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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. That was new information about Brett. He supports gay rights and gay marriage, but not gays in the military. I wonder if he's aware of all the retired military brass who have come out? There have been quite a few of them in the past several years. Even retired Marines. And Clay did look so incredibly tall on the stage with the women and Bret. Now I'm looking forward to the "backstage" clips!
  2. Well obviously they didn't watch the Joy Behar show, did they now! Asshole is a bona fide okay Southern word if ever there was one. I guess you can say Ass on TV, and you can say Hole on TV, but you just can't say Asshole on TV without getting bleeped. And getting bleeped can be a really good thing. As I recall, Burt Reynolds became a huge star by going on Johnny Carson and getting bleeped. It was a key to his success.
  3. BWAH!! Clay?!?! We know he'll say 'em. It's just a matter of wether they'll be heard or not. But I'll go ahead and start drinking now....just in case Hope you were drinking ... because Clay was. Or at least he took sips of a martini and a margarita! Said he was going to be drunk and Sheri said she'd take care of him, or something to that effect. I thought it was a pretty funny show. Bret Michaels discussed Idol, but Clay didn't. I'm at work today, but it's nice to have an HDTV in the office! He was his usual clever self. When discussing DADT repeal and a military questionnaire about straight soldiers being segregated from gay soldiers, and showering together, etc., one of the girls said something about counseling people about this, and Clay said, "you need counseling to take a shower?" -- it got laughs from the audience. He was a cutie all the way around. I thought he fit in perfectly, and even with Whoopi this time. And there wasn't too much cross-talk today. Clay was on his best behavior, and I even thought the "assholes" bleep was funny -- Whoopi played it for laughs.
  4. The View should have an inflated audience today. All I've heard this morning, on TV and radio, is Whoopi Goldberg's defense of Mel Gibson on The View yesterday. She's not getting a lot of love for her comments that Mel's not a racist because she's had him in her home and he was nice to her children, or something like that. Anyway, a lot of people should be tuning in for the latest episode in this awful story.
  5. bottle, have you ever seen the movie Outfoxed? It's a documentary about the questionable journalistic techniques used by Fox News and how they phantom-source information just to say it out loud on TV. "Some people say" has been one of my target phrases since I saw this movie three or four years ago, because in most of these cases, NOBODY actually said these things -- other than the newsactor doing the fake re-telling. I think it all started with a Daily Show skit eons ago. You gotta watch this!!
  6. Raymond Shaw KAndre is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. KAndre is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. KAndre is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. I ain't your minion for nuthin' Sugar! **************** Everybody LOVES somebody sometime, just correcting the record, not making a statement ... And, don't forget, People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world. Some people say!
  7. But just think of the fun you'd have taking those suspenders off! merrieeee, you want to remove his glasses, his bow tie, and now his suspenders. Hmmmmm ... I'd like to remove his boots and then the striped socks and massage his feet, and especially those long, slinky monkey toes, with warm aromatic oils. So maybe we could double team him? Oh stupid me, I temporarily forgot. You don't share.
  8. I suck at editing!!! Was going to add that I met my guardian angel as a direct result of getting dumped by a guy I didn't think I could live without. Turned out to be one of the highlights of my life. So much so that when said "irreplaceable" guy came begging me back a month later, I was immune to his charms. So maybe I'm also immune to feeling too badly about anybody's romantic ups and downs. Shit happens.
  9. I just realized that I can't even think of 8 devices to name! 8? To me "some people" are not "all people" or "a tiny fraction of people" but just "some people" ... and "other boards" to me are "boards that are not FCA." I never considered this to be a PC issue. And I really can't fathom how the messageboards could survive without generalizations. Here's one -- Some fans on other boards could feel really silly if this is a lovers' quarrel that blows over. Or, some fans on other boards (because nobody says it here) could be all wet if Reed posted that Christina song because he was the one who hadn't been keeping his hands to himself and Clay sent him that song and so he posted it as a mea culpa to try to make up, along with the Whitney song. My opinion is just as uninformed and imaginary as anyone's. It's all conjecture by whichever fans wherever saying whatever, including me. I just hate to hear about anyone, fans I don't know and probably never will know mostly, getting overwrought about a relationship breaking-up for whatever reason. Who here hasn't had a broken heart. It's part of life. I've had mine broken more than once or twice. It's not the end of the world. In fact, some people, possibly on this board and others, have way more serious issues to deal with than a broken up love affair.
  10. So K, your eyes must be going along with those hurt feet! When it comes to cellphones merrieeee and I are in the Android bucket. When you hear that I've signed up to spend $299 to order a phone with a ship date that is no more specific than maybe weeks, maybe months, and has connectivity issues to boot ... you'll know it's time to put me away. The Androids are way superior products. Now as to the topic du jour ... I cannot believe that there are factions in the fandom over this breakup. As if anyone outside the two parties have a fucking clue! "Some people say" is one of the most dangerous phrases in the English language, and never to be trusted. I wish love to everyone and that's as involved as I'll ever get in the private affairs of others.
