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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. How neat that Clay has the composer of Suspicious Minds, Mark James (of Houston BTW), playing guitar on the T&T track! I read that Mark James started out with BJ Thomas in the early days. When I was in my mid-teens I would see BJ Thomas & The Triumphs at a teen dance club in SoHo (South Houston), but he wasn't one of my favorites because I didn't like his looks and he was too old! James' claims to fame are writing two monster hits, SM of course, and Always on My Mind, which Elvis also recorded, but turned out to be Willie's song (and Johnny Carson's ha ).
  2. OMGoodness, Clay Aiken is the best singer. Again listening to the end portion of SM, when he sings "trap" with his exquisite, subtle ornamentation I am in awe. The second "trap" is clearly five blended notes over and under so I guess it's officially a turn, anyway I love that SO MUCH! On the headphones it's amazing. I really do understand why he wants to sing music where he can do his thing. Anybody can sing contemporary music these days, or record it I should say, with all the gimmicks and technical assistance, but only Clay has the phenomenal control to do this. His artistry would be wasted on crap-pop. Good God he's something else.
  3. Totally OTT, but I found these two stories worth sharing ...
  4. cablegirl at CV posted this: I'll keep the salt shaker handy until it's OFC official, but this is the first semi-tangible confirmation of GMA that I've seen so far. I know GMA is in NY, and The View is also in NY isn't it? Looks like it would be impossible for him to be on Kimmel on the 1st.
  5. No salt for me, literally. And, dammit, no tequila either! Maybe some Rose's Lime Juice on the Rocks? I'll call it a Rosarita and pretend. My meds are making me dizzy enough anyway. The other kind of salt may be safe however, until there's a confirmation.
  6. I remain curious about the Kimmel schedule. From now until June 10th, there's only one show TBD -- June 1. JK tapes a show with Ashton Kutcher at 5pm on June 1 with no musical guest indicated. And he tapes another show that night at 7pm that is completely TBD. I don't know that much about how Kimmel schedules, but it looks to me like the 7pm taping may be shown on June 2. After that the shows are booked until the 11th. I was reading this morning at the People website about Paula Abdul being on the Idol Finale this year with a surprise group of former Idols to sing to Simon. Yeah I know it won't happen, but I can't help thinking that Clay would be a brilliant surprise finale guest again to sing Simon's favorite song to him. He'd blow the roof off with his new version of Unchained Melody. And, one thing that makes me think it's at least a tiny bit possible is that Simon's fiancee Mezhgan Husseiny recently wrote online that she loves Clay. I was thinking that this could be why Team Clay is being quiet and no other appearances are being announced -- to keep his name out of Idol speculation. Okay, back to reality now. And in reality I do believe that this AI Finale will need a lot of help not to suck terribly. The finalists are the worst ever, even worse than last season which is saying something, and IMO only sound good in relation to terribly weak competition. I don't see any careers for either of the finalists. My DIL has DVRed the shows this year, and I heard Lee sing exactly two songs this season that weren't out of tune -- Hallelujah and The Boxer. His "Hey Jude" was painful, and the judges acted like it was the Second Coming of Song. Crystal has had some moments, but most of them have been boring and her range is limited. Neither of them have discernible personalities. Just my opinion. BUT, what's more than just my opinion is that this finale is on life support without major anticipation of something more than naming a "winner."
  7. Thanks Kim! Now that I know that Alex Christensen produced Right Said Fred, I'm looking forward to hearing Clay sing, "I'm too sexy for my shirt" -- 'cause God knows he is! It's clear Billboard likes this CD better than anything that came before, and YAY for terms such as "authoritative," "relaxed vibe," and "summons a swagger he never previously displayed."
  8. Hey, we all have our own personal feelings. I've been slammed plenty enough for mine. But guess what, I don't give a good crap. I don't post for approval or controversy. I just have my say-so, no more no less than anyone else. Just don't see where anyone implied that anyone's feelings are invalid. Yours aren't mine, that's all. And thats okay, isn't it?
  9. After what I've been through this week, and being told that my positive mental attitude probably saved me, I'm not worried one damned bit. And, I will not deny myself the pleasure of downloading, and repeated listening, of the new music every chance I get. Life is short, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. I'll take the day's joy as it comes. Listening to the three full songs is a thrill, and for me will not take away from the excitement of the album on the 1st. Not in the least. But then in my family we opened one present every night the last week before Christmas, leaving the major stuff for Christmas Eve, so I'm conditioned to getting anticipatory gifts. But for the stoics, I salute your resolve. And, just for the record, I am addicted to the last 50 seconds of SM. Sometimes it's just one little thing that can make or break a record, and I love a good ending and fade out!
