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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. They used Pink's blurb, word for word! I'm not buying another copy of the T&T DVD. I'm buying TICKETS, baaaybee. I find myself with four copies of the T&T DVD now. I bought one at Walmart Tuesday because mine had not arrived. But then I finally got the Amazon delivery that evening at home. Went back to work today and found that I had another Amazon package of two T&T DVDs delivered last Friday at the office. I don't even remember that order! So I've done my share with four purchases of the DVD so far. And, the nice part is, not even one crack in any of the cases. Nice pristine copies. I'll be DVRing too on September 6th. I'm such a fish for Clay. He has that hook firmly set in my jaw.
  2. You're sleeping? I feel like I've barely slept since July 23.
  3. merrieeee, regarding your siggie, Need More Yet?
  4. Sweet Smut Sister speaks the truth. Much better than the old friend I hadn't seen for eons who called me out of the blue a few years ago to tell me that she was in a hotel room somewhere watching The Banger Sisters on PPV and just had to find me. I don't know what the hell she was talking about. We never took pictures. And the CouchieMama is in love with love these days. It's a beautiful thing. Liney and I definitely have a strong connection .... with past lives, and now THIS one!
  5. What was this nonsense I was hearing about a wrinkled suit? Just shows to go ya!
  6. Oh liney, I've been known to do that. But no need this time. There were 20 newly arrived and displayed on the top shelf over the alpha bins. And immediately next to the AC/DC cds/dvds that Walmart is so strategically marketing. The TnT's couldn't have been in a more prominent place. Imagine my surprise. I was looking down at the alphas and when there were only a couple of Playlists there, I was looking in the other artists grouping for something misplaced. It was a big DUH for me that they WERE front and center, and in the biggest numbers yet. But, okay, yeah, I put a couple of 'em down there before his name card in front of the Playlists. You busted me. I'm incorrigible. And, just for the record. My DVD arrived by mail late this afternoon. Now I have one to Clay forward.
  7. On the lips. Kind of a "Tyra and a half" I hear. I think he does that just to kill us.
  8. Quite a few of the CVers are up in arms because Clay came out in wrinkled pants tonight and they find no excuse for that. The inimitable wandacleo said, ahem: I love her.
  9. When Clay walks out on the stage, my expectations are exceeded. When he opens his mouth to sing, I'm locked in Samadhi. Meet my expectations, you so funny!!! The CV static is killing me.
  10. And everything Clay sang Saturday night was magic. Not a bad note all night long. In fact, some of the very very best I've ever heard from him. First time I've heard Mandy live, and I was mesmerized by it. It's not ya mama's Manilow!
  11. It was a highlight for me. You're gonna love it!!!! I think I lost my earlier post, but someone yelled out, "I love you, Quiana" and Clay said, "Oh good, a drunken lesbian" and it went on from there. I can't make out a word of what Ruben is saying, other than he's getting ready to sing Marvin Gaye. I adored Marvin Gaye, and I thought this was Ruben's weakest performance. However, I thought he was fabulous on Superstar on Saturday night anyway. I hung on every note he sang. It was beautiful. The Marvin was just pedestrian for me. The Sam Cooke was superlative!
  12. Yep, Something like, "We may do nothing for each other." I don't know, after Reno, it's painful to listen to a broken up cellcert. I may save myself for the next Real Thing! There's nothing like it.
