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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Couchie, all my best thoughts for a swift Christmas recovery for MamaCouchie! I missed the birthdays yesterday, but have a great Birthday Week, wandacleo! Yesterday was Beethoven's birthday, too. My ultimate classic idol. Speaking of Idol -- read yesterday that the 8th season of AI is going to emulate the 2nd season, and is resurrecting the Wild Card. IMO, the only thing Idol could do to bring back the Magic of Season 2, would be to bring back Clay himself. Add me to the list of Richard Chamberlain lovers. I remember in elementary school we were divided over Ben Casey and Dr. Kildare. I was a Dr. Kildare fan. And then Shogun totally KILLED me. The final night of that show, I cried and cried. Anjin-san!
  2. Hey Clay! How does it feel to be loved and desired by men and women of all ages across the country???
  3. mmmmmmkay! Just twist my arm a little .... ooooo ooooo
  4. Here's an album cover I'm rather partial to: Oh Lord, now I've gotten into my photobucket -- and I have 59 albums of Clay categorized. Once I get in there I'm done for the night. AND WITH APOLOGIES TO MERRIEEEE! merrieeee, do you still have Zuzu's petals? I do.
  5. That reminds me of this::::: Thanks for that, bottle and chach! When I first saw it I was on the verge of thinking ... what does that remind me of? ... and before I could form the thought, you had it! I love that.
  6. Wow! I just watched the E replay of THS Clay Aiken and I thought it was fabulous. They put Clay snack dab in the middle of the E Channel A List. I missed it last night because I was working, but when I came in the DIL was all over me about it. She (the consummate modern pop fan) was effusive about the show -- said I have to watch it, that I'd love it. Well I saw the replay just ended and I did adore it. I had the armor on with all the talk about Holleman and JP, but the former was never identified as anything other than a home town person, and the latter was on for less than a minute and was described as someone who wrote an internet story about an alleged encounter with Clay, and he then spoke to being victimized by vigilante Claymates and that was it. Nothing reflected badly on Clay; in fact, most of all the show reflected Clay's positive nature and big heart, humility and humor. I thought it was lovely, actually. I enjoyed hearing Terrence Mann discuss the dramatic difference between the 12-year-old Clayton Grissom he directed, who was truly invisible, and the Clay Aiken he saw in Spamalot whose presence filled the theatre. I thought Ricky Smith was very sweet. KG professed her love. They showed long-hair Clay from DOOL and the AMAs. I loved the quote from Randy Jackson when Clay came out ... "I'm so happy for Clay. Now he's free." The downer parts of the show were in the first half, discussing him being a lonely, self-effacing child with a sad demeanor. But with Idol he rose like the Phoenix and has been soaring ever higher. They did mention that Clay's foundation and future is in singing great, classic songs and that this was underscored with the Jukebox Tour and A Thousand Different Ways. They gave a plug for "The Real Me" as Clay singing about becoming the same person inside and out without wearing a mask any longer, and presented him as an amazing talent and inspiring human being. If there was a downside to this, I missed it. Personally, I think it's not such a bad thing to give this program a hit when it comes around. I thought it was like a commercial for Clay Aiken. There wasn't a bad picture or clip shown. He was gorgeous throughout -- except for some of the pre-Idol pictures, and those just illuminated the dramatic breakthough he experienced in the twinkling of an eye. It ended with plaudits for Spamalot, and for Clay's fans who are always with him. What's not to love? As far as the show not including Kimmel, and no singing clips (other than the end of Finale BOTW), this show was just the same as all other episodes of THS I've seen. Personally, I would have liked to have seen some of the AI5 Finale, but I guess that goes without saying. Oh well, they did show a couple of pictures from it. Usually you don't get one of these shows unless you've died an early/tragic death, or suffered a career-ending scandal, or you're a huge star with an interesting story. I think for Clay this was ALL good. I had a feeling at the end that the past has been prologue, and that Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door. Sure makes me wish I were in NY seeing Spamalot with that incredible, magnificent star, Clay Aiken. Have a ball, you lucky (and Luckiest) FCAers!!!!!
