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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Gibby, how in the world did you capture all of those funny smutty poemy thingys? Good Job!

    Aw, thanks, Toots! Just did the old copy and paste.

    The Suessicals were awesome. You guys are soooo funny.

    I would do him gainst a wall

    I would do him short or tall... tee hee

    I would do him in a LUVsac

    But... forget about any clack

    I would do him in a pinch

    Loving him would be a cinch

    Very cute! I loved it.

    Couchie, could you please post the paypal addy again? I missed you yesterday but hope to make the chat tonight.

    ETA: er...if I add a few more bucks, can we disengage the edit counter? :fca:

    Yes, yes, to getting rid of the edit counter!!!!

  2. I have been totally addicted to he and Quiana singing Listen together at Sterling Heights. Toward the end of the song, he goes into a lower range I haven't heard since his demos and certainly hope to hear again.

    I think that on AI, they sorta targeted songs in this mid to upper register for the "pop" songs. He has pretty much stayed there except for a few low notes now and then. When he and Q jammed, he went back to pre-AI range from what I remember from his pre-AI Hometown Connection, etc.

    Hope he does that again once in a while. Very yummy!!!!

    Oh, but I think we do hear Clay's gorgeous lower range at the very beginning of AIW. I lurve it!!

    And I agree that the popish songs after AI were in the mid to upper part of his range. That's the kind of thing you heard on the radio at that time, so that's what RCA gave him to sing on MOAM.

  3. AAIT, I don't think that Clay was doing that high note in DSIAFCD in falsetto. I think the reason that it was difficult for him to sing is that he was trying to sing it in full voice, and it's at the top of his full-voice range. In other words, he was trying to belt at the top of his range. He could very easily hit that note and higher notes in falsetto, but not with as much power. IMO that's why he was trying to belt it. But he sure can belt it out in full voice now!!

    There, CG, I disagreed with someone. Does that make you happy? :RedGuy: Heeee.

  4. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

    When I listen to Clay’s demos his voice is pure and beautiful, but the timing in some of the songs seems to be off IMHO. I think he has become the master of timing and improvising when it comes to singing a song now. I wish he would take care of his voice more then he does because at times he seems to struggle while singing.

    Some of the timing issues on the demos might have been because he was singing to pre-recorded tracks. Tracks don't follow you like a band does, and the instruments and vocals weren't tailored to Clay's wishes. JMO. I agree that he's usually spot-on with his timing now.

  5. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

    His voice is obviously stronger. He's more comfortable in all the parts of his range. He's given us more lurvely low notes, and he's stronger and more comfortable in his high falsetto range, as well. He also seems more comfortable with quiet songs, where he can show his musicality and ability to shade with vocal colors and nuances, like in MDYK or LAA. He didn't do that kind of singing right out of AI.

    When he was in AI, the glory notes and long sustained notes really got the applause and attention, so that's how he sang. It was fantastic, and he still does some of that. But I'm glad to see that he's matured and is now able to do the quieter and more nuanced songs, as well.

    Clay's stamina in singing has improved, as well. It's really tough for a singer to do a whole show like Clay does, without experiencing vocal fatigue. I don't think he could have done that right out of AI. But he's a pro at it now!

  6. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

    I think that it's up to Clay how much of a superstar he wants to be. His current level of success is good - he's living comfortably. But a higher level of superstardom comes with more security issues and even less privacy. I think that Clay's the only one who can decide whether it's worth it to him to deal with more of those kinds of hassles.

    For me, personally, he doesn't need to be more of a star than he already is. Sure, I'd love for him to be played on the radio, have more critical acclaim, and sell more albums. That would be fabulous. But I'm easy. If that never happens, and most of his albums sell a million or two, he tours a couple times a year, does humanitarian work and is able to kick back in Raleigh between all of it - that's good enough for me.

  7. Goodness we're an agreeable lot tonight!

    Where's the conflict??

    Where's the drama???

