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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Oh, please, let me help you. I SO HOPE Clay starts dating publicly (probably won't happen). It would do my heart good to see some of these people just crap themselve. Me too. But I have a feeling that Clay will remain private with his life. He said people don't want this stuff in their faces, or something like that, and I think Clay himself prefers to keep his life private, and not because he's hiding but because he's a private person. Nobody knew much about Paul Newman's private life, because he was a private man. I saw an interview replayed with Paul Newman last night and the interviewer asked him why he believed his marriage had been so successful, and Paul said that he wasn't comfortable talking about his marriage in interviews. Period. Wouldn't do it. Of course, if Clay is in a relationship, I'd love to see them out to dinner, at a premiere, etc. You just crack me up. I'll fight 'em with you! See it all comes back to the me, me, me syndrome. I've said my piece, bye bye, oh but wait I really have to tell you more about how I feel, bye bye, oh just one more thing about me and then I really am outta here! Oh but.......... Go already! I'm sorry but I'm running short on sympathy for those people. If what he is is so abhorrent to you then why are you sticking around? It's sure as heck not to work it out because you have already said you can't tolerate it. Leave room for those that are struggling and coming to terms with it. Man, I never had any sympathy for pseudo-religious hate, and as far as my own religion goes, I'll be praying those stupid bitches leave for good. I understand everyone has a right to vent and blow, but I have as much sympathy for a religious bigot as for any other kind -- nada. I remember when the courts ruled that the American Nazi Party had a constitutional right to march through a Jewish neighborhood. They had the right to march, but no right to sympathy or respect from anyone. I find bigots to be frightening people, and I'm related to some, and most of them are multi-facted bigots, they don't hate just one thing, one group, one ideology, they hate a lot. I try to talk to myself and tell me that it's all ignorance and if you don't engage the ignorant they'll never learn, but that's just not my calling so I leave that to others gifted in such "outreach." It made me physically ill reading slop at OFC. Okay, I already have bronchitis, but this made it worse! I quit reading yesterday morning because although I like a good back and forth, I know the difference in swimming with sharks and drowning in bile. And, I realize I don't fit into the discussion anywhere. I haven't had this long period of investment in "straight Clay" because by the time I got here, there was a raging controversy in some quarters and I quickly established in my mind that it was a ridiculous battle between people who were too damn interested in somebody else's personal sex life. When Clay said people will believe what they want, I chose to believe that he was straight without being invested in believing it, because I realized he wasn't committing himself to any point of view. That was indeed obvious to me. I didn't need one thing or the other to be true to be a fan; it was always immaterial for me. Now I'm just happy to my soul that Clay doesn't have to hide, mince words, walk a tightrope, and all those things that people shouldn't have to do in life. He's a hot patootie to me. Always has been and I'm sure he always will be. He wouldn't be the first gay guy I was hot for so I'm not embarrassed to lust after him one little bit. I would throw that skinny ass down! And I'm proud to admire the stuffings out of this man who is ever wise, gorgeous, generous, thoughtful, caring, funny, clever, charming, entertaining, fascinating, magical and mega-talented. He's just the incredible Clay that I love!
  2. So, anybody else notice Waldo in the People picture? Or am I the only perve left?
  3. Walt Whitman Oscar Wilde Gertrude Stein Cole Porter Leonardo Da Vinci Tchaikovsky Clay Aiken
  4. I know there was some discussion about when Jaymes and Clay met when the tabloids in May said they met on Idol. Everyone assumed that was another tabloid misstatement of fact, but that seems to have held up in just about everything I've read. Then on GMA this morning, Diane said that Clay and Jaymes met five years ago. So, I guess they did meet each other on Idol, and that they were already friends obviously had a lot to do with her becoming his EP and eventually his BEST friend. I've read enough at OFC to last me awhile. See, I get the point of letting people vent and question and work through their issues, and I'm fine with that. The problem I have is with the ones who have been bitching for years, about any and everything, and who were nasty, obnoxious and accusatory to Jaymes and about Clay. I wanted to bitchslap a couple of them myself. I'm sure that it didn't escape Jaymes that these were mostly the same old malcontents, with fresh poison to spew, The sad point is, none of the troublemakers are going to leave. They are going to stay and continually bitch that Clay isn't giving them enough special attention. The egos are just astounding. My strong feeling is that most of the ones struggling will see this through and come out of it fine, because really nothing has changed about Clay. It's perceptions that have changed and people have different timetables in coming to terms with them. But just wait until we get word that he's going to be on Kimmel and see how fast those tickets are snapped up. Moths to the flame, baby. The ones Clay will lose are the ones who think that he's now doomed to hell and that they are doomed if they support him -- they believe they are doing this for the love of Jesus. And they don't see it as homophobic at all, but see it as being a servant of the Lord. They are unreachable unless they begin to question such beliefs. At the core is this ... they think it's a choice, like Clay just decided to be gay. Those who believe he chose this, in opposition to God, have to leave, or evolve. I hope to God they evolve. Hey, that's my new mantra .... Leave or Evolve! Ha!
