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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Watching all my high-def DVR clack, AGAIN. I love how Clay sings "my daarlin'" and not dar-LING. He changed up Crying like that too. Roy sang "cry-ing" and Clay sing's "cryin'". It sounds so natural for him, and makes his version distinctive. I absolutely adore Clay's rrrrrr's. I hope he never loses that. It's so HIM. Last but not least, that jawline of his, since the under-the-chin-lipo, is nothing but GAH! He's perfect.
  2. I was just on iTunes and T&T is #10 in album sales. Not surprisingly after The View today, the top downloaded song from T&T is Unchained Melody, followed by Can't Take My Eyes OO You, and You Don't Have to Say You Love Me.
  3. I got one at Barnes & Noble, and saw a few at Best Buy.
  4. I thought that too, until someone at CH reminded me that this blurb is about debut albums only. There are other returning albums that may sell more than 20,000. Looking at last week's report, he may not make the top 10. And you know what? I do not care. Me either, jmh. And thanks for the clarification. With these two very successful appearances singing on GMA and The View, he may sell more than first day sales indicate during this week. I don't know what HDD bases their assumptions on, but I'm thinking maybe pre-orders and spot checks with some of the majors. A lot of Walmarts didn't even have T&T's out of the box until later yesterday. But whatever the first week numbers are, he's going to sell a lot of copies of this album over the next year, and the sales will stretch over the debut period now, the Timeless Tour with Ruben, The Tried & True PBS Special as it's shown around the country, and an upcoming solo Tried & True tour. This is no flash in the pan album. No way. This one makes people gasp.
  5. Just watched it. He's still the best, same as yesterday when he was the best. He sounded ridiculously good. I heard that gasp from the audience at the big amp up. HitsDailyDouble is predicting for next week based on 1-day sales: 1. Jack Johnson with 240,000 - 260,000 2. Taio Cruz (hip-hop producer) with 22,000 - 27,000 3. Clay Aiken with 17,000 - 20,000 So, even though the numbers aren't historic, it is something that he'll keep his record for debuting albums in the Top 5. Was OMWH a No. 3 or a No. 4? Maybe Clay is going to sing a different song on every show to hit every potential audience for these songs. UM was a good one for the View, with Whoopie's connection to Ghost. I don't think The View's audience was turned off to the yelling and talking over each other before Clay's segment. They do that every day, especially when Barbara isn't there to referee. Today was tame, actually. Clay must know Mario Cantone; he gave him a big hug. ETA: LdyJ, that is one cool avi you have there!
  6. I agree, merrieeee. This is the best time of all. He's looking fabulous, never sounded better or appeared happier, and I've seen him twice today and he'll be back tomorrow. I am doing PT, jmh, except that I canceled this morning's session. I had my reasons .. Okay, okay, I admit it, I had to be in front of the TV this morning because I have a doctor's appointment I can't blow off tomorrow morning, and will watch The View on my DVR when I get home. What? Nobody's mentioned Buttercup? It was the bomb, baby! I thought the whole DVD was great. I played it on my computer because my computer speakers are really good, and I loved every minute of it. It's amazing how the Decca video improved so much with better sound. I loved it. What a show this is going to be. The editing, camera work and sound engineering are first-class. These are the good old days!
  7. Joy ended the interview with Clay saying, "I think you're terrific!" Nice way to end the show. Thanks,Fear, I enjoy your posts, too. Now, I need to find out the secret to downloading from Live Nation, because every time I tried this morning it said, "download URL missing from manifest." I think I'll download from Live Nation to my office computer, if I ever get back there. I've been off on medical leave for going on three weeks now. It's so much more fun to stay home and be a full-time Clay Aiken fan, especially at a time like this.
  8. I don't know why so many of my favorite pictures of Clay are from GMA, it just works out that way. I haven't had time to check out anybody's screencaps, except that sexy one posted by LdyJ, which is probably illegal in 14 states and the Island of Guam. I've taken to fanning myself over that one. I took some photos with my cell phone camera straight off the TV in my bedroom today. How's that for loooooow tech? Anyway I really liked a few of them, including my new avi. Wrote a "song" about it. Wanna hear it, hear it goes: Clay Aiken is the hottest man I've ever even known about Hotter than a two-fifty pistol on Saturday night in Texas Unh Hunh Unh Uh Thank ya very much!