  11. I admit I don't really need it. I just want it really bad ... and since the old Motorola is deceased, perished and not among the living, well how can I resist? Yes I do so need a phone with TWO cameras! FYI: There are close similarities between the Evo 4G and the Epic 4G at Sprint:
  12. You crack me up.I'll try to muddle through until the first US carrier will sell me a Samsung Galaxy S. I've heard that I may be able to get one ordered on the 15th and shipped the same day from T-Mobile, so I'll see. Since I have a new iPodTouch 32gigger that has everything a new iPhone has except a phone and a camera, I wasn't going to go for any bells and whistles in a cell phone. But I saw a demo of the new Samsung Galaxy S and I'm just a sucker for technology! I'm a sad case. Anyway AT&T is selling it as the Captivate, Sprint as the Epic 4, Verizon as the Fascinate, and T-Mobile as the Vibrant. Whenever they decide to actually put them on sale that is. They came out in Europe under one name, the Galaxy S, in late June. And I was about to answer your post a couple of hours ago, when I spilled a whole Diet Coke into my fancy keyboard. So I decided to drive over to Fry Electronics for one of those clear rubber keyboards, the kind you can spill stuff on. Drove over there, asked the man if he had one, he said yes, right over here on aisle 34, uh-oh we had one when I last looked an hour ago, must have been the last one, so sorry. So I bought el cheapo keyboard, came home and here I be. The cellphone was taking it's last breaths battery-wise, and I was hoping it wouldn't expire before the Galaxy S comes out. But the sick bastard didn't make it when I got caught in that rainstorm Wednesday. Had my umbrella and was under it and the cellphone was in a fairly tight pocket at the side of my purse, but Lord it did rain, and when I got to the car and fumbled with keys, dropping them of course, and took down the umbrella to put it into the car and it stuck, etc. etc., the phone somehow got wet and the battery couldn't hang, the sorry sick douchebag of a cellphone. So now I'm really missing my phone numbers, many of which I didn't have written down anywhere. Dammit! Am I counting right? Three weeks from tonight I'll be seeing Clay in Reno? Can I even believe it? And I'm not in the least jealous of anyone with a M&G because I never in a million years would win one. Sure, I sign up like a dolt, as if I have a chance. But I never win anything. Any contest I enter automatically increases the chances for all other entrants. If only six people had signed up for one of the M&G's and I were one of them, there's no doubt I'd be the sole loser. I'd fully expect to be and would not in any way be disappointed at losing. I don't win door prizes, raffles, bingo games, or table centerpieces from company dinners. I don't win $10 gift certificates to Target. Do you think I'd ever waste money playing the lottery? Hell no. Sometimes people give me lottery tickets in birthday cards ... I've never even scratched off $1. You are all safe entering any contest with me. I may just be your lucky fucking charm. Now, let's see if I can find something else to screw up tonight .... there's still time. I could even inadvertently wipe this whole post out if I'm not careful. Better not chance it.
  13. I was playing You Tubes this morning after seeing that the Moody Blues played the Ottawa Blues Festival this week, and found some awesome new videos from that gig. But one thing led to another and I found myself at this video of the Moodies playing Turning Stone in Verona last summer. I watched it, loved it, and had several Clay-centric thoughts, ergo comments, about it. Clay has played this venue and will again this summer Justin Hayward sings as well at 63 as he did in his 20s. Clean living does pay off with the voice and I believe that portends well for Clay's vocal future. Justin Hayward wrote this song at the age of 21, at three o'clock in the morning, after a break-up earlier in the evening with the person he considered the love of his life. It is so fucking sad, but he expressed all the pain he was feeling. He met Marie in France shortly thereafter, they married in 1969, and last year celebrated their 40th anniversary. They've always appeared to be blissfully happy and devoted to each other. Which shows you never know what's just around the corner. Many have attempted unsuccessfully to sing this song, because it doesn't work without the unmistakable pathos in Justin's voice that has been there for 43 years in this song. Clay has this quality in his voice for certain songs, which make them magical for me. There's just something about the title that makes me think of Clay and Reed. And here it is: Nights in White Satin
  14. OTT, but for my fellow Beatles fans here, a great YouTube of Paul McCartney jumping on stage at Radio City for Ringo's 70th! And guess what he sang? Why, Birthday, of course. It gives me all kinds of happiness.
  15. IIRC, the winners have never been named. Some have outed themselves and some stayed in stealth mode.
  16. I'm not vested in Clay's personal relationships although I always enjoy the speculation (and pictures), but I just hope he's not heartbroken over the break-up, because then it would be a real bitch to have to go out and sing It's Impossible, Unchained Melody, Crying, Suspicious Minds, Who's Sorry Now, and Breaking Up Is Hard To Do ... night after night when he goes on tour for Tried & True. I hope the relationship ran it's course and they are both moving on .... unless neither of them can stand it for long and they get back together, because I've had a couple of those episodes in my life.
