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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Stubble and freckles and green eyes! Oh yeah! This is my first SD vote, but the shirt and eye color match is TOO MUCH beauty to ignore. And that wry smile over those perfect pearly whites .... all of that.
  2. Yeah, the Isley Brothers had a big hit with Twist & Shout in 1962. The Beatles recorded it in 1963 and had a worldwide smash, with a well-known cover. There are no rules. Oh you guys are CMSU tonight. Fanagers and Fublicists -- that's hilarious. I join Luckiest at the barricades for ATDW. And what's the matter with the songs that were original? To this day my teenage granddaughters (one of whom saw him sing it) absolutely prefer A Thousand Days above all other Clay songs. Invisible is second, but not even close to A Thousand Days. My sister's No. 1 song on ATDW is These Open Arms. Mine is Right Here Waiting, because I melt at the voice, the music, the arrangement, the sound quality -- it makes me love John Fields by extension (and I heard the original after hearing Clay's version, and I can't stand it). I am the bitch of Everything I Do (I Do It For You) and IYDKMBN (you will never, never, never, never, never know me) and Without You just KILLS ME. And I still listen to it regularly because it is a first class sound recording of a true artist in his own time. I tried the hot pineapple salad. But this pickles and cake thing is where I draw the line.
  3. I think most people would be surprised to know how many hit songs they assume are original recordings, were previously recorded once, twice or even three times before. It could be that the earlier recording(s) was/were before their time. Or the earlier recordings were in a different format (country, jazz, etc.) and rearranged for a different sound. Or earlier recordings didn't capture anyone's attention and lay dormant. I especially love The Real Me, and don't give a whit* that it was recorded first by Natalie Grant. ETA: This is for the time capsule, but being an R&B lover, I definitely recall when a couple of my Rod Stewart-loving friends didn't know that "I'm Losing You" was not a Rod original. Hard to believe, but true. And not only had it been a hit five years before for the Temptations, but Rare Earth recorded it a year before Rod. People only know what they are exposed to -- and there's a big wide world of music out there. * What is a "whit" anyway? Whatever it is, I don't give one.
  4. Clay shatters tenets of the fandom every time he speaks. I don't mind telling you how much I love it. Several times back in my early days at OFC I'd make an observation and WHACK!!! it would get the machete treatment because "everybody" knows that Clay does or does not blah blah blah. Looks like Clay changes just like the rest of the world does, and that some long-held 10-Commandments-type beliefs were just wrong. I specifically recall being told that Clay didn't approve of his sexy characterization in the TITN video. Oh well. As for Clay mentioning the best songs being written before he was born .... is that even debatable? Clay was born in 1978, as was my son. My guitarist son is continually discovering music from the 60's and 70's, all written before he was born, that he has become obsessed with playing: Creedence, Page, Link Wray -- the only current music he plays are his own compositions. Many of the greatest songwriters of the 60's and 70's were dead before Clay was born, and I include Jim Croce among them. John Denver wrote the bulk of his hits before Clay was born. Almost all of Elton's big hits were written before Clay was born. And James Taylor's too. But I'm not necessarily talking about recreating the big hits -- my point is that nearly every album I own from the Glory Days contain incredible songs that remain unknown, and that I've always preferred over the famous songs still played on classic radio formats. These songs are in another league both musically and lyrically from the stuff being written today. Just my opinion, of course, but there's a backlog of great unknown music waiting to be heard. And if Clay wants to sing some of those songs, or put his unique voice to timeless classics, I can love it, for all that it's worth. So many of the songs he sang on Idol were written before he was born. Songs written BEFORE Clay was born: Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me I Can't Help Myself Grease Build Me Up Buttercup To Love Somebody Unchained Melody Solitaire Bridge Over Troubled Water Always and Forever Everlasting Love Here There & Everywhere Mack the Knife (I didn't include Vincent because Clay didn't choose that one.) Songs Written AFTER Clay was born: Open Arms (1981) At This Moment (1981) Tell Her About It (1983) Somewhere Out There (1986) Someone Else's Star (1994) I Could Not Ask For More (1999) Most of my favorites are in the BEFORE group, the glaring exception being At This Moment, which I adored. I don't know how Clay wants to market himself in the future. Whether he wants to completely divorce his career from anything Idol, or if he wants to build on it to reconnect with long-lost fans are things I'd love to know. But .... if it's the latter, I do believe that Clay could have a huge seller on his hands if he recorded full length versions of some of these songs -- like DLTSGDOM, and Mack the Knife and Buttercup and especially, ESPECIALLY, To Love Somebody. He's never recorded Unchained Melody either. Anyway, sweet pickles and chocolate cake? No thanks. I like pie. Just about any pie, except Sweet Pickle Pie.