  7. Because global warming causes both extreme heat and extreme cold! Oh my god it's snowing. It's really really snowing in MY area. I can understand the North Side, but over here at the Bay?????? It's stunningly beautiful in the lights with these gigantic flakes floating in the night air. What a fabulous lightshow! It has blanketed the ground and trees and cars and I LOVE IT! Wow, how unexpected. How different. Now back to Clay. He sure is captivating my mind these days. And in a way that puts a big smile on my face. I feel so thoroughly happy for him. This has to be a banner year in his life, five years after Idol. I remember in 2003 when he said, "nobody knows what happens to idols after five years." Well, we know what happens to Clay Aiken after five years!! I'm so happy for him I feel like I'm in love too. And it's SNOWING!!!!!!!!
  8. WhatsamattaME? I must be one loonie chick because I find political scandals way, WAY more interesting than celebrity scandals. Political scandals ... people are indicted and end up in prison. Celebrity scandals ... people are busted and end up in rehab. Oops, 'scuse me, I hear that different drummer marching through....
  9. Isn't that the truth! I really hope there isn't an involuntary negative fan reaction everytime Clay is mentioned in tabloids, because he has been, and he will continue to be in the future. As long as it's good, happy stuff, I'm alright with it. It's not like we have the power to shut them down. The gossip rags are a fact of modern celebrity that will eventually pass, but we're in the throes of it now. And so you understand that I'm a realist and not an enabler, I believe they are basically extortionists -- you throw them a bone, or pay the price. I've wondered if the worsening economy might put a lid on the demand for some of this. Maybe people in serious situations won't really give a damn who or what celebrities are doing. Or maybe it will have the opposite effect, who knows? But, given the situation of the Star source, it's comforting that the story is that Clay has a cute, interesting, and talented boyfriend. And I think they look great together. I don't have any illusions that this guy is The One, or that it will last a long time, but I'm willing to enjoy thinking about Clay loving someone and being loved in return. I can easily do that.
  10. Do we have some idea that it's not true that Clay and Reed were together at the Rosie affair? Or that they didn't attend Spring Awakening together? All I know is what I read here, so I really have no idea if either notion is true. However, if those things happened, and Clay and Reed were demonstrably together in public, I don't understand how that is prying into private lives. As for "evidence" or "proof" I suppose the only chance of that is if Clay is asked about it and responds. That being said, the idea of the two of them together, and happy, makes me smile.
  11. BWAH! merrieee! I caught myself thinking the very same thing! I guess we can be incorrigible together! (Does that mean that you love ME, too, keepingfaith? I've read somewhere that a suggestion for this pairing is the Relay! heh.... You know it, Sweetie! Unrepentant and incorrigible are two of the most attractive qualities a woman can possess! Just thinkin' -- they can RAISE beautiful babies together. Dude must have passed the interview with Jaymes.
  12. But are they Cleed or Creed? Can't be Clelly! Maybe AIKELLY?
  13. You are incorrigible, merrieeee. I think that's why I love ya so much! As to the conversation about the Star and the tabloidy stuff -- I've said it before and I'll say it again. The media is ALL tabloid these days. Remember when Clay got after the Newsweek interviewer? You can get truth and lies and all points between from the NYTimes or National Enquirer. The Enquirer was the single source on the John Edwards scandal. They were right. TMZ turned out to be right about Jaymes and Clay expecting a baby. The NYTimes was dead wrong about weapons of mass destruction. That one cost untold thousands of lives. There are no unimpeachable sources -- no paragons of journalistic integrity. It pains me, because righteous journalism is near and dear to my heart, but Whore Journalism and Propaganda Journalism is where we've been for a good while now, and I keep waiting for the paradigm shift, but not holding my breath. In the meantime, I read the whoring and propangandizing and edit with my brain. I can't get worked up to cull information from a stack of tainted sources and designate as either True or False. At this point, it is what it is .... Gossip. Believe it or don't believe it ... it's what passes for entertainment in a time when talent runs thin. Anyway, as long as people care who Clay is seeing, or who he broke up with, or who he's rumored to be involved with, etc. etc., then we'll read stuff about it. If nobody cares, Clay will have all the privacy in the world. But is that what he really wants? I know we want him to be known primarily for his amazing talent and wish that when he's mentioned on tabloid shows that it would be about promoting his next/latest/whatever album, but they do that stuff rarely, and Clay's had a good slice of good PR on those shows. His last ET was wonderful, I thought. So I'm not into the Clay Is Persecuted thing at all, because I think he's had a charmed career so far. I think things have changed dramatically with Clay coming out. Where he once was hiding his romantic associations, he doesn't need to do that anymore since he has nothing at all to hide. Sometimes I think we are stuck, collectively, in an old mindset where privacy was a code word for closet. I hope that if Clay has a boyfriend he would be proud to show him off -- and to be shown off, for that matter. Anyway, I am so happy for Clay these days. If Reed is his guy, it's great for me. He's a darling guy with incredible eyes ... and he's so mmmmm ... flexible. Let the fic begin!
