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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. cha cha - I saw HP today, too, and loved it!! I went with my niece, and will go again with hubby and my two daughters this weekend. I'm so looking forward to seeing it again! My review is the HP section Couchie just mentioned.

    I think we will have to buy two 'Deathly Hallows' books, so that my daughter and I don't fight over it. Hubby had to run to the store again after the sixth book came out because my daughter and I couldn't agree which of us would read it first. LOL!!

  2. Well, my niece and I went to the HP movie at 12:00 noon today, in a sort of out-of-the-way theatre. No huge screen, but it was digital, had good sound, and the best part - wasn't crowded. Great way to enjoy an opening day movie!


    Anyway, I thought the movie was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pacing is extremely important to me in a movie - I like it when an action scene is followed by a quieter, more contemplative scene. This movie had great pacing. The story flowed very well.

    They did a great job of adapting the book to the screen. Of course, they did have to take out a few things I would have liked to have seen from the book, but overall all of the important things are explained and examined. Which is quite a feat for a HP movie, since JK puts so much in the books!

    I thought they did a particularly good job of making Harry a sympathetic character even though he tries to alienate his friends, go it alone, and is angry during most of the movie. You see why he is suffering, and feel sorry for him and admire his courage. They do a good job of showing just enough of his angst that you understand what he's going through without it getting tiresome.

    Daniel Radcliffe has turned out to be pretty short, and it really shows when he stands next to Neville and Ron. Daniel really has a nerdy look with the glasses, and with his height, seems to be a very unlikely hero. I guess that works for this story, though!

    There were some really funny scenes. I LOVED it when the twins left Hogwarts - great, explosive scene! And Umbridge did an amazing job with her role. She was, of course, extremely unlikable, but a hilarious caricature at the same time. And when Fudge finally sees Voldemort and says, "He's back!" I said, out loud, "DUH!!" Very satisfying.

    Anyway, I'm not an obsessive HP fan, so I was able to go and enjoy the movie without nitpicking it. I could probably go on some HP sites and see a bunch of criticisms of the movie, but I'd rather just enjoy it. I'm soooo looking forward to the last book! We may have to get two copies so that my daughter and I don't fight over it like we did the sixth book! LOL!

  3. Aw, Clayzor and treenuts - go ahead and use the avi if you want to do so. Muski, too!

    But I'll have you know, Clayzor, that I'm greeeeen with envy over your Clay haul. I got nuthin' like that. In fact, I can't go to any concerts this summer at all. I was hoping to go to TX & OK, as they are the closest concerts to Colorado. But instead I'm at my Mom's house taking care of both of my parents. Mom just had a knee replacement (major surgery!) and my Dad is disabled. *whines* Do you feel sorry for me yet? And since my daughter has to have a series of expensive dental surgeries this year, I can't really afford to fly all over the country chasing Clay.

    To survive, I'm downloading clack. Might have to hook it up to an IV line.

    I am, however, going to the November skating event, come hell or high water. :)

  4. Which one - thrusting Clay, or sweaty Clay?

    Sweaty Clay...and I'm trying it out for my avie...I just usually like permaswooned pictures and haven;t seen more posted.

    According to a post at CV, she hasn't had a chance to edit her pics from the last concerts yet. I think 'sweaty Clay' is the only one she's posted so far. Hawt, isn't it? Makes a mighty nice avi!

  5. Aw, Muski, so sorry. I just really wanted it.

    But a bursting zipper that seems to be on its way down is darn suggestive, too. Yum!! Hmmm, if the zipper tab is already on its way down, it could be grabbed between one's teeth, and . . . well, I'll leave it to your very fertile imagination . :)

    I love ya, you know, Muski??



    :00003653: :Pogo0: :00003653::Pogo0: :00003653:

  6. My niece and I are going to go tomorrow. Yeah, we might just be crazy. We'll see how it goes! We've both been working very hard to take care of my parents, so we decided to reward ourselves by enjoying the movie. My Mom just had a total knee replacement, and my Dad is totally disabled. It will be good to get away for a few hours!

  7. Okay, I just tried to make this my avatar, and the board won't allow it because it's too big. Yeah, yeah, we all know it is (see RI clack). How can I make it smaller so it will fit?? ROTFLOL - I can't seem to write anything about this avi without it being smutty. Anyway, any help I could get in making it the size that it needs to be to fit on the board would be much appreciated.

    And no stealing, ya'll hear?????



    ETA: And here's an offering for anyone who can help with the avi. The rest of you, just scroll by. Heeee! Dare ya to try to just scroll by sweaty, hawt, passionate Clay!!


  8. Arg! Ticket stress. And I'm at my parent's house this week, 'cuz Mom just had a total knee replacement, and I'm taking care of her and my disabled father. So, had to get tickets in the midst of everything else.

    Anyway, I got two sets of tickets. Stupid, I know. I first got section 104, Row A, seats 12 & 13, which is actually quite decent for watching the skating. Not terribly close to the stage, but not that far away, either.

    But since I haven't been able to go to a Clay concert in awhile, I wanted to be closer to the stage So I called and got section 118, row F, the seats close to 119. I'll have a great view of boyfriends' profile!

    So, if anyone is interested in the two tickets in 104, they're available! And they're only $45.00 each.

  9. Ah, but that tshirt doesn't go with your red, white & blue ensemble, so ya better just send it me. Or bring it to me the next time you come to Denver. Ya hear??

    So, what do you think of the pic I posted up there with SKIN showing? And the jeans. They look like they could sliiiiide right off. YUM!!!

    Sounds like your day was pretty boring, 'cept for the fireworks and the soccer game. Ho Hum.

  10. On the stream, most of the songs sounded more uptempo. Overall, there were really only a few slower songs. The setlist might be a little different at the actual concerts but overall this seems to be rockin' Clay! And he managed to work LAA into the mix. Amazing man!


    ETA: I need a smoke! Anybody else?

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