  5. And ... I found something else of interest today. This is really something that Google was ordered to release the name of an anonymous blogger of hate speech. I'm seeing a free speech vs. decency issue here. That a federal judge issued the order means that hatemongers may be charged with slander, libel, etc. Link So word up, watch that hate speech out there, and for God's sake, STAY OUT OF WOOLWORTH!
  6. I getting myself all hepped up on Decca Label Group. Actually they are near and dear to my heart for several reasons, beginning with one of my early and lasting musical loves -- The Moody Blues. The Moodies recorded Days of Future Past (with classics Tuesday Afternoon and Nights in White Satin) on Decca. Decca put the Moodies to work with the philharmonic on an experimental fusion of guitar rock and classic orchestra, and the result was a record that's still selling 42 years on, and began a still-thriving recording and concert career for the Moody Blues. They moved on to another Decca label, Deram, and then recorded under their own Threshold label, also part of Decca. So I've loved Decca for a long time. I'm so-far impressed with the modern Decca Records as it seems to be recreating itself as a truly 21st century enterprise with a world music focus. This may be old news for those who have perused their artist pages, but I found the Gary Go page indicative of a robust promotion strategy -- and I'm very optimistic that Decca will want to introduce Clay Aiken to the whole wide world, at last! And their ensemble of artists seems to have one thing in common -- excellence, whether pop, classic, standard, avant garde, alternative ... it's all good. http://deccarecords-us.com/artist/detail.a...4&aid=97024
  7. I was drawn to #1 today, again a new picture for me. I like action shots, body shots, facial expression -- and this one fills the bill. And a new picture always gets a big ole YAY from me.
  8. Shit. I'm gonna have to NOT watch it now, because Fucking Hot-Tub Tom DeLay is on there. That evil lying thief doesn't get to stay on my TV screen longer than it takes to hit the remote control. So somebody please let me know when his sorry ass is voted off so I can start watching it this season. What a bummer, man. It was one of the few network shows I watched anymore. ETA: With his gerrymandering shenanigans of a few years ago, for which he was indicted, he was my congressman for a while -- until he quit after being indicted for a laundry list of things. Guess who my congressman is now ......... Ron Paul, better known in these parts as "The Congressman From Dow Chemical." Should I just freaking MOVE???? I mean, how many nutjobs can one constituent take. At least one that READS!!!!!
  9. I couldn't decide based on the photos of Clay himself -- so I voted for the black turtle neck over the open neck white sweater. You do what ya gotta do!
  10. If so, I guess she's dead set against it.
  11. You know, I don't have a problem with single payer -- Medicare is single payer. And I don't have a problem with socialism since Social Security and Medicare are basically socialism. But ..... I'm going to have to look into this pubic option. Sounds a bit kinky. Of course it would depend on the pubes in question, wouldn't it?
  12. How young was he? Hey I still think he's young since he's the same age as my son! Anyway, just judging by the pictures themselves, how could it be other than #1? He looks DIVINE!
  13. awwwwwwww ausdon, you just made my day! Thanks for the flattery. So much of the time I type what I type and read it myself later. I'm pretty sure that's not wisdom, but thank's anyway.