  14. That's on the AI Phenomenon special -- Nigel says that about watching Clay sing DLTSGDOM during the Wild Card -- something like "you knew you were watching a star."
  15. See? It's catchy, isn't it? LOL CM comes in whistling.... Good morning, starshine. The earth says "hello", you twinkle above us, we twinkle below.... Whatever made me think of that!!! Oh now you've got me! Gliddy glub gloopy Nibby nabby noopy La la la lo lo Sabba sibby sabba Nooby abba nabba Le le lo lo Tooby ooby walla Nooby abba naba Early morning singing song SD pics at OFC? Time to pay a little visit.
  16. Sounds... hot!!! And you know we can re-create one of the JNT's in your media room... take your pick -- Long Island, West Point, Red Bank, Minneapolis 1&2, Merrillville? KF -- please try to make it. No one else will use the hot tub with me in December! Oh, I wouldn't miss it. It could be 20 degrees, or 85 degrees, who knows? But I love a hot tub in December, YAY! What do you mean no one else will use the hot tub? I understand about the 80 Degree Club members, but heck it may BE 80 degrees! You take it correctly, Pilgrim. Most excellent idea. A Clay Partay for Christmas with the eHP!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (to plagierize the hostess a bit). And I just have one other thing to say: Nabba dabba dabba doobie...doobie scoobie doobie scooba...Nabba dabba dabba doobie...doobie scoobie doobie scooba... and scooba dabba doobie DAB!!
  17. Ahayahayamen! Thank you couchie. I've read around a bit today (BAD LDYJ! BAD!!), and I've seen it said that the fans will drive other fans away from Clay. But, to me, it gives way too much power to the fans, and not nearly enough power to Clay's talent and ability. Sure, there are bullies in this fandom -- but as Clay did in his life, ignoring them seems to work best (as well as not taking them personally). As the old saying goes, don't let the turkeys get you down. Turkeys? I thought the old saying was BASTARDS!!! At least according to Kris Kristofferson it is. But I stand with every word you said. What makes anyone think that leaving the boards means leaving Clay. I met a good number of people during the DCAT who told me they were on the boards at one time, but dropped off because of the covers controversy in 2006. They were still at the DCAT in 2007. And I was a Clay fan from 2003-06, but not on any message boards. I posit that Clay has more fans OFF the boards than on. The fan power-tripping delusions are sickening to me, which is why I don't even know about that stuff anymore unless it's discussed here. Thanks merrieeee for letting me know when there's a blog, contest, or something special at OFC! I just can no longer bear to read the postings of a few vocal fans who don't think Clay could have a career without them. It just blows my mind that people need attention, approval, acceptance, or whatever that is, from internet boards. Me too, me too. Isn't that the proudly naked pop star Brokkley Spears? I have one recommendation today .... go watch this video: Prop 8: The Musical. It's a SCREAM! http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff...d-rashida-jones
