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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. You're right, it's not very good! It has a nice diagram of the venue, but I can't read any letters or numbers to determine where a seat might be.

    ETA: I saved the diagram to my computer, opened it and enlarged it. If you do that, you can at least see how the sections are numbered.

  2. <--------------------------*le sigh*

    one of these days I just neeeeeed to have those bore into mine!!!! :Thud:

    How does that feel? I know quite a few of you had that climactic experience! Do tell, pretty please. :lilredani:

    I haven't had that experience (darnit!) But I wanted to post some happy eyes, just for you:


    Quickly trying to read all the fabooo posts in this new thread and have so many erudite things to add, of course...but since I am now on the way to take Shadow to Pet Food Express to give him a thorough bath after having tried various "Skunk-be-Gone" remedies....I'll just go with this one:

    How big it is remains to be seen

    Gibby, you've been looking at the wrong pictures and videos if you believe this.


    Really, Muski!! This is the second time this week you've picked on me, just because you think my posts aren't smutty enough. You're going to make me paranoid, so that I'll be thinking about whether what I'm typing is smutty enough, or whether you'll come along and make fun of me. Hmmmppphhhh!

    :cryingwlaughter::allgood: :lmaosmiley-1:

  3. Faith, I love that AI5 picture! He looks so very happy. And he was so confident and in-charge on that stage that night. I loved it!

    I, too, think that Clay's future is much brighter now than it has ever been. Of course, to me, and to his fans, he is bigger than Elvis or the Beatles, but I don't think he is to the general public. I do agree that he is showing that he has staying power (heh), and that he's not one of those here-today-gone-tomorrow singers. I can definitely see a long-term career for him. How big it is remains to be seen.

    I was making the rounds of a couple boards tonight, and saw some nice pics:

    Hmmmm, trying to cover something up, Clay? The grasping hands, popping veins, broad shoulders and determined look in this pic are hawt:


    Grabbing the mic stand and that O face - yummmmm!


    This one speaks for itself:


    This bare foot is sexy! For Bookwhore and all of the foot lovers:


    Happy Eyes!


  4. However, clearly, he's not quite at Elvis level just yet. And perhaps he never will be. However, I have come to believe that whatever path his career may take, it won't be along a conventional route. Clay is too unique. You can't plug him into the formulas that might make Kelly, Carrie, or Daughtrey stars. I suspect that makes marketing him a bit of a challenge, but I also think that he has a potential far beyond theirs, though it may take some creativity to make the world see it.

    Ya know, I sometimes wonder if Clay WANTS to be a super-superstar like Elvis, or if it would even be a good thing for him. The pressures and demands on someone at that level are incredible. I'm not sure that I'd wish that kind of career on him, unless he really wants it. Of course, this is a rhetorical question, because no one knows the answer except Clay and maybe a few people close to him. Perhaps if Clay ends up with this kind of career, he will grow into it with time. And that's probably better, as it gives him time to adjust.

  5. Yay, a thread about food and exercise!! I can get into this.

    Don't hate me, but I just need to loose about five pounds. But see, the thing is, if I don't keep on top of that five pounds, pretty soon it's 10, 15, 20 or 30 pounds. I lost 30 pounds eight years ago, and have kept it off for the most part by exercising regularly and being careful about what I eat. It was sooooo hard to develop an exercise habit as an adult, because I have asthma. As a child and teenager my asthma was pretty bad, so I really couldn't exercise at all.

    I finally got myself into an exercise habit when I decided eight years ago that enough was enough, I was going to loose the weight and keep it off. I've stopped exercising from time to time when I've been sick, and it's hard to get back in the habit, but I'm always sooooo glad when I do. I feel so much better, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

    Two things that have helped me keep exercising - an exercise buddy, and clack. Hubby and I go to the gym together four times a week or so. I either get on the elliptical or the treadmill, and watch Clay videos on my treo. Wow, the videos really make the workout go by fast! I don't even think about the time that much, 'cuz I'm having so much fun giggling or thudding at Clay. After aerobics, I strap the treo onto my upper arm and listen to Clay sing while I lift weights. I've been working with a personal trainer to learn new ways of working on the weight machines, and to keep me motivated. Building muscle really helps to keep the weight down, because muscle is more metabolically active than other types of tissue.

    Anyway, Couchie, I wish I lived closer to you so that we could exercise together sometimes! Good luck with the exercise. Let us know how it goes, okay?

    And if anyone has any suggestions about how to resist chocolate, please let me know. I LURVE chocolate. And people keep it around at work all of the time, darn it!

  6. Whew! What a lot of wonderful, insightful and funny posts to catch up on today!

    You know, for a long time, my siggie on the Clayboard has been a Mark Twain quote:

    We have not the reverent feeling for the rainbow that a savage has, because we know how it is made. We have lost as much as we gained by prying into that matter.

    This is mostly how I feel about Clay and my fandom now. I don't want to know about the mechanics. I don't want to know the about the man behind the curtain. I just want to love and enjoy whatever the man chooses to offer me. (down, smutters!) Sing for me, tour for me, show your pretty, pretty face on tv for me. Make me laugh and swoon and tingle all over with that incredible voice. I don't need to know about the storms and the sun and the perfect angles that need to come together to provide it. I just want to appreciate the beauty of it.

