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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Well excuuuuuuuuuse me (TM Steve Martin) for using a schmoopie analogy from a baseball movie that everyone seems to hate :bigemo_harabe_net-24: Guess I'll go off and watch my complete dvd set of Kevin Costner movies :cryingwlaughter: I'm kidding

    Ooooh, I loved that movie! If you build it, they will come. See, not everyone hates it!

    I always thought I'd like to wake up next to a sleeping Clay, because - erm - well, anyway, here's the pic:


  2. Hey, goldarngirl delurked...and with the vapors too. :lol:


    Does that help? :)

    Thank you. Obviously I was blinded by the Aiken and couldn't see the fan if my life depended upon it. Although now that I'm cooled off where was that picture again???? and now I can't find the drool emoticon this will have to do. :Thud:

    *runs and hugs goldarngirl* So glad to see you posting!! Please come and play some more.

    (If you don't remember who I am by my screenname - we met in Colorado - :) )

  3. Wow Gibby that was alot of zaprudering of Clay's crotch. That was a tough job, huh? :cryingwlaughter: Awfully nice visuals though.

    Yup, a really tough job. But I was brave, and took one for the team. *grin* I just had to be careful so that my teenaged daughters didn't see what I was doing. Hubby would probably look askance at this project, too. (But then he would spank me and order me upstairs to look at his ... oh, never mind.)

  4. So, would ya’ll like to see some screen shots from Tampa‘s classics? *grin* This post is inspired by this picture from Tangerinee:


    After I saw this pic, I started wondering how Clay got himself into such a state, with his zipper down and all - um - bunched up. So, I decided to look at the clack from Tampa’s Classics, and found some interesting things. The zipper was starting down at the beginning of the classics, and then Clay pulled on his jeans during ‘She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy’ and ‘OPP,’ causing the zipper to come down more.

    I decided to take some screen shots for my oh-so-scientific research. Unfortunately, the best moments aren’t really available on any of the clack I’ve seen. There are some killer moments during Yeah, but jojoct had to zoom out because the people in front of her were blocking her view, and the other clack gatherers were focusing above the waist (darn!). So, if ever someone posts some other video from the Tampa classics, I might be able to get some better screenshots. Most of these screenshots are from jojoct, but a few are from toni7babe. Some of the shots are kind of blurry because boyfriend was sometimes moving fast during the classics!

    Without further ado, here they are:

    Part One (‘cuz the board will only let me post a certain number of pics at a time):

    Bills, Bills, Bills (zipper already down!):


    She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy (lots of screenshots ’cuz he was pullin’ on those jeans!):






    Oops, I Did It Again:



    (He was moving so fast that most of the screenshots are really blurry, so I only included one:)


  5. But ultimately, y'all are to pick your personal favorites - If a song would be perfect except for that frickin' basoon hittin' an F sharp instead of a G flat (as you can probably tell, I know jack shit about instruments) and you just can't stand it - kill it.

    I love ya, KAndre, but let me tell you - an F sharp is the same thing as a G flat. :cryingwlaughter:

    Hey, can you tell me how many pics I can put in one post? I know the board has a set limit per post. I need to know for a little project I'm working on. Thanks!

  6. I'm sure Clay wil try to hide whatever romantic relationship he has as long as he's able to do so. It could be that they're romantically involved and hiding behind the 'cousin' story, but yet, it may be that she truly is just his cousin and a friend. And at this moment, I don't really need to know any more. Clay has a right to privacy in his private life, IMHO.

  7. Only that I am entirely incapable of entertaining the Clamie, Claymes, Clarmen, Clangela, Clocke, Clisty or any other "Cl-"s until I 've had time to perfect that fountain of youth/time machine I've been working on. Then I'm going to unleash my young, firm, super-intelligent, kind, super-sexy, funny, drop-dead-gorgous, hot, charitable, talented, humanitarian self on him and he won't ever have eyes for another.

    I never claimed to have both feet planted firmly in reality.

    I read this post, and then read your siggy, and somehow the two say totally different things. ROTFLOL!!!! I think many of us don't really have our feet planted in reality when it comes to our sexy boyfriend.

    BTW, I've always loved the quote in your siggy. Yep, live life to the fullest, dammit!!


    ETA: Here Bookwhore's siggy: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "WOO HOO, What a ride!"

  8. I know I'll recognize Couchie!!!!!!
    Yeah...she's that tall white woman with long blonde hair. BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

    OT: Anybody else out there drowning in paperwork for kids' schools? OMG....so many things to sign, checks to write :scream: ...meanwhile playing receptionist to the younger daughter, fielding all her calls from friends requesting her presence... :rolleyes:

    No, that's not Couchie (BWAH!), it's meeeee, with the long blonde hair. :em0100:

    And I've been doing that expensive, time-consuming school stuff, too. My daughters are both back in school now. The 'receptionist' stuff has decreased since we got them both cell phones, and text messaging packages. It does cost money, but it sure is a lot more convenient.

    What I'm looking for now is to find what is the favorite concert version of Everything I Have. I don't have time to download many songs and am hoping someone can help me out on this one with a recommendation.

    Can you wait about a month or so? The FCA will do the work for you!!! Keep an eye on this thread. I believe the deadline when we're all supposed to have our individual recommendations is September 30.

    Yikes!!! Sept. 30th? I thought we had until about a month before the Christmas concert tour starts. *runs off to listen to more clack*

  9. Its a dreary day here - humid, hot, gray. I think that's a perfect day to get working on my half of the DCAT TOAs! But do we really have to evaluate the orchestras? I don't know nuthin about orchestras. To quote the nice lady at the winery, if I like it its good shit. If I don't its bad shit. Do I have to get more technical than that????

