two though...he was a babe during the first one. This new look is sooooooo adult. Gotta love him.
  4. Hello, hello, hello... My name is ldyjocelyn. This is a shortened version of "Lady Jocelyn." I am also a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a worldwide group that recreates the Middle Ages, and Lady Jocelyn is my "name" there. When I signed up for a Yahoo mail account, "ladyjocelyn" was already taken, so I took an "a" out. Little did I know that people would think I was then "Idyjocelyn." Heh. Other interests are food and cooking (I love Alton Brown on the Food Network), all kinds of music (I play piano, and the flute, plus play recorders with my husband and two other friends), directing the handbell choir at my church, watching TV, and Star Trek. I am a librarian, and just recently started a new job at a local community college. When did I discover Clay? Sadly, I was not one whom he had at "take." I watched AI2 on and off for most of the season, but by the last few episodes, I was taping. However, I really didn't want to get "involved" with a reality show, and was in pure denial about Clay. Then the Anomaly hit. I felt like I was punched in the stomach for the next two days, and knew I needed to find out more about Clay. Quickly found my way to TWOP and the PRoC. I've seen Clay at 1 AI2 show, 1 radio show (Santa Slam in Indianapolis), 2 IT shows, 5 NAT shows, 2 JNTs, and will be attending 3 JBTs. Love meeting new fans!
  5. July 15: > Not sure if these goes here or not... ...but Clay has posted a new update in his blog on the OFC. "My Summer Vacation." > Short clip of Clay photo shoot....on directv it is channel 224, I think! Repeat at 11 pm! Reported to be wearing a black tux jacket with undone tie. Yum. Rumor of two covers!
  6. Did someone say "naked Clay?" Cool. *waves at everybody who registers*
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