  14. Hey kids, I've tried to steer clear of getting into politics with the outside world since the election -- but I can't resist sharing these pictures from the protests. The first one is wonderful -- and was taken outside the New Hampshire town hall meeting yesterday. Enlarge it to clearly read the sign of the guy in the middle. I think I love him. Almost as good is that guy in his confederate pajamas with the sign "Abolish Federal Government" -- and the guy next to him holding the sign "We the People" are the Government" -- it just speaks for itself. And now for some others:
  15. The 2006 scandal/JP crap. I can't even acknowledge that there was a scandal. The rumors of Clay's career being upended by the "mess" was always a non-issue to me. Only when I joined the online fandom in early June 2006 (after AI5 finale) did I hear about this "mess," which I truly believe was only an issue between the online fans and the internet haters (and I do believe there are online haters working against every celebrity, every cause, every sports team -- you name it.) Anyway, I too had to ask what was the "mess" after I joined the fan club. It just wasn't out there in the big world like so many assume it was. Nobody I knew in my whole life ever mentioned anything to do with it. I don't live in a cave, I read newspapers and magazines and watch TV and have been on the internet since 1995, but the "mess"age never got through to me, or anyone I knew at the time. To me, the true mess was that some fans allowed themselves to become reactionary and turned inside out by a disgusting creepy crawler and some flying monkeys whose reason to exist can probably be summed up as follows: Promulgate fear, doubt and loathing for anything positive and good, and by any means necessary stamp out joy before it spreads. I think if they had a mission statement it would be something like that. Personally, I don't think it was necessary or advantageous to even acknowledge such pathetic low-lifes. I try to make it a point never to be stirred by shit-stirrers. Even though I can't stop what they do and what they say, I believe they get away with nothing because living within themselves has to be a horrible experience, and punishment plenty. However, that being said .... Fuck 'em and the frog they rode in on.
  16. I was just reading the Idol Chatter at USA Today -- which I haven't done for probably a year, or nearly so. Anyway, there were some comments that surprised me and I thought I'd mention it here just because I found it of interest. It seems that radio play is not what it used to be (which I've believed to be true for several years actually just based on the crappy sound of what's on the radio), but the fans of Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks and even Daughtry are puzzled as to why their albums haven't sold as expected, especially with radio hits on them. Someone mentioned that Kelly's latest probably won't sell as well as My December and there is concern that she'll part ways with RCA next year; Jordin's Battlefield single was apparently all over the radio, yet only 77,000 albums sold; and Daughtry is under 500,000 for his highly anticipated latest. And, he's touring in rock clubs that only hold a couple hundred customers. He can't be making much money at that. Things are baaaaaad out there for the artists. The AI tour is doing the same business as last year -- five sellouts and overall attendance at about 80% capacity, which is very good in this climate, as most concerts are selling in the 60% range (or so says Idol Chatter). Anyway, if EVER there was a good time for Clay to be out of the spotlight and reinventing or whatever is going on behind the scenes, now is the perfect time. Clay will be stepping back on the stage with new music at what now seems to be a time next spring when the economy will be back on track, and people should be ready to open those wallets and spend some money on entertainment. Things are rocky at best in the music world right now, but I believe that Clay is very well situated for the proverbial shot out of a cannon next year. I can be as patient as I need to be, but with our talk here about his TV appearances this morning, is it too much to hope for a late night chat with Jimmy in the near future? I just want to see him speak and smile and stuff!
  17. I didn't see haunted at all. I saw hotter'nhell and cuter'n a speckled pup.
  18. He does have sad eyes there, but maybe because he was singing "Without You" which is an intense song. I don't think he was otherwise sad because the sit down with Jay was hilarious and included some of my favorite chat -- like "if I have to MAKE the sandwich" and when he talked about the "twisty-ties" on the bread - and telling his Mom he wanted Ruben to sing at his funeral because he thought he was dying from bird flu. One of my very favorite talk show performances -- and he looked mahvelous! In fact, I've loved all the Tonight Show appearances. He's laugh out loud funny. With a few Kimmel exceptions (notably September 2006), maybe his funniest ones of all. My DIL who is not a huge fan of singer Clay, but a solid fan of comedian Clay, thinks the May 2008 Tonight Show was his very best and funniest ever. And she's seen just about everything he's done on late night TV. She thought he was way more entertaining than Jack Black, and she's a JB fan. So did I, of course, but I certainly wasn't watching for Jack!
  19. Hope you thoroughly enjoyed your day, Cha Cha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I signed up at the Decca website and got an email from them that Gary Go's single "Wonderful" is the free download of the week on iTunes -- nice promotion that may pay off handsomely for this energetic pop tune. I like it.