  5. That was SO deserved for a couple of the usual suspects -- chronic complainers obsessed with the sound of their own whining.
  6. Shall we become honorary gay men? I'll need new clothes. And a cool hat.
  7. Okay ya'll stand in line for Jaymes. I'm still in the Clay line, in case he changes his mind. Even if he's just being "naked" that's enough for me. Wow, that little Parker! Having Jaymes and Clay as parents, that is going to be one incredible kid.
  8. I don't know, luckiest. I believed you when you said you weren't going to post. How can I ever trust you again?
  9. I admit it. I lied to my mother when she asked me if I was having sex with my boyfriend when I was 17 because I didn't think it was any of her business. I'm pretty sure that I'd have lied about it on national TV, too. No stone-throwing here. I just wish the truth loving American people were as upset about George W. Bush telling blatant lies to start a disastrous war causing unimaginable death and destruction. If that wasn't impeachable, then by contrast neither Clay nor I have ever stretched the truth at all.
  10. I wonder if Clay has turned the corner on love songs. MOAM was love songs, ATDW was love songs, and much of OMWH is about failed relationships and broken hearts. Now I listen to songs on ATDW and OMWH and realize that being in the closet was probably very costly for him in the love department -- lots of lamenting and aching and loss in those songs. Now that he's out, I'm wondering if he'll move away from the emphasis on pure love songs, and more into a People Who Need People genre, not that song specifically, but you know what I mean. Actually I'd like to see Clay do an album of "old" Broadway songs that may be unknown to most younger people, with a modern twist on them. Speaking of Sammy Davis, Jr., songs like What Kind of Fool Am I? Huge songs, glory songs, Clay songs. Also, maybe he'll feel freer to loosen up and have more fun in the recording studio and do something funky.
  11. Clay is so right about the generational divide. I think it's only older people with wrongheaded ideas about "choice" that are the problem. To younger people, and most women, it's a non-issue. I'm struggling too. Struggling with how to remain non-violent in the face of raw, naked ignorance.
  12. I saw something on the OFC last night ... that Clay seemed very happy during the curtain call last night, even more so than the previous night. At SD, Jerome came out, spotted the Rotsies (Razis?) who were hanging back trying to be obscure, gave an indication that Clay would come out, went back in and they soon left by another exit. I don't think Clay wants to give TMZ a single look. I have a feeling that SD is more likely to happen when there's a weekend crowd there and a horde of Clay fans can take care of those guys.
  13. I loved that PrimeTime redux moment when Diane said she didn't believe him, and Clay laughed and said 'you never believe me." About the 'no declaration' comment, maybe Clay means that the focus for him is being a father with no secrets, and coming out as a gay man is just a part of that process, rather than a grand announcement of sexual orientation that stands alone. In other words, that without Parker, Clay may never have gone public with this. That's all I can think of. But I loved the interview. He has a great relationship with Diane.
  14. Surviving the money crisis? I heard Colbert say that we should diversify: Bury your money in the backyard AND stuff some in the mattress. The debate is tomorrow night. McCain said he was suspending his campaign and wants to postpone the debate. Obama said that the president must be able to handle more than one thing at at a time, that this is the perfect time to discuss the issues, and that he will be at Ole Miss tomorrow night ready to debate. The "inside baseball" buzz is that the McCain campaign is trying to postpone this debate because the rescheduling in a very tight timeframe for the scheduled debates would necessitate canceling the VP debate. I think the bottom line here is that the McCain campaign realizes that Palin is not ready for prime time and this is a tactic to move that trainwreck off the table. I heard one of the political analysts on TV this morning say that he thinks there's a 70% chance the foreign policy debate will happen tomorrow night. Just saw Clay on GMA. The part that caught me was when he mentioned how stubborn he is and that he's always believed he can handle anything. And I think he probably can! But WTF is up with E? I saw a promo yesterday with Ryan and his cohort on their gossip show and they said they will have an interview with Clay Aiken's former lover today. Again, WTF is that? That swamp thing?