    I haven't read all of the way through the thread to see if anyone answered you, CG, but I wanted to let you know I'd be happy to help in evaluating the orchestras. If you get maybe the top 5 or so, I could listen to them, too, and give you an opinion. It bugs the heck out of me when the orchestra isn't in tune or isn't in time, so I know what to listen for.

  10. I've posted as GibbGal or GibbGal44 at several boards. 'Gibb' is part of my last name, and since my first name could be a guy's name, I wanted to clarify that I'm a gal. :lol: GibbGal eventually became shortened to Gibby by some of my friends, and it stuck.

    I started posting on the CB during AI2. The first Clay song I ever heard was BMUB, and I was hooked!! I originally went online to look for fellow Clay fans, hoping that there would be posts about how to text in votes. :laught31: That's hilarious to me now, because I've learned sooooo much about technology since then. I found the CB a bit stifling, and found much more freedom at RHT. I still post there at times, though it certainly isn't what it used to be. I've also posted at CV since it opened, though the green ink applied to my posts now and then has been both infuriating and discouraging.

    During all of the angst last year I found that it was hard to feel at home anywhere. I really just want to celebrate my love of Clay. I don't need to angst for hours over Clay's future, who is trying to ruin his career, and why he must sing certain kinds of songs or his career is over. I find enough drama in my work at a hospital, thank you very much. So, when Muski mentioned FCA over drinks awhile back I checked it out. FCA has been a breath of fresh air - it's a place to have fun, celebrate Clay, and talk openly about our feelings about Clay and the fandom. The fact that there has been little need for blue ink is sooooo refreshing.

    I already mentioned that I work in a hospital in RL. I also have two daughters, and a dweamy, sexy hubby. And, I play piano/keyboards and sing backup for a number of groups and vocalists. There are times that I'm so busy that I don't have time to check out the internet Clay world for days at a time, and I start going through withdrawal!!

    'Nuff about me. Here are a few of my favorite pics of our hawt, sexy singer man:











  11. Faith, I totally agree about the orchestras. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a musician, because when the orchestra is off or out of tune I just can't listen, even if Clay's singing magnificently. I won't be keeping any audio with that kind of accompaniment, 'cuz it drives me crazy.

    I copied this criteria from Ansamcw's first post on the FCA recommends thread:


    Vocal (just great, change ups, moments of perfections, funnies?)

    Audio quality (wavs vs. mp3 vs mp4, cleanliness, background noise, completeness?)

    Audience noise (constant shriking, muttering in the background, loud comments?)

    orchestra quality

  12. Good mornin', all you chatty people!


    I've been enjoying the discussions immensely, but my brain is too fried from a long week at work to have anything profound to say. I'm a social worker at a hospital in Colorado, and we had a blizzard nine months ago. Ya know what that means? Yep, lots of people were busy between the sheets nine months ago, heating each other up 'cuz it was too cold to go outside. And many of them don't remember which sheet warmer was their baby's daddy. I kinda felt like I was on the Jerry Springer show the last couple of days, with all of the new Moms asking me where to get paternity tests. LOL! We actually had a wedding in our hospital for one lady who decided she would just solve the problem by marrying the guy she's with now, even though he's not the father of her new baby. And then, there was the one who says she didn't know she was pregnant until her shocked Mom was delivering her baby (breech!) in their hotel room. Geez!!

    Thanks to Couchie for contacting jojoct for me to see if it's okay to post screencaps from Tampa classics. In my oh-so-scientific research, I've discovered that the zipper was on it's way down from the beginning of that set. And with all of the pulling on the jeans during STMTS and and OPP, the zipper came down further, things got kinda bunched up, and .... well, hopefully I can post my screen caps soon. I found this verrrry nice Tampa classics pic from Tangerinee, who seems to have quite a knack for taking sexy pics:


    KAndre - In the midst of my hectic week, I saw that you decided to volunteer me to do a couple of the songs from the TV medley. I didn't write them down at the time, and I went to the 'FCA Recommends' thread, but didn't see my name on any of the songs. (I'd ask if that means that I really can have RHW, but I guess that wouldn't be very nice since lucky's camping and can't defend her songs. Heee!) Could you let me know, so I can get started? Thanks!

  13. omigod....look at this! Now you can really get off on your Clay tunes!

    OhMiBod Vibrator

    What? Only 5 1/2 inches?? Pffffbbttt!

    Ooops, I got distracted by that pic I just posted, and forgot to ask a question. You know, the pic with the zipper part of the way down?

    Anyway, which concert & song is that pic from? I want to go watch the video and do some research about when the zipper might have started on it's way down. And maybe do some screencaps, all for research. I might even post some of them, unless ya'll would find that too boring.


    OoOOOO I was asking for some screencaps from that vid last night. (jojoct - Tampa classics) I think if you start with Yeah, you'll find what you need, and Yeah, there's a moment that gives that pic a run for its money--or several moments, in SexyBack. Just try to keep your attention on the job, because you'll find yourself all up on him screaming.

    Hey, jmh, or whoever else might want to answer - what is the proper etiquette for screencaps? Should I contact jojoct for her permission before I post them, or is the video fair game since it's out there? If it's better to contact her, where's the best place to do so? I already have several - erm - interesting screencaps, from several songs, even before Yeah. Hey, I take my research seriously! The only problem is that someone got in the way of jojoct's camera during Yeah, and it looks like there would be lots of good screencaps during that section. Darn! Maybe another clack goddess got the shots that I want. And jmh, about that screaming part - you're right! Fortunately, hubby's home . . .

    Hey, Thankful!! Welcome!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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