  9. I've got so much to say and so little time to say it in, but it goes sumpin' like this: 1. Clay sang on TV this morning the best I've ever heard him sing on TV. It was CD quality and the band was tight. I think that performance will sell some albums. Although if CDs are being ordered today from Amazon they won't show up in the numbers for at least a week or two. I was having more Amazon problems today and called to talk to a warm body. She informed me that they didn't have enough inventory for the demand and April orders with two-day or better shipping went first and everybody else had to wait for more product to get to the warehouse. I guess because the initial pre-order numbers were down, they didn't stock much. I think everyone wanting the DVD in July should pre-order now. 2. I can't stand the sucking up to critics. I haven't respected critics for 40 years and I sure ain't starting now. They are blood-suckers. The old crap about how people who can't do, teach is so wrong because people do and teach, and teach and do, all the time. But, I think it's true about critics. They don't DO anything but criticize others' work according to their own personal tastes, or lack thereof. They are talentless, and I have no use for these f*ckers. (The " * " is for merrieeee, and ldyj and all of you with more couth and class than I.) I have read the ones that have been linked around, and I'm just aghast at some of the comments. Like: Clay should be singing about coming out (maybe they should have listened to Ashes and The Real Me and some of the very heavy lyrics in OMWH and extrapolated back then?). Or, how about Clay doesn't sing Suspicious Minds the same way Elvis did (duh!), because Elvis had that "paranoia" edge in his voice. Earth to mindless critic, somehow I don't believe Clay was going for the paranoia vibe, or that that's what Elvis had in mind either. The Tarzan yell thing was just an ugly and unprofessional thing to say. Who here remembers the Carol Burnett yell and thinks that sounds like Clay? Come on, bitch. And, let's not forget that remark about the lyrics "why can't I cast away this mask of Clay," except Anthony Newley wrote "mask of PLAY." This brilliant critic doesn't know that? 3. FURCA. Is there some reason why people have a need to live in the past at a time like this? Could anything be more inappropriate than to assume and read between the lines when that very thing ruptured the fandom? I don't begin to know how Clay feels except that he is very happy now and has a tight relationship with his label and his management. Going past that is asking for trouble, and racking up some bad karma. (I'll accept my karmic debt on the critics thing, it's worth it to me.) 4. I went to B&N and they had T&T Deluxe on the New Release rack, on the top row. Then I went across the street to Best Buy to get my new iPod Touch 32GB (I'm pretending it's my birthday), and Best Buy had the core album on display with New Releases, but also had several copies of the Deluxe in the alpha bin - probably a dozen total of them both. BB had about 75 copies of Jack Johnson. Regarding Jack Johnson: He bores the crap out of me. I saw him sing on TV once and liked the pleasant little ditty he sang. So I downloaded the album and the song I liked was the only one I could listen to, and I got tired of it after a very few listens. Obviously he's getting the marketing push of his life right now. Why, I can't understand, unless the world is suddenly on fire for Hawaiian beach music sung lackadaisically. I think I'm through now, unless I think of something else. My memory just ain't what it used to be. Oh yeah, one more thing, I loved how Robin mentioned "the adorable Parker" this morning. ETA: And another thing. I love the iTouch 32gb. It has voice command so I say "Play Clay Aiken" and it replies "Now Playing Clay Aiken" and does, which is just how I like it! AND LdJ, you and me kid on that loooowwww note in Breaking Up. ETAAT: He's up to #8 at Amazon.
  10. Unless it's a glitch at iTunes, it would be Decca allowing it, right? And, all the fans who ordered Deluxe and Regular copies from Amazon or Walmart, etc., or waited to buy hard copies today at their stores, can get the bonus song for 99 cents (which is why it's the most popular song now!). For every 10 downloads of You Don't Have to Say, Clay gets 1 album sale, so it may be calculated to boost sales numbers for a couple of weeks, and then after the initial chart focus it may become a true bonus and only available with album purchase. Just a theory, anyway.
  11. He's moved up to #18 Album at Amazon. And #1 in Vocal Pop. He's #6 on iTunes Albums. By far the most downloaded track on T&T is You Don't Have to Say You Love Me.
  12. Seriously, I don't know how you guys are picking one over the other here. I just start at the beginning and each song flows sublimely into the next one. I love every single sound in every song. No wonder he's proud, huh? When Suspicious Minds ends and Crying begins with that naked voice of his, it gives me chills. I love his voice so much I'm surprised it's not illegal. If it were, I'd have to be locked up.
  13. Great Memorial Day graphic, bottle! LJ, yeah, I think it's going to be an iPod Touch for me. As to the F.Y.E. snippet, you have to right click on either WM or RP and download to your desktop, then play it in whichever format you downloaded. It's just a taste, but oh so delicious. About GMA tomorrow ... GMA is tweeting for people to come to Times Square in the morning to hear Clay Aiken sing two songs from his new album. Does anyone know if this is outside at Times Square or in the studio at Times Square? Not that I get to go, dammit.
