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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Ooooh, Scarlett, I'd love to hear your recommendations for ATD! I love that song, cheese and all. I especially like the way the bridge builds, and how the volume and intensity ramp up after the bridge. Aw, heck, I like the whole thing. Clay sings the crap out of it.

    And you're so welcome about Roseanne. It was between two of my songs, anyway. Whose idea was it to give that to you, anyway?? *hides from the sporker*

  2. Whew! I didn't work at the hospital today, but I was so busy that I was hardly home! And as soon as I got home, I had to quick finish up my recommendations and high-tail it over to the DCAT Recommendations thread to post. So, I'm still catching up from the previous thread.

    I missed that yesterday. VWP got married!!! :clap: I just loved reading her posts at the CH. Such an enthusiastic and smutty Clay fan. She and her friend Hockeydonna had such great times with Clay. Did they leave the fandom altogether? I'm so happy for VWP and her hunky hubby. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Might there be pictures of the wedding?

    Hey, woo! Couchie already answered your question about VWP and Hockeydonna - they are both definitely still fans! As to a picture of VWP's wedding - I don't know if she will want it online. If she sends me a pic, and gives me permission to post it, I'll share, but otherwise I won't. I'll share your warm wishes, and those of everyone else, next time I see her!

    Hey, how about them Colorado Rockies!! They played the Padres, and were tied through a lot of the game, and finally won at the bottom of the 13th inning. It was the longest one-game tiebreaker in major league history. Now they have a spot in the playoffs!!

  3. Well, I’m actually ready to post my recommendations for my part of the TV Medley! I listened to mp3s or videos from every concert. As others have said, Clay, Q & A were very consistent in the quality of their performances in the TV Medley. However, some orchestras were better than others, so I eliminated the ones that were out of tune or who weren’t quite together. I also eliminated the clips that weren’t the best audio quality.

    A note about screaming fans - almost all of the Roseanne clips have screaming during Angela’s pole dance. If you don’t like screaming, don’t include Rosanne on your ipod or CD, cuz this song invites screaming. Also - some people prefer clips without audience singing. That can’t be avoided because almost all of the clips have audience singing on ‘Laverne & Shirley.’

    So, here are my recommendations for:

    Laverne & Shirley

    Charles in Charge

    Rosanne (Scarlett was more than happy to let me take this one for her!)

    Who’s the Boss

    1. 070817_Tampa_TVMedley_SlowandEasyScarlett - The audio quality is great, and Clay, Q & A are clearly having a great time. Clay hams it up while Q is singing ‘Charles’, and makes the audience laugh. He then sticks some money in Angela’s belt during ‘Roseanne,’ which gets a great audience reaction. He talks just a bit during ‘Who’s the Boss’, which is the only negative about this clip. Otherwise, it’s great fun for listening! And the vocal quality is excellent.

    All of the other clips are pretty evenly matched. Here they are, in no particular order:

    2. 70816_FtMyers_09_TVShowsMedley_4192spooky

    3. 070818_WPB_TVMedley_spotlight lover

    4. 070819_Orlando_TVMedley_Spotlightlover

    Since this is a medley, I plan to use one of the above clips in its entirety for my ipod. I think it will be choppy to include clips from different cities as it will interrupt the flow of the medley. JMHO. There were other excellent recommendations for the TV Medley that would be great to use for the whole medley, as well.

  4. Anyone want to tell them?
    Tell them what?

    That they aren't going to risk it...

    OK, maybe it's just me, but this show can be capped like any other show, right? Why the secrecy? OK, I know that CH got a special feed, but I am sure that they could vault a regular cap at CU for those who aren't able to get the station....

    I can understand not vaulting it until the end of the weekend, after the show has aired. But I agree, lucky, why not now?

    Is CU going to share the special feed?

  5. VWP's wedding was beautiful, and she was GORGEOUS. Her new hubby is handsome and hunky, and sweet, too. We all had a great time socializing, eating and drinking after the wedding! I knew that a few people here would remember her.

    But, since I spent so much time at the wedding, I didn't get my recommendations completely done. :naughtywag: I could post what I have now, but it will be more complete if I post tomorrow. I'll get them posted in the afternoon. The sporker :afteryou: won't be able to get all of the way to Colorado before I have my recommendations posted, anyway! :tongue57:

  6. I made both those morphs :imgtongue:

    Cindi, I didn't know you made those morphs! You did a great job. They're making the rounds of the boards, and I thought it might be nice to share them here. I like your other morphs, too!

