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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Mr. Party All Night has worn me out...


    OMG!!!! That is one SSSSEEEEEXXXAAAYYY picture. I do like some Clay ass, but this pic takes them all. However, unlike ldyjocelyn, I'm not really thinking about the thighs. At all. Heh.


    Wow, the sound in the SH videos is fantastic! I'm always on the lookout for great audio from concerts to either put on my treo or burn to CD so I can listen to concert stuff in my van. I'm gonna be watching for more SH video to go up!

    ETA: Some good news from ClayIzzaQT:

    I think I did capture some of the moments that have been requested here. My seat was right next to HF so it's going to be similar, but I happened to be zoomed out and caught Clay's hand swatting Angela on the tush during BGB. And in the Classics Medley when he's doing that wave move his tush is protruding out past Angela's and he wiggles it like Donald Duck on steroids or something. Too cute! Also have a great shot of him swinging the jacket and tossing it. I have complete songs from the 2 times he was strolling through the crowd and singing. My "Listen" has extra banter at the beginning and runs a bit linger at the end. Got a complete TV Medley with a great view of his George Jefferson dance. Complete "Because You Loved Me" and "Lover All Alone". PMS banter. Sandusky spa day banter. Can't think of the rest at the moment but there are nine clips in all. But just want to say that some of it suffers from burnout from the stage lighting.l I'm new at video with this camera and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the corrections needed to prevent this. If any of our experienced Clack gatherers could share some tips on the Canon S2 I would love that. I have 8 shows left and I'd really like to to have better quality clips to share. Educlayte me somebody!
  2. There's a multi-board preparty being held at the Orleans. There are threads about it at the Clayboard, OFC, and Clayversity. It will cost $28.00, and it's being organized by the Las Vegas Team for Inclusion as a BAF fundraiser. They will have Clay playing on big screens, a raffle, a yummy dinner and an auction.

  3. {{{{Muski}}}}

    I loved your recap of your weekend with Carrie & Kenny! Wow! It's excellent that you can spend this time with her now, supporting her efforts and recognizing her accomplishments. What a fantastic confidence-builder for her for her future!

    I was quite a serious pianist when I was in high school. I entered, and won, a number of competitions, and not just little local ones. My parent's support was invaluable. And the confidence that I gained from those experiences has followed me through life, and has benefitted me in soooo many different ways. So, I think what you're doing for Carrie will follow her for a long, long time. Even if she doesn't end up going into sports after high school, she will know that she can be a winner if she puts her mind to it, and that she can perform under pressure. What better gift could you give your daughter?

    Looks like I'm competing with institches for the sappiest post! Heeee! I'm glad that licky says it's okay to be sappy.

    And for those going to Sterling Heights - have a FANTASTIC time tonight!!

  4. OK - I am ready to get back into Clay now, I've finished the new Harry Potter book!!

    So......... what did I miss?? :RedGuy:

    That HP is pretty absorbing, isn't it? I might as well have been out of the house yesterday, 'cuz I sure didn't talk to anyone while I was reading it! Finished it yesterday afternoon. Wow! Excellent book!

    Jamar - glad you had so much fun at your HP party!

    I just showed 'The Classics' to my 15-year old daughter. She was quite impressed that Clay could actually sing those songs, and sing them well! She laughed a little at it, but mostly said, 'WOW!' I think she expected him to really stink, but was surprised when he didn't.

  5. I finished the book at 4:30 PM today. Had to run off to take my daughter to perform in 'Chorus Line' tonight and just got back, so haven't had a chance to post about it until now.

    I thought it was FANTASTIC! Wow, JK Rowling did an amazing job of putting all of the plot strings together at the end.

    So, should we discuss it here, or by PM, so that those who haven't finished it aren't spoilered??

  6. So someone from a meet and greet is posting that CLay will stay with RCA because all record companies are the same - what is that I hear - heads exploding?

    I'm not gonna buy everything that everyone from the meet & greets say, hook-line-and-sinker. If several people corroborate this piece of news, and we hear it from a couple of meet & greets, then it's probably believable.

    I am glad that Clay is sharing the CD process with fans a bit more this time. He knows that people share and post what he says, even if things get exaggerated or changed up a bit as they're shared. It at least will prepare people that the CD process will take awhile, and that Clay probably won't get everything he wants on the CD. Those things might be evident just by looking around at numerous other artists, who also say that the label dictates what is on their CDs, and that the process is lengthly and conflictual. However, many people hope that things will be different for Clay, and it appears, not surprisingly, that they are not.

    ETA: Jamar, that sounds like great fun! Too bad you couldn't do the live owls. Will you be dressing up in some sort of costume?

  7. Hey, Jamar!

    I'll be doing the HP party thang tonight, too. But I already went to the bookstore this morning, got my number, and will be in the first 55 to get the book at our local Barnes & Noble. So I'm not gonna stand in line forever tonight, nor do I need to show up at 5:00 PM to get a good place in line. They're organized! I love it. DD #1 will be going with me, and she CAN'T WAIT to read the book. Good thing I'm buying two copies, cuz I'm gonna read it right away, too!