  13. I have a little narrative before doing something else I just have to do this afternoon. You remember I mentioned earlier today about the meds? Okay, that's established now. I realized that if I wait for the postman to get here at about 4pm today, he won't have a prize for me in his bag. No, I want it too badly, and I know and understand my life well enough by now. So I decided I must go to Walmart to buy a copy so that it will be guaranteed to arrive by mail this afternoon. So I get to Walmart, park, go in, look for the music DVDs, they don't have any, I'm bummed, I go over to the alpha bins, they have two Clay albums, both are Playlist, I'm still bummed, I look up and over the alpha bins is a bunch of music DVDs for AC/DC, because Walmart is their exclusive dealer. I look at just how many AC/DC copies they have and conclude that it's just obscene, but, hark, at the end of the AC/DC line of 75 CDs and DVDs what do I see but ..... three rows of TnT CDs? Can it be. I looked at the quantity and it said "20" --WHAT??? My eyes continued past the three upper rows of TnT CDs and, heart be still, a whole FIVE Clay Aiken Tried & True DVDs right there on the top row to the right of the TnT CDs. Has there been an apocalypse? Was I left behind? Has the world tilted on its axis? So I buy quicker than you can say Jack Robinson and am out the door. But where did I park? What door did I come in? Hell if I know. After walking from one end of the Walmart parking to the other, I found my car and concurrently remembered that I had parked right there, yes indeed, by the cart rack. Oh, yeah. Home to watch Clay. But, dammit, I promised my son to go by Randall's and pick up a couple of cartons of DP because they sell it made with real sugar instead of the high fructose corn syrup. So, I'm in Randall's, get the Dr. Pepper, and some chicken, and talk to the lady at the check-out who tells me that the guy on the news says that we could fry eggs on the sidewalk today. Now, my friends know how I feel about my eggs, but I prefer them NOT cooked on the pavement. The lady says there's a problem with my card. Oops. I swiped my drivers license. Okay, wake up girl. I get it together enough to pay for the DP and the buffalo wings from the deli. Go out to my car, which I could actually see this time, unload my goods in the trunk and push my buggy to the rack at the far end of the parking aisle. A lady walks up to me, pushing hers, and says, "We parked on the only aisle that doesn't have a cart rack in the middle and we have to walk all the way to the end in this hundred degree heat!" I say, "Yeah, but I refuse to leave my cart because I've had my car nicked by wandering shopping carts too many times and it pisses me off so badly." She agreed, and said that she had watched one day from inside the store at people with their carts after unloading their groceries and every man pushed his cart to the rack, and every woman left hers by the car. I said that I was ashamed of our gender for that kind of behavior. She agreed. We talked for another five minutes in the sun, and got back in our cars just short of exchanging telephone numbers and email addresses. That's when I remembered I'm back in Houston. And no matter how flat and hot it is here, Houston has the friendliest people in the entire world when it comes to strangers, or friends as yet unmet, as we call them. Anyway, I made it home. I'm lying down and like I said at the beginning, I have something to do for the rest of the afternoon. So you won't be hearing from me for a while. Oh my God, that face is better than Xanax.
  14. From afterelton.com: How wonderful is that??? YAYNESS ALL OVER! ETA: The "trucking funk" with Drunk Alex is in the Reno_Thankful4Clay_Banter with Alex clip. He's so damned cute it's ridiculous. Just the first minute or so has it all. And as Clay says, "Exxxxcellent!" I'm now remembering when Clay called for a "moment of silence" for Alex after she was removed in a state pretty close to unconsciousness, or maybe she was stone cold OUT. But the woman danced until she actually did drop! What a night.
  15. The past ain't nothin' but over, baby. Here's to waving it bye-bye in the rear-view mirror and living for Today and Future Clay. It's a new dawn! I saw that for myself Saturday night. :welcome21:
  16. I don't even have a clue what you're referring to. You're reading backhanded compliments and grudging enjoyment into that? I thought for a GUY that was just an amazingly positive review for both Ruben and Clay, but especially for Clay. You have history with this individual? And who the hell is his mother? And why are we linking this to anything else? Oh well, definitely not giving up my joy. And if anybody takes it from me ... well, I'll go to Slidell with Lucinda Williams!
  17. I thought that was an excellent review in the OC Register, and especially that all the show needed for Vegas was flashier lights and arrangements -- and not reworking comedy bits or the setlist. So the performers were A-OK and ready for prime-time, and only needed some production flash. Quite a statement (albeit I have no idea who wrote this review). My favorite paragraph is: Actually, I'm looking for a Twenty-Teens version of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. (And, Couchie, they were on CBS!) ETA: God please no opening EVER for the dreaded Michael Buble or anyone ELSE for that matter! That's just dumb. I re-met so many fans over the weekend from past years at DCAT and Spamalot, and made so many new ones in just one venue/show that I'm bursting at the seams for more, more, and a still a little more please. And for the next one I'll be enjoying it with my Houston peeps too. EEEEEEEEEEEEE ... life is good. Health update to those who helped me out Sunday: I'm still at home with this blasted neck and nerve deal from hell. I called my doctor who asked if I still had any of the meds she gave me for air travel and she suggested that I take one three times a day. It has helped immensely and I can now turn my head .... and sleep; so, Dr. Treenuts, you had the spot-on diagnosis of tension/anxiety. Seeing Clay does crazy things to my mind and body, which has rewired lately. But, there ain't no stoppin' me NOW! I'm on the move.
