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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. If the truth be told, and some day it will be, probably a good half of the male stars in Hollywood over the past 75 years were at least bi-sexual. Longstanding rumors include the sexiest men ever on screen. Notable exception: Warren Beatty. One possible reason why there have always been serial divorces in Hollywood, and why Warren Beatty took so long to get married -- all those women, so little time!
  2. One more time with feeling ... Descriptors that come to mind: Suave Sophisticated Debonair Smooth Cultivated Genteel Urbane Elegant Je ne sais quoi HAWT! There's just something about that turned in right foot. Even his shoes are hot!
  3. I believe with those looks he can attract males, females, plants, animals, and inanimate objects.
  4. One is not enough! Personally, I'm preferring the Intense Clay photo above. Tres sex-ay!
  5. Congrats! I have a connection with Sean Clayton ... I was born on 10/03 at 10:03 pm. And I notice they have the cover photo with the lighter shading. When oh when will we get the 30-sec samples?? 15-sec samples? Anything? A peep? Maybe next week when it's really, really May. Yes, soon it will be Clay May!
  6. It all depends on what you're willing to pay for extra songs. On Amazon the $8.99 CD contains: 1. Can't Take My Eyes Off You 2. What Kind Of Fool Am I? (featuring David Sandborn) 3. It's Only Make Believe 4. Misty 5. Mack The Knife 6. It's Impossible 7. Unchained Melody 8. Suspicious Minds 9. Crying (duet with Linda Eder) 10. There's A Kind Of Hush 11. Moon River (featuring Vince Gill) The Deluxe 2-Disk CD for $12.99 also contains: 12. Who's Sorry Now 13. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do I don't think we lose anything. We gain Breaking Up Is Hard To Do! YAY for a new song! Did Clay sing this with Ruben at the taping, or did Ruben solo? It's possible Clay's solo version could be completely different with the original tempo, or another arrangement altogether. I guess I can wait 36 more days, but I'm anxious to start obsessing over this album for at least the next six months.
  7. I guess the possibilities among multiple bonus songs for download would be In My Life, You Don't Have To Say You Love Me, Build Me Up Buttercup, and Eso Beso - all 60's songs. Did I leave out anything from the show? One or more of these "others", and the medley, may be exclusives for the PBS CD/DVD. Does anyone know if the Deluxe CD is exclusive to Amazon? If so, Amazon will get lots of my business this summer. 36 Days!
  8. New track list up at Amazon for the Deluxe CD: 1. Can't Take My Eyes Off You 2. What Kind Of Fool Am I? (featuring David Sandborn) A misspelling here, it's S-a-n-b-o-r-n 3. It's Only Make Believe 4. Misty 5. Mack The Knife 6. It's Impossible 7. Unchained Melody 8. Suspicious Minds 9. Crying (duet with Linda Eder) 10. There's A Kind Of Hush 11. Moon River (featuring Vince Gill) 12. Who's Sorry Now 13. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Amazon Deluxe Track List Who else is surprised at Breaking Up Is Hard To Do?
  9. The eyes on that man! Reminds me of "Loretta Castorini" to "Ronny Cammareri": Y'know, you got them bad eyes, like a gypsy.
  10. I understand exactly what you're saying, LadyJ. And I understand that for me, it's a personal reaction to the kind of thing I grew up with and departed from, yet have always lived amongst. I've heard it all. Disseminating it with a far reach has grown it, because fear and exclusion sells to a lot of people. I would have never believed it would have gone this far with the mega-church kings, but it's all run by admen these days. They are selling a product that I'm shocked to see people buying. I just hope people get a belly-full soon enough and walk away. I very much get that exposing ignorance is a good thing, and benefits the open-minded, and I still believe that's most of us. But intolerance freaks me out, and it's my Catch-22, because I can't manage to tolerate it. I know the verse about not casting pearls before swine. I think avoiding casting swine before pearls is equally worth thinking about. I just want you to know, LadyJ, that I love your librarian heart!
  11. I watched LKL last night out of curiosity. I'm glad Clay didn't participate. That creepy pastor in the studio with Jennifer Knapp shouldn't have been given a platform for his ignorance. Especially not after his lame attempt to rebut the prohibition against eating shellfish in Leviticus by stating, straight-faced, that "God changed his mind about shellfish." It was game over pitiful, but I did get a good laugh out of that one. Anyway, for whatever reason that Clay didn't appear, the presence of that "pastor" justified his non-participation. If Larry King is going to talk to Clay, he should give him the whole damn hour. I love the pictures of Clay. It's all a mood creation and he's an actor center stage. He exhilarates me. Don't know why, but he just does, and I accept it, most happily.
  12. I think it's wonderful that Clay will be on LKL tomorrow night. I almost never watch Larry King but I think it's a win-win for Clay. He discussed the privacy of his sexuality on LK once before and talked about the attitudes of his church, so now I think it's appropriate for him to go back on this show and further discuss his views. Larry King is hard to look at, that's for sure. I hope they keep the camera focused on Clay. And, I sincerely hope Clay and Jennifer are in a separate segment from those other two. Actually, I can probably stomach Larry more than Jay Leno. I have no use for that man for a lot of reasons, including his peurile jabs at Clay. He's a weasel, but I'll watch his sorry ass if Clay goes on to promote Tried & True, and at least hope that Leno will put his old unfunny jokes out to pasture forever. Maybe he'll see the light and, if not, as John Lennon famously said, "Time wounds all heels." I've made myself pretty clear how I feel about AI lately, so I won't go into what I've read about the lame reference to Clay last night. I'll just say this, Clay drew first blood when he said that he didn't watch Idol because "Once you know how the sausage is made, you don't want to eat it." It must get all over AI to be getting beat by DWTS this season. It must further utterly gall them that their two highest rated finales were both dominated by Clay Aiken, and that these rankings will likely stand. I love the incredibly sexy pictures of Clay for the new album. These will add to my increasingly-adored collection of Sexy Clay CDs! I treasure them all. OMG! Tomorrow night Clay is going to be on my HDTV, with close-ups too I hope. I've been missing him so MUCH!
