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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I missed everything tonight because my wireless lost its security connection and I couldn't get online. Three different techs with Comcast were employed before we got to the root of the problem and fixed it. They said my computer was doing things they'd never heard of before. There was some weird IP address that caused the router to be reset, and that was just the beginning. Started at 6:45 and got on line at 10:15, just in time for the first picture. But here I sit as one person who counted minutes all day until the CV cellcert and then THIS debacle! I haven't even had time to read about the setlist, or any of the songs and who sang what, etc. Looks like I'm going to be up for a while. Never thought I'd still be a Timeless Virgin tonight! Oy! The stars are misaligned for me, what with the dogs, stuff at work, and now the computer. Alright now world, let's get this shit all over with before next week. I'm dying to find out about some of the songs. God, please let there be R&B to make up for some of this crap in my life.
  2. First picture from toni7babe: I like that look a lot. I like the hair. Very 18th-19th turn of the century. The Franz Schubert look -- a redheaded Franz Schubert, that is. He is blistering hot.
  3. Hugh Hefner and Playboy? I never knew that was part of the "Claymate" hate. The word "playmate" had a very innocent connotation long before Hugh Hefner, and I can't be responsible for what some people do with their minds. I always thought "Claymate" was cute, and still do. Screw 'em, because if Clay likes it, and he seems to, then I like it too. It's a clever play on words, nothing more. Apparently some people think it connotes old and dried up toothless hags because of what? Comments by anonymous trolls on obscure internet sites or pop/tabloid mavens? Those trolls are the dried up hags. And they definitely are toothless. Sorry, but I just don't relate to any reactionary mentality. I'm an out and proud Claymate! Kimiye, that sounds complicated! Woo-Hoo for Felix being back!
  4. Safe travels, merrieeee and all travelers to Mecca, which for me is wherever Clay may be on any given day. I look forward to every recap – and to your new hair color, merrieeee! I'm as high as a kite today with Just Everything!! I can't wait to hear the set list, the band (I saw at least one guitar, maybe two, and a bass guitar, drums and keyboard in the ET clip), the new backup singer, not to mention Ruben and My Addiction. I wonder if it chaps the ass of Simon Cowell that Clay and Ruben really love each other, and their friendship has stood the test of time. During AI2, Simon seemed completely unable to believe that they didn't all secretly hate one another, and every time there was an expression of caring and mutual support, Simon cringed. He couldn't stand it. Reminds me a bit of a short vignette in the 60's cult movie The Magic Christian with Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr: Two fighters boxing for the heavyweight championship of the world when suddenly they stop in the middle of the ring, throw their arms around each other and kiss. The crowd boos wildly, people wretching in the aisles, and the radio announcer screams, "The crowd is sickened by the sight of no blood!" As to the new backup singer, I know we don't know the story on her, but I'd be surprised if Clay didn't give Quiana a say in the matter. I can't believe he'd hire a singer that Quiana wasn't comfortable singing and traveling with for an entire tour. In fact, Quiana plays a lot of club gigs so maybe she found Casey herself. Regarding "Claymates" – I never understood the big deal. It is what it is. The first time I heard it I thought it was cute, and I remember Clay grimacing over it on Idol, but I thought that due to his modesty. It's a memorable name for his fans, it's known and accepted, and Clay has embraced it. Seems like a done deal to me. I don't think I'm a claymate, and I don't think you're a claymate, but I do think that WE are claymates!
  5. If Claynadians can't get the Talk Stoop video, try this photobucket download. As usual, I promise nothing, but I tried. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v315/kaspesa/VIDEOS/?action=view&current=TalkStoopClayAikenNBCNewYork2.mp4&evt=user
  6. Oh man he is beyond cute and adorable. He's my drug of choice. And Ruben CMSU. This is going to be a GREAT tour! It could become a summer comedy and music tradition, like the Golden Boys or whatever that group of Frankie, Fabian and Bobby Rydell call themselves. I need positive vibes. I'm keeping three dogs while the kids are in Mexico this week and I'm not good at this. Everything that can go wrong either already has or is moving in that bad direction. I'm a wreck. Whipped by three dogs and the kids won't be home until the middle of next week. As soon as they return I'm grabbing my suitcase and running to the airport! It can't come too soon. I have no patience with tempermental, spoiled, and disturbed dogs!!! I wrapped up half a Benadryl in a piece of smoked chicken to give the Golden who was freaking during a thunderstorm tonight. He was shaking and crying too hard to even eat the piece of chicken I was using to try to coax him out from under my desk where he was gyrating on top of my electrical grid, and the shihtsu makes a flying leap and scores the chicken-wrapped pill. Well, at least she deserves the doggie downer tonight after tearing up a pair of shoes and a roll of paper towels this evening. I won't go into last night. They are acting up because they've NEVER been away from the kids, and Oliver hasn't spent a night without Mimi in eleven years. Jack sits at the front door. He's been there for three days now only to take a few bites, make a quick run outside, and resume position. I can handle a house full of kids easy. Dogs, never again. I may be having a nervous breakdown. I hope a cellcert can help me tomorrow night.