  14. Thank you, thank you, luckiest! I've never heard of F.Y.E. before, but did a location search and find there's one in a mall 15 miles from my house. There's a chance the Deluxe T&T is at Best Buy tomorrow because their website lists both the core T&T and the Deluxe and for the Deluxe says: +[6/1]+-+CD/9896327.p?id=2105841&skuId=9896327&st=clay%20aiken&lp=4&cp=1"]Store Pickup: Coming Soon. Best Buy is close to me, so I'll check that out first. I ordered four Deluxe copies from Amazon in April -- two for me and two for a couple of other people I buy for. The ones to the other people shipped, but mine Not Yet Shipped. I also paid for 2-day delivery for all of them. So I emailed Amazon and got a reply back and, shock of shock, they apologized and agreed they screwed up and gave me a $10 credit. I'd rather have the two albums tomorrow, but I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't ignore me. 16 hours and counting for iTunes. I'm thinking about replacing the old aged iPod. My teenage granddaughter is telling me to get the iTouch. Does anyone have experience with an iTouch? I haven't seen hers as she lives on the Georgia coast, but she tells me she wouldn't be without it.
  15. "]RollingStone lists their hottest selling covers Check out the RollingStone link to their hottest covers ever and what inspired them. Clay's the only Idol who made it! And his cover was inspired by Mick Jagger. (Click on Photos, Double Vision)
  16. Tonic.com article with Clay content Clay doesn't exactly say he rejects being on Glee, but this implies that he was asked about his interest, and his reply was "I've never seen it" rather than "I'd love to." Doubtless he's heard of it, and is aware that the soundtracks are big sellers, but my take on this is that I suspect Clay doesn't watch Fox period, Fox News or Fox Entertainment. I think he "just says no" to Rupert Murdoch. (But I honestly can't say I think CNN is more than a marginal improvement over Murdoch/Ailes). Can't say I'm a fan of Glee. I tried it once, and decided that I have better things to do for that hour than watch a high school musical. In fact, the ONLY comedy I watch on TV now is Modern Family.
  17. I got in FINALLY, after calling 877-463-2875. I got a busy signal about 10 times but kept trying and then Steve answered the phone and I was shocked to be talking to someone. He had me set in less than a minute. Keep trying, Kim! Now that I'm in, I can't figure out the forum very well. How do we add friends? I get that we can click on avi's and add them, but is there a list anywhere? And is there a way to see who is online at any given time? All in all, I really like it, but I need a tutorial!
  18. Do you have Comcast email? I do, and I've heard that could be a problem.
  19. 5.....4.....3.....2.....1 ....Blast Off on June 1!!! Kim, if you're still trying to listen to the songs at OFC ... I just went into IE to see if I'd have better luck logging in there, but no. Same damn thang. BUT, I did find out that I can't get the songs to play in IE8, so this could be a browser issue. I have no problem getting them to play with the Google Chrome browser. Belated Birthday wishes to clayzy (You share a birthday with my son), and wishing a great big happy day to my friend 00lsee and to jumpingjacks! How about a crazy banana for your birthday? okay, well maybe you're not materialistic? Have a beautiful birthday and if you don't get what you want, GO GET IT YOURSELF! It's your BIRTHDAY, know you!
  20. Kim, when you open the site and hit Expand, nothing happens? I'd refresh and keep trying until it opens up at the bottom. The player is to the right of Ruben. It's not highlighted, and sometimes when I click nothing happens, but keep hitting the album icons or the song names until something starts playing. Don't give up! I still can't login after getting password reset instructions twice, so I'm waiting until Ground Ctrl opens for business this morning and try to get a resolution. ETA: merrieeee, I could tell you were busy last night and I can see it was for a good cause. Love the house! It LOOKS like your house, really! And I'm happy you'll be closer to me, too.
  21. You better lock your doors and call the law, babe. Mackie's back in the town.
  22. On the home page, click on "Expand" at the bottom and the audio player will open. Hey, Kim, I can't login either. And I requested a new password but never got an email. I'll send them an email tomorrow. As long as I have UM and Mack, I have no complaints tonight! My son's birthday tonight -- time for birthday cheesecake. He's requested cheesecake for his birthday since he was 7.
  23. Every time I type in clayaiken.com, it reverts back to clayonline.com. I tried signing out, deleting temp. Internet files/history, etc.; but I can't get the new site. I didn't receive an email, so I wonder if everyone is on the same time frame. I had to pay dues in February, I think. Anybody else getting this result? Caro No. I typed in clayonline and clayaiken.com opened, and continues to open. I didn't get an email, and don't have an existing relationship with ground ctrl. At the bottom of the opening page it says "Expand" and an audio player opens with Mack, UM, and CTMEOOY. I can't log in, but I can access everything except Renew and the Forum. It's GREAT. My timing was ON for a change. I must have clicked on the old site just at switch time. I was so shocked that it scared me at first when I saw the new picture! But Unchained Melody!!! Hell yeah!!!!
  24. Go check out clayonline.com -- it opens as clayaiken.com and it's CHANGED! Includes You Tube promo for Tried & True. Memberships are the same price as before and the Ultimate Membership premiums are a mousepad, a keychain, and a tote bag. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! OMG! You can listen to Mack the Knife and Unchained Melody!!!!!!
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