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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Who are these people that call his management company, record label, potential venues, and his family, for God's sake? (And this is strictly a rhetorical question.) Such people must have advanced cases of famewhoredomitis, and I never like being exposed to those self-aggrandizing type diseases since they can be the most dangerous, and are spirit destroyers without a doubt. It borderline-angers me that there are women in this Clay Nation who feel entitled to scoop any and every bit of news, even when it denies Clay his joy. Even when they know he's anxious to tell us himself. Such a sad, sad situation - and it's getting more and more absurd. It's embarrassing, actually. I think there are more than a few people in the broad spectrum fanbase who need to get either a grip or a therapist.
  2. If Clay were reading regularly he could have found plenty to irritate him over a long period of time. I've wondered before why Clay didn't step in with a word or two to quell some messy pie fights. I think the "you think I'm stupid?" remark was righteous. I'm puzzled when Clay is called a brat. No visible part of him looks like a large curved sausage, although I've heard the rumors. But to those in the know, this inquiring mind would appreciate some information regarding exactly how big that brat is?
  3. Hi Cagney, I also had this saved in my documents and it's from an interview from two years ago with the then-new head of promotions for the label. Very interesting, I think. Up Close With Decca Label Group SVP Promotion David Leach About the Haiti telethon last night, did Jennifer Hudson look too fabulous or what? I want her trainer. I thought Coldplay was excellent, and Justin Timberlake. The other iconic musical moment last night was the playout of Conan's last show. Will Ferrell and his cowbell with the all-star band ... that was a way to do it! I've only watched that show once -- last night -- and I know a lot of folks can't stand Conan because of remarks he's made about Clay. But tell me, was he worse than Jay Leno, because Leno's gay jokes are sophomoric and pathetic to me. I only watched him when he had Clay on the show. NBC is in a world of hurt with me. I didn't watch Conan, and I didn't, and won't, watch Leno. They should have just given the whole thing to Jimmy Fallon, who actually has TALENT! Imagine that! I think Craig Ferguson is doing an excellent job at CBS, too. He makes me laugh out loud. *** merrieeee, I'm leaning toward NOT Clay.
  4. Hmmm, I guess I should get my hands on that. Oh yeah, luckiest, and especially since there's some Macca to be had there. Just a guess but was it Tyr na nog? (I only know that from one of my guilty pleasure Van Morrison songs.)
  5. That's perfect! (Especially since right now I'm listening to Ringo Starr's new album, Y Not. He sings, 'living in the mystery of the night' -- exactly, Ringo! This is without a doubt the best thing he's done post-Beatles. And he's peaking at 70.)
  6. It sounds like the Journey to the Unknown, or the Magical Mystery Tour Hour. This "thing" is aching for an interim title. I suppose the most obvious would be March12@7. What this man hath wrought! I'm almost embarrassed to be so giddy. (But, unh-unh)
  7. March the 12th is a deal breaker for me. Like one of the three biggest days of the year for my job. And I do need to keep it, damn it! So, to answer Clay's question "how will you first hear the new album" .... my best hope now is CELLCERT. This is probably old news, but I just found it yesterday from a Decca tweet and thought it was newsy on several levels about the label. It's the press release for Celtic Thunder's new CD: Decca Label Group Press Release for Celtic Thunder 1. A companion high-def DVD with the CD. Dare I dream? 2. CD to be released on February 9th and PBS Special to begin airing on February 27th for a month. 3. Less than a month lead time between press release and CD release. 4. Fifteen songs on the CD, one a medley. Of course this could be nothing at all like what Decca is planning for Clay. But as a starving fan, I'll grab anything these days!
  8. Saw this headline on a website this morning and had to laugh. Has Clay started a new spelling trend? Erroll Southers: WH Didn't Through Me Under The Bus I'm waiting patiently at the OFC today, with no expectations. You know the thing about water not boiling while you watch!
  9. This just keeps going on because it's NOT about the person, although some seem to want to make it so. And yes, if this had been an anonymous tweet that someone approached Clay in his seat at the theater when he was with Reed and gave him a compliment, and Clay graciously thanked the person for the compliment, and then the person tried to continue the encounter and Clay asked them to take their seat ... would people be discussing that? Hell, yeah. As for me, I merely discussed the general idea of approaching famous people and my boundary definitions. Clay has discussed people who have approached him in public and said in his own words, basically, "You can say hello to me in a restaurant, but don't pull up a chair." Now of course Clay can handle these situations, and probably will be handling these situations for the rest of his life. That's not the point. Would it be "worth it" if an uninvited fan who "pulled up a chair" at Clay's table told me Clay was wearing a red shirt or a purple shirt and was eating clams or steak? Not to me. I don't give a damn. But that's just me. To make it crystal clear, for me it's definitely about the situation and not the person in this or any other instance. In this case, I don't know the person. It's obvious that many of you do. I think the person should be out of this discussion altogether as identities are not pertinent to the subject matter. But there is subject matter.