  17. Excuse. I don't need no stinking excuse, but I just happen to have one stuck inside my right ear this time .... Thank goodness I don't have a stairs issue. I'm doing minimum moving around today. This is my one and only experience with vertigo. I hope to God it's the last. I watched the entire John Adams miniseries this morning and afternoon -- that's my 4th of July celebration. I hope Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney got ample recognition for playing John and Abigail Adams. Both were amazing. And I bawled and squawled at the end when reminded that the last surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams last words were either "Thomas Jefferson still lives" or "Thomas Jefferson survives" (there was a dispute as to the actual words). But he was wrong either way as he did not know that Jefferson had died just a few hours earlier. And ... this is the Third Anniversary of the First Time I Saw Clay. What a day that was! Caro, my condolences for both your losses.
  18. To this - All I can say is.... hair, hair hee I can't be held responsible, my head is spinning. Literally. I started having dizzy spells mid-week and finally went to the doctor for it yesterday. I was feeling like I was outside looking in, or just not in the real world, but my ear started bothering me so I wanted to see the doctor before the holiday weekend. I've seen more than my share of doctors recently and really thought I was due a break. Well, I have vertigo, which I've never had before and hope never to have again. I'm doing the antibiotics and Flonase, but the doctor said not to expect the ear tube to clear out before Wednesday or Thursday, which means I'll be dizzy and probably all nutty and smutty for a few more days. I hope you all can put up with me. Well, I know treenuts can! Liney, thanks for the offer of the hands-free magnifying glass. I must get one of those things. Cindilu, that's a fantastic wallpaper!!!
  19. Nape hairs don't do nothin' for me, but if he wants to wear some low-rider jeans with a shortee shirt and expose some outlier upper pubes ......... I'd be willing to look -- with a magnifying glass. Yeah, ME!
  20. I guess I have a real weakness for the bangs because my two favorites there, instinctively, are the helicopter picture with Reed (he looks so dreamily lovesick in that picture)and the one in yellow plaid for the "I Give a Damn" campaign. I don't need or particularly like strictly cut bangs, the gently falling in the face kind, or the just got out of bed type, are good for me. I've wanted to write this for days, but you know I've mentioned for a long time that all the guys at the law school wear some variations of the stuff Clay wears -- clothes that don't match, frayed cargoes, mandals, etc. Last weekend our family met for dinner down here at the bay and the two younger men, my son and my nephew (late 20's), showed up dressed exactly the same -- frayed khaki cargoes and plaid shirts with rolled up sleeves. I asked Kris if this was the official dude's uniform and he assured me it was. I recalled the "denim army" of the 70's when no self-respecting young man would wear anything but faded Levi's and a t-shirt, and our parents were totally disgusted by it. My mother couldn't understand why I wouldn't cut my long "stringy" hair and get a perm and keep it helmeted with hairspray. Anyway, I think Clay is generally ahead of the curve because he's been wearing this get-up for about five years that I can tell. And, fans have been so harsh about the color schemes he chooses, but the most "in" thing these days is NOT to match. Matching is so older generation. Seems that just about everything we see him in is either current, or will be next year. Anyway, I think Clay has always been adorably cute, but in looking yesterday over some of the videos from four, five and six years ago, I wouldn't change one thing about how he looks NOW. He's such a completely handsome man with a strong chin, a symmetrically shaped face, perfect teeth, and however he got to where he is now, it was ALL good. No wonder he's happy, not only does he have a son, a relationship, and a resurging career, he's a truly beautiful man inside and out, and he's doing it his way.
  21. Clay's CTMEEOY has been added to the Universal New Music playlist on MySpace - and he needs some hits! http://www.myspace.com/universalmusic/music/playlists/new-music-1197250 I'd be hard pressed to pinpoint an example of Clay's humor. It's too vast. He's so witty and so much of it is responsive to the situation. My daughter loves the stuff from the Jukebox Tour with the husbands who were "dragged" to the show, the "Iron Maiden" guy, the newlywed dude seeing three shows on his honeymoon, etc. Okay, forced to pick, and off the top of my head -- I loved Elmer in Grand Rapids, Terry in New Hampshire, "can't stop rubbing feet" from 2004 JN, the sleeping husband in West Palm Beach, and I agree that Chardonnay's montages of Christmas 2006 banter are most excellent.
  22. I love this one too and I think the set up makes it so special. Clay saying that he stood in that exact very spot to sing TITM for Pieces of Gold. And he's hilarious with that comment that he tried out for Pieces of Gold with the "new found confidence" he had gotten from Terrence. Clay is just so naturally funny. And Terrence's story is a good one ..... The Stick with the Voice of God! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEAR!!!!
  23. Yes you are, Fear. And easy is probably my favorite characteristics in a person who is ... easy. Easy is so much nicer than drama queen or high maintenance. Must be why I like you so much!! And I do.
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