  20. I probably don't need to say anything, right? Except that I am printing out one of those pictures to carry in my bag at all times as a example of head to toe stylistic perfection in the art of taking the breath away.
  21. #1 for obvious reasons -- he's walking on air, and the Clay Nation is also walking on air since yesterday. I love the movement in that picture -- another one I had not seen before. This contest is providing a motherlode of goodness. Thanks, LdyJ!
  22. Ahem, being not a big fan of a certain song beloved by so many in the fandom ..... I'll remain focused on details to come
  23. Oh no, I LOVE that movie - will start watching it if I find in playing no matter where it is. Have you seen it on the Starz channels yet? I caught a version that was different than the DVD. It had more scenes! Sad, I suppose that I know this, but Shades did a stint on ER as Abby's brother, then was on a short lived series called Saved where he was a paramedic (it was on TNT I think) and now is on Southland (the show that took ER's timeslot). Thanks for the information. I've never watched Southland, but I will now. I loved Shades, and Liv Tyler. Well, at least we know now that "soon" actually meant soon, and not the soon of Clay's historical definition, so maybe there's a press release coming from Universal/Decca with "more details" and it's coming "soon" enough that we should keep checking. And .... maybe somebody's doing a story on it? Now that's not too much to ask, is it? I had no doubt that Clay would be recording a new album after RCA. But learning that he's now signed a record deal and is on the roster with Universal, I am ecstatic. I see this as Clay's opportunity to go global. Let me say it again ..... YIPPEE!!!!! Oh Happy Day!!! (Thanks, spikesmom!)
  24. Well, they managed to keep a secret for once! The last time, I'm sure was just to read birthday wishes for Parker though. That's awesome to hear! I went through the list... Artists listed that canfly has heard of: * Andrea Bocelli * Boyz II Men * Branford Marsalis Quartet * Placido Domingo * Roy Hargrove (have heard the name but don't know a thing about him. Do I know any of his songs?) * Ladyhawke (sounds familiar but no idea if I know any of her/their music) * One Flew South (name sounds familiar but that's it) * Proclaimers, The (ditto) * Boz Scaggs (have heard the name. Is he country?) * John Scofield (name sounds familiar but that's it) * Sting (Yeah BAYBEE!!!) * The Waterboys (name sounds familiar) OK...so in summary, off of that list, other than people like * Andrea Bocelli * Branford Marsalis Quartet * Placido Domingo I really only KNOW music by Boyz II Men and Sting. Looks like a really small company, so that means lots of attention and if it's good enough for Boyz II Men and Sting...then that's GOOD. Boz Scaggs is a Texas jazz/rock/blues/musician/singer -- he was a part of David Foster & Friends last year -- had a hit with Foster's "Look What You've Done To Me" back in the 80's (from Urban Cowboy, I think). He also had big hits with "Lowdown" and "Lido" -- but unless you're into 70's music that would mean nothing to you. Here's a youtube of Scaggs doing his Lowdown, his biggest hit in the 70's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afBdFyE7PeE...feature=related He did a pure blues album back in the 90's that was one of the best of all time. The Waterboys are an Irish band. Some may be familiar with Fisherman's Blues -- which I have loved with all my heart since first hearing because it always makes me feel happy. It's been in the soundtrack of a lot of movies -- Waking Ned Devine, for one. Ladyhawke is Austrialian? New Zealander maybe? Anyway she had that song Paris Is Burning last year. Rufus Wainwright, I really love. Here's a youtube of Rufus singing Across the Universe with Sean Lennon last year. I think Rufus sang Across the Universe in the I Am Sam movie. Roy Hargrove is a Grammy-winning jazz trumpeter. The Proclaimers are a Scottish band - and are touring America next month. This label doesn't seem to have the one-hit-wonders (see I tied this in with That Thing You Do, which I love -- and by the way whatever happened to Shades?). Anyway, these artists seems to be the "musicians' musicians" -- not the "turn on the autotune and grab the money" folks. I love it tremendously. Speaking of autotune, the radio this morning was playing Britney Spears' actual singing in concert before it went through autotune - could be a career-ender if it actually is her voice croaking into the magic microphone.
  25. Me tooooooooo. Love him! Glad to see the Couch Tomato all sweet, vine-ripened and ready to go again!
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