  10. When I first saw Clapton/Winwood at Madison Square Garden as a Great Performance pledge show last year, PBS said the DVD contained additional songs that weren't broadcast. I bought it from Amazon and it contained the same extra songs too, at a fraction of the price. I suppose we won't know until the show airs and we find out what is broadcast, but I know in several instances, with PBS and also with our local Pacifica Radio pledge drives, that a lot of merchandise can be purchased retail much cheaper, but the stations charge a lot for the membership. The premium is considered a gift. But I'll spend the big bucks on a Tried and True DVD as an incentive for PBS to commission future Clay Aiken specials. LdyJ, I'll bet you're right. It must be a cut and paste because otherwise it doesn't make sense.
  11. Maybe because it isn't on the album?? Yeah, but it includes several that aren't on the CD. Isn't this the DVD of the PBS concert?
  12. The DVD up now on Decca's website has me confused. Why does it specify that Buttercup is live? Isn't all of it live? Isn't Eso Beso and I'll Take Romance live? I don't understand that. DVD available 7/27/10 from Decca
  13. I'm not freaked out because I remember coming into the fandom after Clay was on the AI Finale in May 2006. I saw him again for the first time in early September, over three months later, when Inside Edition had a story on the photoshoot, as I recall. The first time we heard his voice was on September 15th on the Tonight Show the Friday night before the September 19th CD drop. Then the next week he was on GMA on drop day, and the week after that was on both Kimmel and Larry King (and on local morning TV in LA, from which I got my avi). That whole summer before he was in hiding it seemed. There were a couple of pictures of him attending a hockey game with Kristy, and attending a Kelly Clarkson concert with friends on the Fourth of July, and some paparazzi pics at LAX in August, but that was it, no official contact. I don't remember any blogs either other than Clay announcing the birth of Quiana's baby, and saying he liked the photoshoot. The only blog about the album was from Jaymes in mid-July to say they were finished recording, unless I forgot something, and there was an OFC contest to guess the title of ATDW. The "Album" controversy was raging on all the boards and many fans couldn't understand why Clay didn't address it head on. He didn't. I think Clay likes to stay under wraps and then make the Voila! appearances at drop time for maximum impact and enthusiasm. It was different for OMWH because he was in Spamalot until just a couple of days before the CD was released and he was doing Stage Door almost every night. Just my opinion, but then I'm an incorrigible optimist, so don't go by me! However, I'm not worried, just anxious to see and hear him. And ... thanks so much for all the good wishes. I really appreciate it!!
  14. I think I know this one ... a vocal producer would be someone who assesses another's vocal performance to assure that the singer is performing at his best. From what I've read, a singer should never assess his own recording performance, but have a vocal producer, i.e., someone he trusts and who is very familiar with his voice, advise if the recording is good enough, or if the singer can do better and should record another take. Clay obviously trusts Quiana to be honest with him about his performances. I'm back after a medical emergency Saturday night. It's been a rough five days, but nothing made me happier on getting out of the hospital yesterday than to find the SM download (after the much appreciated text tip from merrieeee). Of course, I downloaded it immediately as a gift to myself (even though I pre-ordered on iTunes last week because I can always spend more money on Clay Aiken, right?). The Decca video was fabulous, too! And EEEEEEEEEEEEE! for The View.
  15. I was actually watching the Time/Life Pop Memories of the 60's this afternoon, and I kept watching because I could imagine Clay singing so many of those songs. And it occurs to me that all the songs Clay is singing were Top 40 hits of the 60's -- the only 50's song on the core album is Make Believe from 1958. Whose Sorry Now is a second one, counting the bonus songs. The announcer said repeatedly -- songs they don't play on the radio anymore -- songs of the 60's, pop songs, folk songs, fun songs, classic love songs. It was country, folk, R&B, pop, novelty, soundtrack, choral groups, grand instrumentals, love songs sung by singers with real voices, and I remember hearing every bit of this stuff on the same radio station over many years. But now, every station is a specific market, so people aren't exposed to the variety of music anymore, unless they are very eclectic samplers of online music sites. I wonder if a commercial radio station could make it in the twenty-teens playing such a wide variety of music, the best of all genres? Could it come around again? I know I thrived on it when I was a teen-ager. Music lovers weren't influenced to jump in any one little box back then, and listen to this or that at the exclusion of the other. *********** Lin, regarding Jerry, she may have kept her nose clean, but, for me, she broke it the night she cast her lot with Russell. She made her villain bones that night.