  13. I've been wondering who Clay reminded me of on the cover of Tried & True - the attitude of his face. I finally thought of it tonight, looked it up. I've never thought Clay resembled Peter O'Toole in any way, but that expression, so resolute, so romantic, so Lawrence of Arabia.
  14. More of the picture at OFC. That's the sexiest half-face I've ever seen. Especially with that bowtie all untied and all. GAH!
  15. This is one of my favorite "Clay compared to Clay" songs. It's Clay's voice loud and clear in both, but the "moves" changed dramatically in 5 years! He's just so CUTE!!!
  16. I love that picture of Clay in Star. I love that Tried and True will be in my hands in 44 days. I love that I'm going to see Clay in Reno and Biloxi. I hate that there are situations like the one at the link. Hasten the day when such things never again happen! Sonoma County CA separates elderly gay couple and sells all of their world possessions
  17. Hey there, Claysgalsal Have fun walking Raleigh and Durham!
  18. Market, nah. I despise marketing as a general concept and could make a decent case for it being a black plague on our way of life. However, dosing up a couple of drinks belonging to the deserving unbeknownst ... that's something to ponder. And the first one will be free.
  19. Thanks LadyJ! That was buggin' me. Adam Ant K, why don't you get Superman to reverse the Earth's rotation and he could leave yesterday? May be easier. Of course there's always those swallows. Is he bigger than a coconut? One thing that caught my eye about the International Media thingie about Clay and PBS and August is that the PBS Special is NOT titled TRIED AND TRUE, but THIS IS THE TIME. Which to me means that the deluxe CD will not include the PBS DVD, but perhaps a completely different DVD of Clay recording the CD? And when I read THIS IS THE TIME, it seems further on down the road from THIS IS THE NIGHT. I love it all. But then I'm E-Z-P-Z when it comes to Clay.
  20. Oh, and while I'm here over my lunch time, I'll take this opportunity to opine about Idol this week since I actually watched both shows this and last week. And because I just can't freaking believe how bad it is! Man oh man, Idol has not only jumped the shark, it has jumped Fonzi jumping the shark. Could Ryan Seacrest be any weirder? He must be taking the Paula Pills this year. How much does he get paid to be so embarrassingly bad, and rude, and awkward? And then Adam Lambert as a mentor? That is a tacit admission that Idol is desperate. From what I watched, his advice was mostly "be dramatic," and wasn't taken, i.e., he told Tim to go falsetto at the end of Can't Help Falling in Love With You, and Tim wisely ignored that strange advice. Anyway, since when does an artist without at least one platinum record under his belt get to be a mentor? The fact that Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood didn't get the opportunity to be the first alum mentor is just wrong in so many ways. The judges suck. No one more than Randy Jackson who says NOTHING of substance, but grunts, harrumphs, inscrutably chuckles, and says "I don't know" way too much. Ellen is useless on this show. Kara is apparently promoting herself full-time. Last week's guest was some no-name who had just signed with her label. And she spends most of her time telling the contestants, "We just don't know who you ARE." Well, I don't know who she is. Simon is the only one who seems to possess a functioning brain, but he's so bored with the whole thing now he looks ready to bolt and/or blow chunks at any moment. Which is how I felt watching the naked attempt at relaunching Adam Lambert's career last night, by all means necessary. And probably because Idol has so much invested in him! When I saw the overwrought Alice Cooper/Kiss level of prostituting music, well, to me it's borderline career suicide -- unless being another Alice Cooper or Kiss is what you want to be. Those guys made tons of money, and kids idolized them, but they were condensed to novelty acts in an era of great music. Which, no matter how much money she makes and how many records she sells short-term, it essentially what Lady Gaga is. I don't even know what to say about Brooke White and Jason Gaston(?) -- I've seen few weaker performances by "guest" talent. But then there was Rihanna(?) last week, and that was just sad. Hole Smoke! The group "Elvis" number last night was the worst example of lip-syncing I've ever grimaced through. What wizard director allowed that to go on the air? I'm now joining whatever group exists, if one does, who hope Clay Aiken never ever ever never gives this show so much as the back of his hand. It's so beneath him. He is a real, true artist, and the Idol Empire is crumbling over the heads of buffoons! Clowns! And I'm not talking about the contestants (yet even the couple of them that I find in any way entertaining are seriously derivative). What a dive this show has taken. I've used the terms "jumped the shark" and "life support" -- but I believe Idol is now a "beached whale." I don't think it can get itself back to the water.
  21. Chill out, babe. The way I see it, your boss is the one with the problem. Let's see, hmmmmm, stuck in London due to volcanic ash, which is an official "act of God," which is an excuse for everything! Relax and have a boat drink -- the kind with lots of fruit, plastic ornaments, and umbrellas hanging off the edge of the glass. Tell him to do the same. Really, if it can't be helped, my motto is, don't help it.
  22. Agreed. And I certainly hope their relationship ends up better than those of some of my friends ... like Cinderella or Mrs. Prince Charming ....
  23. I received this email from Decca over the weekend, spotlighting their April releases, and it was quite well done. The text for Rufus Wainwright's release is as follows: the Vinyl???!!!!! Dare I hope??? I don't care what anybody says, to my ears there's NOTHING like the Vinyl! And the covers are the BEST!
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