  18. Libras adore him too! Twinkling stunning. Thank you so much.
  19. I'm barely keeping up with this board, so I guess it's a gift that I'm missing the Pavlovian responses to "covers" at other places. So another covers album? I've got only one thing to say about that ----- Motown. Well, five words, Oh God Please Soul Music! I'm not going to be restrictive to Motown, because I love the Memphis and Gulf Coast R&B sounds just as much. I'm not worried about a rerun of 2006. I can't believe that could ever happen again. Didn't most everyone wise up -- eventually -- to the inside information wannabe conspiracies? So people are clinging to discredited, and borderline paranoic, reaches of the imagination regarding Clay's career? Fuck 'em running. I don't agree that it will be a long time before we get new music. Apparently Clay and Jaymes are already discusing it. It seems that the big hits ride for a very long time to squeeze out every bit of juice, but disappointments are followed up quickly, and usually with a big contrast in style or direction. The specific comment about CDs versus downloads was interesting. It would certainly quicken the finished product if music were released via digital download exclusively. Instead of making deals with Walmart, artists can just put it out there. At this point, I don't know what record companies have to offer except front money and promotion. If an artist has his own money to record and his own management team to generate adequate publicity, and a good deal with iTunes and Rhapsody, who needs a stickin' label? Anyway, whatya gonna put a label on if it's a download? *g* As to my late and thumbnail reviews of all things Clay: The Rosie show sucked badly for me. If I had not been tuned in expressly for Clay, I would have never made it through the opening number with Liza Minnelli, who in the immortal words of Oscar Levant has a vibrato in search of a voice, singing with Rosie, who can't carry a tune in a bucket. And the chit-chat smelled like awards show banter, without any awards. I wouldn't have made it any further without the promise of Clay. So after Clay was on -- and I loved his comment about Gabriel Byrne because I, too, love The Usual Suspects -- I did click over to something else. So no one knows how to produce a decent variety show these days? I remember so many good ones, including Saturday Night at the Palladium, that were classy and funny and superbly entertaining. The Smothers Brothers were the absolute best ever, because they were cutting edge topical, screamingly funny, and delivered the talent that everyone wanted to see, including The Beatles, The Who, The Doors, Harry Belafonte, Steppenwolf, Donovan, and George Harrison solo. But what they had that made the difference were young, creative writers -- Steve Martin, Albert Brooks, Rob Reiner, Don Novello, and older creative writers -- Tommy Smothers and Pat Paulsen. Rosie badly needed good writers for her show because it sort of looked like she was trying to wing it out there. Apparently it didn't get any better after I tuned out. I watched the parade clack before I read anything about it, and I really didn't notice anything strange about his hair at all. I did notice the eyeliner, though. And I don't mind it at all. It gives him that hot goth look that seems to be in these days. I see so many celebrities at big events in extravagant clothes and jewelry, with hairstyles that are screaming for a brush and comb, so it doesn't mean much to me if Clay's hair is assymetrical, or too flat, or too sticky outy, because modern styles are extremely unkempt and oddly shaped. Sometimes I think we do sound like a bunch of old ladies with old fashioned ideas about what's hip and cool. I really have no preference between OMWH hair, or last Christmas tour hair, or Thanksgiving Parade hair. I do have a preference for Clay's favorite hair, though. And if he should ever decide that it's time to hire a hair stylist, I'll look forward to a return of that too-sexy AIW look. So, I guess he really did like the bangs, even though I was told so many times by fans that he didn't keep that hairstyle because he hated the bangs. I wish he loved it enough to learn how to fix it himself, because I'm pretty hooked on it as the ultimate, most flattering, sexiest Clay look ever. Fixing your own hair has to be easier than learning guitar, so I hope he maybe starts practicing a little. FYI: I watched the David Foster & Friends show on PBS tonight, for the first time. David really has it going on. This is his time all right. Great show, although I had to turn it off before Josh Groban finished singing You Raise Me Up, because I have a strict two-song limit with Josh before he starts getting on my nerves. I really don't understand it, but two songs are okay and the third one is always well past my tolerance level. I watched Motown clack tonight on You Tube and am still reveling in its fabulosity .... but there's no indication of the venue on this one linked below. Anybody recognize it? There are some jumpy places in the video so I'd like to know the venue and get a better version from the clack sites, if possible. Lord knows Scarlett is never going to render the Motown for me! Yet I love her. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBc68fip0Ps
  20. Holy smoke, that looks like a picture of Lola! Exactly. She's four months old and she totally looks like that! Oh God the exuberance and cuteness! And when are the times not like these, pray tell, muski dear? Just saying. But, Damn those sadistic dentists and their evil practices!!!!! I wonder if the fans of Angelina and Brad get sick of the jokes about their expanding family? But it's just a handle to hang a laugh line on, based on Name Recognition. Where comedy is concerned, it's really not a matter of respect -- or it wouldn't be funny. So, as they say, as long as they're spelling the name right, it's a plus. I think Clay will laugh with the jokes now -- he apparently did at the Friar's Roast. He's a funny guy and he can dish it out, and he can take it! As long as they're spelling, or pronouncing, his name right, as they say. Cindilu! Congratulations on going for the credentials -- you already have the talent!