  10. Could it be that just because the boards have lost members through fan fighting, that this doesn't necessarily extrapolate to how people feel about Clay? In 2007, I did my own unscientific survey and made it a point to meet as many people as I could at the shows I attended and asked people I chatted with where they posted, and by far the largest number of people I talked to said they left the boards and didn't post anywhere. Yet they were attending the Summer 2007 concerts and LOVED Clay. Many of them had traveled a long way. There were innumerable people who told me, to paraphrase in general, "I used to post at ________, but it got (too negative) (too clique-y) (too contentious) (too disrespectful to Clay) (too controlled by prima donnas) (you couldn't say anything nice about Clay without having to take cover) (I don't need the grief) -- take your pick I heard a lot. Some people really were, and are, here for Clay more than for other fans. ETA: Thinking about talking to fans in 2007, I'm reminded of the sweet lady in Houston who isn't on any board. She was attending all by herself that night and told me that her son had brought her and was picking her up, but he wouldn't attend as a matter of principle. She said to me, "My son is gay and he knows that Clay is gay, and he's mad at him for not coming out, so he wouldn't come with me." So maybe there will be some new audience members next tour? And some new CD purchasers?
  11. I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way. Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents. ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.
  12. My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-) My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit. Clay looks incredible in his island clothes -- and no cargos and plaid in sight. I think Clay and Reed probably do what all tourists do and give the camera to a willing stranger. That, or Jerome was taking pictures! I do see a smoking hot body under Clay's linen clothes. The upper arms and thighs are muscular, the chest and shoulders are broad, and the waist/middle is small. Has he been working out with Reed? Well, of course he's been working out with Reed, 'cause you gotta KNOW that Reed gives him a good working out and I'm not talking about in the gym or studio (necessarily). Whatever, we'll probably never see that body. Opposites attract, no doubt (didn't he do that song in the DCAT Classics?). Clay can be defined as extremely modest, and Reed flaunts his gorgeous body. My sister says he's borderline exhibitionist, and I like seeing what he's exhibiting. Clay is managing to have it all - a fulfilling love life, a beautiful son with his "dearest" friend, a long and winding road career, and the good works he spearheads for the disabled and disadvanged, while teaching understanding and giving to the healthy and wealthy. What an amazing human being he is. ETA: While I was posting this, I'm singing this song that invaded my head. "Where or When" that's a Rodgers & Hart song from the 30's or 40's and was a hit for both Dion and The Letterman in the early 60's. For those who think young people don't like classic songs, I can testify that the first time I ever heard Where or When was on the radio, while sitting in the backseat of my parent's car on the way out of town, and the cascading emotions of this song, music and lyrics, brought tears down my face, and I didn't know why. My mother turned around and was alarmed that I was crying, thinking something was wrong. I made up something because I was too embarrassed to admit that I was having an emotional reaction to a song on the radio. I was 11.
  13. My God they expect me to work today! Are they insane? After the past couple of days? You know what they say, after Monday and Tuesday it's W-T-F! Here's hoping the faboo Decca photographer takes another shot of handsome Clay to go with the Sweet-Tweet!
  14. jmh, your icon is my favorite picture from the vacation that I've seen. That FACE! That FACE! I hear a song somewhere ... That face, that face That wonderful face It shines, it glows All over the place And how I love to watch it change expressions Each look becomes the prize of my possessions I love that face, that face It just isn't fair You must forgive The way that I stare But never will these eyes behold A sight that could replace That face, that face, That face I see that face, that face Wherever I go It's here, it's there Bewitching me so It's got my crazy heart In such a tangle It drives me simply wild From any angle I love those eyes Those lips That fabulous smile She He laughs And Spring Goes right out of style And though the thrill I feel each time My fingers gently trace That face, that face, That face, that face, That face, that face So is it only me daring to speculate that Clay and Reed may have gotten married or had a commitment ceremony and St. Lucia was their honeymoon? I say that because Clay has a telltale gobsmacked honeymoon face! And now I'm hearing this song "So In Love" in my head. I know The Tymes did it. Was it the '60's? It's a radio memory somewhere in my head. As we stroll along together Holding hands, walking all alone So in love are we two That we don't know what to do So in love In a world our own As we stroll by the sea together Under stars twinkling high above So in love are we two No one else but me and you So in love So much in love We stroll along together I tell you I need you oh so much I love, love you my darling Can you tell it in my touch? When we walk down the aisle together We will vow to be together till we die So much love have we two Just can't wait to say "I do" So in love Are you and I Sometimes I think if I had stuffed fewer songs in my brain and more math facts, I could have made something of myself.
  15. Hey thanks Ameraiken! Mathematical speculation sounds a whole lot better than No shit, Sherlock! I appreciate it. Liney, I'm curious. WHICH picture? How long has it been since I EEEEE'd? Well, that's been too long. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I feel okay now.
  16. Oh honey, she needed some work. Make-up is so 25 years ago for her -- and she's got to turn around some time. The shock could kill a person! But from the rear she did fool me. Having had "flat" a/ka "no" butt all my life, I may look into that padded ass thing she had going. Of course, somebody'd probably just fall for the ass alone, and then my life would get all I Love Lucy on me. Again.
  17. I think the bolded part is another reason for your post!! I'll say it too. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm getting that old PBS taping kind of feeling! And I think you GFI'ers may be getting a little sumpin' sumpin'!