  16. I was sick to see Boston Rob go so early, but watching the jackals eat their own has been entertaining. J.T. will become a legendary idiot for giving the immunity idol to Russell! I loved how Sandra totally got over on Russell this week. Russell voted for Rupert thinking the bulge in Rupert's pocket was the hidden idol and that Sandra would go home. But Sandra had it all along and it blew up Russell's wily plan. Rupert's fake idol in the pocket plan totally blew up in his face. It was beautiful. I've been thinking Sandra was coasting until the last couple of weeks. Now I think she's the brains of the outfit.
  17. Has anyone gone back and listened again to Dave Novik's YouTube interviews in light of knowing he's Clay's Executive Producer? I did, and enjoyed them more than the first time. Reminded me that he's British, which I had forgotten. And discusses his ideas about promotion, which seem to center on TOURING! So, we're getting the Clay/Ruben tour this summer, for which I am certain there will be much interest on the chat shows, with both guys singing together, and with both their solo LPs getting plugs. I think their marketing cornerstone is the PBS Special. PBS shows have a track record of making magic in record sales. And the buzz about PBS stations offering tickets to a Tried & True tour as a membership premium is most intriguing. I have to keep reminding myself that this release is a different ballgame altogether, and Decca is probably not going for a blockbuster week one - but a blockbuster year one. ***** And to be totally OTT: Is anyone here watching Survivor? The finale is tomorrow night, and IMO it's the best Survivor ever, and I've watched them all. Even given that I read the spoilers early on, which turned out to be exactly right, it's been the most fascinating season -- not to see WHO was voted out each week, but to see how they got to that vote every week, and there have been some doozies.
  18. And clicking under Posters, they are selling a framed CD of ATDW for $29.99. Yeah, why now? Could they be aware that Clay's new LP is absolute dynamite? If they've heard it they must know that it is. Listening to my two favorite songs on the way home tonight, I realized that Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You makes me helpless as a kitten up a tree, and Misty is just too good to be true. His voice is something I've run out of adequate adjectives to describe. And turning up the bass on the snippet of Fool. OMG. I could go on, but I know you know what I mean.
  19. You know, treenuts, Jimmy Kimmel is still wide open on June 1 -- both couch guest and musical guest. It's a curiosity for sure. LdyJ, honey, you're anything but simple -- you just have about three more years worth of scar tissue than me!
  20. What compilation album? Okay, now I see, and I have no idea. Could it be .... free money -- a download only thing with no costs to Sony? Perhaps the thinking is that Clay will be attracting a new audience with T&T who may be interested in going back into his catalog? I know there have been artists in the past who complained that when they left a label, the old company would release shelved material, to wring every last buck out of the association. I remember Bonnie Raitt complaining about that back in the 80's after she left Warner Bros. But a repackaged MOAM and ATDW is something completely different, unless there's unreleased tracks in there.
  21. I admit to having a tough time understanding a lot of the disconnects on the boards. People hate Idol. People want Clay to be on Idol. People hate that Clay is harnessed with an identification to Idol. People want Clay to be mentioned on Idol. People don't want Clay to be remembered as an American Idol runner-up. People want Clay as a musical guest on Idol. I'm confused. One thing I've never been confused about are my personal feeling about Clay's relationship with 19Recordings. I know most board fans adored MOAM and the Independent and Solo tours, and I wish I had seen both those tours, but I wasn't a Fan Fan then, I was just a fan and heard nothing about those tours. But MOAM itself, was not a great album. It's my personal belief that hundreds of thousands of fans of Clay from Idol eagerly bought MOAM when it came out, as did I, and it wasn't their thing, nor was it mine, and they didn't go any further with Clay. A horde of people bought MOAM as a great big statement to Idol to prove to them that Clay Aiken was the real winner of Season 2. MOAM went platinum, the casual fan was satisfied and went back to her regular listening habits. I think this same scenario could be true for Susan Boyle, in that her next record won't enjoy the success of the debut, because scads of people bought that record not necessarily for the music on it, but to support Susan, herself. To say, "You go, Girl!" Really, the songs on MOAM, with few exceptions were boilerplate, the engineering and arrangements were run of the mill, and Clay's voice was often lost in a mess of orchestrations that lacked clarity and originality. It was a rush job to cash in for 19. I'm pretty convinced of my belief that if Clay's career was "sabotaged" it wasn't instigated by RCA/Clive, but by 19/Fuller. 