    Amen and Hallelujah to that! I don't want to analyze Clay's career trajectory, either. The only thing I want to analyze is his looks, and specifically, the pants. And sometimes the music, because I'm a musician and I enjoy analyzing how he's singing or getting music arranged or the musical styles he likes. But the rest of it is tiresome, frustrating and no fun. And if it's no fun, why do it? I'm all for a good time.

    See bottle it didn't hurt to post one of my favourite pics of all time, the library one. Thank you....all is forgiven! So am I to deduce from your creative cropping of Clay that he must indeed be the sum of his parts...and what parts?

    Laughn, I love that pic of THE profile!

    BWAH to the parts posts! Heee!

    Library Man? Whew, he's hawt! And I can't let a mention of him go by without making sure he's on this page:


    ETA: :nana: I hit a hundred posts!! Whoo Hooo! I thought I'd never get there. It's been, like, a whole week or something. Aaaaaanndd...my 100th post was even a semi-intelligent one over in the book review thread.

    Congrats on 100 posts, Bookwhore! You'll be passing me up soon, 'cuz I don't post much on days that I work. Darn it, why do I have to earn money, anyway? Oh, yeah, to support my addiction to Clay!! Withdrawal wouldn't be a pretty thing.

  7. Welcome to the newbies!! It's always good to more people to party with.


    Muski, I sure hope you finally drank that wine. Or Peach schnapps, or whatever. Geez, what a day! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


    What? A new thread title poll, already? My vote is for The Earl of Aikenberry. I love pictures where Clay looks all regal.

    Speaking of which - I posted this beauty earlier, but ya know what? It was too dark to really see why this picture is about Mr. large and in charge. So I lightened it. Anybody mind if I use some more bandwidth, and post it again? I didn't think so.


    And for those who love snowflake hair, a little present:


  8. Gibby, I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! :scream: You titled this picture "Wallet"?


    WALLET?!??!?!? Is THAT what pokes out at you in this pic? Huh?

    Am I the only one who sees Clay "large and in charge" :o :blink: here in more ways than his swagger and height? :hubbahubba:


    I think you're slipping, my friend... B)

    BWAH, Muski, you queen of all things smutty!! I'm just catching up with the thread, and saw this post. I'm quite sure that I simply saved this pic with the original name. NO, I don't think it's a wallet. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Heeeee! And I quite agree, large and in charge is a very good description.

  9. Something to pass the time while we're waiting for Couchie - via CV -

    from GreenEyedRobin at CB:

    Some other highlights from today's taping that I can remember:

    Clay did VERY WELL on the show as we know -- Jeff Foxworthy even mentioned that no other contestant has gotten as far as Clay did. He answered 9 of the 11 questions, and would have gotten the 10th one correct, but didn't want to risk losing the money he'd won so far, since he wasn't 100% sure of the answer.

    As you also know, Clay's 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Armstrong was at the show, Clay said he hadn't seen her since he was in a shoe store in the when he was in 8th grade (something like that).

    They showed a couple of pictures of him when he was a kid (one's we've seen, of course) and he was all "take it down! take it down!", embarrassed. He's so cute.

    He made many adorable faces when he was "thinking" about his answers and the banter between him and Jeff Foxworthy was also great.

    He was still wearing the new ring.

    Made mention that the same studio was used for American Idol tapings, and that he's had "some luck" in that same soundstage. Foxworthy asked what was the hardest thing about being cut on Idol and he said "the last time" was the hardest! Foxworthy mentioned "there is no 'second place' on this show, so you don't need to worry about it". Said he loved watching Clay and Ruben together because they always looked like the number "10" when they stood next to each other.

    Overall, it was a very entertaining show, and Clay seemed very relaxed, comfortable and happy to be there.

    ETA: Another spoiler from raquelsg at CV:

    I'm back from the taping and haven't had time to read the thread....so not sure what you guys heard and what you might want to ask. But ask away....

    It was great - and Clay was funny and smart, and it was obvious. Yes, I admit the hair was the first thing I noticed when he bounded in. The rest of the hair looked great, but the bangs really needed "something" or less of something....just looked kinda like they had a lot of product on them and they were separated in clumps on his forehead. Not at all like we've seen on tour, so that had me a bit puzzled, but who cares, he did great for his foundation.

    I just felt bad that he really did know the answer to the final question (before the $1million question) but just wasn't confident enough in his answer to risk losing from $300,000 down to $25,000, and I don't blame him. It sure didn't sound like a 5th grade question to me! In fact they asked his teacher and she didn't know the answer either! ha ha But YAY for $300,000!!!!

  10. OMG! OMG! OMG! I had to bring this over from the cv. It's CLASSIC!

    eBay auction for http://cgi.ebay.com/Clay-Aikens-Childhood-...1QQcmdZViewItem

    WTF? Somehow I find that a little disturbing...or just weird. I was hoping to see something about it going for the BAF but it doesn't look like it. So does this mean some former babysitter or Kindergarten teacher is selling these?

    The 'evidence' that these books belonged to Clay is that his name is stamped in the front. Geeez, I didn't know it was that easy! I'm off to the store to order a custom Clay Aiken (or Clayton Grissom) stamper, and I, too, can sell his childhood stuff on ebay! Kaching!!

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