    It's a gorgeous fall day here in Colorado. We have blue, sunny skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. And I'm attending a wedding later today, for someone a few of you might remember - ValerieWarriorPrincess. It's going to be an outdoor wedding, and I'm happy that the weather is cooperating so well!

  7. Yikes!! It looks like the sporker is getting violent. Those poor eHP'ers. *gives a virtual hug to merrieeee*

    I'm almost done with my recommendations. I have them narrowed down to 6 or 7, with 2 or 3 in the lead. And, I'm in Colorado. It's going to take awhile for the sporker to get here, especially since she's pretty busy in Texas. So, I'm not gonna sweat it too much. I have until midnight tomorrow, right? I'm gonna take my time.


  8. Thanks, Ansa, for letting me know that Clay gets to narrate a longer segment at the beginning. I'll download it later and enjoy watching the first part!

    So, does anybody else think that the producers might have asked Clay to narrate to help ratings? They had to know that the ClayNation would tune in to every episode if they gave him a role from the first episode. Whatever their motivation, I'm thrilled that he's doing it!

  9. I just watched it, and enjoyed it a great deal. I missed the very first part, but tuned in about 5 minutes in. Unless they happened to mention that Clay was narrating, I think there are a lot of people who wouldn't know it was him. That said, I enjoyed hearing Clay's voice so much. He did a good job of narrating with feeling. It will be fascinating to hear how he narrates the show when he auditions!

    I really liked it that they interviewed Julia and Frenchie. It was very interesting to hear how nervous they were! Frenchie really hasn't changed at all, but Julia looks 100% different!

    Of course, I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing Clay's first audition, and even more to the shows when the top 12 sing. I expect to fall in love with Clay all over again, just like I did the first time! Of course, the voice drew me in, but I also loved his humble, sweet demeanor, as well. And I always thought he was sexy!

  10. Wanda, are you exercising, too, besides changing your diet? If so, you could be building muscle and losing fat. The scale might stay the same, but you could be losing an inch here or there without knowing it if you only look at the scale. A good way to keep track of your progress is to take your measurements every few weeks. They may be getting smaller.

    And if you're not exercising, get at it, girl! It really does help. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  11. One question...How do you upload a pic so it shows on the page as opposed to a link?

    I'm glad you're having such a good time, merrieeee!! I'm jellus - my schedule during the end of Sept. and all of Oct. is so busy with music rehearsals and performances that I won't have time to really play with photoshop. Sigh. Maybe I'll find time to squeeze it in.

    Anyway, here's how to post a picture rather than a link:

    1. Open an account at photobucket.com. It's free, and very easy!!

    2. In photobucket, click on the 'browse' button, find your picture, and double-click on it to choose it. Then click the upload button.

    3. After the pic is uploaded, you'll see the pic in a thumbnail size on photobucket. Under the thumbnail, there will be four different ways to link the picture. Go to the bottom option, which is 'IMG Code.' Click once in the box beside 'IMG Code' to automatically copy the code.

    4. Paste the code you just copied right into the reply box here at FCA.

    It may look complicated, but it's actually quite easy once you've done it a few times! Here's a blend, posted from my photobucket:


    Here's how to post more than one picture from photobucket:

    1. Upload the pics you want to post. There will be a little box at the bottom left of each thumbnail. Click the box under each thumbnail you want to post.

    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on 'Generate HTML and IMG Code.'

    3. Find the 'IMG images for message boards' box. Click once inside the box to copy the text.

    4. Paste the code you just copied into the reply box here at FCA.

    5. If you prefer, you can copy 'IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards' to get little clickable pics.

    Like this (clickable):




  12. eta...I'm sitting here listening to the geese honking as they travel over my house, heading south for the winter. I don't know if I should be sad that another summer of Clay has ended or happy because another winter of Clay is on the way.

    Oddly, me too...do you live in Toronto? :lol: Although I hate winter, it is cool to hear them in their travels. They ARE talkers, aren't they?

    We will hear flocks of geese honking as they south for the winter in a couple of weeks here in Colorado. It's cool to look up and see them flying in formation. Some of them actually stay in Colorado for the winter, since we have a lot of sunny days and quite a bit of mild weather between the snowstorms.

    Just checkin'....nuthin to see here....

    Well crap, that didn't work!

    Oh...now it did! Sorry, folks, talking to myself as usual...I had to get a pretty new avi to match n=my new designation!

    Wheeeeeee!! :RedGuy:

    Welcome to the body guard club! Your new avi is great.