    Well, if that's what you want - I think that Clay should do ridiculous things to get noticed in the media, and specifically the tabloid media. I mean, he could go on another airplane and put his whole foot on someone's armrest. He could eat chips as loudly as possible, belch, play his ipod really loud, and then get mad when people told him to stop.

    He could also neck with an attractive woman where he could obviously be seen and photographed. That would get the tabloids going. A different girl every week for a month. That would be the ticket.

    :drama::believe: :lies:

  8. Our Seussisms have turned into a novel. A hilarious one, at that! I don't know if anybody wants to read them all together, but if so, here they are:

    I would do him in a buggy

    I would do him soft and huggy

    I would do him on the floor

    I would do him at the door

    In a buggy at the door,

    Nice and huggy on the floor

    I would do him here or there

    I would do him anywhere

    On the tour, on the bus

    I would do him without fuss.

    I would do him on the lam

    I would do him. Slut, I am.

    I would do him in a barn,

    on a lawn or on the farm

    I would do him on a tractor

    Yes I would, pride’s no factor

    The gear shift might be though

    But I figure we could work around it.

    I would do him in a bed

    Even standing on my head

    I would do him on the couch

    Nope, I’m really not a slouch

    I could be his little snack

    He would really enjoy my rack

    I would do him on a deck

    I would do him anywhere, oh heck!

    I would do him on the land

    In the sand or with my hand

    I would do him anywhere

    Here or there, I do not care

    I would do him just for fun

    I would do him on the run

    I would do him on a bench

    I would do him like the French

    Just for fun while on the run

    On a bench just like the French

    I would do him fast or slow

    :DoClay: dontcha know?

    I would do him nice and slow

    I would do him til he cried "O"!

    I would do him, never stop

    I would do him from the top

    I would do him round the world

    I would make his his flag unfurl.

    I would do him, yes I would

    I would do him oh so good.

    I would do him, yes I would

    Any way, that I could

    It's no anomaly

    I want you on top of me

    With whip and chains

    if that's your game

    I would do you in a lurch

    Even in a church

    Mile high club

    not a problem

    What ever you deliver

    Will make me quiver, breathless I am

    I'd do him on his birthday

    I'd do him in the breezway

    I'd do him on the grass

    I'd do him with class

    I'd do him on a seaplane

    I'd do him in the fast lane

    I'd do him loaded

    I'd do him bloated

    I'd do him on top

    I'd do him in a shop

    I would do him under trees

    I would do him on my knees

    I would do him in the breeze

    I would do him on a bus

    But if it's only us

    I'd do him in the gym

    I'd do him on a whim

    I'd do him on the run

    I'd do him in the sun

    I would do him on the hamper

    (Lord, I'd be a happy camper)

    I would do him nice and snuggly

    (Even if his jacket's fugly)

    I would do him on the grass

    I would do him on my front porch

    I would do him, here or there

    I'd even do him on a chair

    Lordy, does this epic end?

    It's really making my mind bend.

    I would do him on a stage

    cuffs and whips? They're all the rage

    In Hollywood or in the hood

    New York, Raleigh, it's all good

    I would do him head to toe

    I would do him nice and slow

    I would do him with my feet

    I would do him in the heat

    In the heat nice and slow

    With my feet, oh oh oh.

    I would do him in a tree

    I would do him, yes, with glee!

    I would do him, it's contagious

    I would do him, it's outrageous

    With glee, yes, in a tree

    I would do Clay, wanna see?

    I would do him in the dark

    I would do him in the park

    In the dark, in the park, what a lark!

    I'd do him in Kalamazoo

    Everyone else could do him too!

    He'd be tired, he'd be sore

    But what he wouldn't be is bored!

    I would do him in a tree,

    I'd do him down on bended knee.

    I would do him head to toe

    'Cuz I'm a ClayBitch, don't you know?

    I'd do him everyway I can,

    Until his gasps, "NOW I'm a man!"