  7. I just read on CV that someone at CB received an e-mail from WLIW (PBS-Long Island) that they will air Tried & True in September and offer premium tickets to Clay's T&T concert at the Theatre at Westbury on February 26th, a Saturday night. So this is looking like a tour for sure, being that we've heard already about a February concert in Miami. I think he's coming to my hometown I think he's coming to my hometown I think he's coming to my hometown I think he's coming to my hometown I think he's coming to my hometown I think he's coming to my hometown Thinking positively here!!!
  8. I watched the interview again and absolutely nothing about it bothered me, except Clay incessantly sucking his teeth or whatever that was he was doing. Actually, the angle of the camera reminded me so much of one of his first Jaded Journalist interviews when he discussed being called back for the wildcard. Clay still has that touch of innocence in his facial expressions and it's still completely disarming and adorable. But the teeth sucking ... ARGGGGHH! Okay, I admit that's a peeve of mine.
  9. Well, he didn't rule out the bus lines. He said those are impromptu and maybe they will and maybe they won't depending on the circumstances. I'm thinking for casinos where they may be sleeping overnight, it would be a no. But for venues where he'd be departing that night, maybe. I didn't think he sounded off for that interview. I thought he was impatient with the same old questions he's had time and again, where he knows we know the answer. I don't think Clay is a patient man for repetition, and I think he's sick to death with the Idol questions. The one asking if he'd like to do a talk show was a waste of time. Some of those questions were attempting to spoon-feed his answer, and I think that chaffed him a bit. He think he naturally balks at being played, even by fans. I thought the discussion about international touring was interesting. Sounds like he's of two minds with that -- yes he'd like to, but then again he doesn't want to lose his anonymity when he travels abroad. Regarding the Hunchback question, am I the only one who hopes he's not going back to Broadway anytime soon? I want him on the road and doing his own shows and making the bucks for himself! But then, I haven't heard any news about Hunchback even being a Broadway possibility for a long time, so I don't think he was hedging anything. Looking forward to Bert and Ernie because with Clay it's a wonderful life!
  10. Don't have to warn me. I've never read comments to online articles - about anything. A waste of time. ETA: I'll be listening to the CV cellcert, LJ. And, I also have two weeks, exactly two, between my Saturday nights in Reno and Biloxi. I'm sure every show on the tour will be unique. I'M SO EXCITED!!!
  11. Maybe he will play Florida, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, California, et al., in February, and move north in March-April. Of course, it can get just as cold in March and Aril, but I'm wondering if these concerts may be a bit more spread out than the ones where he goes out for a month or six weeks. Maybe a series of Saturday night concerts to facilitate travel during the school term/work week.
  12. Well, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts has three theaters: The Ziff Ballet Opera House seating 2,400 -- Broadway plays and musicals, opera, ballet, and dance companies. The Knight Concert Hall seating 2,200 -- Music concerts—classical, world, urban, Latin pop, rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, and stand-up comedy The Carnival Studio Theater seating 200 - Black-box space ideally suited for cutting-edge performances of contemporary and classic plays, dance, music, physical theater, cabaret, and other entertainment. I'm believing the Knight Concert Hall seating 2,200 is the logical venue. I know the PBS concerts here in Houston where tickets have been sold as a premium during pledge breaks usually are at The Toyota Center, the Verizon Wireless Theater, or The Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. Every such concert I've ever heard about on Houston PBS has been a full-blown concert with tickets not exclusively for PBS, but with "preferred" seating (or so they say) for those PBS ticket buyers. I think the Chicago concert in October is a local PBS exclusive because they premiered the show when its appeal was untested, and Clay agreed to a special incentive. I would still think that Clay would play another T&T concert open to the public in Chicago with reasonably priced tickets at a larger venue. My head is full of stars. ETA: I think the Clay & Ruben Show has been selling well enough to go right ahead with the big-deal T&T tour in concert halls with a nice traveling orchestra. No pick-up musicians from the union halls this time.