  18. Hi Jenna! Actually I kind of did know most of the parts of the show, but hadn't seen the "connective tissue" and a few of the solos. But I now believe that watching clack will not spoil this show at all. It has an element of improv and a joy that just can't be seen in clack. The live sound is spectacular and watching the band is another element lost to clack. I think this show is totally gestalt, the whole equals more than the sum of its parts. And while the parts are excellent, the macro thing is a whole other level. Is there anything in this world cuter than Clay doing the moves to Jump Around? I just want to eat him up. I can't wait to see the show again on the 14th, and I feel pretty sure that it will be another new experience for me then. I just hope Clay doesn't change the white shirt and jeans. I don't think they are necessarily jeans of perfection; but I do think Clay now has the Body of Perfection and I don't want him covering it up with any yellow potato sacks or over-sized pants! The hammer pants are fun, as long as they come off quickly. I'm hoping and praying he's living not so much la vida loca, as la dolce vita! I hope the man is getting so much hot sex that he can't walk straight. Maybe the Good Reverend Studdard can heal that affliction for him. I do think he just may be getting hot and heavy loving on a more than regular basis, because he definitely seems uber-inspired these days. Not to mention, there's a kind of glow, all over his face. Speaking of slap-happy and love ... Couchie, you may need to expedite another phone. Don't you just love seeing Mama Tomato so girlish and happy? I'm happy for her, although something tells me you may get tired of hearing his name! Ha! But I love it! And I did eat some carbs, BTW. There is bread in french onion soup - I got a banana something at Starbucks, and there were those Telepathic Vietnamese Egg Rolls at the Silver Legacy. I don't mind falling off the wagon rarely when it's worth it. But no garlic bread or hamburger buns! I loved Sterlings Steak House -- that was one marvelous table of food and good company, and it was fun to read that it was a favorite of Clay's too. I haven't yet watched the TnT Special. Mine shipped last week, and the tracking said it arrived in Houston on Friday in the wee hours and was out for delivery that afternoon. Still, yo no lo tiene, or something like that. I may have to go to Walmart tomorrow and buy it, probably within an hour of it being delivered! But I have little patience for delaying my Clay fixes. I'm a sad case, and loving it.
  19. Double posts SUCK!!! Treenuts is a doll. Did I mentions that? And the BEST of drivers. I didn't have to grab the Jesus Strap even once! LadyJ is a natural born navigator. I'd put her up against anyone. Couchie is the connoisseur of carbs and cantaloupe. I need three weeks with you, woman! Tell Miss Charlene I'll miss her. And Couchie, I hope Randolph isn't moving you out in a week or two. That man's moving fast! The casino money may be an auger of something developing here. Ya think? Liney, I love you, but admit to being jealous that you're in the LA audience tonight. Hope it's as wonderful as last night! Night all. I'm beat!
  20. I did make that flight - last person on after re-opening the doors for me, and checking my luggage from the jetway. The plane taxied off about two minutes after I took my seat, and five minutes later we were in the air. Five minutes after that I was asleep and did three full hours, which was good since I got about 1/2 hour last night. It was the shortest four-hour flight I've ever taken. Loved meeting treenuts, liney, wandacleo, and of course, the inimitable Mama Couchie! Had a fabulous day in San Francisco with Couchie and Lady J that I'll never forget. Couchie, I better not hear that you ate that left-over pizza for dinner tonight. Just curious, were any keys misplaced after I left the scene? Liney and I confirmed our past-life connection with an order of Vietnamese Egg Rolls. Sometimes it's the smallest things! Shared the concert with a newbie convert on one side, who sang every song throughout the show and LOVED Clay, -- and the other side was Mr.and Mrs. PermaSwooned, both of whom are absolutely the best company. Enjoyed political conversation at the table with Liney, Spotlightlover, and "Nell" and we were getting close to the answers, but got a bit too tipsy to recall just how we plan to save the world. I'm sorry Claylove couldn't make the dinner last night because I really wanted to say more than Hi! Next time, deal? As to Sterlings ... the food was marvelous and the waiters were insanely good. The Lump Crap Cocktail and French Onion Soup was a memorable event. As to the Avocado and Crap Salad I had at dinner with with LadyJ and Couch Tomahto the night before, let me sum up my dining experiences to say that "Crab" and "Clam Chowder" were falling from my lips quite frequently on this trip (not to forget the Vietnamese Egg Rolls)! One of my favorite lines of the show is regarding Drunk Lady, or as Clay said, "She's ducking frunk" and the lady said, "My kids are here" and Clay said "Exxxx-cellent" the funniest, snarkiest 