    I would do him after chat.

    What you "Claymates" think of that?

    I'd do him in Mickey D's.

    Fries with that, sir, if you please.

    Mickey D's in Fountain Square,

    All those "Claymates" wonder...where?

    'Tis no matter, where or when,

    Just bring me his Big Mac, again.

    I would do him for a fee.

    While you sluts would do him free!

    I would charge him by the inch

    So getting rich would be a cinch.

    I'd do him the kitchen

    I'd do him until he's twitchin

    I'd do him the pool

    I'd do him till we drool

    I'd do him in the brushes

    I'd do him until he blushes

    Will this ever stop

    Lordy I hope not

    I'd do him a bunch

    I'd do him with lunch

    I would do him in the shower

    I would do him every hour

    And if at some point he would tire

    I’d proceed to light his fire

    Every minute, every second

    He’d be happy, doncha reckon?

    I would do him anywhere

    Where it is I do not care

    Church or school, the county fair

    Or while he’s singin’ Solitaire

    I just pray there is no clack

    While I do Clay Aiken on his back

    No need to order extra fries

    Clay always brings his SuperSize!

    And Couchie, I'm really glad you're going to upgrade the forum. There are new features in invision boards that I would love to see here. I'm looking forward to it! I, too, have wondered if you would like donations to defray costs.

  9. BWAH - today's pointless mention of Clay

    Star-Telegram Horoscopes

    Pisces (Feb. 19 -- March 20): Like Clay Aiken, you are the epitome of ... well, I can't really say anything without getting in trouble. I really just wanted to get "Clay Aiken" in these horoscopes so I'd get more hits.

    I suppose that might have been a diss, but oh well. I'm gonna take it as a compliment, since I'm a Pisces. I'm the epitome of something, like Clay. Hey, I'll take it!!


    These Seussisms are hilarious. Here are all of them together:

    I would do him in a buggy

    I would do him soft and huggy

    I would do him on the floor

    I would do him at the door

    In a buggy at the door,

    Nice and huggy on the floor

    I would do him here or there

    I would do him anywhere

    On the tour, on the bus

    I would do him without fuss.

    I would do him on the lam

    I would do him. Slut, I am.

    I would do him in a barn,

    on a lawn or on the farm

    I would do him on a tractor

    Yes I would, pride’s no factor

    The gear shift might be though

    But I figure we could work around it.

    I would do him in a bed

    Even standing on my head

    I would do him on the couch

    Nope, I’m really not a slouch

    I could be his little snack

    He would really enjoy my rack

    I would do him on a deck

    I would do him anywhere, oh heck!

    I would do him on the land

    In the sand or with my hand

    I would do him anywhere

    Here or there, I do not care

    I would do him just for fun

    I would do him on the run

    I would do him on a bench

    I would do him like the French

    Just for fun while on the run

    On a bench just like the French

    I would do him fast or slow

    dontcha know?

    I would do him nice and slow

    I would do him til he cried "O"!

    I would do him, never stop

    I would do him from the top

    I would do him round the world

    I would make his his flag unfurl.

    I would do him, yes I would

    I would do him oh so good.

    I would do him, yes I would

    Any way, that I could

    It's no anomaly

    I want you on top of me

    With whip and chains

    if that's your game

    I would do you in a lurch

    Even in a church

    Mile high club

    not a problem

    What ever you deliver

    Will make me quiver, breathless I am


    Hopefully I didn't forget anyone's contribution. Sorry, KAndre, your literary masterpiece just didn't fit with this.

  10. Now I have to go back and find that GMA animation I think Gibby posted awhile back. I LOVED it and may want to make in my avatar.......

    Oh, shoot. I did post that 'THEY WILL BE LOCKED!!' animation, but it turned all fuzzy and black when I uploaded it from photobucket, so I deleted it. Does someone else have it? If not, I asked for it to be posted at another board, and I'll post it here again when I get it.