  18. By Jove, I think you've got it, wandacleo. It's exactly the same. Good work! They could be (or have been) island-hopping: Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad. I'm just thankful they didn't go to the Eastern Caribbean. I hear there was a quake in the Caymans earlier today.
  19. Maybe Reed was at the Tampa show in August, hence the "reed" quip that night. I do know that Clay was over the top with the risque-for-Clay banter at that particular show. Remember when he said someone "didn't have the balls" to tell Ruben he was gaining weight. Could the CREED relationship be one of the reasons Clay hooked up with Spamalot in the first place, so he could live in NY for a few months, advance his career, record OMWH, and live with his honey? Gee, I'd like to think so.
  20. I'm thinking about the 2007 DCAT in Tampa, the pre-TWYMMF banter, when Clay made the "be proud of your instrument" comment to the french horn player and the audience went crazy and Clay said we had dirty minds. Just after that Clay called out for the oboe player and said, "Put your reed in" and Jesse looked at Clay with the funniest look on his face. In retrospect, could that have been an intentional double entendre there? Makes me imagine that Clay and Reed could have been seeing each other more than two years. Of course, he could just be saying "put your reed in" for no meaningful reason. Still, I haven't forgotten that from sitting in the audience that night. Maybe things just got serious two years ago. Ahhh, shipping! I've missed it!
  21. When it comes to cameras .... I want a camera like the one Kareneh uses, whatever it is. Although I'm sure it's the photographer herself responsible for all those incredible photos of Clay and not necessarily the equipment. Okay, I want Kareneh's camera and LESSONS from Kareneh! And I want LadyJ's troubleshooting expertise. Apropos of nothing, but what could this be about? Yesterday I was at the drug store to pick up a prescription. There was a girl walking down the aisle in front of me -- tiny, great figure, tight black jeans with silver studs down the seams, a tight little black denim jacket and a spangled black newsboy cap over long blonde hair down to her waist, high-heel shoes, and she walked with a sexy strut. You'd think this chick was 18-19 years old, and probably a knock-out. I saw her in the store again when I was leaving, in the face, and she was at least 80 years old. I truly mean she was at least 80, no exaggeration, and in no way attractive for her age. My mother is 87 and looks at least 20 years younger than this woman. It shocked the crap out of me, because she couldn't really have that ass at her age, so does somebody sell fake butts for old ladies in tight jeans? I was just shocked at this woman trying to make herself look like a teenager with a face of heavy, criss-cross wrinkles and false teeth. I don't know why this stayed with me until today, but goodness I thought I'd seen it all, and obviously there's more to see out there. I'm all for staying and looking young, but ... GOOD LORD! As for Clay's whereabouts, maybe he's rehearsing for the PBS tapings. Are there any rumors about time and place yet? I wonder if seats will be available, or if there will be a "stealth" audience?
  22. I don't think I get what you're saying, LadyJ. Why does there need to be blame for anything? I think if there's anything to blame it could be that fans have never fully understood the Idol contract. Maybe it's the same for everybody ... we'll give you a good year of multi-million dollar promotion, and then you're on your own. I could understand that if it's actually true. Seems to me Idol always wants their new big thing to succeed wildly in Year One, and then it's on to the next big thing. It's primarily a television program selling a fortune of advertising time -- that's where they make their gazillions, not on their graduate Idols. They have a few years to reap the money they've sown in an Idol career, and then poof it's gone. Except for a few popular, talented, ambitious and hard-working few who really do make it on their own. Clay was the first. Kelly will always have AI's support because she was the show's original winner. But for Clay, I think the game plan basically worked as designed. The best part is now. All that's over for Clay and he's now the master of his universe. You know, I don't think Clay necessarily prefers covers to original songs. I just believed him when he said they aren't writing great songs for singers these days. Electronica and lip-sync and all the soundboard techniques that engineers use to create voices has been the latest trend, but I think all but the youngest these days have tired of that. It's become a grade school product. Clay wants to sing serious music for adults who appreciate his instrument, whether they be slow or fast or old or new. It doesn't matter if it's a first-class quality product that is so brilliant tears come to the eyes, or the little hairs on the back of the neck go electric. I am so sorry for people who worry that Clay is over and done because they've bought into some theory that he has to do X, Y and Z to be a big hit. The truth as I see it is that Clay is incredibly magnetic and attractive to a segment of the population who are his fans, online and off, who love him and care about his career - that is as much or more than any artist in the world can have. No matter who the preceived superstar giants are at any given time, whether Elvis, MJ, The Beatles, U2, whoever, there are literally thousands and thousands of people who can't stand them. I mean who can't abide them in ANY way. It's human nature. To let that sort of thing affect my enjoyment of what I love, it's impossible. So I do not commiserate with people who are afraid for Clay's future success, and I will scroll over angsty remarks when they become repetitive and freaked out or bored and burnt out, because to me it's just damned unfortunate that they don't grok that invisible magic Clay walks around with. I can't see it, but I'm inspired by it and thrilled by it and all kinds of stuff, and I need not know why. Because it just doesn't matter.
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