  15. This stuff about born again Christians .... you mean it's not about out of body experiences?
  16. Me too. It's downright inspiring. I hope Clay is ebullient today. He should be what with losing the weight of the world and the fans being very loving and supportive. I love that he was "speechless" last night after being on the People Magazine thread for a long time. I like interesting relationships. My sister had an iunusual living arrangement after she divorced. She shared a house with her ex-husband's first wife -- they had known each other in high school. Each of the ex-wives had a son with the man (a deadbeat) and they wanted the half-brothers to get to know each other and be real brothers, since both were only children of their mothers with four years difference in their ages. It worked fabulously. Both women remarried after about 5 years of this arrangement, but the brothers remain very close as adults. At the time, everyone thought it was a crazy deal, but it wasn't crazy at all. Just creative.
  17. I totally agree with that. Love is bigger than sex ... and usually lasts a lot longer when sex is not involved. As for the religious discussion, St. Paul never married, seemed to harangue against marriage and fornication an awful lot, and traveled around with men. (I really piss off my mother with that one!) You can make a case for just about anything, and the only things worth making a case for, IMO, are kindness, tolerance, charity --- and love seems to encompass all of that. That's the world according to me. That, and the most meaningful morsel of knowledge that man can know in my estimation .... that the more we know the more we realize our ignorance. And that's all I've got. I Promise.
  18. Yes, it's the easiest thing in the world to love Clay Aiken. Very simple and beautiful stuff. KAndre, I have a feeling that those front row seats won't get any easier to obtain. I think merrieeee may be right that we're going to be swimming in a bigger fan pool. Something tells me that Clay could blow up bigger than Elvis on this. Come on, guys, you know I dream big! Just imagine if this frees Clay to continue reinventing himself and performing with every ounce of his heart and with renewed energy and confidence -- no more panic attacks in real life (hopefully), but maybe an extra bodyguard or two because people just want to touch him. That's our guy. Everyone has been talking about the good old days of magazine covers and being in the public consciousness. Here it is, Bigger than ever. And he's starring, starring now, on Broadway in a show where he's demonstrated he's a box office bonanza. Also, about the cover "Yes, I'm Gay" while holding Parker, I think this is an intertwined process. My thoughts are that People offered Clay a boatload of riches for the exclusive of the baby and the announcement. It's a publicity coup for People and a trust fund for Parker. I would also expect a nice chunk of fortune to go into TBAF. Don't we all know this particular magazine is going to be HUGE seller? I think the editors at People know it too. But I think his coming out and introducing his baby boy are part of the same process and in that regard I find it completely natural. And regardless of his sexual orientation and preferences -- mine includes finding him extremely sexy and completely adorable. And that's the way it is.
  19. so, IIU is back??? It will never go awaaaaaayyyyy .... Seriously, I don't know who Clay sleeps with, but when I go to bed his pictures are on my wall (see below) and he's still gorgeous. And I still love him. IIU, makes no difference to me, other than I want that man happy!
  20. Claymatron, we like the same kind of look on a man, honey. And then there's this guy .... this Dude of Self-Knowing Hotness ....
  21. Thanks, Fear. I just love that so much! Now, I'm not much of a technical expert on Photobucket -- is there a way to save that to my hard drive? I may want it right on my desktop to watch several thousand times or more. Not that I'm obsessed or anything.
  22. If you do find it on YouTube let me know. I can download it and convert it and all that good stuff ... if I could just FIND it. I love the devilish look he has in that one. So damned CUTE!
  23. I wrote one letter one time -- to American Idol the day after the AI2 Finale. I told them I was unable to get a line to vote for Clay during the entire evening, and that I'd never vote for another contestant on their show ever, ever again. And I haven't. Tizzy? Is that like a Hissy? Fear ... Your sis has kicked the ball to you on "I Love You, Diane" -- although I agree it should be her deal all the way! Ha! You two, I'm trying to come up with a combined sisters name --- Fear of Playing? Play in H20? Waterbill?
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