    Wait! This is a Clay board, not a HP board? Oooooops.


    Okay, Clay content. I really liked SSTBTHW!! I love how Clay sings it. It was different with the orchestral arrangement, but Jesse did a great job of arranaging it. It helped A LOT that he included drums. And I LOVED Clay's last note - he really held it, and did a little bit of melisma at the end. Verrrry nice!

  8. BTW...does anyone know how to make the 'glow' a teenager shows her mother last a few hours AFTER said teenager gets back from the day the mother drives her and her three friends to Santa Cruz for a birthday present? <_< Man. That cuddly, appreciative, loving sixteen year old must've gotten stranded on the "Giant Dipper" ride on the boardwalk, 'cuz the surly, lazy, eye-rolling kid who didn't see the dishwasher of clean dishes that needed to get put away so that the counter full of dirty dishes could get loaded sure is pissing me off. :angry:

    Muski, my two teenaged daughters are the same. I was away from home for nine days, taking care of my ailing parents. Hubby kept the damage to the house down to a dull roar, which was no small feat, considering that DD#1 is in a musical, a play, and voice lessons this summer. Lots of driving for hubby to do all by himself (we usually share the chauferring). Anyway, I got home on Friday of last week, and the dishwasher was running, but only because they knew I was coming home. However, there were still dishes all over the kitchen! And some in the family room, the computer room, etc. etc. Wonder what the house looked like an hour before I arrived home??? These teenagers simply DO NOT get the concept that they have to pitch in to keep the house clean. Especially when they're home more than Mom & Dad during the summer.

    Your 'telephone' story was a pretty funny. Good Gawd, could the story be any further from the truth??

  9. BWAH, bottle! Somehow that little guy just isn't as appealing as the big guy above him.

    I'm back home after taking care of my ailing parents for the last eight days. Hubby did a good job as a single parent, and the house didn't fall down. But it's seriously in need of cleaning. We're gonna have little ants coming in to carry off the food if I don't get serious about all of the junk and food around the house. I was nice last night and had fun with my two daughters, but today has been a day of cleaning, for them and me both. Why is that kids think that they're on vacation from cleaning and picking up during the summer?


    Anyway, we did take a little break and went to see Harry Potter. It was as good, if not better, the second time around!

    Haven't seen this posted for a few pages.


    ETA: bottle, you posted the thrust gif while I was writing my post! The little squirrel is still cute, but not as cute, or hunky, as the BIG guy. Heeee!

  10. Thank you, lickiest, for the recommendations for mp3s! I'll try both of them. BTW, I get a chuckle every time I see 'lickiest' instead of 'luckiest'. LOL!

    Well, I'm glad that Muski's buying some underwear! I mean, commando is okay sometimes, but certainly not when running in the back room once in awhile to watch clack. Underwear is a necessity when watching clack, as she should well know.

  11. I hope you have a good trip, treenuts! Do you have an mp3 player or an ipod that you can take, so you can at least listen to Clay?

    I've been caring for my parents for the last week. I go home tomorrow. Yay!!!!! I love my parents, and all, but there's just no place like home. Even if there are teenagers there.

    Hey, I want some good quality Tulsa mp3s for my treo. Any suggestions? I saw that Scarlett's Houston clack is up, including mp3's. Cool!! Now I'm on the hunt for Tulsa. Any suggestions?

  12. Yes, it's a different director, and he's already contracted to do the sixth movie, too. I think he did a great job, so that's good by me!

    Two of the criticisms I've read about this movie are that it didn't flow that well, and that it's just a placeholder for the series. I think that a few of the reviewers that said that it didn't flow actually haven't read the books, so they didn't know what was going on in the movie. In fact, a few of them came out and said that they hadn't read the books. I didn't have a problem with the flow and transitions, at all! In fact, I thought that some of them were quite artistic.

    As far as being a 'placeholder '- hmmmm. The thought is that the movie (and book) didn't really advance the whole plot all that much. Voldemort didn't change during the movie, and he's as much of a threat at the beginning of the movie as he is at the end. However, I think that the plot was advanced in several ways: the wizarding world now knows, and believes, that Voldemort is back. Harry learned a lot more about his connection with Voldemort, and how he needs to resist it. Harry learned that he's a lot like his father, but that his father wasn't perfect. The realistic teenage changes in Harry are explored, mainly hormones and volatile emotions. And Harry's had his first kiss.

    cha cha - I'll be interested to find out if you notice anything different when watching the movie a second time! I'll be going again this weekend with my hubby and daughters.

  13. Oh, my, treenuts, I'll never hear HYCA in quite the same way!! Heeee. I love the smutty version.

    Sorry you're having to work so hard this week, Muski. I've been taking care of my ailing parents this week, but next week I'll be back to the salt mines, too. It's been kind of nice to be away from my teenage daughters and all of their angst this week, but I'm starting to miss them. I'm sure that I'll change my tune within a couple of hours of getting back home!!

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