  11. Had to put it all together. It's getting funnier and funnier. Anyone want to add to it?

    I would do him in a buggy

    I would do him soft and huggy

    I would do him on the floor

    I would do him at the door

    In a buggy at the door,

    Nice and huggy on the floor

    I would do him here or there

    I would do him anywhere

    On the tour, on the bus

    I would do him without fuss.

    I would do him on the lam

    I would do him. Slut, I am.

    I would do him in a barn,

    on a lawn or on the farm

    I would do him on a tractor

    Yes I would, pride’s no factor

    The gear shift might be though

    But I figure we could work around it.

    I would do him in a bed

    Even standing on my head

    I would do him on the couch

    Nope, I’m really not a slouch

    I could be his little snack

    He would really enjoy my rack

    I would do him on a deck

    I would do him anywhere, oh heck!

  12. At work this morning....feeling a bit better, although that front top quadrant of my head still screams to be excised and discarded (hope the sinus thing I'm prone to doesn't set up house, gawd)...

    Hey, Muski! I got that awful sinus stuff, too. Feeling a little better since I'm on meds. I hope you get better, and pronto!

    I like beard burn. :) Which is why DH has had a full beard, moustache, etc. for years now. I think the reason I like Clay with facial hair is because it makes him look more manly, and in turn, makes me feel not quite so much like a perv. The ATDW pictures are wonderful, but he looks years younger in them.

    Oh, yeah, I like beard burn, too. Which is good, since I my hubby looks much better with a beard and moustache.

    I would do him in a buggy

    I would do him soft and huggy

    I would do him on the floor

    I would do him at the door

    In a buggy at the door,

    Nice and huggy on the floor

    I would do him here or there

    I would do him anywhere

    (what can I say?...It's the pre-school teachers in me)


    On the tour, on the bus

    I would do him without fuss.

    I would do him on the lamb

    I would do him. Slut, I am.


    ETA: I see triplex has added to the rhymes. Here some more, very poor, but I got a laugh out it anyway!!

    I would do him in a bed

    Even standing on my head

    I would do him on the couch

    Nope, I’m really not a slouch

    I could be his little snack

    He would really enjoy my rack

    I would do him on a deck

    I would do him anywhere, oh heck!

  13. Really dislike any and all facial hair on Clay (with the notable exception of Guillermo's mustache - love mustaches!) - don't like beard burn (let me keep my delusions, 'kay?) and it just looks unkempt to me and Clay just isn't all around rough enough to carry that look off for me. I like smooth Clay, like JNT06. That was so beyond hot.

    Traction can be a good thing. Just sayin.

    YEAH, THAT!!

  14. I've always liked Robin, but now that she has breast cancer, I admire her even more. She's handled the whole thing in such a classy, open, honest way. I know that there are women out there with breast cancer who are inspried and encouraged by her.

  15. I'm loving all of the ATDW release week pics! That look was sooooo gorgeous. I just wish the boards hadn't been full of so much controversy and angst at that time. It's kind of a bittersweet memory. Next release I'm staying here!

    I love this animation - reminds me of how funny he was that day! He was really hamming it up for the fans with that fake smile.


    Speaking of ATDW - I have my ipod on shuffle most of the time, and of course the majority (but not all) of my music is Clay music. I'm so happy when ATDW songs come up in the mix. Even moreso since the summer concerts!

  16. My favorite all time look is Clay with the beard the night of the last BAF gala. Now that was a great look and his hair was perfect.

    I lurved Gala Clay, too. The one CG posted is wonderful. Here are two more:



    That rotating food pic is cute, CG! Except that it makes me hungry for KK, which I really shouldn't eat this late at night.

    I'm glad to have you back, too!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: I loved the Gala hair, but this pic is my all-time fav of Clay in a beard. He's just heart-stoppingly gorgeous, and that it's taken when he was on a humanitarian mission makes my heart melt.


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