'excellent' I've ever heard. And then, "I'm sure they're looking forward to years of therapy after this" and "Anybody have a extra liver?" And I loved Clay continuing to address Ruben as "Uncle Ruben" -- as in, "Tell me about the '70's, Uncle Ruben!" These guys are not Sonny & Cher, not Donnie & Marie, not the Carol Burnett Show, not the Rat Pack ... this show more resembles the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, with "Mom always liked you best" -- Ruben as Little Dickie Smothers and Clay as Tommy. It's a no-brainer. So where are the producers? Thank GOD I'm seeing this show again in Biloxi. It's the best Clay Aiken concert I've ever seen. He was hilarious. He was gorgeous. His body was scrumptious, his jeans were the best ever, it was semi-flash back to Idol with the two amateurs now seasoned pros at the top of their game. Ruben was amazing. I loved every moment of Superstar and Everthing I Do, and melted at Bringing It On Home. Quiana was beautiful and sang my favorite song that I've ever heard her sing. She outdoes Chaka Khan. Casey fits rights in and never misses a note or a step and Clay plays off of her so well. This show flows and is a polished production; the split-up Clack can't do it justice. That's just jacked up. This show begs for a DVD that doesn't chop up the parts but is non-stop like the entire show. It is brilliantly written and put together. I have no complaints about any songs, any medleys, who sings what, who says what, just nothing because it's a masterfully compiled show. It has a theme and a sub-plot. It's the best thing I've seen Clay do. It's the best he's ever looked. I'm in love all over again. And the dancing has ceased to be choreographed moves. It's inate now. He feels it. He did the best "jerk" on the stage. He's got RHYTHM!!! And his moves are fluid and sexy. Whatever has taught him to move like this is something I hope he continues to get much practice with. And I don't think it's coming from dance class. Right, treenuts? YAY for Houston!!! Hint: HOUSTON does not have a problem!!!!! I'm so EXCITED!!! And Clay People are the Best People in the World!
  21. Couchie, I see that my departure is delayed 50 minutes and is now estimated to arrive at 7:05. They say this could change and it could leave and arrive on time. WTF? It's a good thing I have my fear of flying medication.
  22. Hey LadyJ, whaddya say we fly to San Francisco tomorrow since Clay's there? I'm sure he'll go to Washington early tomorrow, but maybe he'll be back in the Bay Area on Friday before Reno?
  23. My background is not in singing, but in classical music: A soloist is one voice or one instrumentalist performing a solo. A duo is two voices or two instrumentalists performing a duet. A trio is three voices or three instrumentalists performing a trio. A quartet is four voices or four instrumentalists performing a quartet. e.g., Tchaikovsky's Trio in A minor, Op. 50 for piano, violin, and cello And that's all I know about that.
  24. Is that what the Christmas of Death comment referred to? Because I was thinking it was the Christmas 2007 tour when people shared their sad stories. Oh dumbass me, JMH! I know we've come from the same places. In fact, I'm pretty sure we've met .... somewhere back on the astral plane. Your right kf, my tiredness has affected my brain. I had a bad experience on the way home visiting a friend in a nursing home. I feel so very sad for her and don't know what to do. But that's my problem so sorry if I'm misinterpreting things. That's to myself. I don't know if you misinterpreted anything, Fear. I'm asking the question too, since I saw neither of those Christmas shows. I was just under the impression that the 2007 tour was the one meant by Christmas of Death, because I remember that a lot of people complained at the time that they had spent money for a Christmas show that depressed them, and it was a widely expressed complaint. I didn't see that tour. And I wasn't even on the boards for JN05.One thing I do know from my four years on the message boards, some people are going to love whatever Clay does without question and some people are going to complain about everything Clay does like clockwork. Some people keep it to themselves when they don't like something, while others can't wait to spread the doom, angst, and even hysteria. I think it's impossible for someone to like everything, yet too easy for the critics corner to voice complaints incessantly and with hyperbole. And I don't know why! I like a free flowing conversation and mix of opinions, but really get disgusted with the "same bitch different day" stuff. That's why my comfort zone is here. I don't get those baaaaaad vibes, and don't have to wade through stupid stuff. Thank you, FCA! Fear, for going through that nursing home experience. My aunt passed over the weekend. She had been in a nursing home with Alzheimer's for the past 15 years and hadn't known her own children for the past ten. It was a heartbreaking experience for the family, and we're all relieved that Aunt Hazel is finally free. Cindilu: You mean a trio?
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