  21. Believe me, merrieeee, you wouldn't want to be in the path of those auditors!
  22. It's great to be back. I posted that I'd be out until after the election, but then there's been everything else in life. I'm just glad the financial statements are in and the auditors are off on their merry way. What a story, wandacleo. Did you pay the animal sitter? I'm so glad Gracie's home. Fear, I know that Clay is still in Spamalot, but since I won't be seeing any more shows boo hoo and I haven't seen any SD for a while, it's feeling semi-remote to me, in a way. I am so ready to see Clay on stage, as himself, singing his songs, which is why I so eagerly anticipate Rosie's show -- with fingers and toes crossed. I'd definitely love to see more pictures such as the one on Dr. Phil. OMG that made me swoon with happiness for Clay, and Jaymes -- not to mention Mr. ParkerMan, who appears to be in charge now. The happiness all but jumps out of that photograph. This must be a blissful time for Clay. I can't wait for what's next for Mr. A List.
  23. Here I am, "Clay" Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm yours .... (can't get that song out of my head for some reason ..) Random thoughts: I made a pot of chili today, Muski. Started it about 10 a.m. and just ate. Excellent stuff for Sundays in November, with the shredded cheese and diced onions on top. Talked to my oldest granddaughter today, her 17th birthday. No, I am NOT that old. I was a teen-age mother and DS1 was a teen-age father. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, she's a crazy rabid reader and I asked her if she'd seen Twilight, since I know she reads the books. Her answer: The acting was embarrassing. That was her take, but then, she's an artiste and a tough audience to boot. I've been so busy at the workplace, and with new family issues on top of the standing ones with my parents, that I've been mentally, emotionally and physically drained. But ... we have a new puppy as of yesterday, and that darling little Shih Tsu has my heart. What a cutie. She's had me laughing and sighing -- although last night was a little rough because she wanted to wander around the house and wouldn't stay put! My funny of the day ... or the funny of my youngest son, the guitar player. I heard some ZZ Top playing on TV ~~ Bad and Nationwide ~~ while in the garage (where the guitars, drums and amps live). DS2 was playing some guitar in the background at the time and I mentioned that, in the spirit of bipartisanship, Obama should have ZZ play that song at the inauguration (Billy Gibbins being an outspoken Republican, you know, and that song "fitting" IMO). Without missing a beat, my son hit the opening chords of "Jesus Just Left Chicago." I guess you had to be there -- but it made me laugh. He's pretty quick, that kid. I've been keeping up fairly well, mostly during down time at the office, but I got a new computer and my cookies are erased and I never have the logins to do anything more than read there. The computer opportunities on the home front have been, generally, right out impossible lately. However, all thanks to merrieeee who has been her usual angel self keeping me up to speed. I'm so excited about Rosie Live and anxious to see Clay on my TV again -- LIVE!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! This precious little puppy is in my lap as I write -- she's gonna make toast out of me.
  24. Chardonnay's montage was one of the best EVER! Beautiful work. On the 5th Birthday of MOAM, I am remembering that around October 10, 2003, I had seen on Rhapsody that Clay Aiken's debut CD was coming out the next Tuesday. So I thought to myself, YAY, that cute Clay with the fabulous voice has a CD coming out and I will definitely download that thing on Tuesday. But on Tuesday, at work, I decided that I really, really wanted a hard copy -- it being Clay's first and all -- so I left the office at noon and went to the nearest Best Buy and bought my copy, thought to myself *my goodness he looks 14!* -- then picked up my sister for a lunch date and we drove around central Houston for the next hour or so listening to it and picking out our favorite songs at first listen -- my faves were ISY and RTM, and hers were IWCY and PD, but we loved all of it. I remember repeating, "I'm so happy for him, I'm so happy for him." Remembering that now, I was overly ripe, low-hanging fruit in 2006. I think I fell off the tree the moment I realized he was in no way naive, innocent, and didn't look 14, but was, instead, breathtaking and stunning and in control. Sorry I just can't stop going there, even though I know I'm repetitive about it. But, dammit, I love him, and in retrospect am fairly certain that I must always have loved him. I just needed that AI5 swift kick in the ass! Wish I could go to SPAM in November -- but since I can barely fit in a dental appointment for a crown in November, I know it ain't gonna happen. But I miss seeing him on the stage -- and I hope all of you going to the Gala have a wonderful time and PLEASE GET CLACK for us poor, needy souls out here.
  25. Thanks for the codes Cindilu and Scarlett, and now ... talking about The Mystical Hands........ And these because they make me weak in the knees!
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