19 owned the exclusive rights to Clay's recordings and negotiated a license agreement with RCA for recording and distribution, and promotion. Clive produced the first CD, for maximum cash-in, and after that it was a matter of playing out the string on Clay, with new 19 "idols" coming onboard each year and getting maximum promotion for their moments of fame and exploitation until it was time for them to drop off the starmaker conveyor belt. Clay was so on to, and above, that game. He was astute enough to get a crackerjack entertainment lawyer and extricated himself from a supposed "iron-clad" management contract with 19M, and the rest is history. I don't for a minute believe that RCA created and drove the promotion, or lack thereof, for Clay -- RCA acted in accordance with 19, because 19Recordings was footing the bill. Clay was essentially fronted to RCA, as were other idols fronted for their initial contract periods. RCA took a cut, while 19Recordings made the bigger bucks. Anyway, I think that's why Clay has had such an arms-length relationship with Idol. Idolmaker tycoons like Simon Fuller need power much more than money, which is why it didn't matter if 19Recordings would have made bigger bucks by investing more in Clay's promotion after MOAM. RCA had no motive to hurt Clay's record sales, but Fuller did. Fuller didn't care about the money in Clay's case -- he wanted to make Clay an example, a cautionary tale for others. Now that Clay is free, and is going in his own direction, at his own speed, and with great support from Decca, NOW is the time to watch him go, to watch him shine and succeed with respect, and without strings attached. But, I wouldn't really expect to see him given a platform on Idol or hear his music played on SYTYCD anytime soon. Probably not as long as Fuller's in charge. Clay said that Idol told him they had "moved on" a couple of years back. In the meantime, they've had Ruben and Fantastia on this season. And my point is ... Tried & True is the album that, had it been released in October 2003, likely would have sold 10 million copies, and might still be selling. As I see it, he never had a chance to reach any musical pantheon with the 19 monkey on his back. Now the skies are free and clear with no encumberances. I couldn't feel more enthusiasm than I do right now!!! My name is Edith Anne, I'm five and a half years old ... and that's the truth. (blows raspberry) Sorry, sometime Lily just jumps into my head!
  22. Clayzy, Alan Cumming blogged about Mr. Seetodeh tonight. Worth a read. http://alancumming.com/blog.php?id=260 His best line:
  23. Yep! The Lack there of has me scratching my ass head foh shoh!! Why oh why is he not popping up everywhere?! I want to see him, too. But I don't remember Clay going on the shows three weeks out. More like the day before, the day of, the couple of weeks after, and then for as long as he gets bookings. Seems to me that it's better to have the product available in the rush of promotion. Somebody wants it, goes to download, and see's it's in Preorder ... it's happened to me countless times and I don't think I've ever preordered, other than Clay. I put it on hold. To my thinking, it's a waste of promotion to have a spot and no product for sale. I know the movies have a big advance campaign, but if a movie doesn't have a huge opening day it's considered a failure. For me, music is a completely different thing ... if it's timeless. And I think that this one has a good shot at being just that! I think a good first week would have Clay all over TV casting as wide a net as possible. I'd love to see him just pop up somewhere in the immediate future and be photographed - out to dinner, at a show, at an airport, any place of his choosing. Not photographed by the paparazzi hounds, but Clay intending to be photographed out and about, happy and ready to go.
  24. I can't believe that Clay won't be all over my TV in the coming weeks. I would love to see him on Kimmel, of course. I watched JKL last night and the skit with Michael Bolton was freaking hilarious. I also want to see him on Craig Ferguson, Jimmy Fallon, Letterman, Lopez, you name it. And the morning shows, GMA, Today, The View, Tyra Banks. An hour with Larry King would be nice. Even though I'm not a big Larry King fan, the man does love the music of the 50's and the big band stuff, as I recall from his many years on radio and "Duke's Place".
  25. Regarding TV appearances, I noticed this morning that JKL doesn't have any guests announced, musical or otherwise, for June 1st. I'm hoping. And the Billboard poll -- I see they did their own rankings and Clay is No. 6. And, something I noticed in People magazine today --- reviews of new LPs from Rufus Wainwright and Nikki Yanofsky, both Decca artists. Both received three stars. Yanofsky's review said she was a better singer than the original material she had recorded, but she got three stars for the richness of her voice alone. Dare I hope that Decca will get Tried & True reviewed favorably in a few major publications?
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