    WHHHHEEEEEEEE for AIR showing today!! Looks like it will be on at 5:00 every Saturday here, on a channel that I actually get. 'Course, I'll probably download every single show, anyway, just to hear Clay's voice, and later to see him. Which reminds me - I'd better make a trip to Best Buy soon to get an external hard drive, or there won't be any room for AIR. Most of the memory in my laptop is taken up by clack.

  13. I hope you survive long enough to enjoy your Phillies CG..cuz KAndre has some serious punishment waiting for us when the clock strikes mindnight on Oct 1. eek. Congrats!! The Mets are a trainwreck right now.

    Oh shit!! In the excitement of the Phillies being in FIRST PLACE I totally forgot about my FCA duty!!!!

    Do you think we can file for an extension????

    An extension sounds great, although I'm almost done. I've got mine narrowed down to about 7 or 8 clips. But I might wait to post them until the very last minute, just for fun. Would that be naughty? It would, KAndre?? Well, then, I'll do it!

    :naughtywag: :laught31: :tongue57:

  14. Whew! I've had such a busy week that I haven't checked in for several days. Haven't had a chance to catch up yet, either, except for a few posts here and there.

    I did read your post, jamar, and totally agree that it's up to each of us to choose our perspective in life. We can either accentuate all fo the negative, crappy stuff that everyone has to deal with in life, or be grateful for the positives and pay more attention to the good things. I learned a long time ago that paying attention to the negatives simply makes me unhappy. Very unhappy. So, I learned to be grateful for what I have, and I'm much, much happier.

    And I agree with you that Clay seems to do the same. He tries to ignore the gnats, and chooses to enjoy the positive parts of being a celebrity, including being able to help those less fortunate. What an excellent example he's given us! And it seems that FCA has drawn mostly fans who would rather accentuate the positive aspects of being a fan rather than the negative. That works for me!!!

    And all of this stubble works for me, too. YUMMMM!


  15. Hey, gbmifan! Our hospital went paperless Nov. of 2006. We piloted a newly written program, and it was a bit rough until the bugs were worked out, but it's great now. I really, really like it, a whole lot better than paper charts. I'm teaching classes for the next set of hospitals to go live with the electronic medical record. They're really nervous, like you, but four hospitals in our system have gone paperless with no terrible disasters. There will be learning curve, but you'll probably do well and maybe even eventually like it! You'll get more and more comfortable with it each day.


  16. I've been at work all day, and just logged in to find a lovely looking board! Great job with the colors, Ansa! It's purty.

    And laughn, the banner is great. I love action Clay, and the green looks good with the board colors.

    Chacha, the new wallpaper is HAWT!! I have a problem with it, though - how am I ever going to get anything done? I want to stare at it all day! Hubba hubba!! :hubbahubba:

    I've been teaching computer classes all day at a different hospital in our corporation. My feet hurt, and I'm sucking on cough drops to keep from losing my voice since I have to teach classes again tomorrow. I'm not sure I'll spend much time on-line tonight - just too tired of computers. Which is rare for me - usually I love them!

  17. Faith, that's a HAWT screencap!! Wowza.

    Congrats, Muski, on being the most well-preserved female! :nana:

    Ansa, thanks for all of the work you're doing on the board! I'm happy to see that the green is gradually coming back!

    Scarlett - I've been working on rating my songs from the TV Medley. Two of my songs are 'Charles in Charge' and 'Who's the Boss.' You were somehow hoodwinked assigned to Roseanne, which is between these two songs. Since Roseanne is rather short and doesn't have a whole lotta singing (to put it mildly), would you like me to just include Roseanne in my recommendations? I have listen to it every time I'm rating my songs, anyway.

  18. Toots, I don't have time to go to the gym every day, so I end up spending a little over an hour each time I go. I can fit in cardio, as well as upper and lower body weights, in an hour. Some of the exercises I learned from my trainer actually work both the upper and lower body at the same time - like lunges with arm curls - so that helps to save on time. I usually am able to get to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. If I go to the gym two days in a row, I do a long cardio session the second day so that I'm not doing weights two days in a row.

    I have long limbs, too - I'm 5 feet, 7.5 inches. Ah, well, I like my height, even if it takes longer to build muscle.

    I'm glad to hear that the results of your weight lifting are becoming more obvious!

  19. OMG!! It was meant to be a joke!! I thought I'd set my avi to some really freaky ugly dude and try to blame it on the board update, just to mess with coiuchie's head. :lmaosmiley-1: I've been laughing my ass off reading here this afternoon. Y'all are just too helpful

    Bookwhore, you are baaaaaaaad!!! I wondered why your avi was the only one that got changed. You need a spanking! :thdom2:

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