  13. All the best to the July 17th Birthday Girls -- Caro, Playbiller and Scarlett --- and also to My Mother who's celebrating her 88th today! Just got back from a birthday dinner at the bay and she was so cute!!!! I had a pecan-crusted snapper with lemon butter cream sauce that was to DIE for -- I want to go back tomorrow!
  14. Oooooo, got Clay's package yesterday. So firm, so fully packed. Yes, I love that beach towel -- I got the orange one and I love the shade of orange. The draw-cord tote is really neat and I'm so happy with my purchase even though I thought it was over-priced when I ordered. It's really a cool Clay product. I didn't expect to like it so much because I just bought it hoping that Clay and Parker wouldn't have to go hungry this summer, and now it's one of my favorite packages ever! This has been one great summer already, and the tour hasn't even started. I'm pumped and ready for CLACTION! And .... I got my fabulous new Galaxy S yesterday -- and you're ON, LdyJ. Thanks!
  15. This illustration from Phineas & Ferb with the cartoon Chaka and Clay, from Entertainment Weekly is over at CV and CH tonight. Don't you just love Cartoon Clay with his red hair and striped shirt! He's adorable.
  16. JMH-- YOU ROCK!!! Hope you had a great day, KIMIYE!!
  17. I always find some obscure moment in a Clay interview to obsess over and the hair rollers video is no different. I can't get enough of him when Bill is talking about him filling out, and when he says to Clay, "I think you look better this way." The patented look on Clay's face as he quickly replies, "Oh do you?" reminds me of something from the Idol days. Maybe a Jaded interview? But just those three words and his facial expression from about 1:20-1:24 captures my heart. He's so precious! ETA: BC, those caps are so adorable I want to cry for him being so incredibly and lovably CUTE.
  18. I just watched the show again, and rewatched some parts over and over, and the more I see it the better it gets. Sometimes I think I get so apprehensive for Clay on a live show that I can't be anywhere near objective on a first viewing. One thing I am certain of is that this show and the people on it do like and respect Clay a lot. This time I noticed the ending when Whoopi was thanking Clay for guest-hosting and Elizabeth gave him a cute and familiar side bump that indicated to me they consider him part of "The View" family. I think we know that Joy and Sheri really like Clay (remember Joy thinks he's terrific) and Elizabeth has been nice to him in the past, but today's the first time I saw him establish something with Whoopi -- and I think the cue card did it. The cards on the table in front of each person were clear to see once I was looking for them! They obvious have the agenda on the card with pertinent items they are to contribute to structure the conversation. I don't think it's all scripted, but they have an outline to keep things moving along. This was a great show for Clay. Everything about it. He wasn't pushing for camera time, but everything he said was worth hearing, and his questions were worth asking. And he was so nice to look at. His laugh and his smile are beautiful. I love this guy.
  19. Any chance of a cap of this. Video is 'blocked in my country'. Grrr!!!!! http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v315/kaspesa/The%20View%20July%202010/?action=view&current=ClayAikenandBretMichaels-TheView.mp4 Try this, Cindi. Can't guarantee it. ETA: Clay in rollers! The stage manager or whoever that was -- his comments were fantastic. "This is how secure you are with yourself. This is how cool this man is. ... You got cooler somehow."
  20. I love the exit interview! It's just hilarious that his "cue card" and his mouth were black-boxed out when he said "asshole" again -- and was bleeped again too. That "asshole" was even on his cue card is quite rich to discover. I think there's no doubt that he played the game today and he'll definitely be back. Maybe after he said "asshole" on Joy's show it was decided for him to say it on The View too -- and that Whoopi would play off of it, which she did so well. It's not like comments on that show aren't bleeped on a fairly regular basis. But he is so cute saying, "Sorry ABC, Sorry America." Just so adorable.
  21. Regarding the "asshole" comment. He served up a big laugh opportunity for Whoopi and she took it. The audience had a great response. Sheri told him "You're coming back!" Obviously they loved it. I think that's what they want a guest host to do ... make them look good. Also, I've watched this show more than a few times and I've seen guest hosts sit there like bumps on a log and never contribute one thing. Clay did very well today. Also, I don't even consider "asshole" a cuss word. It's so everyday language here that there's nothing remarkable about it. Maybe it's because we have so many assholes in Texas it just comes up a lot. Now, as to the tour tickets. I've entered another contest in vain.
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